dalton (Da) -- A unit of mass equal to that of the hydrogen atom, which is
1.67 x 10
- 24
gram. A unit used in designating molecular weights.
Darwinian fitness -- See fitness.
deficiency (deletion) -- A chromosomal mutation involving the loss or
deletion of chromosomal material.
degenerate code -- Term used to describe the genetic code, in which a
given amino acid may be represented by more than one codon. Some amino acids
(leucine) have six codons, others (isoleucine) have three, etc.
deletion -- See deficiency.
deme -- A local interbreeding population.
denatured DNA -- DNA molecules that have been separated into single
de novo
-- Newly arising; synthesized from less complex precursors rather
than having been produced by modification of an existing molecule.
density gradient centrifugation -- A method of separating macromolecular
mixtures by the use of centrifugal force and solutions of varying density. In
buoyant density gradient centrifugation, using cesium chloride, the cesium
solution establishes a gradient under the influence of the centrifugal field, and the
macromolecules such as DNA sediment in the gradient until the density of the
cesium chloride solution equals their own.
deoxyribonuclease -- A class of enzymes that breaks down DNA into
oligonucleotide fragments by introducing single-stranded breaks into the double
deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) -- A macromolecule usually consisting of
antiparallel polynucleotide chains held together by hydrogen bonds, in which the
sugar residues are deoxyribose. The primary carrier of genetic information.
deoxyribose -- The five-carbon sugar associated with the
deoxyribonucleotides found in DNA.
dermatoglyphics -- The study of the surface ridges of the skin, especially of
the hands and feet.
determination -- A regulatory event that establishes a specific pattern of
future gene activity and developmental fate for a given cell.
diakinesis -- The final stage of meiotic prophase I in which the
chromosomes become tightly coiled and compacted and move toward the
periphery of the nucleus.
dicentric chromosome -- A chromosome having two centromeres.
dideoxynucleotide -- A nucleotide containing a dexoyribose sugar lacking a
3' hydroxyl group. Stops further chain elongation when incorporated into a
growing polynucleotide; used in the Sanger method of DNA sequencing.
differentiation -- The process of complex changes by which cells and tissues
attain their adult structure and functional capacity.
dihybrid cross -- A genetic cross involving two characters in which the
parents possess different forms of each character (e.g., tall, round x short, wrinkled
diploid -- A condition in which each chromosome exists in pairs; having two
of each chromosome.
diplotene -- A stage of meiotic prophase immediately after pachytene. In
diplotene, one pair of sister chromatids begins separating from the other, and
chiasmata become visible. These overlaps move laterally toward the ends of the
chromatids (terminalization).
directional selection -- A selective force that changes the frequency of an
allele in a given direction, either toward fixation or toward elimination.
discontinuous replication of DNA -- The synthesis of DNA in discontinuous
fragments on the lagging strand of the replication fork. The fragments, known as
Okazaki fragments, are joined by DNA ligase to form a continuous strand.
discontinuous variation -- Phenotypic data that fall into two or more
distinct, non-overlapping classes.
discordance -- In twin studies, a situation where one twin expresses a trait
but the other does not.
disjunction -- The separation of chromosomes at the anaphase stage of cell
disruptive selection -- Simultaneous selection for phenotypic extremes in a
population, usually resulting in the production of two phenotypically
discontinuous strains.
dizygotic twins -- Twins produced from separate fertilization events; two
ova fertilized independently. Also known as fraternal twins.
DNA -- See deoxyribonucleic acid.
DNA footprinting -- See footprinting.
DNA gyrase -- One of the DNA topoisomerases that functions during DNA
replication to reduce molecular tension caused by supercoiling. DNA gyrase
produces, then seals, double-stranded breaks.
DNA ligase -- An enzyme that forms a covalent bond between the 5' -end
of one polynucleotide chain and the 3' -end of another polynucleotide chain. Also
called polynucleotide-joining enzyme.
DNA polymerase -- An enzyme that catalyzes the synthesis of DNA from
deoxyribonucleotides and a template DNA molecule.
DNase -- Deoxyribonucleosidase, an enzyme that degrades or breaks down
DNA into fragments or constitutive nucleotides.
dominance -- The expression of a trait in the heterozygous condition.
dominant suppression -- A form of epistasis in which a dominant allele at
one locus suppresses the effect of a dominant allele at another locus, resulting in a
13:3 phenotypic ratio.
dosage compensation -- A genetic mechanism that regulates the levels of
gene products at certain loci on the X chromosome in mammals such that males
and females have equal amounts of a gene product. In mammals, this is
accomplished by random inactivation of one X chromosome.
double-crossover -- Two separate events of chromosome breakage and
exchange occurring within the same tetrad.
double helix -- The model for DNA structure proposed by James Watson
and Francis Crick, involving two antiparallel, hydrogen-bonded polynucleotide
chains wound into a right-handed helical configuration, with 10 base pairs per full
turn of the double helix. Often called B-DNA.
Duchenne muscular dystrophy -- An X-linked recessive genetic disorder
caused by a mutation in the gene for dystrophin, a protein found in muscle cells.
duplication -- A chromosomal aberration in which a segment of the
chromosome is repeated.
dyad -- The products of tetrad separation or disjunction at the first meiotic
prophase. Consists of two sister chromatids joined at the centromere.
dystrophin -- See Duchenne muscular dystrophy.
Dark repair 暗修复:即切除修复(excision repair)。
Daughter chromosome 子染色体:后期(有丝分裂中)或后期II(减数分裂)产生的染
degeneracy 简并:有的氨基酸有多个相应的密码子,这种现象称为简并。
deletion 缺失:染色体丢失了某一片段。
denaturation 变性:在一定条件下(高温或变性剂等)DNA双螺旋解链的过程。
deoxyribonuclease 脱氧核糖核酸酶:一种催化DNA降解成核苷的酶,也叫
Deoxyribonucleic acid 脱氧核糖核酸;由脱氧核糖核苷酸构成的高分子聚合物。互
deoxyribose 脱氧核糖:DNA中5—碳糖,2’—位置上不是—OH基,故称脱氧
determinant 决定簇:一种特殊的定位分子,它导致细胞发育采用了特定的命运。
determination 决定:细胞对特殊命运定型的过程。
development 发育:从一个细胞变成生物个体的过程。
diakinesis 终变期:减数分裂中的一个阶段,也叫浓缩期。细胞处于前期末,即将进
Dicentric chromosome 双着丝粒染色体:带有两个着丝粒的染色体,常为不平衡
dideoxynucletide 双脱氧核苷酸:一种修饰的核苷酸,其脱氧核糖的2’—OH和
Dideoxy (sanger) sequencing Sanger 双脱氧测序法:一种测序方法,Sanger在
differentiation 分化:在发育中细胞的形态和生理功能发生了改变,最终产生了不
Dihybrid cross 双因子杂种杂交:某些类型的双因子杂种之间的杂交。双因子杂种
dimorphism 双态现象:一个群体中只有两种不同类型的多态现象。
diploid 二倍体:一个细胞或个体的每个细胞中具有两套染色体。
diplonema 双线期:减数分裂中前期I的第四阶段。
Directed mutagenesis 定向诱变:改变克隆基因的特定部分,再把被修饰的基因重
Directional selection 定向选择:以一个恒定的方向进行选择,使等位基因的频率
Discontinuous DNA replication DNA不连续复制:在半不连续复制发现以前,人
Dispersive replication 散乱复制:DNA合成的散乱模型,认为在子代DNA分子中,
DNA clone DNA克隆:将特定DNA片段插入载体分子中,然后转化细菌,使重组
DNA fingerprint DNA指纹:用限制酶来切VNTRs(可变数同向重复序列),然后用
DNA helicase DNA解旋酶:在正.coli复制中,催化DNA双链解旋的一种酶,是
DNAligase DNA连接酶:在DNA复制和修复时,催化DNA分子游离单链末端之
DNA polymerase DNA聚合酶:一种催化DNA合成的酶。
DNA polymerase I DNA聚合酶I:正.coli中催化DNA合成的酶,原称Kornberg
DNA primase DNA引发酶:在C-4和~X174噬菌体DNA合成中,此酶催化合成
Docking protein 停泊蛋白或船坞蛋白,停靠蛋白:粗面内质网(ER)的膜结合蛋白,
Dominance variance(Vo) 显性方差:在遗传方差中由基因的显性效应所产生的部
dominant 显性:无论在纯合还是杂合时可得到表达的等位基因或表型。
Dominant lethal allele 显性等位致死:一个等位基因无论在纯合还是杂合时都产生
Dosage compensation 剂量补偿:在性别决定中XY型的动物的雌体和雄体的X染
Double crossover 双交换:在减数分裂时染色体的两个标记之间发生了两次交换。
Double helix 双螺旋:1953年,由Watson和Crick提出的DNA分子结构模型,
Double infection 双感染或并感染:用两种不同的噬菌体同时感染细菌。
Down syndrome 唐氏综合征:一种人类的染色体病,患者的第21号染色体多出一
drift 漂变:即遗传漂变,由于群体太小使基因频率发生随机波动,有时会丢失某基
Duchenne muscular dystrophy 杜兴氏肌营养不良:又称假性肥大型营养不良或进
duplication 重复:染色体结构变异的一种,即染色体组多了一段染色体片段。
dyad 二联体:在第一次减数分裂时由着丝粒连接的一对姊妹染色单体。