Unit 1
- prep。值得的;相当于……的价值
n。[U] 价值;作用
adj。[古] 值钱的
Worthless - adj。无价值的;无用的
Worthy - adj。有价值的
- vi。下沉;沉下
Sank/Sunk (过去式/过去分词)
- vt。移动;搬开
Removal - n。[C,U] 移走;消除
- vi。属于;为……的一员
Belongings - n。(复数) 所有物;财物
- n。[C,U] 设计;图案;构思
Designer - n。[C] 设计师
- n。[C,U] 怀疑;疑惑
Doubtful - adj。感到怀疑的;不确定的
Undoubtedly - adv。确实地;毋庸置疑地
- vt。使吃惊;惊讶
Amazing - adj。令人吃惊的
Amazed - adj。吃惊的
Amazingly - adv。令人吃惊的是
Amazement - n。[C,U] 惊奇
e - vi。幸免;幸存;生还
Survival - n。[U] 幸存;[C] 残存物
Survivor - n。[C] 幸存者
le - adj。贵重的;有价值的
Value - n。& vt。价值;重视
- vt。挑选;选择
n - n。[C,U] 选择
ce - n。[U] 根据;证据
Evident - adj。明显的;明白的
Evidently - adv。明显地
te - v。装饰;装修
n - n。[U] 装饰;[C] 装饰品
e - vi。爆炸
n - n。[C,U] 爆炸(声);[C] 爆发
al - adj。非正式的
Formal - adj。正式的
Formally - adv。正式地
- n。& vi。争论;辩论
Debatement - n。辩论;讨论
Debater - n。辩论家;讨论者
Unit 2
- n。基础;根据
Bases - 复数
2.___ - n。运动员;运动选手
Athletics - n。体育运动;田径
Athletic - adj。运动的;活跃的
e - vi。& vt。应受(报答或惩罚);值得
Deserver - n。应得者;应受者
Unit 3
ter: ___.
logy: refers to the n of ___: ___.
ical: ___: ___ in detail in order to ___.
: to come into ___ ___: arose/arisen.
: to find a ___: a means of ___.
Unit 4
t (vt.) ___.) refers to the act of ___.
fy (vt.) means to make something ___ (adj.) describes
something that has been made simpler。Simple (adj.) means easy
or not ___) means in a simple or straightforward manner.
igent (adj.) describes someone or something that is
smart or has the ability to think and understand。Intelligence (n.)
refers to the capacity for learning。reasoning。and understanding.
(adj.) means complete or whole。Total (n.) refers to
the sum or ___.
al (adj.) describes something that is related to an
individual or is private。Personally (adv.) means from a personal
___ (n.) refers to an individual's unique ___.
10.n (n.) refers to the act of applying or using something。Apply (v.) means to use or involve something。Applicant (n.)
refers to a person who applies for something。such as a job or a
e (vt。& vi.) means to ___ (n.) ___.) refers to the
act of ___.
ance (n.) refers to the way something looks or the
act of appearing。Appear (vi.) means to come into sight or ___.
y (n.) refers to the state of being real or the actual
existence of something。Real (adj.) describes something that is
true or genuine。Unreal (adj.) describes something that is not real
or ___.
e (n.) refers to the management of money or the
financial system。Financial (adj.) describes something related to
l (adj.) ___) means in a logical or reasonable
ess (n.) refers to the state of being happy or content。Happy (adj.) describes ___ satisfied.
ting (adj.) describes ___。Support (vt.) means to
help or assist。Support (n.) ___ (n.) refers to a person who ___.
(n.) ___。Type (vt。& vi.) means to write or print
using a ___ (n.) ___ (adj.) describes ___.
onic (adj.) describes ___ (n.) refers to the study of
electronic devices or equipment。Electronical (adj.) is not a
correct word and should be replaced with electronic.
(n.) ___.) means to clean or wipe with a mop。The
past tense of mop is mopped。and the present participle is
n - ___ ___(Uncertain - adjective meaning unsure or
not definite。Certainty - ___ the state of being certain.)
- verb meaning to search for or ___(Hunter - ___.)
se - ___(Increase - ___。Increasingly - ___
increasing manner.)
iate - ___(n - ___.)
n - verb meaning to hold or include something。(Container - noun referring to an object used to hold or store
- ___ on or cause a change in something。(n - ___ or
love。Effect - noun meaning a result or consequence.)
d - ___(Success - ___ - adverb meaning in a
successful manner.)
- verb meaning to hire or make use of something。(Employer - ___ to a person or company that hires others。Employee - noun referring to a person who is hired to work。Employment - noun referring to the act of being employed or the
state of having a job。Unemployment - noun referring to the state
of being without a job or the rate of people without jobs.)
d - verb meaning to answer or react to something。(Response - ___.)
t - ___(Distance - noun referring to the amount of
space een two points.)
- ___(Relieve - verb meaning to make something
less ___ intense.)
- ___(Harmful - adjective meaning causing harm。Harmless - adjective meaning not causing harm.)
14.n - noun referring to the act of ___ or something safe。(Protect - verb meaning to keep someone or something safe。Protective - ___.)
- ___(Merciful - ___.)
ance - ___ or value of something。(Important -
adjective meaning significant or of great value.)
e - ___ ___(n - noun referring to the act of reserving
or a place that has been reserved.)
- adjective ___(Wildly - ___.)
19.___ - ___(Threat - ___.)
passer-by (单数)
m (verb and noun): to carry out or execute an n or
Performance (noun): the act of performing or presenting
something。such as a play or concert。
Performer (noun): ___.
(verb): ___
Reliable (adjective): ___。
Reliably (adverb): ___ ___.
us (adjective): ___。
Humour (noun): the quality of being ___.
tive (adjective): ___
Attract (verb): to draw or pull towards oneself。
n (noun): the act or power of drawing interest or n。
ent (adjective): having ___
Confidently (adverb): in a self-assured or certain manner。
Confidence (noun): a feeling of self-assurance or trust.
(adjective): ___。
Brief (noun): a summary or outline of something。
Briefly (adverb): in a concise or short-lived manner.