案件受理费 court acceptance fee
案情重大、复杂 important and complicated case
案由 cause of action
案子 case
包揽诉讼 monopolize lawsuits
被告 defendant(用于民事、行政案件); the accused (用于刑事案件)
被上诉人 appellee
被诉人 respondent; defendant
本案律师 counsel prohac vice
本地律师 local counsel
毕业证 diploma; graduation certificate
辩护词 defense; pleadings
辩护律师 defense lawyer
辩护要点 point of defense
辩护意见 submission
财产租赁 property tenancy
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裁定书 order; ruling; determination(指终审裁定)
裁决书 award(用于仲裁)
裁决书 verdict(用于陪审团)
采信的证据 admitted evidence; established evidence
草拟股权转让协议 drafting agreement of assignment of equity interests
查阅法条 source legal provisions
产权转让 conveyancing
出差 go on errand; go on a business trip
出国深造 further study abroad
出具律师意见书 providing legal opinion
出示的证据 exhibit
出庭 appear in court
传票 summons; subpoena
答辩状 answer; reply
代理词 representation
代理房地产买卖与转让 agency for sale and transfer of real estate
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