



1. A dentist is a medical professional who specializes in oral health

and provides diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of oral diseases.


2. Many people visit the dentist regularly for routine check-ups and

cleanings to maintain good oral hygiene. 许多人定期去看牙医进行例行检查和清洁,以保持良好的口腔卫生。

3. It is recommended to see a dentist at least twice a year to

prevent dental problems and catch any issues early on. 建议每年至少看牙医两次,以预防牙齿问题并及早发现任何问题。

4. Some common dental procedures performed by dentists include tooth

extractions, fillings, root canals, and dental implants. 牙医常见的一些牙科手术包括拔牙、填充、根管治疗和种植牙。

5. Dentists also provide cosmetic dentistry services, such as teeth

whitening, veneers, and orthodontic treatments. 牙医还提供美容牙科服务,如牙齿美白、贴面和正畸治疗。

6. Many people experience dental anxiety or fear, but dentists are

trained to provide a comfortable and safe environment for their

patients. 许多人对牙医感到焦虑或害怕,但牙医接受过培训,为患者提供舒适和安全的环境。

7. Dentists may use various tools and equipment during dental

procedures, including dental drills, scalers, and X-ray machines.


8. It is important to follow the dentist’s instructions for oral

care, such as brushing and flossing regularly, to maintain healthy

teeth and gums. 遵循牙医的口腔护理指导非常重要,如定期刷牙和使用牙线,以保持健康的牙齿和牙龈。

9. Dentists may recommend orthodontic treatment for patients with

misaligned teeth or bite issues to improve their dental health and

appearance. 牙医可能会建议对牙齿不齐或咬合问题患者进行正畸治疗,以改善他们的牙齿健康和外观。

10. In case of dental emergencies, such as severe toothache or a

broken tooth, it is important to seek immediate dental care. 在牙齿急诊情况下,如严重牙痛或断牙,应立即寻求牙科护理。

11. Dentists may use local anesthesia to numb the area before

performing certain dental procedures to minimize pain and

discomfort. 牙医可能会在进行某些牙科手术之前使用局部麻醉来减轻疼痛和不适感。

12. Regular dental check-ups can help detect early signs of oral

diseases, such as gum disease or oral cancer, for timely treatment.


13. Dentists may refer patients to specialists, such as orthodontists

or oral surgeons, for specialized treatments or surgeries if

needed. 如有需要,牙医可能会将患者转诊给专科医生,如正畸医生或口腔外科医生,进行专门治疗或手术。

14. Dentists may provide custom-made mouthguards for patients who

participate in contact sports to protect their teeth from injuries.


15. Dentists play a crucial role in educating patients about proper

oral hygiene practices and the importance of dental care. 牙医在教育患者正确的口腔卫生习惯和牙科护理的重要性方面发挥着关键作用。

16. Some people may require dental braces to straighten their teeth

and correct bite issues, which can be provided by dentists or

orthodontists. 有些人可能需要牙套来矫正牙齿和咬合问题,这可以由牙医或正畸医生提供。

17. Dentists may recommend dental sealants, a thin plastic coating

applied to the teeth, to prevent tooth decay in children and

adults. 牙医可能会建议在儿童和成人牙齿上涂抹薄薄的塑料涂层,以预防龋齿。

18. Regular professional teeth cleaning by a dentist or dental

hygienist can remove plaque and tartar buildup, reducing the risk

of gum disease. 定期由牙医或牙科保健师进行专业的洁牙可以清除牙菌斑和牙石,降低患牙龈疾病的风险。

19. Dentists may use dental X-rays to diagnose dental problems that

are not visible to the naked eye, such as cavities or impacted

teeth. 牙医可能会使用牙科X射线来诊断肉眼不可见的牙齿问题,如龋齿或阻生牙。

20. Good oral health is essential for overall well-being, and regular

visits to the dentist are an important part of maintaining a

healthy smile. 良好的口腔健康对整体健康至关重要,定期看牙医是保持健康笑容的重要组成部分。





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