For personal use only in study and research; not for commercial use
带来;拿来;领来•Did you bring an umbrella? 你带伞了吗?
bring sb/sth to sb/sth •Is it OK if I bring some friends to the party? 我带
bring sb/sth with you •For some reason, Jesse had brought a tape recorder with him. 不知为什
bring sb sth •Can you bring me another beer? 你再给我拿一杯啤酒好吗?
bring sb/sth to sb/sth •He expects me to bring everything to him. 他指望我什么东西都给他带
2.引起〔某种情况或情感〕,造成,导致•efforts to bring peace to the region 给这个地区带来
和平的种种努力•The strikes are expected to bring chaos. 预计罢工会造成混乱。
使处于某种状况•It was the war that first brought him to power (= make him have power over a
country ) . 是战争首次将他推上权力宝座。
•Bring the sauce to the boil (= heat it until it boils ) . 把调味汁煮沸。
bring sth to an end/a close/a halt/a conclusion 使某事结束•The trial was swiftly brought to an
end. 庭审匆匆就结束了。
3.使朝某个方向移动bring sth up/down/round etc
•Bring your arm up slowly until it’s level with your shoulder. 慢慢举起手臂到齐肩的高度。
•The storm brought the old oak tree crashing down. 暴风雨把这棵老橡树刮倒了。
4.促使某人去…what brings you here? (=used to ask why someone is in a particular place)什么风
•The expansion of state education brought new and wider opportunities for working class
children. 公立教育的普及为工人阶层出身的儿童带来了更多新的机会。
bring sth to sb/sth•The government is launching a new initiative to bring jobs to deprived areas.
bring sb sth•It’s a good sign – let’s hope it will bring us some luck. 这是一个好征兆——但愿会
•Who knows what the future will bring? 谁知道未来会发生什么?
charges/a lawsuit/a court case/a prosecution/a claim (against sb)
起诉(某人),对(某人)提起诉讼•Survivors of the fire later brought a billion-dollar lawsuit
against the company. 火灾的幸存者后来对该公司提起诉讼,索赔十亿美元。
a smile to sb’s lips/face使某人唇边/脸上现出笑意
•Her words brought a sudden smile to his lips. 她的话使他唇角突然上扬露出笑意。
tears to sb’s eyes使某人流泪
•The pain brought tears to his eyes. 他痛得眼泪都出来了。
the total/number/score etc to sth使总数/数字/得分等变成…
•This brings the total to 46. 这样一来,总数就变成46了。
/could not bring yourself to do sth〔因为会让自己或某人非常难过而〕无法使自己做
•She still can’t bring herself to talk about it. 她还是难以开口说这件事。
12.把…带入新话题,使…接下去谈到that/this/which brings me to ...
•This brings me to the main point of today’s meeting. 由此,我要谈到今天会议的重点。
13.向…播出;为…制作〔电视或广播节目〕sth is brought to you by sb
•This programme is brought to you by the BBC. 本节目由英国广播公司为您播出。
sth to bear (on/upon sth)(对某事物)施加压力[影响]
•The full force of the law was brought to bear on anyone who criticized the government. 凡是批
home the bacon挣钱养家,养家糊口
bring sth ←→ about
•How can we bring about a change in attitudes? 我们如何才能改变态度?
•A huge amount of environmental damage has been brought about by the destruction of the rain
forests. 毁掉热带雨林给环境造成了巨大的破坏。