Unit 5
1. Substantive criminal law刑事实体法
2. beyond a reasonable doubt 排除合理怀疑
3. right to counsel/speedy trial/ jury请律师/快速审判/
4. self-incrimination 自证其罪
5. illegally seized evidence非法获取的证据
6. constitutional rights宪法权利
7. statutory construction 立法解释
8. unanimous decision 全体一致的裁决
9. concurring opinion/majority opinion/ dissenting
opinion 附随意见/多数意见/不同意见
10. monetary penalty 金钱惩罚
11. Bill of Rights (美)人权法案
12. criminal justice system刑事司法体系
13. presumption of innocence 无罪推定
14. the suspect/accused 犯罪嫌疑人/被告人
15. due process正当程序
16. amendments to the constitution 宪法修正案
17. grand jury indictment 大陪审团的起诉
18. information指控书、起诉书
19. guilt/innocence有罪/无罪
20. discretion 自由裁量权
21. misdemeanor/felony 轻最/重罪
22. grand jury /jury 大陪审团/陪审团
23. testimony 证词
24. true bill/ no bill(大陪审团签发的)起诉书/不起诉书
25. arrest warrant 逮捕令
26. probable cause 合理根据
27. bail 保释金
28. bail on one’s own recognizance 具结保释
29. make a plea of guilty/ not guilty作有罪答辩/无罪
30. burden of proof 举证责任
31. direct/cross –examination 直接/交叉询问
32. grand jury presentment 大陪审团的起诉书
33. arraignment传讯
34. not guilty by reason of insanity/ nolo contendere
35. voir dire 挑选陪审团的程序
36. summon 传票
37. prospective juror潜在的陪审团成员
38. witness stand证人出庭作证
39. peremptory challenge /challenge for cause无因回
40. impartial jury 中立(公正)的陪审团
41. conviction/ acquittal 宣告有罪/宣判无罪
42. tangible evidence实物证据
43. jury verdict 陪审团的裁决
44. rebuttal/ surrebuttal 反驳第二次反驳
45. opening statement/ closing arguments 开庭陈述/
46. jury instruction 陪审团指令
47. veniremen / juror陪审员/陪审员
48. double jeopardy 双重追诉
49. murder in the first degree 一级谋杀
50. voluntary manslaughter 自杀
51. hung jury/ dead lock jury 悬案陪审团/僵局陪审团
52. conviction and sentencing 定罪与量刑
53. suspension 暂缓
54. probation, 缓刑
55. capital punishment死刑
56. procedural error 程序错误
57. standard of proof 证据标准
58. preponderance of evidence优势证据
59. prima facie case 初步证明的案件
Unit 6
60. lawsuit诉讼
61. substantive law/ procedural law实体法/程序法
62. formality手续
63. lease or deed of land土地租赁或转让契约
64. administrative law行政法
65. civil/criminal procedure民事/刑事程序
66. conflicts of law法律冲突
67. client 当事人
68. emotional distress精神伤害
69. breach of contract 违反合同约定
70. file bankruptcy 申请破产
71. invasion of privacy 侵犯隐私
72. subject matter/personal jurisdiction诉讼标的/属
73. serve a summon 送达传票
74. compliant/ answer 起诉书/答辩状
75. default judgment 缺席审判
76. demurrer抗辩
77. affirmative defense积极的抗辩
78. statute of limitation诉讼时效
79. motion denied/granted 被否决的动议/被允许的动
80. negligent/ negligence过失(形容词)/过失(名词)
81. inadmissible evidence不予采信的证据
82. objection by defendant’s counsel被告律师的抗辩
83. hearsay 传闻证据
84. present evidence举证
85. call witness传唤证人
86. counsel for plaintiff原告律师
87. burden of proof举证责任
88. charge to the jury/ jury instruction 下指令给陪审团
89. litigation 诉讼
90. deliberation (陪审团)审议
91. general/special verdict 一般/特别的裁决
92. reasonable person 有理性的人
93. judgment non obstante verdicto 与陪审团相反的判
94. judgment for plaintiff原告胜诉的判决
95. res judicata 已决案件
96. execution of the jurgement判决的执行
97. sheriff治安官
98. proceeds收益
99. insolvency 清偿
100. pleading 诉讼请求
101. brief诉讼要点
102. transcript of the testimony 证词的记录
103. court’s ruling法院的裁决
Unit 8
104. civil wrong 民事不法行为
105. damages赔偿金
106. act or omission作为或不作为
107. tort liability/ contract liability 侵权责任/合同责任
108. intentional tort故意侵权
109. personal/property tort人身/财产侵权
110. compensatory/punitive damages/ exemplary
damages 赔偿/惩罚性赔偿/惩戒性赔偿
111. state of mind主观状态
112. circumstantial evidence间接证据
113. false imprisonment 过错监禁
114. trespass to land/ chattels非法入侵土地/动产
115. right to exclusive use of land 土地完整使用权
116. ownership 所有权
117. charge 指控
118. physical harm 身体伤害
119. standard of care/duty of care注意标准/注意责任
120. contributory /comparative negligence共同/相对
121. assumption of the risk 自担风险
122. proximate cause近因
123. foreseeablity预见力
124. actionable 可诉的
125. tortuous/intervening act侵权行为/介入行为
126. strict liability 严格责任
127. privity of contract合同关系
128. deformation/ slander/libel 诽谤罪/(口头)诽谤/
Unit 9
129. promise/ promisor/ promise 承诺/承诺人/受承诺
130. promissory obligation 约定义务
131. quasi contract 准契约
132. unjust enrichment 不当得利
133. assignee受让人
134. the third party beneficiary第三方受益人
135. offer/counter offer/ offeror/ offeree要约/反要约/发
136. acceptance 承诺
137. bargain 讨价还价
138. bilateral contract/ unilateral contract双务合同/单
139. irrevocable offer不可撤销的要约
140. contract of adhesion 格式合同
141. consideration 对价
142. gratuitous promise单方获益的承诺
143. enforceable contract可强制执行的合同
144. estoppel禁止反言
145. immunity 豁免权
146. frustration/impossibility/ discharge of contract中
147. binding agreement 有约束力的协议
148. freedom of contract 缔约自由