




alligator 鳄鱼皮artificial leather 人造皮革 buck (雄)鹿皮

buffalo 水牛butter ball 混种羊 cony 免皮

calf 小牛 cow 水牛 sheep 绵羊

goat 山羊 wet blue hides 兰湿皮kid 小山羊

pelt 裸皮 rawhide 原皮 nap 绒毛,起绒、拉毛

glove 手套革crust 皮胚

antelope 羚养,羚养皮革 nappa 纳帕革(所有柔软轻革的总称)

hide 生皮,原料皮( 注:指张幅大,皮层厚的生皮或原料皮)

Skin (小)生皮,(小)原料皮 (注:张幅小,皮层薄)

Suede 1 (反)绒面革 粒面和肉面起绒,通常大多数指肉面起绒 2 磨绒 起绒


Scar 疤 open scar 开口伤 scratch 刮伤blood vein 血筋

scabby 疥brand 烙印 defect 疵点,缺陷 loose grain 松面

pox marks 痘疤 blister 水疱 crazing 裂浆,裂纹 drawm grain 皱折,皱纹

pinhole 针眼,沙眼 Swelling 膨胀greasy stains油斑

crack 龟裂,破碎,裂化,裂解


Natural 自然色 off white 本色 tan 茶色

Bronze 古铜色navy 海军蓝camel 驼色

Pewter 锡色 olive 橄榄绿ivory 象牙白

Gunmetal 枪色,青铜色 pink 粉红色 black 黑色

White 白色 red 红色brown 棕色

Purple 紫色 gold 金色 blue 蓝色

Green 绿色beige 米色 silver 银色

Creaming 奶油色,米色


shoes 鞋 sandal 凉鞋 slipper 拖鞋

boot 靴子 furniture 家具lining鞋里革


samming machine 挤水机 shaving machine 削匀机

splitting machine 片皮机vaccum machine 真空机

stacking machine 搭马机kickers踢皮机

conveyor hooking 挂晾机 iron machine 铁板机

sprayint machine 喷涂机buffing machine 磨革机

electronic balance 电子天秤称 shaving beam 刨皮板

flaying 剥皮 fleshing 去肉

degreasing 脱脂 depilating 脱毛

soaking 浸水 pickling 浸酸

liming 浸灰deliming 脱灰

drum 转鼓 wet back 回水,回湿,回软

tanning 鞣制 retanning 复鞣

chrome tannage 铬鞣 vegetable tanning 植鞣

samming 挤水 shaving 削匀

splitting 片皮 mill 摔软

plating 熨光 platen 压板

bating 软化 fixation 固定

buffing 磨革

padding 刷浆 spraying 喷涂

impregnating 干填充 filling 填充

waxy 打蜡 polishing 抛光

dull 哑光glaze 打光

toggling 棚板干燥 staking & mollisa 拉软

trimming边 measure the leather 量革

antiqouring 加油pearlized effect 珠光效应

dying 染色 brush off 擦色

boiling 水煮 bleaching 漂白

emulsifying 乳化fermenting 发酵

neutralization 中和 fatliquoring 加油

measure the leather 量革 packing 打包,包装


Chrome 铬 zirconium 锆

Sodium 钠ammonium 铵

Aluminium 铝 chloride 氯

Sulfide 硫 potassium 钾

Aldehyde 醛 acyl 酰

Solution 溶液 dilution 稀释

Condensation 浓缩 集中 concentration 浓度

resin树脂 extract 栲胶

Chestnut extract 栗木栲胶 mimosa extract 荆树皮栲胶

Quebracho extract 坚木栲胶 gambier extract 槟榔膏栲胶

Acid 酸 alkali 碱

Acid –base indicator 酸碱指示剂 liquor 液

sulfate 硫酸盐 acetate 醋酸盐,醋酸脂

Sulfite 亚硫酸盐oxide 氧化的

Medium 媒介,介质 dissolvant 溶剂,溶媒

Antiseptic agent 防腐剂 antiseptic germicide 防霉剂

Anti-soil agent 防污剂 accelerant 加速剂

Catalyzer 催化剂 activator 活性剂

Penetrating agent 滲透剂 bonder 黏合剂

Decoloriser 脱色剂 degreasing agent 脱脂剂

corrosion 腐蚀 powder 粉末

Synthetic tanning agent 合成鞣剂 reducing agent 还原剂

Fixing agent 固定剂 decoloriser 脱色剂

Auxiliary 助剂 addition agent 添加剂

Mordant 媒染剂 enzyme 酶

Protein 蛋白质 protease 蛋白水解酶

Acrylic 丙烯酸 acetone 丙酮

Acetyl 乙酰(基) amyl 戊(烷)基

White pigment 白膏butyrin 丁脂

Rosin 松香,松脂

Collagen 胶源 protein 蛋白质

Dehydration 脱水 alcohol 酒精,乙醇

humidity 湿度 moisture 湿度,含水量

normal dry state 正常干态 normal moist state 正常湿态

Cation 阳离子 anion 阴离子

corrosion 腐蚀 powder 粉末

Ammonia liquor 粗氨水ammoniacal liquor 氨水

Aniline 苯胺 alum 明砜

Sodium thiosulfate 硫代硫酸钠,大苏打bicarbonate of soda 碳酸氢钠,小苏打

Formic acid 甲酸 sodium formate 甲酸钠

Salt 盐 emulsion 乳酸

Anhydrous sodium sulfate 无水硫酸钠,元明粉 sodium pyrosulfite 焦亚硫酸钠

Ammonium bicarbonate 碳酸氢铵 aluminium chloride 氯化铝

Sodium hydrosulfite 连二亚硫酸钠,保险粉 aluminium hydroxide 氢氧化铝

Aluminium hydroxychloride 碱式氯化铝 aluminium oxide三氧化二铝

aluminium ammonium sulfate 硫酸铝铵 ammonium persulfate 过二硫酸铵

ammonium chloride 氯化铵 chloride of lime 漂白粉

lecithin 卵磷脂 neatsfoot oil 牛蹄油

waterborne lacquer 水溶性光油 lacquer 光油乳液


dry operation 干场作业

trimming and sorting 削整及分皮

soaking 浸水

fleshing 削肉

unhairing 脱毛

bating 酵解软化

picking 浸酸

tanning 鞣制

wringing 挤水

splitting and shaving 起层及削里

retanning, coloring 再鞣,染色

setting out 张皮

drying 干燥

conditioning 回湿

staking 铲软

buffing 磨皮

finshing 整饰

measuring 量皮

grading 分级

alligator 鳄鱼皮也称为crocodile皮

antelope leather 羚皮革&tracelog=pd_info_promo" target="_blank">羊皮革

buckskin 鹿绒皮

buffalo hides 水牛皮

buffalo hides, salted, wet 盐湿水牛皮

bullhide 公牛皮

butt-branded steers 臀部有烙印阉牛皮

butt leather 臀皮

cabreta 卡利大皮

calf leather 小牛皮

calfskin 小牛皮

calfskin, with the hair on, dyed 染色小牛皮

camel leather 骆驼皮革

cape skin 开普皮

carpincho 河马皮

cattle hide 大牛皮

cattle leather, dyed 染色牛皮

cattle leather, metallized 烫金属牛皮

cattle leather, patent 漆牛皮

chamois-dressed leather 油鞣皮(雪米皮)

chicago wet-salted hides 芝加哥湿盐皮

colorado steerhide 科罗拉多阉牛皮

cordovan 马臀皮

covers, file leather 公文夹用皮革

cowhide 母牛皮

cowhides, salted, wet 盐湿黄牛皮

crocodile leather 鳄鱼皮

deer leather 鹿皮革

deerskin 鹿皮

deerskin, chamois-dressed 鹿皮

doeskin 羊绒皮

doeskin, chamois-dressed 油鞣牡鹿皮

dried 皮干

flesher 羊榔皮

fox fur skin, dressed 硝制狐皮

fox fur skin, dyed 染色狐皮

fur skins, tanned or dressed 鞣制或硝制毛皮

goat leather 山羊皮

goat leather, dyed 染色山羊皮

goat leather, metallized 烫金属山羊皮

goatskin 山羊皮

goatskin, dyed 染色山羊皮

hairsheep 直毛羊皮---绵羊的毛呈直条波浪型头发一样

heavy cows 重量母牛皮

heavy native cows 重量无烙印母牛皮

heavy native heifers 重量无烙印小母牛皮

heavy native steers 重量无烙印阎牛皮

heifer 母童牛皮

hide 大件皮

hide, buffalo, dehaired, tanned 水牛皮

hide, cattle or cow, dehaired, tanned 牛皮(黄牛皮)

hide, ox, dehaired, tanned 牡牛皮

hide, steer, dehaired, tanned 牡犊皮

hide, zebra, dehaired, tanned 班玛皮

holster, pistol, leather 手枪皮套

horsehide 马皮

horse leather, dyed 烫金属马皮

horse leather, patent 漆马皮

inner hide, cow and buffalo dried 黄牛, 水牛内皮

kangaroo 袋鼠皮

kidskin skin 小羊皮

lambskin, chamois-dressed 油鞣仔羊皮

leather of sheep and lambskins 绵羊及仔绵羊皮

leather auxiliaries 皮革助剂

leather of goat and kidskins 山羊及仔山羊皮

leather sole 皮底

leather upper 皮面

leather, buffalo 水牛革

leather, calf, chrome-tanned colored and polished 铬鞣染色打光小牛皮

leather, cattle or cow 牛革

leather, crust, calf 硬小牛皮

leather, curried, calf 鞣制小牛皮

leather, kid skin 仔山羊皮

leather, ox 牡牛革

leather, sole, calf 制鞋底用小牛皮

leather, vamp, calf 制鞋面小牛皮

leather, horse or equine 马革

leather, mule 骡革

leather, steer 牡犊革

leather, zebra 斑马革

leopard fur skin, dressed 硝制豹皮

leopard fur skin, dyed 染色豹皮

light cows 轻量母牛皮

light native cows 轻量无烙印母牛/阉牛皮

lizard leather 蜥蜴皮

lizard skin 蜥蜴皮=蜥蜴类动物的皮

marten fur skin, dressed 硝制貂皮

marten fur skin, dyed 染色貂皮

macha 摩卡皮

muntafac fur skin, dressed 硝制羌皮

muntafac fur skin, dyed 染色羌皮

ostrich 鸵鸟皮

parchment-dressed leather 羊皮纸型熟皮

patent and metallized leather 漆皮及硬化剂

peccary 野猪皮

pelt 生毛皮

pheasant 鳗鱼皮

pickled hides 浸酸牛皮

pickled lamb pelts, run 浸酸羔羊皮

pigskin lining leather 猪里皮

pigskin upper leather 猪面皮

pigskin split leather 猪榔皮

pigskin 原料盐皮

pigskin nubuck upper leather 猪磨面皮

pigskins leather, tanned 加工猪皮

pony skin 小马皮

pony skin, dyed 染色小马皮

queensland hides 昆士兰皮

reconstituted and artificial leather containing leather or leather fibre 再生&人造皮革

release paper 离型纸

shark leather 鲨鱼皮

sharkskin 鲨鱼皮

shearling 毛羊皮

sheep and lambskins with the wool 带毛之绵羊及其羔羊皮

sheep and lambskins without the wool 不带毛之绵羊及其羔羊皮

sheep leather 绵羊皮

sheep leather, dyed 染色绵羊皮

sheep leather, metallized 烫金属绵羊皮

sheep leather, patent 漆绵羊皮

sheepskin 硝制绵羊皮

sheepskin, chamois-dressed 油鞣羊皮

sheepskin. with hair on, dyed 染色绵羊皮

skin 小件皮

skin, bird, with feathers removed, ranned 去毛加工之鸟皮

skin, rhinceros 犀牛皮

skiver 薄羊面皮

snakeskins, dried 干蛇皮

snakeskins, tanned 加工蛇皮

split leather 榔皮, 二层皮

steerhide 阉牛皮

suede 反毛皮

swine leather, dyed 染色猪皮

swine leather, enamelled 上釉猪皮

swine leather, metallized 烫金猪皮

tanning auxiliaries 鞣革助剂

tanning extracts 鞣革剂

tassels, leather 皮革饰缝

tiger fur skin, dressed 硝制虎皮

titanium 钛白粉

trimmings, leather 皮制饰品

upper leather of cattle and calf 牛及小牛之面皮

upper leather of goat 山羊面皮

upper leather of kid 仔山羊面皮

upper leather of lamb 绵羊面皮

upper leather of sheep 绵羊面皮

used leather 旧皮革

victoria hides 维多利亚皮

walrus; sealskin 海象皮

waste leather 皮革废料

water buffalo 水牛皮

weasel tail, dressed 硝制黄狼尾

wet blue 湿蓝皮

whale leather 鲸鱼

wet operation 湿场作业

dry operation 干场作业

trimming and sorting 削整及分皮

soaking 浸水

fleshing 削肉

unhairing 脱毛

bating 酵解软化

picking 浸酸

tanning 鞣制

wringing 挤水

splitting and shaving 起层及削里

retanning, coloring 再鞣,染色

setting out 张皮

drying 干燥

conditioning 回湿

staking 铲软

buffing 磨皮

finshing 整饰

measuring 量皮

grading 分级

alligator 鳄鱼皮也称为crocodile皮

antelope leather 羚皮革&tracelog=pd_info_promo" target="_blank">羊皮革

buckskin 鹿绒皮

buffalo hides 水牛皮

buffalo hides, salted, wet 盐湿水牛皮

bullhide 公牛皮

butt-branded steers 臀部有烙印阉牛皮

butt leather 臀皮

cabreta 卡利大皮

calf leather 小牛皮

calfskin 小牛皮

calfskin, with the hair on, dyed 染色小牛皮

camel leather 骆驼皮革

cape skin 开普皮

carpincho 河马皮

cattle hide 大牛皮

cattle leather, dyed 染色牛皮

cattle leather, metallized 烫金属牛皮

cattle leather, patent 漆牛皮

chamois-dressed leather 油鞣皮(雪米皮)

chicago wet-salted hides 芝加哥湿盐皮

colorado steerhide 科罗拉多阉牛皮

cordovan 马臀皮

covers, file leather 公文夹用皮革

cowhide 母牛皮

cowhides, salted, wet 盐湿黄牛皮

crocodile leather 鳄鱼皮

deer leather 鹿皮革

deerskin 鹿皮

deerskin, chamois-dressed 鹿皮

doeskin 羊绒皮

doeskin, chamois-dressed 油鞣牡鹿皮

dried 皮干

flesher 羊榔皮

fox fur skin, dressed 硝制狐皮

fox fur skin, dyed 染色狐皮

fur skins, tanned or dressed 鞣制或硝制毛皮

goat leather 山羊皮

goat leather, dyed 染色山羊皮

goat leather, metallized 烫金属山羊皮

goatskin 山羊皮

goatskin, dyed 染色山羊皮

hairsheep 直毛羊皮---绵羊的毛呈直条波浪型头发一样

heavy cows 重量母牛皮

heavy native cows 重量无烙印母牛皮

heavy native heifers 重量无烙印小母牛皮

heavy native steers 重量无烙印阎牛皮

heifer 母童牛皮

hide 大件皮

hide, buffalo, dehaired, tanned 水牛皮

hide, cattle or cow, dehaired, tanned 牛皮(黄牛皮)

hide, ox, dehaired, tanned 牡牛皮

hide, steer, dehaired, tanned 牡犊皮

hide, zebra, dehaired, tanned 班玛皮

holster, pistol, leather 手枪皮套

horsehide 马皮

horse leather, dyed 烫金属马皮

horse leather, patent 漆马皮

inner hide, cow and buffalo dried 黄牛, 水牛内皮

kangaroo 袋鼠皮

kidskin skin 小羊皮

lambskin, chamois-dressed 油鞣仔羊皮

leather of sheep and lambskins 绵羊及仔绵羊皮

leather auxiliaries 皮革助剂

leather of goat and kidskins 山羊及仔山羊皮

leather sole 皮底

leather upper 皮面

leather, buffalo 水牛革

leather, calf, chrome-tanned colored and polished 铬鞣染色打光小牛皮

leather, cattle or cow 牛革

leather, crust, calf 硬小牛皮

leather, curried, calf 鞣制小牛皮

leather, kid skin 仔山羊皮

leather, ox 牡牛革

leather, sole, calf 制鞋底用小牛皮

leather, vamp, calf 制鞋面小牛皮

leather, horse or equine 马革

leather, mule 骡革

leather, steer 牡犊革

leather, zebra 斑马革

leopard fur skin, dressed 硝制豹皮

leopard fur skin, dyed 染色豹皮

light cows 轻量母牛皮

light native cows 轻量无烙印母牛/阉牛皮

lizard leather 蜥蜴皮

lizard skin 蜥蜴皮=蜥蜴类动物的皮

marten fur skin, dressed 硝制貂皮

marten fur skin, dyed 染色貂皮

macha 摩卡皮

muntafac fur skin, dressed 硝制羌皮

muntafac fur skin, dyed 染色羌皮

ostrich 鸵鸟皮

parchment-dressed leather 羊皮纸型熟皮

patent and metallized leather 漆皮及硬化剂

peccary 野猪皮

pelt 生毛皮

pheasant 鳗鱼皮

pickled hides 浸酸牛皮

pickled lamb pelts, run 浸酸羔羊皮

pigskin lining leather 猪里皮

pigskin upper leather 猪面皮

pigskin split leather 猪榔皮

pigskin 原料盐皮

pigskin nubuck upper leather 猪磨面皮

pigskins leather, tanned 加工猪皮

pony skin 小马皮

pony skin, dyed 染色小马皮

queensland hides 昆士兰皮

reconstituted and artificial leather containing leather or leather fibre 再生&人造皮革

release paper 离型纸

shark leather 鲨鱼皮

sharkskin 鲨鱼皮

shearling 毛羊皮

sheep and lambskins with the wool 带毛之绵羊及其羔羊皮

sheep and lambskins without the wool 不带毛之绵羊及其羔羊皮

sheep leather 绵羊皮

sheep leather, dyed 染色绵羊皮

sheep leather, metallized 烫金属绵羊皮

sheep leather, patent 漆绵羊皮

sheepskin 硝制绵羊皮

sheepskin, chamois-dressed 油鞣羊皮

sheepskin. with hair on, dyed 染色绵羊皮

skin 小件皮

skin, bird, with feathers removed, ranned 去毛加工之鸟皮

skin, rhinceros 犀牛皮

skiver 薄羊面皮

snakeskins, dried 干蛇皮

snakeskins, tanned 加工蛇皮

split leather 榔皮, 二层皮

steerhide 阉牛皮

suede 反毛皮

swine leather, dyed 染色猪皮

swine leather, enamelled 上釉猪皮

swine leather, metallized 烫金猪皮

tanning auxiliaries 鞣革助剂

tanning extracts 鞣革剂

tassels, leather 皮革饰缝

tiger fur skin, dressed 硝制虎皮

titanium 钛白粉

trimmings, leather 皮制饰品

upper leather of cattle and calf 牛及小牛之面皮

upper leather of goat 山羊面皮

upper leather of kid 仔山羊面皮

upper leather of lamb 绵羊面皮

upper leather of sheep 绵羊面皮

used leather 旧皮革

victoria hides 维多利亚皮

walrus; sealskin 海象皮

waste leather 皮革废料

water buffalo 水牛皮

weasel tail, dressed 硝制黄狼尾

wet blue 湿蓝皮

whale leather 鲸鱼v





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