2024年4月21日发(作者:eos 7d)
TPO4 listening 问题解析
编辑整理By Serene蘑菇)
1. Why does the man need the woman’s assistance?
Click on 2 answers.
A. He does not know the publication date of some reviews he needs.
B. He does not know the location of the library’s vides collection of plays.
C. He does not know how to find out where the play is currently being
D. He does not know how to determine which newspaper he should look at.
解析:(原文中)Yeah, I need to find a review. It‟s for my English class. We have to find reviews of
the play we are reading. But they have to be from when the play was first performed, so I need to
know when that was and I suppose I should start with newspaper reviews and…
2. What does the woman imply about critical reaction to the play Happy
A. Negative critical reaction led to its content being revised after it
B. The play has always been quite popular among university students.
C. Reactions to the play are more positive nowadays than they were in the
D. The play is rarely performed nowadays because critics have never liked
解析:(原文中)Well, that certainly explains why your professor wants you to read some of
those old reviews. The critiques really tore the play to pieces when it opened. It‟s so controversial.
Nobody had ever seen anything like it on the stage. Oh, sure. Of course the critiques‟ reaction
made some people kind of curious about it. They wanted to see what‟s causing all the fuss.
了很多。B显然与事实相反,D有些混淆,但可以看出critics的态度也有所改变 因此Never
3. What does the woman say about her experience seeing a performance of
Happy Strangers when she was younger?
Click on 2 answers.
A. It was the first play she had seen performed professionally.
B. She saw it against the wishes of her parents.
C. She was surprised at how traditional the performance was.
D. She had a variety of emotional reactions to the play.
解析:(原文中)But I start with 1964, so I think the play had been running for a little while
when I saw it. Well, I was impressed. The actors were famous, and besides it was my
first time in a real theatre. Oh, well I guess you might think that. But when I saw it back
then it was anything but boring. Some parts were really funny, but I remember crying
it was my first time in a real theatre.与A选项相对应。funny, but I remember crying too.
a variety of emotional reactions与D符合。
4. What is the man’s attitude toward his current assignment?
A. He is not confident that he will find the materials he needs.
B. He feels that performing in a play is less boring than reading one.
C. He thinks his review of the play will be more objective than the
contemporary reviews were.
D. He is optimistic that he will learn to appreciate the play he is
解析:(原文中)That‟s a good idea. I‟ll have a better idea of what I really think of it before I
read those reviews.
而B 在The story doesn‟t progress in any sort of logical matter, doesn‟t have real ending either,
just stops. Honestly, you know, I thought it was kind of slow and boring. 中有提到boring但是并
5. Replay: Why does the woman say this?
A. To ask the man to clarify his request.
B. To state the man’s request more precisely.
C. To make sure that she heard the man correctly.
D. To correct a mistake the man has made.
解析:(原文中)You want contemporary reviews. What‟s the name of the play?
Student : It‟s Happy Strangers. It was written in 1962 and we are supposed to write about
its influence on American theatre and show why it‟s been so important.
从学生的回答可以看出woman想要narrow down search的范围,要具体的
6. What is the lecture mainly about?
A. Method s of observing unusual animal behavior.
B. A theory about ways birds attract mates.