


我们英语阅读写作小组共有32人,每周四下午7、8 节课活动。我们主要是阅读21




些话题作文,如《beatiful fall》 和《》,还有学生制作了英文手抄报。下


1、hello everyone!

today i will introduce you a paper, which is called “effects of corporate

governance on capital structure: empirical evidence from pakistan “

2、i will use the following four parts to introduce

3、i got this paper from the emerald reprints the world’s leading publisher of

management research and the type of the paper is research paper


4、then we can have a simple knowledge of the two authors:nadeem ahmed

sheikh and 王宗军 one is a doctoral degree candidate in the school of

management, hua zhong university of science and technology, wuhan .the other

is a professor in this college

5. about the paper’s outline

firstly the aim of this empirical study is to investigate whether corporate

governance attributes affect capital structure choices of pakistani firms

then the design of the paper is multiple regression analysis

6、in order to have a good knowledge of the paper we can from the following

three aspects to

the attributes of the corporate governance are background also

includes :measures of corporate governance and their relation to capital structure

8、research design

firstly ch methodology:it includes three aspects: data variables and

methodology date: this study investigates the significant corporate governance

attributes that may affect the capital structure of non-financial firms listed on the

karachi stock exchange pakistan during 2004-2008. and the final sample set

consists of 775 observations for 155 firms over a period of five years.

this study employed panel data methodology(面板数据方式) because sample

contained data across firms and over time

9、this table is the definition of variables. it includes three parts:

10. dependent variables consist of total debt ratio and long-term debt ratio.

this is a basic formula.

11、secondly:2. empirical results

12、this table is the yearly mean value of shareholding pattern

13、here are some of regression analysis tables, through the multiple

regression analysis the paper gives the conclusions

14、the results is as follows:

capital structure is positively related to board size、outside directors and

ownership concentration. that is to say: a large board serve as a means to obtain

support from external environment;

boards with more independent directors can take on more debt on favorable

terms due to effective monitoring ;

block holders have more ability than dispersed shareholders to force

management to take those actions that maximize the shareholder wealth.

15、on the other hand, capital structure is negative related to managerial

ownership、director remuneration 、profitability and liquidity.


16、in the end, i have a summary:

the results of the paper indicate that corporate governance attributes, in part,

explicate the financing behavior of pakistani firms

and, the empirical results of this study provide support to corporate managers

in establishing an optimal capital structure, and to regulatory authorities for

enacting laws and developing institutional support to make corporate governance

mechanisms work more effectively in the country.

17、thats all, thank you for listen to me, if you are interested in this paper you

can have a study after class

thank you !篇三:英语演讲稿—走近毕加索


topic:getting into picasso

general purpose:to introduce.

specific purpose:to introduce my audience that something about picasso.

main ideas:

o had four main periods in painting.

o’s artistic achievement was very high.

had painted over 20 thousands works.

most expensive painting in the world boy with a pipe was painted by him.


good morning,everyone.i’m zhang know the famous painting moulin

rouge painted by pierre-auguste renoir,but you don’t know that picasso had also

painted it;you know picasso was cubism,but you don’t know other types of

painting also can be painted good by him;you know the man in this painting was

handsome,but you don’t know it’s picasso’s are many things

you don’t know,then today let’s getting into picasso,to know him deeper

(let’s start from the first part,pablo picasso’s main life.)picasso was born on 25

october 1881,spain,and died on 8 april 1973 , france,aged was a spanish

painter, sculptor, printmaker, draughtsman, designer, and ceramicist who spent

most of his career in france. he was the most famous and prolific artist of the 20th

century and exercised enormous influence on his contemporaries.

recurrent theme in picassos works of this the rose period is

characterized by a more cheery style with orange and pink colors, and featuring

many circus people, acrobats and harlequins known in france as saltimbanques.

now you can say you have know picasso a little deeper,but that’s not

enough,like you think the dream is beautiful,but maybe you didn’t realize the

woman has six figures. thank you!篇四:微观经济学小组演讲稿(中英文最终稿)


market efficiency and government intervention 自由市场主义和政府干预保护主


starting with example



united states imposed 5% anti-dumping dutyon gift boxes from china in


美国2011年10月15日对中国光伏产业征收250%的反倾销税 ? united states

imposed 250% anti-dumping duty on china pv industry on october 15,2011.

美国2009年10月24日对中国油井管征收10%~15%的反补贴税 ? united states

imposed 10%~15% anti-subsidy duty on chinese oil well pipes on october 24,2009.


united states imposed2% levy anti-subsidyduty on chinas fastener on

november 7, 2009。



free markets and trade protectionism

【一】自由市场主义学派the free market school


一:理论论证theory of argumentation

① 经济全球化有效地利用世界各地的资源,使得整体国际贸易达到平衡点。为各国提

供了更多的发展机会economic globalization let us effective useresources around the

world, it makes the wholeinternational trade equilibrium achieved. provide more

development opportunities for states


② 极大地丰富和方便了人们的日常生活。greatly enriched and facilitated peoples

everyday lives.

to get rich


二:案例佐证case support

《美国第201号钢铁案》united states no.201 steel raw








事实证明,贸易保护主义弊大于利。united states’s no.201 steel raw announced on

a variety of steel products which imposed for a period of 3 year import tax at 30%

rates to the european union, japan and other 8 kinds of steel products。 in

retaliation for united states raise steel imports tariffs, in july, european impose

union united states goods fortariff at 100% rate, mexico, and japan, and korea have

also increased tariffs or take emergency safeguard measures. , and it is estimated

that the europeans economieslose of 2.4 billion dollarsjust in 2002. united states

also lose of hundreds of millions of dollars at the same time, more led to a 7.4

million unemployment .




showing china to the world



i enjoy my happy live every second living and growing in china. china is an

energetic country with 5000 years history and splendid culture of 56 nations.

symbolic landmarks such as forbidden city, temple of heaven and great wall,

witness the country growing. countless theatres, museums, cultural markets and

restaurants respond foreigners’ curiosities.










our unique way of the olympic torch relay was inspired by ancient chinese silk

road journey. in china, olympic flame had climbed the world peak, everest, crossed

long river and yellow river, stepped on great wall, and also traveled to hong kong,

macao and taiwan…olympic spirit had been delivered through 56 nations with

passion and hopes.

in this year, 2010 shanghai expo focuses on ‘city’ and life. concerning

individual experience of people, once again, china shows its attitude as a great



‘better city, better life’, we have faith on a wonderful future of our city life.








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