The Coriolis effect on coherent structures inplanetary boundary layers期刊名称: Journal of Turbulence作者: Esau,Igor年份: 2003年关键词: torsional flown viscoelastic;Oldroyd-B;non-isothermal;viscousdissipation摘要:Coherent structures are often visible in atmospheric boundary layers asconvective clouds and irregular fog. Large eddy simulations (LES) provide data tostudy the coherent structures by means of multivariate methods of statisticalanalysis. One of such methods is a proper orthogonal decomposition (POD). A PODcan isolate most energetic three-dimensional structures in turbulent boundarylayers. Coherent structures in planetary boundary layers (PBLs) were found to beinherently different from those in laboratory boundary layers without backgroundrotation. This study attributes the differences to an interaction between thevorticity of coherent structures and the constant background vorticity of the planetrotation. LES of neutrally stratified PBLs clearly show the Coriolis force effect. TheCoriolis effect supports 内容由中国教育图书进出口有限公司引进