Forensic Medicine (Legal Medicine)----- 法医学
Forensic Pathology ---- 法医病理学
Clinical Forensic Medicine ---- 法医临床学
Forensic Toxicology ---- 法医毒理学
Forensic Toxicological Analysis ---- 法医毒物分析
Science of Medico-legal Physical Evidence ---- 法医物证学
Forensic Anthropology ---- 法医人类学 Forensic Dentistry ---- 法医牙科学
Forensic Psychiatry ---- 法医精神病学 Public Security Organs ---- 公安机关
Procurator Organs ---- 检察机关 Court of Justice ---- 法院
Forensic Science ---- 刑事技术 Forensic medical teaching ---- 法医学教学
Specialized subject in Forensic Medicine ----- 法医学专业
Specialized course ---- 专业课
Professional knowledge ---- 专业知识
Judicial office ---- 司法机关
Judicial procedure ----- 司法程序
一、 尸体现象 (Postmortem phenomena)
1. Livor Mortis (尸斑)
2. Rigor Mortis (尸僵)
3. Body Temperature (尸温)
4. Decomposition (尸体腐败)
5. Mummy (木乃伊)
6. Chemical Changes in Body Fluids(体液尸体化学改变)
二、钝器伤 (Blunt Trauma Wounds)
1. Abrasion (擦伤)
2. Contusion (挫伤)
3. Laceration (裂伤)
4. Defense Wound (抵抗伤)
5. Fracture of the Skull (颅骨骨折)
6. Fracture of the Extremities (四肢骨折)
7. Pelvic Fracture (骨盆骨折)
三、锐器伤 (Wounds Caused by Pointed and Sharp-Edged Weapons)
1. Stab Wound (刺创) 2. Incised Wound (切创)
3. Chop Wound (砍创) 4. Gunshot Wound (枪创)
四、机械性窒息 (Asphyxia)
1. Hanging (缢死)
2. Ligature Strangulation (勒死)
3. Manual Strangulation (扼死)
4. Smothering(捂死) 5. Choking (哽死)
6. Drowning (溺死) 7. Sexual Asphyxia (性窒息)
五、其 他
Caused by Motor Vehicle Accidents (道路交通损伤)
2.烧伤 (Fire Death)
ocution (电击死)
Monoxide Poisoning (一氧化碳中毒)
Abuse and Drug Deaths (药物滥用致死)
Death (急死)