题型有:1. What is your goal?■ For a 【T1】______: 2 weeks to 2 months
【T1】______■ To become 【T2】______ in English 【T2】______■ 10 to
12 months for beginners■ 6 months for those have learned a few English2. What is
the cost?■ The cost can be expensive, so find 【T3】______ 【T3】______■ Ways
to reduce cost■ Take part in 【T4】______ on campus 【T4】______■ Take free
class or additional classes at 【T5】______ 【T5】______3. What do you
look for in a school?■ Accreditation■ Size of the school■ Universities: a sense of
living in 【T6】______ 【T6】______■ Smaller colleges: less 【T7】______ scale
than universities 【T7】______■ Small private schools: offering 【T8】
______ 【T8】______■ 【T9】______ of the student body 【T9】______
■ Diverse 【T10】______ is good for learning English【T10】______
1. 【T1】
正确答案:refresher course
(refresher course),那么你可能需要2周到2个月的时间。故本题填入refresher
course。 知识模块:微型讲座听力
2. 【T2】
正确答案:bilingual or fluent
如果你的目标是达到双语或流利水平(bilingual or fluent),这将取决于你目前的水
本题填入bilingual or fluent。 知识模块:微型讲座听力
3. 【T3】
正确答案:the best deal
会非常昂贵,所以学习者要做一些准备工作(do your homework),了解汇率(look at
exchange rate),找到最好的办法(find the best deal)。题干提供了动词find,故本
题应填入the best deal。 知识模块:微型讲座听力
4. 【T4】
正确答案:part-time jobs
学校会提供校园兼职工作(part-time jobs on campus)。因此减少开支的方法之一是
从事校园兼职工作。故本题填入part-time jobs。 知识模块:微型讲座听力
5. 【T5】
正确答案:a reduced cost
些学校甚至提供一些免费课程(free classes)和减少学费的额外课程(additional
classes at a reduced cost)。故本题填入a reduced cost。 知识模块:微型讲座听力
6. 【T6】
正确答案:a small city
能给你一种在小城市生活的感觉。故本题填入a small city。 知识模块:微型讲
7. 【T7】
解析:本题要求填入规模小的学院(smaller colleges)给人以什么样的感觉。
根据录音,学院给人大学的感觉,但没有大学规模那么大(less overwhelming
scale)。故本题填入overwhelming。 知识模块:微型讲座听力
8. 【T8】
正确答案:personal touch
你个人关怀(personal touch)。故本题填入personal touch。 知识模块:微型讲座
9. 【T9】
学生群体(student body)的种族特点(ethnicity)。故本题填入Ethnicity。 知识模块:
10. 【T10】
正确答案:student population
(the more diverse the student population),你的英语就会越好。故本题填入student
population。 知识模块:微型讲座听力
听力原文:Build Your Self-confidenceA person with self-confidence towards life
generally likes herself, is willing to take risks to achieve her personal and professional
goals, and thinks positively about the future. Someone without self-confidence,
however, tends to have a negative perspective about herself and what she hopes to
gain in life. The good news is that self-confidence is something that you can build on
your , be comfortable with fear. You may think that people who are
self-confident are never fearful. This simply is not true. Fear means you are at your
growing edge. Perhaps your fear is speaking in front of a group, introducing yourself
to someone you don’t know, or asking your boss for a you are able to
confront your fear, you will gain self-confidence and you will feel the boost
immediately! Imagine a baby as she learns to walk. So much possibility awaits her.
But she is fearful that she will fall as she takes those first steps. When she conquers
her fear, and begins walking, a huge smile covers her face! This is you, pushing past
your fears , stop comparing yourself to others. If you want to build your
self-confidence, then you have to focus on improving your own life for the better, not
on making your life more like your best friend’s, your older brother’s, or like those of
the celebrities you see on television. If you want to build up your confidence, then
you need to know that there will always be someone who is prettier, smarter, and
richer than you, just like there will always be someone who is less attractive, less
intelligent, and less wealthy than you are; all of this is irrelevant, and what is relevant
is caring about advancing your own goals and may lack confidence
because you’re convinced that everyone else has it better than you do. However, at the
end of the day, it only matters if you’re happy by your own standards. If you have no
idea what those are, then it’s time to do some soul searching before you move
s have found that spending time on social media often encourages
people to compare themselves with others. Because people tend to post only their
triumphs and not their realities of daily life, it can seem as though the lives of others
are more wonderful than your own. This is likely not true. Everyone has ups and
downs in their rmore, practice gratitude. Often at the root of insecurity
and lack of confidence is a feeling of not having enough of something, whether it’s
emotional validation, material items, good luck, or money. By acknowledging and
appreciating what you do have, you can combat the feeling of being incomplete and
dissatisfied. Take some time to sit and think about all of the things you have going for
you, from your wonderful friends to your down and make a gratitude list,
writing down all of the things you are thankful for. Read it over and add to it at least
once a week, and it will put you in a more positive, empowering frame of
can provide yourself with an extra dose of confidence. You are capable of becoming
what you want to be. Do yourself a favor and start building your self-confidence from
today on.
Build Your Self-confidence1. 【T1】______ fear 【T1】______■
Self-confidence ≠ 【T2】______ 【T2】______■ Fear = you are at your
growing edge■ The result of succeeding in 【T3】______ fear 【T3】______■
Gaining self-confidence & feeling the boost2. Stop comparing yourself to others■
【T4】______improving your own life 【T4】______■ Relevant: caring about
advancing your own 【T5】______ 【T5】______■ Do some 【T6】______
about your own standard of happiness 【T6】______■ Spend less time on
social media■ People post only their 【T7】______ instead of realities
【T7】______3. Practice 【T8】______ 【T8】______■ Acknowledge and 【T9】
______what you have 【T9】______■ Make a list■ Write down what you are
【T10】______ 【T10】______■ Add to the list at least once a week
11. 【T1】
正确答案:Be comfortable with
的恐惧(be comfortable with fear)。注意此处不要漏掉介词with。 知识模块:微型
12. 【T2】
正确答案:never fearful/not fearful/fearless
的人从来不害怕(people who are self-confident are never fearful)。根据提纲的措辞,
此处应填never fearful或与之意思相似的表达,如not fearful或fearless。 知识
13. 【T3】
解析:本题考查细节。录音指出,能直面自己的恐惧(confront you fear),你
会收获自信(gain self-confidence),并立刻感到自信心增强(feel the boost)。 知识
14. 【T4】
正确答案:Focus on
此处应填入Focus on。 知识模块:微型讲座听力
15. 【T5】
正确答案:goals and dreams
的目标和梦想迈进(advancing your own goals and dreams)。 知识模块:微型讲座
16. 【T6】
正确答案:soul searching
了一天的结束,按照自己的标准,判断自己是否快乐(if you’re happy by your own
standards);若对此标准没有概念,则应该做一些“灵魂上的搜索”(do some soul
searching)。 知识模块:微型讲座听力
17. 【T7】
指出,人们在社交媒体上往往只发布自己的“胜利”(only their triumphs),而非
真实的生活状态(not their realities of daily life)。此处注意triumph应使用复数。 知
18. 【T8】
(practice gratitude),即学会感恩。 知识模块:微型讲座听力
19. 【T9】
and appreciating what you do have),有助于战胜那些不完整、不满足的消极情绪
(combat the feeling of being incomplete and dissatisfied)。 知识模块:微型讲座听
20. 【T10】
正确答案:thankful for/grateful for
“感恩单”,写下自己感激的东西(all of the things you are thankful for)。此处填入
thankful for或表示“感激的”的词组grateful for均正确。 知识模块:微型讲座
听力原文:How to Take Lecture NotesEffective note-taking is not recording or
transcribing. It is an active part of the learning process that requires you to quickly
digest the lecture material and write down its key elements in a manner that suits your
learning style. After properly preparing for the lecture, optimize your process for
taking notes. With the following steps, along with prompt revision and reorganization,
you can become a better lecture , remember to take notes instead of
transcribing the lecture. In order to take better notes, you need to be an “active
listener.” This means that you don’t just record what is said. Instead, you should
engage with the material and determine the essential elements of what is being
instance, instead of spending time writing down every detail of Theodore
Roosevelt’s various foreign policy actions, strive to establish key concepts of his
overall foreign policy and identify the examples as support. This way, you have
already begun the process of learning and understanding, or, in other words, studying.
This necessity of active engagement is one reason why many experts advise against
recording ly, learn to pick up on the lecturer’s cues and clues. The
lecturer will use vocal patterns, hand gestures and other indications to emphasize
important parts of the lecture. Start observing these patterns and gestures in order to
discern what is essential ize main ideas by identifying signal
words and phrases that indicate something important is to follow. Your instructor will
use signals to convey what she is doing. Every good speaker does it, and you should
expect to receive these signals. Examples The
significance of From this, we Learn to identify other clues as well.
When making a key point, the lecturer may speak more slowly or loudly; repeat a
word or phrase; take a longer pause before resuming speaking (perhaps even to take a
drink of water); gesture with his or her hands more demonstratively; stop walking
around and / or look more intently into the audience; and so addition, make up
your own shorthand method. Shorthand writing is a way to use shortcuts so that you
don’t have to write every single word. You can also write notes more quickly, an
essential skill when listening to a classroom lecture. Develop your own set of
shortcuts, abbreviations, symbols, sketches, etc. Even if no one else knows what your
shorthand means, you’ll know what you abbreviations and skip
unimportant words to take notes efficiently. Only record the important words that you
need to get the idea of the point made. Skip words like “the” and “a” that do not
convey additional meaning to the lecture content. Create abbreviations to help you
write things down quickly, such as drawing arrows for increase/decrease or to show
causation, and especially for terms used over and over you got it? How
much information have you jotted down during my lecture? Start practice now.
How to Take Lecture Notes1. What is effective note-taking?■ To 【T1】
______the material and write down key elements 【T1】______2. Take notes
instead of transcribing■ Be an 【T2】______ : don’t just record what is said【T2】
______■ Engage with the material & determine the 【T3】______ 【T3】
______■ Recording isn’t suggested partly because 【T4】______ is necessary
【T4】______3. Pick up on the lecturer’s 【T5】______ and clues 【T5】______
■ Vocal patterns, 【T6】______ & other indications 【T6】______■ Recognize
main ideas by 【T7】______ signal words & phrases 【T7】______■ Other
clues: voice volume, repetition, gestures, actions4. Make up your own 【T8】______
【T8】______■ Use 【T9】______: write notes more quickly 【T9】______
■ Create 【T10】______ and skip unimportant words 【T10】______
21. 【T1】
记下关键要素。 知识模块:微型讲座听力
22. 【T2】
正确答案:active listener
出,应该做一个“积极的倾听者”(active listener),而非只是机械地记笔记。 知
23. 【T3】
正确答案:essential elements
料,判断所说内容中哪些是关键要素(determine the essential elements)。注意此处
element应该用复数。 知识模块:微型讲座听力
24. 【T4】
正确答案:active engagement
(This necessity of active engagement)是很多专家不建议对讲座录音的原因之一。
因此,此处填active engagement。 知识模块:微型讲座听力
25. 【T5】
演讲者给出的信号和线索(learn to pick up on the lecturer’s cues and clues)。注意
此处cue填复数形式。 知识模块:微型讲座听力
26. 【T6】
正确答案:hand gestures
patterns)、手势(hand gestures)及其他暗示(other indications)来强调重要的信息。注
意此处gesture应该用复数。 知识模块:微型讲座听力
27. 【T7】
及词组(by identifying signal words and phrases)来把握重要内容,故填入identifying
一词。 知识模块:微型讲座听力
28. 【T8】
正确答案:shorthand method
属于自己的速记法(make up your own shorthand method),故填入shorthand method
一词。 知识模块:微型讲座听力
29. 【T9】
解析:本题考查细节。录音提到,速记法可以用便捷的方式(use shortcuts)
记笔记。注意shortcut不能写成两个单词short cut,而且还要用名词的复数形式
shortcuts。 知识模块:微型讲座听力
30. 【T10】
为了提高记笔记的效率,应该使用缩写(use abbreviations)或略过不重要的单词,
后面继续举例说明如何创造缩写。故本题填入abbreviations一词。 知识模块: