急诊医学 emergency medicine
现场急救 first aid
急诊医疗服务 emergency medicine service EMS
急诊医疗服务体系 emergency medicine service system EMSS
院前急救 prehospital emergency
医院急诊 hospital emergency
危重病监护 critical care
危重病医学 critical care medicine
重症监护病房 intensive care unit ICU
急诊危重病监护病房 emergency intensive care unit EICU
急诊监护病房 emergency care unit ECU
冠心病监护室 coronary care unit CCU
心脏骤停 sudden cardiac arrest SCA
心脏性猝死 sudden cardiac death SCD
心室颤动 ventricular fibrillation VF
无脉性室性心动过速 pluseless ventricular tachycardia
心肺复苏 cardio-pulmonary resuscitation CPR
自主循环恢复 recovery of spontaneous circulation ROSC
复苏后综合征 post-resuscitation syndrome
心肌顿抑 myocardial stunning
基本生命支持 basic life support BLS
急救人员 lay rescuer
开放气道 open airway
检查脉搏 check pulse
胸外按压 chest compressions
自动体外除颤器 automatic external defibrillation
按压/通气比 compression-ventrilation ratio
气道异物阻塞 foreign body airway obstruction FBAO
淹溺 drowning
电击 electric shock
雷击 lightening strikes
小儿心肺复苏 pediatric cardio-pulmonary resuscitation PCPR
高级心血管生命支持 advanced cardiovascular life support ACLS
肾上腺素 epinephrine
人工气道 artificial airway
气管内插管 trachea intubation
机械通气 mechanical ventilation
控制通气 control ventilation CU
容量控制通气 volume control ventilation VCV
压力控制通气 pressure control ventilation PCV
辅助通气 assist ventilation AV
控制/辅助通气 A-CV
同步间隙性指令通气 synchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation SIMV
压力支持通气 pressure support ventilation PSV
气道双水平正压通气 Bi-level positive airway pressure BiPAP
呼气末正压通气 positive end expiratory pressur PEEP
呼吸机相关性肺炎 ventilator associated pneumonia VAP
脑复苏 cerebral resuscitation
脑血流量 cerebral blood flow CBP
颅内压 intracranial pressure ICP
血脑屏障 blood-brain barrier BBB
低血容量性休克 hypovolemic shock
创伤性休克 traumatic shock
感染性休克 spetic shock
细菌内毒素 endotoxin
过敏性休克 allergic shock
神经源性休克 neurogenic shock
急性呼吸窘迫综合征 acute respiratory distress syndrome ARDS
中心静脉压 central venous pressure CVP
心排出量 cardiac output CO 4-8L/min
心脏指数 cardiac index CI 液体复苏 fluid resuscitation
多器官功能障碍综合征 multiple organ dysfunction syndrome MODS
多器官功能障碍 multiple organ failure MOF
全身炎症反应综合征 systemic inflammatory response syndrome SIRS
代偿性抗炎反应综合征 compensatory anti-inflammatory response syndrome
序贯性系统衰竭 sequential system failure
脓毒症 sepsis
急性有机磷杀虫药中毒 organophosphorous insecticides poisoning
有机磷杀虫药 organophosphorous insecticides OPI
胆碱能危象 cholinergic crisis
毒蕈碱样症状 muscarinic symptoms
烟碱样症状 nicotinic symptoms
迟发性多发性神经病 delayed polyneuropathy
中间型综合征 intermediate syndrome IMS
酒精中毒 alcohol poisoning
中暑 heat illness
热昏厥 heat syncope
热射病 heat stroke
高温综合征 hyperthermia syndromes
冻伤 frostbite
冷损伤 cold injury
冻僵 frozen stiff
低体温 hypothermia
电击伤 electrical injury
间歇综合征 compartment syndrome
创伤 trauma
创伤急救 trauma emergency
创伤基本生命支持 basic trauma life support BTLS
心脏 cardiac C
呼吸 respiration R
腹部 abdomen A
脊柱 spine S
头部 head H
骨盆 pelvic P
四肢 limb L
动脉 arteries A
神经 nerves N
复合伤 combined trauma injuries
挤压伤 crush injury
灾害 disaster
灾害救援 disaster rescue
自然灾害 natural disaster
人为灾害 man-made disaster
突发公共卫生事业 public health emergency
发热 fever
外源性致热原 exogonous pyrogen
内源性致热原 endgonous pyrogen
不明原因发热 fever of undetermined
心悸 palpitation
窦性心动过速 sinus tachycardia
病态窦房结综合征 sick sinus syndrome SSS
严重房室阻滞 atrioventricular block AVB
昏迷 coma
嗜睡 somnolence
昏睡 lethargy
脑出血 intracerebral hemorrhage
脑梗死 cerebral infarction CI
缺血性卒中 ischemic stroke
脑栓塞 cerebral embolism
糖尿病酮症酸中毒 diabetic ketoacidosis DKA
高渗性高血糖状态 hyperosmolar hyperglycemic state HHS
高渗性非酮症糖尿病昏迷 hyperosmolar nonketotic diabetic coma
低血糖症 hypoglycemia
低血糖昏迷 hypoglycemic coma
未察觉低血糖综合征 hypoglycemia unawareness syndrome
低血糖后昏迷 post-hypoglycemic coma
晕厥 syncope
跌倒发作 drop attack
情景性晕厥 situational syncope
呼吸困难 dyspnea
平卧呼吸 platypnea
支气管哮喘 bronchial asthma
急性心力衰竭 acute heart failure
急性肺栓塞 acute pulmonary embolus
蛛网膜下腔出血 subarachnoid hemorrhage
高血压危象 hypertensive crisis
胸痛 chest pain
急性冠脉综合征 acute coronary syndrome ACS
主动脉夹层 aortic dissection AD
不稳定心绞痛 unstable angina UA
非ST段抬高心肌梗死 non-ST elevated myocardiac infarction NSTEMI
ST段抬高心肌梗死 ST elevated myocardiac infarction STEMI
咯血 hemoptysis
支气管扩张 bronchiectasis
肺结核 pulmonary tuberculosis
原发性支气管肺癌 primary bronchogenic carcinoma
消化道出血gastrointestinal hemorrhage
呕血 hematemesis
便血 hematochezia
急性非静脉曲张性上消化道出血 acute non-variceal upper gastrointestinal
bleeding ANVUGIB
食管胃静脉曲张出血 esophageal and gastric variceal bleeding EGVB
急诊内镜检查 emergency endoscopy
血尿 hematuria
呕吐 vomiting
少尿 oliguria
无尿 anuria
急性肾功能衰竭 acute renal failure ARF
充血性心力衰竭 congestive heart failure
心功能不全cardiac insufficiency
肺毛细血管楔压 pulmonary capillary wedge pressure PCWP
尿潴留 urinary retention
急性尿潴留 acute urinary retention
抽搐 tic
高热抽搐febrile seizures FS
低钙性抽搐 low calcium seizures LoCaS
癫痫 epilepsy
痫性发作 epileptic seizure
视听失真 distortions
思维固定 islands of lucidity
思维障碍 thought disorder
危机干预 crisis intervention
焦虑障碍 anxiety disorders
惊恐发作 panic attack
应激相关障碍 stress-related disorders
急性应激性精神障碍 acute stress mental disorders
创伤后应激障碍 post-traumatic stress disorder PTSD
急性谵妄或狂躁状态 delirious state or mania
症状性精神障碍 symptomatic mental disorders
精神活性物质所致的精神障碍 mental disorders due to use of psychoactive
依赖综合症 dependence syndrome
戒断综合征 abstinence syndrome
过度换气综合征 hyperventilation syndrome
胸腔穿刺术 thoracentesis
腹腔穿刺术 abdominocentesis
血液灌流 hemoperfusion HP
内镜逆行胰胆管造影 endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography ERCP
内镜乳头括约肌切开术 endoscopic sphincterotomy EST
经颈静脉肝门体分流术 transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt TIPS
冠状动脉介入治疗 percutaneous coronary intervention PCI
经皮穿刺血管扩张成形术 percutaneous transluminal angioplasty PTA
洗胃术 gastric lavage