The passage is written imaginatively as the memories of a house. Using unusual narrators such as houses; cars; pets
and so on is frequently a feature of children’s books. The statements are made by the house.
Golden memories
虽然这个房子已经换了许多户人家了;但I can still remember the men who built the Large private house 庄园 on
直到现在我还记得那些筑墙、盖屋顶的工walls; and raised the roof; even though the other side of the road 马路对面
人.. 当时马路对过那座庄园大宅的主人it was many families ago. The master from A small house at the entrance to the
需要建一个小屋给他的园丁住..他在这片the manor house over the way needed a grounds of a large house 偏房;下房
连绵不断的巨大的丘陵果园中找到了一片lodge for his groundsman to live; and A groundsman is a person whose job
空地;并派工人到本地的采石场运来金黄found a clearing in the huge orchard is to look after a park or sports
色的石头..工人们花了三个月的时间在园which ran up and down the hills. He sent ground管理员
workman to bring the golden stone from A clearing is a small area in a forest
the local quarry and they spent three where there are no trees or bushes 空
months building two cottages in the park.
An orchard is an area of land on which
fruit trees are grown 果园
A quarry is place; often a hole in the
ground; from where stones are
A cottage is a small; usually
one-storied house; often one that
is the dwelling of a peasant or a
farm laborer.
我只从侧面看到过我旁边的那座房子;我I only see my neighbor from the side. I've One of the cottage. the story is
从来没有见过它的正面..但是我知道;尽never seen him face on; but I do know that written from the perspective of a
管我们在结构和外观上是一模一样的;我strangely; although we're identical; cottage; another cottage
们的朝向正好相反;这真是不可思议..我we're the exact opposite of each other; Exactly the same
的前门朝东;隔壁房子的前门是朝西的..with my front door facing east and my Know 的宾语从句
我的卧室在房子的后部;在隔壁那所房子neighbour's facing west; my bedroom in On 在…上头
里;这个位置的楼下是厨房..我的厨房在the back over his kitchen; my kitchen Shine;reflect lights 闪耀
房子的前部;在隔壁的那个房子里;这个位under his bedroom in the front. I think