文献出处:Norrman A, Henkow O.. The influence of business tax VAT to
the international logistics enterprises [J]. Logistics Technology, 2014, 23:
原文 The influence of business tax VAT to the international logistics
Norrman, Henkow
Based on the background of the policy "camp to gain" the
interpretation of policy and the related solution as a starting point,
combined with the practical examples of the tax system reform to the
impact of the international logistics and related enterprises.
Value added tax and business tax is South Korea two of the most
important in the current turnover tax categories of on scope of
VAT in South Korea domestic sales, import goods and providing
processing, repairs and replacement services, mainly play a role in the
field of industrial production and circulation of commodities;While the
scope of the business tax includes other services, transfer of intangible
asset and sale of real estate, covers most of the tertiary industry to provide
labor short, VAT tax mainly for goods and most services is
applicable sales tax, the two parallel in the scope of our tax levy, cross
each one of the major tax turnover tax on turnover in full as plan
tax basis, according to industry setting different tax rates, calculation is
simple, and convenient for collection, it in the balance of the sustainable
development of local economy has played a pivotal through
long-term practice, the business tax gradually showing its limitations,
mainly embodied in the following aspects:
Sales tax is a tax on turnover in full, will inevitably produce double
taxation. VAT tax only appreciation of this link, especially after the VAT
to consumer VAT general taxpayer purchased fixed assets contained can
be used as the input VAT tax deduction, thus leading to relatively VAT
taxpayer, tax taxpayers tax burden is higher. For companies to buy
services or services, as a result of outsourcing services including business
tax cannot get deduction, lead to enterprise more willing to provide the
required services rather than outsourcing services, service production
internalization, not conducive to the professional division of labor and
service outsourcing development of service industry. Based on the
background of the policy "camp to gain" the interpretation of policy and
the related solution as a starting point, combined with the practical
examples of the tax system reform to the impact of the international
logistics and related enterprises.
Sales tax is a tax on turnover in full, will inevitably produce double
tax only appreciation of this link, especially after the VAT to
consumer VAT general taxpayer purchased fixed assets contained can be
used as the input VAT tax deduction, thus leading to relatively VAT
taxpayer, tax taxpayers tax burden is higher. For companies to buy
services or services, as a result of outsourcing services including business
tax cannot get deduction, lead to enterprise more willing to provide the
required services rather than outsourcing services, service production
internalization, not conducive to the professional division of labor and
service outsourcing development of service industry. In exports for
investigation is the international practice, because South Korea services
for business tax, when exports to drawback, lead to tax export service,
finally influence of South Korea's service industry in the international
market all over the world can be seen in the history
of the development of the business tax, it is the business tax repetition of
this disease, resulted in a VAT, and ages of value added tax is
mainly in the following aspects: don't double taxation, have the feature of
tax neutral;Link tax, each link tax deduction, final consumer is all taxes;
consideringConvenient for export tax rebates, be helpful for their goods
and services fair to participate in international competition;Restrict each
other on tax collection and administration, cross audit, avoiding tax
evasion. The service lives of taxable sales of more than standard
prescribed by the ministry of finance and the total (5 million) of taxpayers
for average taxpayer, taxpayer for small-scale taxpayers not in excess of
the prescribed sound accounting who can provide accurate
taxation information small-scale enterprises can also apply for average
taxpayer policy also specifies the original road, inland
waterway cargo transportation since the taxpayer shall be identified in
principle of make out an invoice for the general taxpayer. South Korea in
1994, the turnover tax system reform, according to the international
common practice to establish the standardization of the production VAT,
with value-added tax as the core to establish a new pattern of the turnover
tax: a comprehensive value-added tax in the field of the flow of goods
production, on the basis of the select few consumer goods cross to impose
consumption tax, and for most services trade to impose business
the end of 2008, to ease the impact of the international financial crisis, the
central identified the "structural tax cuts" advocate tone, reflected in
terms of turnover tax, mainly will be changed from production VAT to
consumer VAT ption type allows the enterprise cost of
purchased fixed assets value contained in the value-added tax is deducted
from transition effectively promote the industrial structure
adjustment and technology upgrade, improve the domestic products in the
international market the completion of the VAT, the
VAT expansion circumference in the sights of south Korean tax
current tax system apply to the practice of different tax
system, goods and services between the goods and services in the
unification of the tax on property, destroyed the deduction of VAT chain,
in South Korea have certain obstacles on the development of modern
service industry, is not conducive to further transformation and upgrading
of economic give full play to the advantages of VAT tax
burden fair, its basic condition is as far as possible the "full coverage, the
whole chain, full deduction".So, it is imperative to change business tax
VAT. Business tax to the influence of value added tax it away to the
enterprise at present, Beijing camp change increases the pilot program
has won the approval of the state council, formal implementation is
expected to begin in the near company's main business service
for international freight forwarders, belongs to the scope of auxiliary
"logistics", so as to pay VAT, as general VAT to the tax
rate of 5%, and the difference between tax;After the change of value
added tax for 6% of the value-added tax, offset the input of
taxes, tax rate and tax changes in the way of the development of the
enterprise has a long-term policies also change during the
pilot VAT tax belonging to business tax, the continuation of the business
tax preferential transitional policy made detailed provisions. Business tax
after the change of value added tax, as a result of value added tax is a tax
excluded in price, revenue from the customer can't all as enterprise's
revenue, and the need to isolate the income part as the output VAT tax,
namely: the business income/(1 + 6%) = tax n cases, this
means that the income items change business tax VAT will inevitably lead
to the income of business scale, the tax payable, the corresponding
change of turnover and profit. The author's international freight
forwarding business is mainly decided by the cost price, gross margin is
relatively fixed, in order to facilitate more business tax change VAT after
each related financial index change under different circumstances, do the
following hypothesis: hypothesis after tax reform without tax gross
margin (hereinafter referred to as the gross profit margin) level remains
the same;Taxes only consider the business tax and value-added tax, does
not consider calculated on business tax and value-added tax each
additional taxes and fees;Consider only associated with operating revenue
and operating cost of VAT, and both contain VAT rates are consistent, to
The company mainly to international trade, commodity circulation
link of customer is given priority to, in the industry's average taxpayer
clients, for example, after the tax reform, providing international cargo
transport agency services to issue special VAT invoices, my company to
maintain the price the same or increase (up to Maori constant), the
relevant freight cost will be reduced by more than 5% of the
addition, the customer deductible VAT amount increases, the VAT payable
will decrease rate that: international freight forwarding
business by the tax change after paid VAT, will greatly improve the
international trade class customer profit still using the previous
example, the company provides international cargo transport agency
services customers in commodity production and circulation field. By the
above analysis can be concluded that the business tax after the change of
value added tax, in front of the meet the conditions of the four
assumptions listed, if you still perform the original price unchanged, the
tax reform to cause a decline in revenue, gross margin level of business,
should pay tax increases, eventually reduce enterprise profits;If you raise
the price to ensure that the gross margin level is constant, the operating
income is reduced, should pay tax increase. Business tax changes are
confirmed as general taxpayer VAT, input tax can be calculated at to
obtain special invoices for value-added tax acquire other
taxpayers' original belongs to the scope of business tax differences can
collect invoices, can be deducted from the sales in the invoice value;Such
as the special invoice to invoice to obtain tax authorities must indicate the
output tax deduction. The result of the tax increase, on the one hand,
further squeeze corporate profits, the development of the
other hand, in the case of its difficult to digest, will cause freight rate rise,
which would push up is reported that many famous international
freight companies in Shanghai after issue VAT invoices to the customer
request, on the original cost pay more view of the problems
exposed by the Shanghai pilot, the south Korean federation of logistics
and purchasing has been made to the relevant state departments including
the goods transportation services into logistics support service, and
appropriately increase the input tax deductions in eight Suggestions, in
case the camp change increases the pilot policy has adverse effects on the
entire logistics industry. Business tax change after VAT as small-scale
taxpayers, transport, international freight forwarding business taxpayers
obtain other taxpayers' original belongs to the scope of business tax
differences can collect invoices, can be deducted from the sales in the
invoice industries such as to obtain the original belong to the
scope of business tax differences can collect other taxpayers invoice, can
also be deducted from the sales of the invoice value, but the pilot average
taxpayer or pilot the invoice of small-scale taxpayers shall not deduct the
policies also change during the pilot VAT tax belonging to
business tax, the continuation of the business tax preferential transitional
policy made detailed provisions. Business tax after the change of value
added tax, international freight forwarding business chain joined the VAT
gh in the short term, the scale of business will decrease,
didn't really reduce tax burden, also has the potential to reduce
in the long run, the business tax change of value added tax more
significance lies in: eliminate double taxation;Is conducive to the
professional division of labor and service outsourcing services,Promote
the specialization of social division of labor;Strengthen service industry
competition of this will be conducive to further expand the
market, enterprises expand addition, the "battalion to add" also
can impact on the industry d industries in major and
value-added tax management system, to the enterprise financial
accounting requirements will be more standardized and the
same time, because the customer requirements for legal, compliance VAT
deduction vouchers, would force some imperfect management of small
enterprises withdraw from the market
应税服务年销售额超过财政部和国家税务总规定标准(500 万)的纳税人为一般纳税人,未超过规定标准的纳税人为小规模纳税人。会计核算健全,能提供准确税务资料的小规模企业也可申请一般纳税人资格。试点政策也规定了原公路、内河货物运输业自开票纳税人原则上均应当申请认定为一般纳税人。韩国在 1994 年进行了流转税税制改革,按国际通行的做法建立了规范化的生产型增值税,以增值税为核心建立了新的流转税格局:在商品生产流通领域实行全面的增值税,在此基础上选择少数消费品交叉征收消费税,而对大部分劳务交易征收营业税。2008 年底,为缓解国际金融危机的冲击,中央确定了“结构性减税”的主基调,体现在流转税方面,主要是将增值税由生产型增值税调整为消费型增值税。消费型增值税允许将企业购进的固定资产价值中所含的增值税款全部扣除。( 完整翻译请到百度文库,或直接与我联系,qq 1565218518) 这一转型有力地促进了产业结构调
营业税改增值税对企业征纳工作的影响目前,北京营改增试点方案已获国务院批准,预计于近期开始正式执行。笔者所在公司的主营业务为国际货运代理服务,属于“物流辅助服务”范围,所以将改为缴纳增值税,成为增值税一般纳税人。原适用 5%的营业税税率,且为差额纳税;改增值税后适用 6%的增值税率,抵扣进项税额。税种、税率以及计税方式的变化对企业的发展产生了长远的影响。
营业税改增值税后,由于增值税是价外税,来自客户的收入不能全部作为企业的营业收入,而需要从收入中分离出一部分来作为增值税的销项税,即:营业收入 = 含税收入 /(1+6%)。这意味着在收入项目一定的情况下,营业税改增值税必然会导致企业营业收入规模、应交税金、毛利以及利润的相应变化。笔者所在公司国际货运代理业务的收费价格主要由成本决定,毛利率相对固定,为方便比较营业税
改增值税后各相关财务指标在不同情况下的变化,特做如下假设:假设税改后不含税毛利率(以下简称毛利率)水平保持不变;税金只考虑营业税和增值税,不考虑按营业税和增值税计算的各项附加税费;只考虑跟营业收入和营业成本相关的增值税,且两者所含的增值税税率一致,均为 6%. 笔者所在公司主要以国际贸易即商品流通环节的客户为主,以该行业的一般纳税人客户为例,税改后,为其提供的国际货物运输代理服务改为开具增值税专用发票,无论我公司维持对其收费价格不变还是相应提高(提高至毛利不变),该类客户的相关运费成本都会减少 5%以上。除此之外,客户可抵扣的增值税进项税额增加,其应交增值税会相应减少。由此说明:国际货运代理业务由营业税改征增值税后,将会极大提升国际贸易类客户的利润空间。仍沿用前面的例子,由公司提供国际货物运输代理服务的商品生产及流通领域客户。由以上分析可以得出:营业税改增值税后,在满足前面所列四个假设前提的条件下,如果仍执行原来的收费价格不变,则税改会导致企业营业收入减少、毛利水平下降、应缴税金增加,最终减少企业的利润;如果提高收费价格以保证毛利水平不变,则营业收入下降、应缴税金增加。营业税改增值税后认定为一般纳税人的,可按取得增值税专用发票计算抵扣进项税额。如取得非试点纳税人的原属于营业税可差额征收范围的发票,可按发票金额在销售额中扣除;如取得税务机关代开的专用发票可按发票注明的税款抵扣销项税额。
价。据了解,上海地区多家国际知名货运公司向客户提出要求在开具增值税发票后,要在原有的费用上多支付一定的税额。针对上海试点暴露出的问题,韩国物流与采购联合会已向国家有关部门提出了包括将货物运输服务纳入物流辅助服务、适当增加进项税抵扣项目等 8