



Labor protective equipment is essential in ensuring the safety and

well-being of workers in various industries. Here, we will

introduce some commonly used labor protective equipment in both

Chinese and English.

1. 头盔 (tóu jī): Helmet

- A helmet is worn to protect the head from falling objects or

accidents that may occur in the workplace.

2. 安全帽 (ān quán mào): Safety hat

- Similar to a helmet, a safety hat is often used in construction

sites to protect workers from falling debris.

3. 防护眼镜 (fáng hù yǎn jìng): Safety goggles

- Safety goggles are worn to protect the eyes from flying

particles, harmful substances, or intense light, such as welding or

laser operations.

4. 防护面具 (fáng hù miàn jù): Face shield

- A face shield is used in conjunction with safety goggles to

provide full face protection from chemical splashes, heat, or other

potential hazards.

5. 防护口罩 (fáng hù kǒu zhào): Respirators

- Respirators, or masks, protect workers from inhaling harmful

airborne substances. There are different types of respirators,

including N95 masks for filtering out particles and masks with

cartridges for filtering specific gases or vapors.

6. 防护服 (fáng hù fú): Protective clothing

- Protective clothing is worn to provide a barrier between the

worker's skin and potential hazards, such as chemicals, heat, or

flames. This includes coveralls, aprons, lab coats, and flame-resistant clothing.

7. 防护手套 (fáng hù shǒu tào): Protective gloves

- Protective gloves are used to protect the hands and fingers from

cuts, burns, chemicals, or other hazards. There are different types

of gloves, such as latex gloves, nitrile gloves, and cut-resistant


8. 防护靴 (fáng hù xuē): Safety boots

- Safety boots provide protection for the feet from heavy objects,

falling objects, or electrical hazards. They often have reinforced

toes and soles for added durability and safety.

9. 耳塞 (ěr sè): Earplugs

- Earplugs are used to protect the ears from loud noises or high-frequency sounds that can cause hearing damage or impairment.

10. 防护耳罩 (fáng hù ěr zhào): Ear muffs

- Similar to earplugs, ear muffs cover the ears to provide

protection from loud noises. They are often used in areas with

continuous loud noise, such as construction sites or factories.

11. 腰带 (yāo dài): Safety belt

- Safety belts, also known as harnesses, are used to prevent falls

from heights. They are commonly used in construction or other

high-risk work environments.

12. 护膝 (hù xī): Knee pads

- Knee pads provide cushioning and protection for the knees,

especially in tasks that require kneeling for extended periods or in

work environments with potential knee injuries.

These are just a few examples of commonly used labor protective

equipment. It is crucial for employers and workers to assess

workplace hazards and provide appropriate safety equipment to

ensure a safe working environment.





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