1. The National People’s Congress is the highest organ of state power. 全国人
2. The judicial organs of China consist of people’s courts, people’s
procurator and the public security departments. 我国的司法机关由人民法院人民检
3. In the application of the law all citizens are deemed as equals. 一切公民在适
4. The criminal law is one of the basic laws of our country. 刑法是我国基本法之
5. Criminal responsibility shall be borne for intentional crimes. 故意犯罪应当负
6. In China, the principal penalties are public surveillance, detention,
fixed-time imprisonment, life imprisonment and death. 我国的主要刑罚是管制,
拘役,有期徒刑, 无期徒刑和死刑
7. The court’s job is administering justice and upholding the law. 法院的任务
8. The accused was declared innocent. 被告人被宣布为无罪。
9. The court acquitted him of a crime. 法院宣判他无罪。
10. The court pronounced the accused not guilty. 法院宣判被告无罪。
11. The court declared John innocent. 法院宣布约翰无罪
12. The court pronounced a sentence of three years on the accused. 法庭宣判
13. They settled the case out of court. 他们的案子在法庭外解决了。
14. She sued him in the court for damages. 她向法院控告他,要求赔偿损失
15. The judge summoned two witnesses to the court. 法官传唤两个证人出庭。
16. The court is in short recess. 法庭作短暂休庭
17. The death penalty shall be carried out by means of shooting. 死刑用枪决的
18. As the trials are held under the supervision of the people, their
democratic rights can be better safeguarded. 由于审判是在人民监督下进行的,人民
19. The judge asked the witness where the accused had been during the
accident. 法官询问证人,事情发生时被告人在什麽地方。
20. The little girl witnessed what happened the day before. 这个小女孩目睹前一