`Fan. 19, 1971 |.. c. PoGoNowsKl
Filed Sept. 16,- 1968
f7. United States Patent O ”
Patented Jan. 19, 1971
means for readily installing and locking the anchoring ele
offshore body of water. A further object is to provide
Ivo C. Pogonowski, Houston, Tex., assignor to Texaco
ment of the composite foundation member with respect
Inc., New York, N.Y., a corporation of Delaware
to a platform support leg. Another object is to provide a
simple, quickly attainable locking connection between
concentrically disposed support and anchor units in a
U.S. Cl. 61-46.5
Int. Cl. E02b 17/00; E02d 21 / 00; B21d 39/04
Filed Sept. 16, 1968, Ser. No. 759,964
9 Claims
composite foundation member, for an offshore drilling
platform positioned above a working surface. A still
further object is to provide a firm peripheral joint for a
multi-element foundation member in which the use of
The invention relates to a foundation element or mem
ber of an offshore platform normally positioned in an
flowable intermediaries such as cement or the like is
anchoring medium to elevate the platform a predeter
These and other objects of the invention are afforded
mined distance above said medium. The foundation ele
by the present arrangement which contemplates the use
ment comprises a first or outer casing disposed in a
generally upright position and being operably or fixedly
relatively elongated, rigid foundation members, which
with an elevated oil drilling structure, of one or more
connected at the upper end to the platform. The opposed
supportably attach to the str-ucture. More specifically,
lower end of the foundation element comprises a pile
the disclosed device embodies a plurality of such rigid
or similar member adapted to be forcefully imbedded
foundation members which extend from the floor of a
in the anchoring medium. The latter member is guidably
body of water such as the ocean, to rigidly support an
positioned in the casing and is fastened to the casing at
oil drilling platform above the water surface.
a peripheral interlocking joint to form the two concen
tric members into a unitary body.
centrically arranged heavy walled, metallic tubular ele
Each foundation member includes two or more con
ments the outer element being a casing, the inner ele
ment being an anchoring pile. The respective elements
are joined at an overlapping portion by a dimpled or
outwardly deformed section‘formed of a plurality of
Offshore structures of the type contemplated are utilized
discrete indentations in the pile wall which extend radially
primarily in an oil producing or drilling installation
outward to deform a corresponding section of the casing.
wherein a platform is supported above either the land or
The contiguously disposed Walls of the respective units
the ocean surface. In the instance of an offshore facility,
are thereby fixed into a rigid, unrnoving relationship
one or more legs extending from the platform into the
by a common locking joint therebetween through which
water, are fixed to the ocean floor by piles connected
axial loads applied to the foundation element are trans
to the legs. Normally a rigid connection is maintained
between the concentrically arranged pile and leg by
cementing or grouting an overlapping section of the two
members for a length of 20 or more feet depending on
the weight to be supported and the depth of the water.
FIG. 1 illustrates an elevation view of a leg supported
Such grouted joints however, do not always properly
offshore oil well installation in which a segment of one
grout contamination, improper curing and similar condi
rigidize the structure, which are often weakened due to
support leg is shown enlarged and in cross section. FIG.
2 is a segmentary view on an enlarged scale of one of the
tions. A failure of this type below diver access level can
transverse annular joints shown in the leg sections of
render the joint unsafe and the plaform perhaps unusable.
FIG. l. FIGS. 3ft-3c inclusive are segmentary views on
Further, during the installation of the support members,
an enlarged scale and in cross section similar to the
the step of cementìng or grouting of the leg to the piling
peripheral joint shown in FIG. 2, illustrating the sequen
is a protracted operation since the nature of the cement
tial steps followed in forming a joint of the type disclosed
is such that hardening and curing will occur only over
and FIG. 4 is an enlarged segmentary view of a wall
a period of time.
deforming element shown in FIG. 2.
In forming such cemented joints, it is usually necessary
Referring to FIG. l, composite foundation member 10
to provide a flow control system of piping from the
is shown in a substantially upright position. Said mem
water’s surface, to the grouted joint whereby the cement
ber includes in essence, an elongated cylindrical casing
might be directed to the latter. This condition, when
11 which extends normally from a position slightly above
considered for deep water operations, can prompt com
the ocean floor, through the body of water, and is oper
plications, not the least of Iwhich is -prehardening of the
ably fastened at its upper end by a clamping mechanism
cement before reaching the joint section.
Ul Ul
12 to drilling platform 13. A pile 14, comprising an
Considering further, such a cemented connection is
elongated, open ended cylindrical element, is disposed
relatively permanent and unalterable once installed re
concentrically Within casing 11, The pile 14 lower end
gardless of the weight load put on the supported struc
penetrates the ocean floor for a suitable distance to
ture. Therefore, the grouted joint is usually made exces
anchor, and rigidly support platform 13 at a predeter
especially where the overall pile length is greater than
sively long, or over-designed to assure a safe connection,
ciently large to permit the pile, prior to installation, to
mined location. The outer dimension of pile 14 is suffi
several hundred feet.
slide freely through casing 11 and yet have the outer
to offshore drilling platform supports, the presently dis
In overcoming the aforementioned problems related
Walls thereof contiguous with the casing inner wall.
closed arrangement is provided with specific features to
joined into a unitary, rigid foundation member during
The relatively long casing 11 and inner pile 14, are
afford greater economy, a more positive wall connection,
initial installation or positioning of platform 13. In a
accuracy of installation, and greater versatility in the
normal drilling platform arrangement, three or more
use of the offshore facilities. Therefore one object of
such composite foundation members depend downwardly
the invention is to provide a composite foundation mem
from platform 13 to provide the necessary stable sup
ber adapted to accurately and economically position an
port to the structure, and to maintain the later in a con
oil producing 0r drilling platform either inland, or in an
dition of substantial equilibrium during the drilling op
eration in spite of weather and water conditions. Y 8,555,831
Casing 11, in accordance with a particular water depth,
and lateral forces induced by weather, water currents, etc.,
may extend from the ocean floor to platform 13 for a
to permit a transfer of stresses between the two fastened
distance of several hundred feet. However, it is con
elements. However, economically the length of pile 14
templated that with the successful progress in drilling
disposed within casing 11 is minimized since the pile length
technology, future offshore wells will conceivably .be posi
disposed upward of the locking area contributes virtually
tioned in 700 to 1,000 feet or more of water. The herein
nothing toward the support of platform 13, and but a
described foundation member is suitably applicable to an
minimal degree of lateral support in fiexure stress.
offshore platform installation maintained in virtually any
For the present description, the locking area is shown
water depth so long as the physical capabilities of the
as being confined to a particular length of the composite
composite members are adequate to support the platform
member extending from the lower end of casing 11, up
load, and resist adverse storm forces.
wardly. This locking area as shown in FIGS. 1 and 2,
Referring again to FIG. 1, casing 11 of foundation
comprises a plurality of discretely disposed dimples 1'6
member 10 is normally fabricated of a series of tubing
and 17 formed by a radially outwardly deformed wall
lengths end welded to achieve a desired length. The diame
section of pile 14. The inner portion of dimple 16 is de
ter and wall thickness of the tubing are physically sufficient
fined by a generally conically configured cavity 22 at the
to support the platform load at a particular water depth.
pile wall inner surface, which terminates at an external
Since casing 11 upper end is either operatively or fixedly
arcuate apex 23.
held to platform 13 by clamping arrangement 12, both of
The wall area of casing 14 intermediate apex 23 and
which arrangements are familiar to the art, the platform
might be positioned either stationarily, or adjusted verti
severely compressed and usually strained beyond the
the circular base of the cone defined by cavity 22, is
cally in the manner of a jack-up arrangement.
'I'he lower end of casing 11 according to preferred prac
tion points assume a substantially permanent set which
metal’s yield point. Thus, the respective dimpled connec
tice, terminates a relatively short distance above the ocean
will be inwardly deformed only under extreme compres
floor. Anchor piece or pile 14 extends concentrically within
sive axial loading on the casing 11 by the platform.
casing 11 lower portion for a suñicient distance to afford a
The degree of penetration achieved by apex 23 entering
compression loading and bending moment are readily
structurally safe overlapping load transfer section. Thus,
the adjacent inner wall of casing 11, is such that the pene
trated area of the latter will not be stressed beyond its
transferred from the elongated casing to the anchor mem
elastic limit. Further, the inner radius of apex 19 is suiii
ciently large to avoid rupturing the pile internal or ex
Pile 14 is normally driven into the soft ocean floor by a
ternal wall under the stress of being permanently de
hammer or similar surface positioned tool to a predeter
mined depth, or even to an indefinite depth if the composi
The penetrating angle A as sho-wn in FIG. 6, is best
tion of the ocean floor is unknown. Therefore, pile 14,
determined or designed in accordance with optimum pene
which is likewise made up of end-connected tubing lengths,
tration to achieve a firm joint. It has been found for exam
could feasibly extend several hundred feet into the ocean
ple that angle A may be within the range of between 60
floor as well as up to about 1,000 feet through the casing.
and 120°.
In either instance, concentrically disposed casing 11 and
pile «14 are joined into a unitary structural member at one
peripherally and longitudinally apart to effect optimum
The respective dimples 16 and 17 are disposed both
or more rigid locking joints near the casing lower end.
efficiency in the connecting joint. During the step of form
The number of such joints actually needed is limited only
ing the respective interlocked dimpled halves, a relatively
by the physical requirements dictated by a particular in
uniform strain on the pile wall is achieved by maintaining
a substantially uniform arrangement of the dimples. Thus
normally disposed contiguous with outer surface 19 of
Referring to FIG. 2, inner surface 18 of casing 11 is
the latter are disposed preferably in diametrically opposed
pairs across the pile diameter and are spaced longitudinally
pile 14 to define an annular space 21 therebetween. The
as is required. The disposition of the dimpled points within
seemingly wide separation of the respective walls as illus
the locking section of the composite member may com
trated by FIG. 2 is an exaggeration of the spatial relation
prise a random arrangement of deformations. However, it
ship between pile and casing to more clearly delineate the
area, that the dimples be arranged in a relatively orderly
is preferred in order to assure a more uniform rigidizing
configuration of the wall deformation rather than a
proportional annular dimension. The annulus defined by
fashion of peripheral rows and vertical lines.
the spaced apart walls facilitates a sliding relationship
between the casing and pile during the anchoring opera
tion. However, the Width of annulus 21 as a matter of
practicality is minimized to the degree of outward defor
In the installation and use of the composite foundation
mation of the inner pile wall, which is essential to de
element 10, normally, marine platform 13 is transported
form the outer casing wall. Thus, the annulus width W is
or more appropriately, floated to a predetermined loca
sufficiently great to permit lateral deformation of the pile
tion at a drilling site. This would presuppose that the
wall at discrete points, to an extent whereby the pile 14
platform is of the type that normally might be towed
material’s elastic limit is exceeded. Further, the pile 14
through the water with legs raised to be at least partially
outer wall 19 is expanded at said discrete points into con
out of the water, and is sufiiciently buoyant to maintain it
tact with the casing 11 wall.
self afloat. At the site, the respective foundation elements
Said expansion is achieved lwith a sufficient radial force
or support legs 10 are lowered from the platform into
to at least partially deform the casing to a physical point
position. Preferably, such positioning requires that the
at which the resulting stress in said casing wall does not
lower end of the leg be disposed adjacent to but spaced
exceed the material’s elastic limit.
from the ocean ñoor.
Prior to being transported, pile 14 is prepositioned and
extends longitudinally of the composite foundation mem
The mutual locking area between pile 14 and casing 11
removably locked within casing 11 to avoid inadvertently
ber. The locking area may be limited to the lower end of
sliding therethrough. At the drilling site, after the founda
casing 11 or in the alternative, may constitute two or more
tion elements are lowered into the water to the required
distinct and separated locking areas spaced longitudinally
depth, pile 14 is released from casing 11 and permitted
apart. The physical load imposed on the foundation ele
to guidably descend -by its own weight into the anchoring
medium. When such descent has reached its deepest point,
efiicient locking arrangement. For example, the length of
ment will determine at least in part the preferred and most
by gravity, the pile is forcibly driven to further penetrate
the locking area in which casing 111 and pile 14 overlap,
into the anchoring medium the required distance.
must be sufficient when subjected to both platform loading
site, the composition of the ocean ñoor will be precata
Under normal circumstances for a particular drilling 3,555, 831
loged and as a consequence the ability of the anchoring
ment, aside fromv the dirnple locking area no further ap
readily determined. Thus, the piling operation is pro
medium to ñrmly position a floating platform can be
plication of grouting material is required since the locking
grammed, as to the approximate length of pile required,
joint is properly designed, is suñ‘iciently rigid to over
and the depth to which it will be driven. As a pile forci
come both longitudinal and lateral forces applied to the
bly penetrates the anchoring media, additional pile lengths
foundation member.
are added to the upper end to maintain said upper end
Other modifications and variations of the invention as
accessible to the pile driver. To most effectively utilize
hereinbefore set forth may be made without departing
the pile ywith maximum economy, a batter pile might bc
from the spirit and scope thereof, and therefore, only
used at the upper end of anchorin-g pile 14, and there
such limitations should be imposed as are indicated in
after removed subsequent to imbedment of the latter.
the appended claims.
With pile 14 at its optimum holding or imbedded depth,
pile 14 and casing 11 are fastened into a unitary member
1. A foundation element for supporting a platform
as herein mentioned, by displacing discrete portions of
above an anchoring medium, said foundation element
the pile inner wall outwardly into contact with the adja
extending downwardly from said platform and being at
cent casing wall at the locking area. The wall deforming
least partially imbedded in said anchoring medium, said
step is achieved by use of an expander unit or tool such
foundation element including:
as shown in FIGS. 3 to 5. The latter to accomplish its
an elongated support casing, means in said casing
Vdefining an axial guide passage, at least a portion
comprises essentially a radial piston cylinder block or tool
purpose may constitute a number of embodiments but
of said means defining said axial guide passage com
head 2.6, supported at the lower end of a cable 27 which
a load supporting anchor piece longitudinally posi
p‘rising deformable Wall, and
head 26 embodies diametrically aligned passages which
in turn is supported on a derrick at the water surface. Tool
tioned within said guide passage, extending for at
guidably retain oppositely positioned pistons `with remov
least a portion of the casing length, said anchor
able deforming tips 27 and 28. The latter are carried
piece having the lower end thereof adapted for
at the remote ends of simultaneously actuated hydraulic
pistons 31 and 32 which are horizontally actuatable within
said anchor piece having an outwardly deformable
penetration into said anchor medium,
the head. Said pistons are reciprocably mounted, and actu
side panel disposed contiguous with the deformable
wall portion of said means defining said guide pas
pressurized fluid system connected with the respective hy
ated between expanded and withdrawn positions by a
positioning said anchor piece and said casing into
sage, and at least one overlapping locking area rigidly
draulic pistons and controlled from the water surface.
Each deforming tip, 27 for example, comprises as noted
a unitary structure, said locking area comprising
herein, essentially a conical or similarly shaped hard
piece deformable panel being outwardly deformed
discretely positioned dimpled sections of said anchor
ened metallic member having a convex apex 29‘ defined
into contact with said casing guide passage deform
by an included angle A of between about 60 and 120 de
cretely positioned dimpled section of said anchor
able wall a sufficient distance for straining said dis
grees. The tip side surface or surfaces flare outwardly
to a peripheral base 33 at the tip broad end, the latter
being adapted to be threadably or otherwise removably
piece panel beyond the elastic limit thereof and for
deforming said casing wall for a degree as to not
connected to piston outer end.
exceed the elastic limit thereof.
With pile 14 imbedded in the ocean substratum to a
desired depth, and with head 26 lowered through the pile
wherein said locking area comprises a plurality of dimpled
2. In a foundation element as defined in claim 1
sections disposed circumferentially about the inner wall
ing of the tool head at the joint area is a matter of choice
center, the joint may be quickly formed. Exact position
of said anchor piece.
among any of a number of known methods. With head
3. In a found-ation element as defined in claim 1
26 properly positioned, deforming of the pile walls to
wherein said locking area dimpled sections are disposed
in longitudinal spaced apart relationship one from the
other and circumferentially arranged about said anchor
radially outward from the pile. Ordinarily, such a force
by simultaneously deforming diametrically opposed points
obtain a joint of uniform strength is preferably achieved
application will create a tendency for the circular pile
4. Ina foundation element as defined in claim 1 where
wall to yield into a non-circular configuration.
pile and casing being initially rigidized, deforming tips 27
Subsequent to a plurality of dimples being formed, and
in said dimpled sections are arranged in random disposi
tion about the periphery of said anchor piece.
5. Method for locating a marine platform in an ele
and 28 are retracted into head 26. The latter is thereafter
vated position above an anchoring medium, which com
accurately rotated a predetermined degree in accordance
prises the steps of:
with the number of dimples to be formed; the deforming
operation is then repeated. While not presently shown,
lotwering at least one foundation support element from
said platform to said anchoring medium, said founda
the head may be repositioned by a suitable mechanism
tion element including an outer cylindrical casing
such as a remotely controlled drive means together with
disposed externally of an anchor piece, said respec
scanning means associated with the head.
tive casing and anchor piece having contiguously
After a peripheral row of dimples is formed, vhead 26
disposed walls for permitting sliding movement
with tips in the withdrawn position, is elevated to a higher
level. A second and further series of dimples is then
imbedding the lower end of said anchor piece into
formed. The respective deformations are then continued
said anchoring medium to firmly position the same,
upward of the pile length to define a locking area of suf
ñcient length to rigidize the casing and the pile to a uni
form composite member.
outwardly deforming the walls of said anchor piece
at a plurality of discretely arranged dimpled sec
tions, whereby the outwardly deformed anchor piece
of the composite anchoring legs. The platform will thus
The same operation is performed sequentially on each
will engage and deform the contiguously disposed
be rigidly supported against the ocean floor on each of
wall of said casing therebyy to form a joint with the
its foundation members. Thereafter in the instance of a
jack-up type of rig, the platform is adjusted to a desired
latter to preclude further movement of said anchor
height preparatory to commencing the drilling operation.
piece with respect to said casing.
6. A method for locating a platform in an elevated
The presently described method embodies numerous
position above an anchoring medium which comprises
advantages over the previous means of making a pile con
nection by cementing or grouting. In the present arrange
75 element in a generally upright position from said plat
the steps of: lowering at least one platform foundation 8,555,881 Y
g . ' ' :
form to said anchoring medium, said foundation element
including an outer casing and an inner anchor piece, each
step of providing discretely disposed dimpled points
9. In the method as delined in claim 6 including the
posed deformable walls,
of said casing and anchor piece having contiguously dis
choring piece surface.
spaced longitudinally one from the other along said an
rigidly fixing said foundation element outer casing to
References Cited _outwardly deforming said anchor piece at a plurality
said platform, and
of discretely disposed points along the surface of
____ „___v 294523
piece wall will engage and deform the contiguous
the latter, whereby the outwardly deformed anchor
277,427 5/1883_l Recht _-_____‘ _2,845,851 8/1958 Pelham _________ __.„ .6i-45.5
surface of said casing and form a contact joint
3,347,053 10/1967 Manning _-___«___-_._-___ 61-465
3,412,565 11/1968 Lindsey et al.- ______ ___ y61---535
discretely disposed points of said anchor piece are de
7. In the method as defined in claim 6 wherein said
3,453,831 7/1969 Rusche ______ __'_„__ 61-535
formed from'the wall of the latter a suñicient distance
JACOB SHAPIRO, Primary Examiner
to exceed the elastic limit of said anchor piece material.
deformed portion of said casing wall comprises a dimpled
8. In the method as defined in claim 7 wherein the
Us. C1. XR.
29-523; 51-53; 287-109
wall section outwardly deformed such that the material
thereof is not strained in excess of said materials thereof.