



1.Absolute Offer 绝对发盘

2.Acceptance 接受

3.Acceptance Credit 承兑信用证

4.Accepting Bank 承兑行

5.access control 访问控制

6.Accountee 账户人

7.Acknowledgement of Insurance Declaration

8.actual gross weight 实际毛重

9.actual total loss(atl/ATL) 实际全损

10.Addendum Clause 补遣条款

11.additional cargo list 加载清单

12.Additional Clause 附加条款


13.additional duty(Addu) 追加关税

14.additional expenses-war risk 海运战争的附加费用险

15.Advance Ship Notice(ASN) 提前装船通知

16.Advanced B/L 预借提单

17.advances 预垫款

18.advertising 广告

19.Advice of Clean Bill for Collection 光票托收委托书

20.Advising Bank 通知行

21.Aerodrome of Entry(AOE) 报关机场

22.aflatoxin 黄曲霉素险

23.agency on long-term basis 长期代理

24.agency on trip basis 航次代理

25.Agreement 协议

26.air courier 航空快递

27.air transportation all risks 航空运输一切险

28.air transportation cargo insurance 航空运输保险

29.air transportation cargo war risks-by train

30.air transportation risks 航空运输险

31.Air Waybill(AW) 货运单费

32.Airline Code Number 航空公司的数字代号

33.airport of departure 始发站机场

34.airport of destination 目的地机场

35.all purposes 装卸共用时间

36.all risks 一切险

37.all risks for frozen products 冷藏一切险

38.all time saved 节省全部时间


39.all working time saved 节省全部工作时间

40.Alteration of Discharging Port Additional 变更卸货港附加费

41.Amendment Clause 更正条款

42.American Express International(AEI) 美国国际捷运公司

43.Americanized Walsh Coal Charter 美国威尔士煤炭合同

44.Animal Container(AC) 动物容器租费

45.Anti-dated B/L 倒签提单

46.Anticipatory Credit 预支信用证(同红条款信用证)

47.Anti-Trust Laws 反托拉斯法

48.Applicant 开证申请人

49.application for insurance 投保单

50.Application for L/C Issuing开证申请书

51.Application Of L/C 信用证申请书

52.applied research 应用研究

53.arbitration clause 仲裁条款

54.architecture of integrated information systems(ARIS) 集成信息系统框架

55.Arrangement 安排、协议、约定

56.Assembly Service Fee(AS) 集中货物服务费

57.Assignable 可让渡

58.at the reachable berth 在可抵达的泊位交船

59.atmosphere 气氛

60.Attachment of Document 附属单据

61.Attendant(AT) 押运员服务费

62.Attention,Interest,Desire,Action(AIDA) 注意、兴趣、愿望、行动(促销


63.augmented product 扩展产品

64.Australia Grain Charter Party 澳大利亚谷物租船合同

65.authentication 身份验证

66.Authenticity 信用证的真实性

67.Automatic Consecutive(ACEP) 自动连续补货计划

68.Automatic Revolving 自动循环

69.automatic vending 自动售货

70.average laytime 装卸时间平均计算

71.baby boomer 生育高峰期出生的人

72.back order(BO) 待发货订单

73.Back-To-Back Credit 背对背信用证

74.Baggage Shipped As Cargo 作为货物运送的行李

75.bait pricing 诱饵定价

76.Baltic and International Maritime Council(BIMCO) 波罗的海国际海事协会

77.Baltic International Freight Futures Exchange(BIFFEX) 波罗的海国际运价期


78.bank guarantee or deposit银行担保或担保金

79.Bank Release(BR) 银行放行

80.banker’s drafts 银行汇票

81.Banker’s Invoice 银行发票

82.barcode 条形码

83.bare-boat charter/demise charter 光船租船

84.barratry of master and mariner 船长船员的不法行为

85.Base Freight Rate 基本运价

86.Base Port 基本港

87.basic research 基础研究

88.basing-paint pricing 基点定价

89.being irrevocable 不能撤回或收回

90.benchmarking 标杆法、基准尺

91.Beneficiary 受益人

92.Beneficiary’s Certificate 受益人证明

93.Beneficiary’s Statement/Beneficiary’s Certificate 寄单声明或寄单证明

94.benefit segmentation 利益细分

95.Berth Grain Charter Party 谷物泊位运输租船合同

96.berth terms 泊位条款

97.best practices 最佳实施、做法

98.bill of entry(B/E) 报关单

99.Bill of Exchange or Draft 汇票

100.bill of lading(B/L) 提货单

101.Bill of Lading Clause 提单条款

102.bills payable(B/P) 应付票据

103.bills receivable(B/R) 应收票据

104.B/L Weight 提单货量

105.blanket policy 总括保险单

106.blinder cover note 暂保单

107.boat note 过驳清单

108.booking 订舱

109.booking note(B/N) 托运单

110.both parties9’broker 双方当事人经纪人

111.both-to-blame collision clause 互有责任碰撞条款

112.box rate 包箱费率

113.brainstorming 头脑风暴法

114.brand 品牌

115.brand loyalty 品牌忠诚度

116.brand mark 品牌标记

117.Brand Quality Monitoring 品牌质量监督

118.Break Bulk Agent 分拨代理商

119.breakage 破碎

120.breakage of parking 包装破裂险

121.Broad-body Aircraft 宽体飞机

122.broken & damaged cargo list 货物残损单

123.Bulk Container 散装集装箱

12A.Bulletin Board System 电子公告牌

125.Bunker Adjustment Factor(DAF) 燃油附加费

126.bunker Clause 燃料条款

127.Bunk Surcharge(BS) 燃油附加费

128.business analysis 商业分析

129.business marketing 产业营销

130.business process 业务流程

131.business process engineering(BPE) 业务流程工程化

132.business process improvement(BPI) 业务流程改进

133.business process reengineering(DPR) 业务流程重组

134.business service 产业服务

135.Business to Administration(B2A) 商业机构对行政机构的电子商务

136.Business to Business(B2B) 商业机构对商业机构的电子商务

137.Business to Consumer(B2C) 商业机构对消费者的电子商务

138.buyer for export 出口购买商

139.buying center 购买中心

140.Buying Offer 购货发盘

141.canceled cargo list 取消货载清单

142.Canceling Clause 合同解除条款

143.canceling date 解约日

144.canceled to order(Cto) 被取消订单

145.capsized 倾覆

146.Captain Receipt 船长收据

147.Car container 汽车集装箱

148.Cargo Accounts Settlement System(CASS) 货物财务结算系统

149.cargo charges correction advice(CCA) 运费更改通知书

150.cargo error 货差

151:cargo list 货单

152.cargo manifest 舱单

153.cargo plan 计划积载图

154.Cargo Receipt(C/R) 承运货物收据

155.cargo tracer 货物查询单

156.cargo transfer manifest(CTM) 转运舱单

157.cargo’s Proportion General Average(CGA) 共同海损货方分摊比例

158.Carriage and Insurance paid To(CIP) 运费、保险费付至

159.Carriage of goods by chartering 租船运输

160.carriage paid(Carr.pd.) 运费付讫

161.Carriage paid(CP) 运费已付

162.Carriage Paid To(CPT) 运费付至

163.carrier’s execution Box 承运人填写栏

164.cash account(ca) 现金交易

165.cash against document(CAD) 凭单据付款

166.Cash Credit 现金信用证

167.Cash Discount 现金折扣

168.cash on delivery(COD) 现款交货

169.cash on delivery service(CDS) 货到付款业务

170.cash on receipt of merchandise(CRM) 收货后付款

171.cash with order(CWO) 订货时付款

172.Certificate Authority(CA) 证书管理机构

173.Certificate Invoice 证实发票

174.Certificate of Sample 寄样证明

175.Certificate of Value 价值证明

176.cesser clause 责任终止条款

177.cesser clause and lien clause 责任终止及留置权条款

178.Certificate of Burial 入殓证明书


180.CFS TO CY 站到场

181.CFS TO DOOR 站到门

182.Chamber of Shipping Walsh Coal Charter Party 威尔士煤炭租船合同

183.Change of contract(COC) 合同的更改

184.Change of voyage 航程变更条款

185.Charge collect fee(FC) 运费到付手续费

186.charge/rate 费率

187.charge paid(cge.Pd.) 运费已付

188.chargeable weight 计费重量

189.charges at destination 在目的站的费用

190.Charges Collect Fee(CC Fee) 运费到付货物手续费

191.Charges For Shipments Of Dangerous Goods-Handling 危险品处理费

192.charges in destination currency 用目的站国家货币付费

193.charter party 租船合同

194.Charter Party Laytime Definition 1980 1980年租船合同装卸时间定义

195.charter period 租期

196.charterer 托运人/承运人

197.chartering broker 租船经纪人

198.chartering market 租船市场

199.charting procedure/chartering process 租船程序

200.Chief Logistics Officer(CLO) 物流主管

201.chief mate 船上大副

202.Chilled Cargo 冷却货物

203.China Container Freight Index(CCFI) 中国出口集装箱运价指数

204.China Ocean Shipping Company(COSCO) 中国远洋运输公司

205.clashing 碰损

206.Class Cargo Rate(CCR) 等级货物运价

207.classification of vessel 船舶分级

208.Clean B/L 清洁提单

209.Clean Collection 光票托收

210.clean receipt 清洁收货单

211.Closed Conference 闭锁公会

212.closed policy 总括保险单

213.closing date 截止签发装货日

214.Coal Voyage Charter 普尔煤炭航次租船合同

215.cobranding 合作品牌

216.Code Maritime International(CMA) 国际海商法

217.code of ethics 伦理规范

218.Collecting Bank 代收银行

219.Collection 托收

220.Collision 互撞

221.Combination of Rates and Charges 分段相加运价

222.combined clause 联合凭证

223.Combined Transport(B/L) 集装箱联运提单

224.combined transport bill of lading(COMBIBILL) 联合运输提单

225.combined transport document(COMBIDOC) 联合运输单据

226.combined transportation 多式联运

227.Commercial Document 商业单据

228.Commercial Invoice 商业发票

229.commercialization 商品化

230.Commission Clause,etc. 佣金条款等

231.Committee Maritime International 国际海事委员会

232.Commodity Classification Rate 等级货物运价

233,Common Customs Tariff(CCT) 共同关税率

234.communication 沟通

235.compensation trade(CT) 补偿贸易

236.competitive advantage 竞争优势

237.Competitive Intelligence(CI) 竞争情报

238.computer integrated manufacturing system(CIMS) 计算机集成制造系统

239.computer-support cooperative work(CSCW) 计算机支持的协同工作

240.Concentrated Marketing Strategy 集中性营销策略

241.concentrated targeting strategy 集中性选择目标市场策略

242.conclusion of charter party 签约

243.Conclusive Evidence 绝对证据

244.Conditional Firm Offer 条件发盘

245.Confirmation 确认书

246.Confirmed Credit 保兑信用证

Z47.Confirming Bank 保兑行

248.Consecutive Voyage Charter 连续航次租船

249.Consignee 收货人/收件人

250.Consignor 债权人/发件人

251.consolidated cargo 集拼货物

252.Consolidation 集拼

253.Consolidator 集中托运商

254.constant 船舶常数

255.Construction Rate 比例运价

256.constructive total loss(CTL) 推定全损

257.Consular Invoice 领事发票

258.consumer product(industrial product) 产业用品(工业品)

259.Consumer to Administration(C2A) 消费者对行政机构的电子商务

260.Container 集装箱

261.Container forklift 集装箱叉车

262.Container Freight Station(CFS) 集装箱货运站

263.Container Load Plan(CLP) 集装箱装箱单

264.contamination 沾污

265.contingency Insurance-cover sellers interest only 卖方利益险

266.continuous process improvement model 持续式流程改进模式

267.Continuous Replenishment(CR) 连续补充

268.Contract 合同

269.Contractual Cargo 契约货物

270.contract definition phase(CDP) 合同确定阶段

271.contract logistic 契约后勤

272.contract manufacturing 合同生产

273.contract of Affreightment(COA) 包运租船

274.Convention on the Contract for the International Carriage of Goods by

Road(CMR) 国际公路货物运输合同公约

275.Conventional Container Ship 集装箱两用船

276.coordinated supply chain 协调供应链

277.Cost and Freight(CFR) 成本加运费

278.cost per contact 单位接触成本

279.Cost plus fixed fee(CPFF) 成本加固定费用价格

280.Cost,Insurance and Freight(CIF) 成本、保险费加运费(到岸价)

281.cost,insurance,freight and commission(CIF&C) 佣金在内的到岸价

282.cost,insurance,freight and exchange(CIF&E) 汇费在内的到岸价

283.Counter Credit 对开信用证

284.counter offer 还盘

285.counter trade 对等贸易

286.counterfoil 留底

287.Counter-offer 还盘

288.Courier on Board 专人派送

289.Covering all marine Risks 海上一切险

290.Covering customary Risks 惯常险别

291.Covering Eventual Risks 可能发生的风险

292.Cozening Fee 洗舱附加费

293.crisis management 危机管理

294.Cuba Sugar Charter Party 古巴食糖租船合同

295.Cumulative Revolving 累计性循环

296.currency adjustment factor(CAF) 币值调整因素/货币附加费

297.currency conversion rate 货币兑换比价

298.currency of payment(COP) 支付货币

299.customary risks 惯常险

300.customer behavior 消费者行为

301.customer decision-making process 消费者决策过程

302.customer relationship management(CRM) 客户关系管理

303.customer satisfaction 顾客满意

304.customer service and support(CSS) 客户服务与支持

305.customer value 顾客价值

306.Customers Assigned Number(CAN) 海关指定号码

307.customs and excise(CE) 海关与税务

308.Customs House(CH) 海关

309.Customs invoice(Cust./Inv.) 海关发票

310.CY TO CFS 场到站

311.CY TO CY 场到场

312.CY TO DOOR 场到门

313.D/P at sight 即期付款交单

314.DIP at XX days after sight 远期付款

315.Damage 破损

316.damage caused by sweating & heating 受潮受热险

317.Damage for detention 延期损害

318.damage to Cargo 货损

319.dangerous cargo 危险货物

320.dangerous cargo safe stowage certificate 危险货物安全装载书

321.dangerous goods(DGR) 危险物品

322.Dangerous goods Surcharge(RA) 危险品处理费

323.database 数据库技术

324.database marketing 数据库营销

325.dead freight 亏舱费

326.Deadweight Tonnage/deadweight capacity 载重吨/载货能力

327.Death Certificate 死亡证明书

328.decision support system(DSS) 决策支持系统

329.Declaration 声明事项

330.declaration of cargo 宣载

331.declared value for carriage 供运输用的声明价值

332.declared value for customs 供海关用的声明价值

333.deductibles 绝对免赔率

334.Deferred Payment Credit 延期付款信用证

335,Deleted Clause 删除条款

336.deliver 发运

337.Deliver Notice 提货通知

338.Delivered At Frontier 边境交货

339.Delivered Duty Paid(DDP) 完税后交货

340.Delivered Duty Unpaid(DDU) 未完税交货

341.Delivered Ex Quay(DEQ) 目的港码头交货

342.Delivered Ex Ship 目的港船上交货

343.delivery 交船

344.Delivery Order(D/O) 提货单

345.Delivery Quantity 卸货数量

346.demand 需求

347.demand chain 需求链

348.demographic segmentation 人口细分

349.Demurrage and Dispatch Money Clause 滞期费与速遣费条款

350.demurrage time 滞期时间

351.Demurrage money 滞期费

352.demurrage runs continuously 滞期时间连续计算

353.Description 商品说明

354.Description of Vessel Clause 船舶说明条款

355.Destination Delivery Charge(DDC) 目的地运送费用

356.Detailed Invoice 详细发票

357.deviation clause(DC) 变更航线条款

358.Deviation Surcharge 绕航附加费

359.differential advantage 差异化优势

360.Differentiated Marketing Strategy 差异型营销策略

361.Direct Additional 直航附加费

362.Direct B/L 直达提单

363.direct cargo 直接运输

364.direct channel 直接渠道

365.direct marketing 直接营销

366.direct retailing 直接销售

367.Disbursements and Disbursements Fees 垫付款和垫付费

368.Disbursement fee(DB) 代垫付款手续费

369.Discount 折扣

370.discount store 折扣商店

371.dispatch money 速遣费

372.dispatch time 速遣时间

373.distribution requirement planning 分销需求计划

374.Distribution Resource Planning(DRP) 分销资源计划

375.Distribution Service 分发服务费

376.Divisible 可分开

377.Dock Receipt(D/R) 集装箱场站收据

378.Document of Title 提货凭证

379.Documentary Collection 跟单托收

380.Documentary Credit 跟单信用证

381.Documentation Charges 货运单费

382.documentation to accompany air waybill 货运单所附文件

383.Documents against Acceptance(D/A) 承兑交单

384.Documents against Payment(D/P) 付款交单

385.domestic exchange(DOM EX) 国内兑换

386.domestic transport(DOM DR) 国内运输

387.Door to Airport 门到机场服务

388.Door to CFS 门到站交接

389.Door to CY 门到场交接

390.Door to Door 门对门交接

391.Draft Bill of Exchange 汇票

392.Drawn Clause 出票条款

393.drop off pilot(DOP) 引航员离船地点

394.Dry Cargo Container 干货集装箱

395.dual distribution(multiple distribution) 双重流通(多重流通)

396.duly endorsed 正确的背书

397.dumping 倾销

398.e-mail survey 电子邮件调查

399.early redelivery 提前还船

400.Earthquake 地震

401.EDI For Administration Commerce and Transport 电子数据交换系列标准

402.elastic demand 富有弹性的需求

403.Electronic Commerce(EC) 电子商务

404.Electronic Data Interchange(EDI) 电子数据交换

405.electronic distribution 电子分销

406.Electronic Funds Transfer(EFT) 电子基金转账

407.electronic ordering system(EOS) 电子订货系统

408.empowerment 授权

409.empty return system(ERS) 空箱运回费

410.endorsement 批单

411.enterprise resource planning(ERP) 企业资源计划

412.entrusting order for export goods 出口货运代理委托书

413.environmental scanning 环境搜索

414.Equipment Interchange Receipt(EIR) 设备交接单

415.Escalation Clause 自动递增条款

416.estimated maximum loss(E.M.L.) 估计最大损失

417.estimated time of arrival(ETA) 预计到达时间

418.evaluation 评估

419.event condition action(ECA) 事件条件活动

420.event-driven process chains(EPCs) 事件驱动的流程链模型

421.everyday low prices(EDLP) 每日低价

422.Evidence of the Contract of Carried货物运输合同的证明

423.Ex Dock 目的港码头交货

424.Ex Point of Origin 原产地交货

425.Ex Works(EXW) 工厂交货

426.exchange rate mechanism(ERM) 汇率机制

427.exclusive distribution 独家分销

428.executed on(date) 填开日期

429.expected time of commencement(ETCL) 预计开始装货时间

430.experience curves 经验曲线

431.explosion 爆炸

432.export agent 出口代理

433.export broker 出口经纪人

434.export cargo nil 无货出口

435,Export Contract 出口合同

436.export licensing regulation(ELR)

437.export M/F 出口载货清单

438.extraneous risks 外来风险

439.failure of deliver 交货不到险

440.feedback 反馈

441.fill rate 供应比率


442.Final Destination 目的地

443.final voyage 最后一个航次

444.Financial Document 金融单据

445.Fire 火灾

446.fire risk extension clause for storage of cargo at destination of Hong

Kong,including Kowloon or Macao(FREC) 出口货物到香港、九龙或澳门存仓扩展条

447.Firm Offer 实盘

448.First Come,First Serve 先复先交易

449.fixed cost 固定成本

450.fixture note 确认备忘录

451.Floating Container 浮动集装箱

452.floating policy 流动保险单

453.Flood 洪水

454.follow-up 后续工作

455.foreign direct investment 外国直接投资

456.FORM A 普惠制原产地证明书(格式A)

457.For carrier’s use only at destination 仅供承运人在目的站使用

458.For Transportation of Chemicals in Tank Vessels 化学品船航次租船合同

459.fortuitous accident 意外事故

460.forward delivery 远期交货

461.Forwarder B/L 货运代理提单

462.foul receipt 不清洁收货单

463.Found AWD(FDAW) 多收货运单

464.Found Cargo(FDCA) 多收货物

465.Fractionable 可分割

466.franchise 相对免赔率

467.franchise outlet 特许经营商店

468.free from of general average(F.C.A.) 共同海损不赔

469.free on board(FOB) 离岸价格

470.free on plane(FOP) 飞机上交货价

471.free on quay(FOQ) 码头交货价

472.free on rail(FOR) 火车站交货价

473.freight all kinds(FAK) 均一费率

474.freight and demurrage(F&D) 运费加滞费

475.freight basis 计费标准

476.freight is reduced in proportion 运费应按比例扣除

477.freight list(F/L) 运价表

478.Freight to be discount less and non-returnable,ship and/or cargo lost or

not lost 不论船货是否损失,运费概不退还

479.Freight Ton(FT) 运费吨

480.freight traffic manager(FTM) 货运经纪人

481.Free Along Side 在运输工具旁边交货

482.Free Alongside Ship(FAS) 装运港船边交货

483.Free Carrier(FCA) 货交承运人

484.free from particular average(FPA) 平安险

485.Free In(FI) 舱内收货条款

486.Free In and Out(FIO) 舱内收交货条款

487.Free In and Out,Stowed and Trimmed(FIOST) 舱内收交货和堆舱、平舱


488.Free on Board 运输工具上交货

489.Free on Board(FOB) 装运港船上交货

490.Free Out(FO) 舱内交货条款

491.freight 运费

492.Freight collect/Freight to be collected 运费到付

493.freight manifest 载货运费清单

494.freight on non-delivered quantity 未装船货物的运费

495.Freight paid 运费已付

496.Freight prepaid 运费预付

497.freight rate 运价

498.fresh & rain water damage 淡水雨淋

499.fresh water &/or rain damage(F.W.R.D.)

500.Front-handling mobile crane 正面吊

501.Frozen Cargo 冷冻货物

502.frustration clause 航程挫折条款

503.full and complete cargo 满载货物

504.Full Container Ship全集装箱船

505.Full set B/L /complete set B/L全套提单


506.functional process improvement 功能流程改进

507.GASVOY 气体航次租船合同

508.general additional risk 一般附加险

509.general average(GA) 共同海损

510.general average and New Jason clause 共同海损和新杰森条款

511.General Average Clause 共同海损条款

512.general average contribution 共同海损分摊

513.General Cargo Bate(GCR) 普通货物运价

514.general inquiry 一般询盘

515.general rate increase(GRI) 正常运费普调

516.generalized System of Preferences Certificate of Origin Form A


517.geographic segmentation 市场细分

518.Giving of Value 付对价


519.Hand-Written Clause 手写条款

520.global marketing 全球营销

521.global marketing standardization 全球营销标准化

522.global positioning system(GPS) 全球定位系统

523.global vision 全球观念

524.governmental Order Rate 协议运费

525.Government tax(GT) 政府捐税

526.Greenwich Mean Time(GMT) 格林威治时间

527.gross load and discharge,or gross load,or gross discharge


528.Gross Registered Tonnage(GRT) 总登记吨

529.gross terms 总承兑条款

530.Grounding 搁浅

531.handling information 处理事项


532.head charter party 原合同

533.heavy and lengthy cargo list 重大件清单

534.Heavy Lift Additional 超重附加费

535.Heavy weather 恶劣气候

536.home booking 卸货地订舱

537.hook damage 钩损

538.House Air Way Bill 航空分运单

539.Human remains(HR) 尸体、骨灰附加费

540.Ice Clause 冰冻条款

541.immediate transportation entry(ITE) 途中报关手续

542.implementation 实施

543.Import/Export License 进/出口许可证

544.import cargo nil 无货进口

545.import certificates and delivery verifications system(ICDV) 进口证书与交


546.Import Contract 进口合同

547.import duty risk 进口关税险

548.import M/F 进口载货清单

549.in dispute 在争论中

550.Indemnity 赔偿条款

551.initial seaworthy 最初适航

552.inquiry 询盘

553.inseparability 不可分割性

554.Inspecting Certificate 出入境检验检疫证书

555.Inspection certificate for damage & shortage

556.institute cargo clauses A(ICC A) 协会货物A

557.institute cargo clauses B(ICC B) 协会货物B


558.institute cargo clauses C(ICC C) 协会货物C

559.institute strikes clauses-cargo 协会罢工险条款(货物)

560.institute war clause-cargo 协会战争险条款

561.insurance amount requested 保险金额

562.insurance certificate 保险凭证

563.Insurance Declaration 投保声明

564.Insurance Policy 保险单

565.Insurance Premium(IN) 代办保险服务费

566.intake Quantity 装货数量

567.integrated marketing communications(IMC)

568.integrity 信息完整性

569.intensive distribution 密集分销

570.inter bank transfers 银行转账单


571.Interior Point Intermodal(IPI) 内陆公共点多式联运

572.intermediate clause/in nominate clause 中间性条款

573.Intermodal B/L;Multimodal Transport B/L 多式联运单

574.International Air Transport Association(IATA) 国际航空运输协会

575.International Chamber of Shipping(ICS) 国际航运公会

576.International Civil Aviation Organization(ICAO) 国际民用航空组织

577.International Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules Relating to

Bills of Lading/Hague Rules 《统一关于提单若干法律规定的国际公约》亦称《海牙


578.international customs transit(ICT) 国际保税运送

579.international logistics(IL) 国际物流

580.International Maritime Arbitration Rules(IMAR) 国际海事仲裁规则

581.International Navigation Transportation Organization(INTO) 国际航运组

582.International Rules for the Interpretation of Trade Terms(INCOTERMS) 国


583.International Standard Banking Practice 国际标准银行惯例

584.International Standard Organization(ISO) 国际标准化组织

585.interpersonal communication 人际沟通


587.Intranet 局域网/企业内部网

588.inventory control system 存货控制系统

589.Invitation to Offer 邀请发盘

590.invoice 商业发票

591.IRP-Notice of non-delivery 无法交付货物通知书

592.irrespective of percentage 不计免赔串

593.Irrevocable Credit 不可撤销信用证

594.Issuing Bank 开证行

595.Itinerary Certificate 航程证明

596.jettison 投弃

597.joint venture 合资企业

598.just in time 及时

599.just-in-time inventory management 零库存管理

600.keystoning 成本加倍定价

601.laydays 受载期

602.laytime allowed 允许使用时间

603.laytime used 实际使用时间

604.Law Clause 法律条款

605.leakage 渗漏

606.1ess expenses saved on the part of the ship owner


607.less specific description 泛指品名


608.less-than-truckload(LCL) 零担货运费

609.less than a container load(LCL) 未满载集装箱

610.letter of Credit(L/C) 信用证

611.Letter of subrogation 权益转让书

612.liberty clause 自由条款

613.liberty to deviate clause 绕航自由条款

614.licensing 许可

615.lien and Exception Clause 留置权与免责条款

616.Lien Clause 留置权条款

617.Lighting 雷电

618.Liner Conference 班轮公会

619.Liner schedule 船期表

620.Liner shipping 班轮运输

621.liner terms 班轮条款

622.Live Animals(LA) 动物处理费

623.Live Animal Regulations(LAR) 《活动物规则》

624.Loading List 装货清单

625.Loading and Discharge Clause 装卸条款

626.Loading/Discharging ports or Places 装卸港口或地点

627.logistics 物流

628.logistics management物流管理

629.logistic resource planning(LRP) 物流资源计划

630.long Length Additional 超长附加费

631.loss 损失

632.Lost caused by Fire 烧损

633.lower deck 下舱

634.Lump-Sum Freight 包干运费

635.Maastricht Treaty 《马斯特里赫特条约》

636.Mail Transfer(M/T) 信汇

637.main deck 主舱

638.make 生产

639.malicious damage clauses 恶意损害险条款

640.mall intercept interview 商场现场采访

641.Manifest(M/F) 载货清单

642.Manufactures Invoice 厂商发票

643.manufacturing requirement planning(MRPⅡ)

644.market efficiency 营销高效性

645.market opportunity analysis 市场机会分析

646.market share 市场份额


647.marketing channel(channel of distribution) 营销渠道(分销渠道)

648.marketing concept 营销观念

649.marketing intelligence 营销情报

650.marketing mix 营销组合

651.marketing research 营销调查

652.marketing strategy 营销策略

653.Maslow’s hierarchy of needs 马斯洛需求层次论

654.Master Air Way Bill 航空主运单

655.Mate’Receipt 收货单

656.Mate’s Receipt 收货单

657.Material Requirement Planning(MRP) 物料需求计划

658.material-handling system 原料处理系统

659.measurement 如何评估效果

660.media 应使用什么媒体

661.Memorandum 备忘录

662.message 应传送的信息

663.Miniland Bridge(MLB) 小陆桥运输

664.minimum charge 最低运费

665.Minimum Rate/minimum Bill of Lading 起码运费

666.Miscellaneous-Due Agent(MA) 代理人收取的杂项费用

667.Miscellaneous-Due Carrier(MZ) 承运人收取的杂项费用

668.Mislabeled Cargo 贴错标签货物

669.mislanded 误卸

670.mispresentation 误述

671.Missing AWB(MSAW) 少收货运单

672.Missing Cargo(MSCA) 少收货物

673.Missing label 标签脱落

674.mission 广告的目标

675.mixed consignments 混运货物运价

676.mixed policy 混合保险单

677.Mixture 混票

678.Modal Law On Electronic Commerce 《电子商务示范法》

679.modified rebuy 修正重购

680.Modified Uniform Liability 修正的统一责任制

681.money 有多少预算可以开支

682.more specific description 确指品名

683.multi-modal transportation/inter modal transportation

684.multinational corporation 跨国公司

685.multisegment targeting strategy 选择多个细分市场策略


686.Name of Commodity商品名称

687.Name of the Carrier 承运人名称

688.Name of the Receiver收货人名称

689.Name of the Shipper 托运人名称

690.Name of the Vessel 船名

691.Named Vessel 指定船舶

692.Narrow-body Aircraft 窄体q机

693.National Council of Logistics Management 全美物流管理协会

694.Nationality of Vessel 船籍

695.Natural calamities 自然灾害

696.nature and quantity of goods(incl.dimensions or volume) 货物的品名


697.needs assessment 需求评估

698.negligence clause 疏忽条款

699.negotiable order of withdrawal(NOW) 可转让提款指令

700.Negotiating Bank 议付行

701.negotiation 谈判

702.Negotiation Credit 议付信用证

703.Net Registered Tonnage(NRT) 净登记吨

704.Network liability 网状责任制

705.networking 网络化

706.Neutral Invoice 中性发票

707.new buy 全新采买

708.New Jason Clause 新杰森条款

709.new-product strategy 新产品战略

710.no cure,no pay 无效果,无报酬

711.Nominated Bank 指定银行

712.Non-automatic Revolving 非自动循环

713.Non-contractual Cargo 非契约货物

714.Non-cumulative Revolving 非累计性循环

715.non-marketing-controlled information source 非营销控制的信息源

716.non-negotiable 禁止流通

717.nonprobability sample 非概率样本

718.non-repudiation 不可抵赖

719.nonstore retailing 无店铺零售

720.non—vessel operations common Carrier(NVOCC) 无船公共承运人

721.North American Fertilizer Charter Party 北美化肥航次租船合同

722.North American Free Trade Agreement(NAFTA) 北美自由贸易协定

723.North American Grain Charter Party 北美谷物航次租船合同

724.Note of Sea Protest 海事声明

725.Notify Party 通知人名称

726.notice of abandonment 委付通知

727.Notice of Readiness(N/R) 装卸准备就绪通知书

728.notice of redelivery 还船通知

729.Nould & Mildew 腐烂、变质

730.number and kind of packages 件数和包装方式

731.NVBALTWOOD 波罗的海木材船租船合同

732.object state transition network description(OSTN) 对象状态转化网络描述


Occasions/Outlets 购买者、购头对象、购买目的、购买组织、购买行动、购买时间、


734.ocean bill of lading(O.B/L) 海运提单

735.ocean marine cargo war risk 海运战争险

736.ocean marine insurance for frozen products 海洋运输冷藏货物保险

737.ocean marine insurance for woodoil bulks 海洋运输散装桐油险

738.offer 发盘/报价

739.Offer without Engagement 虚盘

740.off-hire 停租

741.off-hire statement 停租声明

742.0ffloaded(OFLD) 卸下,拉货

743.on arrival pilot station 到达引航站交船

744.on deck risk 舱面险

745.on board B/L;/Shipped B/L 已装船提单

746.on shipment of cargo 佣金在货物装运时支付

747.on signing the contract 佣金在签订合同时支付

748.on taking inward pilot 引航员登轮交船

749.on the Delivery Quantity of Cargo 按货物的卸货量

750.on or before but not after than the due date 在支付日之前或当天支付,



752.online database 在线数据库

753.online database vendor 在线数据库服务商

754.Open B/L;Blank B/L;Bearer B/L 不记名提单

755.Open Conference 开放公会

756.Open Cover 预约保险

757.Open policy 预约保险单

758.open rate 费率

759.Opener 开证人

760.Open-Top Container 开顶集装箱

761.optional cargo 选港货

762.Optional Surcharge 选港附加费

763.Order B/L 指示提单

764.other charges 其他运费

765.outsourcing 外包

766.Overcarried(OVCD) 漏卸(运过境)

767.Overland and Common Point(OCP) 内陆公共点运输

768.overland transportation all risks 陆运一切险

769.overland transportation cargo insurance 陆上货物运输保险

770.overland transportation cargo insurance-frozen products 陆上冷藏货物


771.overland transportation cargo war risks-by train 陆上运输货物战争险

772.overland transportation risk 陆运险

773.overlanded 溢卸

774.overlanded & shortlanded cargo list 货物溢短单

775.overlap 超期还船

776.Owner’s Liabilities and Exceptions Clause 船舶所有人责任与免责条款

777.Packaging(PK) 包装服务费

778.Packing List/Weight List 装箱单/重量单

779.Pacific Coast Grain Charter Party 太平洋沿岸谷物租船合同

780.Paramount Clause 首要条款

781.partial loss 部分损失

782.particular average(PA) 单独海损

783.payable after delivery of cargo 交付货物后支付

784.Payable on arrival to destination 船舶到达卸货港时支付

785.Payable on completion of discharging 卸货完毕时支付

786.PayableonComplefonofloading 装货完毕时支付

787.Payable on signing of B/L 签发提单时支付

788.Payable in certain days after shipment 装货完毕后若干天后支付

789.Payee 收款人

790.Payer 付款人

791.Paying Bank 付款行

792.Payment by Cash 现金支付

793.Payment Credit 付款信用证

794.payment in advance 预付

795.Payment of Freight 运费的支付

796.Payment of Freight Clause 运费支付条款

797.Payment of Hire 租金支付

798.Payment Order 付款委托书

799.payment slips 银行支付单

800.Pen Container 牲畜集装箱

801.Penetration 渗透策略

802.Perils of Sea 海上风险

803.personal selling 人员推销

804.physical distribution(PD) 物流

805.physical distribution service 物理分销服务

806.physical distribution system 物理分销系统

807.pilferage 偷窃

808.piracy 海盗行为

809.Place of Delivery 交货地

810.Place of Receipt 收货地

811.plan 计划

812.Plat Form Based Container 框架集装箱

813.point of sale(POS) 销售点信息系统

814.policy 保险单

815.Port Additional 港口附加费

816.port of discharge 卸货港

817.port of loading 装货港

818.port of trasshipment 转运港

819.positioning 定位

820.Precarriage 第一程运输丁具

821.Preliminary evidence 初步证据

822.Preliminary Voyage Clause 预备航次条款

823.Presenting Bank 提示行

824.preshipment inspection(PSI) 装运前检验

825.previous-hire 预先停租

826.price bundling 捆绑价格

827.prima facie Evidence 初步证据

828.prirmary data 初级资料

829.Principal 委托人

830.Printed Clause 印就条款

831.privacy 信息保密

832.Private Carrier 专门承运人

833.probability sample 概率样本

834.Probable Port 可能的还船港口

835.process/People/Practice/products/partnership 业务流程改造、人力


836.Processed materials 加工材料

837.product category 产品种类

838.product development 产品开发

839.product differentiation 产品差别化

840.product item 产品项目

841.product mix 产品组合

842.product offering 产品提供

843.products/place/price/promotion 产品、配售渠道、价格、促销(传统的


844.Profoma Invoice 形式发票

845.promotion strategy 促销策略

846.promotional allowance 促销折让

847.promotional mix 促销组合

848.Proof of Delivery(POD) 交付凭证

849.protest 抗议

850.Provisional Invoice/Preliminary Invoice

851.psychographic 心理细分

852.public relation 公共关系

853.Published through rates 公布直达价格


854.pull system 拉动策略、拉动系统

855.Purchase Contract 购买合同

856.push strategy 推动策略

857.Quality of Goods 商品的质量

858.Quality Tolerance 品质公差

859.Quality,Value,Convenience(QVC) 质量、价值、便利购物网络

860.Quantity Contract/Volume Contract 包运租船合同/运量合同

861.quick response 快速反应物理

862.quota 限额

863.Rail mounted transtainer 轨道式龙门起重机

864.rail to rail 船舷至船舷

865.Rail Way Bill 铁路运单

866.random error 随机误差

867.random sample 随机样本

868.Rate of Freight 运费率

869.rate class 运价类别

870.Rater and/or Vermin 虫蛀、鼠咬

871.raw material 原材料

872.reachable on her arrival or always accessible 到达即可靠泊

873.Receipt for the Goods Shipped 货物收据

874.Received for Shipment B/L 待装船提单

875.Received Invoice 收讫发票

876.reciprocity 互惠

877.Red Clause Credit 红条款信用证

878.redelivery 还船

879.redelivery after the expiration of hire 延迟还船

880.Reefer Container 冷藏集装箱

881.Reference To Conditions of Contract 契约条件

882.Reference To Originals 正本联说明

883.Registered Tonnage 登记吨位

884.Reimbursing Bank 偿付行

885.reinstatement clause 恢复条款

886.rejection risk 拒收险

887.relationship marketing 关系营销

888.relationship selling 关系推销

889.remark 批注

890.remittance 汇付

891.Remittance by a Banker’s Demand Draft(D/D)

892.Remitter 汇款人


893.Remitting Bank 寄单行

894.Re-opening Bank 重开行

895.representation 陈述

896.requested booking 申请订舱

897.requested routing 要求的路线

898.research design 调查设计

899.retailing 零售

900.retailing mix 零售组合

901.return 退货

902.Return Trip Charter 往返航次租船

903.reversible laytime 可调剂使用装卸时间

904.Revised American Foreign Trade Definition

905.Revocable Credit 可撤销信用证


906.Revolving Credit 循环信用证

907.Rider Clause 追加条款

908.risk for frozen products 冷藏险

909.risk of clash and breakage 碰损、破碎险

910.risk of hook damage 钩损险

911.risk of intermixture and contamination 混杂、沾污险

912.risk of leakage 渗漏险

913.risk of odor 串味险

914.risk of rust 锈损险

915.risk of shortage 短量险

916.routine response behavior 惯常反应行为

917.Rubber-tired transtainer 轮胎式龙门起重机

918.resting 生锈

919.safe berth 安全泊位

920.safe ports 安全港



923.Sales Confirmation 销售确认书

924.Sales Contract 销售合同

925.sales process(sales cycle) 销售过程(销售周期)

926.sales promotion 销售推广

927.sales proposal 销售建议

928.sales representation 销售介绍

920.salvage charges 救助费用

930.sampling 发送样品

931.stapling error 抽样误差

932.scale load and discharge 限额条款

933.scale of commodity classification 商品分级表

934.scale of rate 等级费率表

935.Scandinavian Voyage Charter 斯堪的纳维亚航次租船合同

936.screening 筛选

937.Sea Water Damage 海水湿

938.Seaway bill 海运货运单

939.seaworthy trim 适航平衡

940.seaworthy trim clause 适航平衡条款

941.secondary data 二手资料

942.secondary membership group 次要成员群体

943.Secure Electronic Payment Protocol(SEPP) 电子安全支付议定书

944.segmentation base(variable) 细分依据(变量)

945.selective distribution 选择性分销

946.Seller’s Usance credit 卖方远期信用证

947.Selling Offer/bid 售货发盘

948.Semi-automatic Revolving 半自动循环

949.Semi-Container ship 半集装箱船

950.Serial Number 货运单序号及检验号

951.Sesser Clause 承租人条款责任终止条款

952.ship owner 船舶所有人

953.shipper 托运人

954.shipper,s certification box 托运人证明栏

955.shipper’s certification for live animals 托运人所托运的动物证明书

956.Shipper’s Letter of Instruction(SLI) 托运书



959.Shipping Advice 装船通知

960.shipping and for forwarding agent(S&F.A.) 运货与转运行

961.shipping instruction(SI) 装运须知

962.Shipping Order(S/O) 装运单

963.Ship’s Name 船名

964.short shipped(SSPD) 漏装

965.shortage 短量

966.short-delivery & non-delivery 短少和提货不着

967.shortlanded 短卸

968.shut out 退关

969.Sight Credit 即期信用证

970.Sight Payment Credit 即期付款信用证

971.signature of issuing carrier or its agent 开货运单的承运人或其代理人签字

972.Simple Payment 单纯支付

973.simulated(laboratory)market testing 模拟(实验室)市场测试

974.Single Trip Charter 单航次租船

975.Skimming 撇脂策略

976.sling loss 吊索损害

977.Small Office & Home Office(SOHO)

978.smoked 焦损

979.social class 社会阶层

980.socialization process 社会化过程

981.source 采购

982.special inquiry 特别询盘

983.specialty store 专卖店


984.Specific Commodity Rate 指定商品运价

985.stain 污染

986.Stale B/L 过期提单

987.Standard Charter Party Form 租船合同范本

988.standard industrial classification system(SIC)

989.standing order(STO) 长期订货

990.Statement of Claims 索赔清单或索赔申请书

991.Stop in transit(SI) 中途停运费

992.Storage destination(SR) 目的站保管费

993.Storage Origin(SO) 始发站保管费

994.stowage plan 货物积载图

995.Straddle Carrier 跨运车

996.Straight B/L 记名提单


997.straight commission 直接佣金

998.straight rebuy 直接重购

999.straight salary 直接薪金


1001.strategic alliance 战略同盟

1002.Strike and War Clause 罢工与战争条款

1003.strikes risk 罢工险

1004.subculture 亚文化

1005.subjects 保留条件

1006.subject open 以船未租出,或货未定船为条件

1007.subject reconfirmation 以再确认为条件

1008.subject stem 以发货人接受船舶的受载期为条件

1009.subject to all terms conditions and exclusions as per C/P



1010.subject to board’s approval 以董事会批准为条件

1011.subject to details 以细节内容为条件

1012.subject to enough merchandise 以足够商品为条件

1013.subject to government approval 以政府批准为条件

1014.subject to L/C obtainable 以取得信用证为条件

1015.subject to owner’s and charterer’s approval 船方与租方间解决

1016.subject to owner’s approval 以船东同意为准

1017.subject to receiver’s approval 以收货人同意为条件

1018.sub-let charter party 转租合同

1019.sub-let charterer 转租承租人

1020.sub-let clause 转租条款

1021.sue & labor charges 费用/诉讼及营救费用/损害防止费用

1022.Sunk 沉没

1023 supermarket 超级市场

1024.supply and demand chain 供需链

1025.supply chain 供应链

1026.supply chain management 供应链管理

1027.supply-chain operations reference-model(SCOR) 供应链作业参考模型

1028.Surface charge(SU) 地面运输费

1029.Surface Charge destination(SD) 目的站地面运输费

1030.sweat 汗湿

1031.sweating & heating 受潮受热

1032.tackle to tackle 钩至钩

1033.taint of odor 串味

1034.Tank Container 罐式集装箱

1035.Tanker Voyage Charter Party 油轮航次租船合同

1036.target market 目标市场

1037.target return on investment(ROI) 投资的目标收益率

1038.tariff 运价本

1039.Taxes(TX) 捐税

1040.teamwork 团队工作

1041.Telegraphic Transfer(T/T) 电汇

1042.telemarketing 电话营销

1043.Telex Release 电报放货

1044.temporal discrepancy 时间差异

1045.tender 递交

1046.Tenor 期限

1047.termination of contract of carriage clause

1048.test marketing 营销试验


1049.the Air Waybill Number 货运单号码

1050.the certificate of Redelivery 还船证书

1051.the charterer’s broker 承租人经纪人

1052.the insured 投保人

1053.the insurer 承保人

1054.the local time 当地时间

1055.the near clause 附近港条款

1056.the option of canceling this charter party 承租人有权解除合同

1057.the owner’s broker 船东经纪人

1058.the owner’s option of withdrawal 船舶所有人的撤船选择权

1059.The U.S.Export Quotation and Abbreviation 《美国出口报价及其缩写


1060.theft 偷窃

1061.theft pilferage and non-delivery(T.P.N.D) 偷窃、提货不着险

1062.This Side Up 不可倒置

1063.through M/F 过境

1064.time charter/period charter 定期租船

1065.Time Charter party 定期租船合同

1066.time loss in waiting for berth to count as loading

or as laytime 等泊损失的时间计入装/卸时间

1067.time on demurrage 滞期时间

1068.time policy 定期保险单

1069.To Bearer 交与持有者

1070.To order 凭指示

1071.To order of Consignee 凭收货人指示

1072.To order of Issuing Bank 凭开证银行指示

1073.To the Order of the Bank 银行指示

1074.To the Order of the Consignee 收货人指示

discharging time,/

1075.To the Order of the Shipper 托运人指示

1076.tonnage 船舶吨位

1077.tons register(T.R.) 注册吨

1078.Total collect charges 到付费用总额

1079.total loss 全部损失

1080.total loss only(T.L O.) 全损保险

1081.total prepaid 预付总计

1082.trade allowance 贸易折让

1083.Trade Discount 商业折扣

1084.trade sales promotion 贸易营业推广

1085.tramp shipping 不定期船运输

1086.Transferable Credit 可转让信用证

1087.Transit(TR) 过境费

1088.Trans shipment Additional 转船附加费

1089.Transshipment B/L or Through B/L 转船提单或联运提单

1090.Transit Cargo 转船接运的货物

1091.transit clause 运输条款

1092.Transmissible 可转移

1093.Transmitting Bank 转递行

1094.transport service 货物运输服务

1095.Transportation Data Coordinating Committee(TDCC) 美国运输数据协调


1096.Transtainer 龙门起重机

1097.Trip Time Charter/Time Charter on Trip Base 航次期租

1098.Trust Receipt 信托单据

1099.Tsunami 海啸

1100.two-part pricing分别定价

1101.Typing Clause 打印条款

i102.ULD Handling(UH) 集装设备操作费

1103.Unaccompanied Baggage 无人押运行李

1104.Unclean B/L or Foul B/L 不清洁保单

1105.unconditional and immediate use of the hire 无条件地立即使用租金

1106.Unconfirmed Credit 无保兑信用证

1107.under lap 提前还船

1108.under protest在抗议下签字

1109.Undifferentiated Marketing Strategy 无差异营销策略

1110.undifferentiated targeting strategy 无差异选择目标市场策略


1112.unified modeling language(UML) 统一建模语言

1113.Uniform Customs and Practice for Commercial Documentary Credits 商


1114.uniform delivered pricing 统一交货定价

1115.Uniform General Charter(GENCON) 统一杂货租船合同,简称“金康”

1116.Uniform liability 统一责任制

1117.Uniform Rules for Collection 1995 Revision 托收统一规则522号

1118.Uniform Rules for Collection of Commercial Paper 商业单据托收统一规

1119.Uniform Time Charter Party 标准期租船合同

1120.unique selling proposition 独特的促销建议

1121.Unit Load Device Rate 集装货物运价

1122.United Nations Convention on the Carriage of Goods by Sea,1978/

Hamburg Rules 《1978年联合国海上货物运输公约》亦称《汉堡规则》

1123.units of behavior(UOB) 行为单元

1124.universal product codes(UPCs) 通用产品代码

1125.unliquidated loss 非补偿性损失

1126.Un-published through rates 非公布直达运价

1127.unvalued policy 不定值保单

1128.upper deck 上舱

1129.Uruguay Round 乌拉圭回合

1130.usage-rate strategy 使用率细分

1131.Usance Credit 远期信用证

1132.usual risks 通常险

1133.value chain 附加价值链

1134.value impression 价值印象

1135.valued policy 定值保单

1136.variable cost 可变成本

1137.variable pricing/flexible pricing

1138.vessel on demurrage 滞期船舶


1139.vessel’s position 船舶动态

1140.vessel to be named 船舶待指定

1141.virtual inventory 虚拟库存

1142.visual supply chain(VSC) 虚拟供应链

1143.visby Rules 《维斯比规则》

1144.Volcanic eruption 火山爆发

1145.voyage charter/trip charter 航次租船

1146.voyage policy 航程保险单

1147.waiver of the right of withdrawal 撤船权的放弃

1148.want 需要

1149.warehouse membership club 仓储成员俱乐部

1150.warehouse to warehouse(W/W) 仓对仓

1151.Warranty Clause 保证条款

1152.Warsaw-Oxford Rules 《华沙-牛律规则》

1153.Washing overboard 浪击落诲

1154.Weight charge 航空运费

1155.whether in berth or not(WIBON) 不论靠泊与否

1156.with particular average(WA/WPA) 水渍险

1157.withdrawal of vessel 撤船

1158.without discount 不给折扣

1159.zone pricing 区域性定价





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