1、He lay on thefloor groaning.(他躺在地板上呻吟。)
2、Thefloor was littered with papers.(地板上乱七八糟扔了许多报纸。)
3、Thefloor was laid with newspaper.(地板上铺了报纸。)
4、The vase hit thefloor and shattered.(花瓶掉在地板上摔了个粉碎。)
5、Betty hunkered down on the floor.(贝蒂蹲坐在地板上。)
6、He flung himself to the floor.(他突然跳到了地板上。)
7、Water splashed onto the floor.(水哗的一声泼洒在地板上。)
8、The polishedfloor glowed richly.(光洁无瑕的地板十分明亮。)
9、Oil was spattered on thefloor.(地板上落满了油点。)
10、I've given thefloor a good scrub.(我把地板彻底擦洗了一遍。)
11、Thefloor was draughty bare boards.(地板是有缝隙的裸板。)
12、The bathroomfloor was awash.(浴室地板浸在水中。)
13、We found him huddled on the floor.(我们发现他蜷缩在地板上。)
14、His office is on the fifth floor.(他的办公室在五楼。)