Foreign Language Teaching
It is not easy to learn a foreign language and it is more difficult
to teach a foreign language The teacher has not only to make her students
understand the language namely the pronunciation vocabulary grammar etc
she she is used to refer to teachers in general and he to learners must
also help develop their communicative competence so that they can use the
language they have learned correctly appropriately and expressively in
real situations So here we talk about aspects of foreign language teaching
including reasons the nature syllabus aims and objectives
Key words foreign language teaching reasons syllabus aims and
关键词 外语教学缘故大纲安排目标
Over the last several decades linguists have put a great emphasis on
the research of Foreign Language Teaching In foreign language teaching
we have to carry out our work with four key concepts language learning
teaching and context Any particular language teaching theory can be
regarded as an expression of these four key concepts
This thesis includes three parts aspects of foreign language teaching
the syllabus and the aims Through the three parts we just want to give
a general description of foreign language teaching
This paper mainly adopts three approaches 1 language teaching
requires an understanding of the nature of language 2 language teaching
demands a view of the learners and the nature of language learning 3
language teaching occurs in a given context
By asking these questions and by attempting to answer them we can
develop refine probe and evaluate language teaching theories more
scientifically and our foreign language teaching practice can be better
guided and oriented
2 Aspects of Foreign Language Teaching
21 Reasons for Studying Foreign Language Teaching
Foreign language teachers know that knowing a language well does not
necessarily mean that you can teach the language well Teaching is an art
as well as a science If you do not understand the theories principles
methods or techniques of teaching you could as well be able to teach a
foreign language based on your experience but you cannot hope to achieve
good results nor can you give your or your colleagues teaching a rational
evaluation or a critical appraisal There are surely limitations in
teaching by drawing only on experience though experience is important The
theories youll learn from the methodology course can guide support and
conceptualize your teaching practice And the new insights youll get by
sharing ideas with other people can bring you great benefit As the old
saying goes Travel broadens the mind In the same way learning Foreign
Language Teaching Methodology will surely broaden the mind of teachers
Methodology courses exist to help prospective as well as in service
teachers develop their own teaching styles and pedagogy rather than to
indoctrinate them to the use of specific models and techniques
The Nature of Foreign Language Teaching
Foreign Language Teaching Methodology is the study of the practices
and procedures used in teaching and the principles and beliefs that
underlie them Methodology includes first the study of the nature of
language skills such as reading writing speaking and listening and
procedures for teaching them Second methodology studies the preparation
of lesson plans materials and textbooks for teaching language skills
Methodology includes the evaluation and comparison of language teaching
methods example the Audiolingual Method versus the Oral-Situational
Method and other related issues concerning effective teaching and
learning such as classroom management the use of technology the assessment
of teaching and learning outcomes and so on
Foreign language teaching is sometimes discussed in terms of three
related aspects approach method and technique It is worth discussing
briefly the differences between the three concepts
When we use the word approach we mean that an idea or theory is being
applied that whatever the teacher does in a classroom certain theoretical
principles are always borne in her mind When we talk about a technique
we mean a procedure used in the classroom Finally a method is a set of
procedures or a collection of techniques used in a systematic way which
it is hoped will result in efficient learning
A technique then is the narrowest term meaning one single procedure
A method will consist a lot of techniques probably arranged in a specific
order The word approach is much more general and has the implication that
whatever methods or techniques the teacher uses she does not feel bound
by these but only by the theory in which she believes If she can find new
and better methods or techniques which will fit in with her approach then
she will adopt them We therefore have a hierarchical system
It follows from this that different approaches may share the same
techniques and even the same methods and different methods may share the
same techniques
At the level of approach there are at least three different
theorectical views of language explicitly or implicitly underlying
currently popular language teaching methods
The structural view
Language is a system of structurally related elements for the coding
of meaning The learning of a target language is seen to be the acquisition
of the elements of this system
The functional view
Language is a vehicle for the expression of meaning This approach
emphasizes the semantic rather than the grammatical potential of language
and leads to a specification or organization of language teaching content
by categories of function rather than by categories of form
The interactional view
Language is a vehicle for the realization of interpersonal relations
and for the performance of social transactions between individuals
Interactional theories focus on the pattern of moves acts and exchanges
in communication Language teaching content may be specified or organized
by patterns of exchange or may be left unspecifiedto be shaped by the
inclination of the learner as interactor
But these theories of language are in themselves incomplete and need
to be complemented by theories of language learning eg the linking of
structuralisma language theory to behaviorisma learning theory produces
audiolingualism The cognitive proponents have attempted to link
structuralism to a more mentalistic and less behavioristic brand of
learning theory We may think that studying a language is primarily
learning a set of physical habits of that it is the produce of a special
language acquisition device peculiar to the human species that students
are motivated principally by a desire to get the right answer or by a desire
to enhance their own self-esteem etc
In other words an approach provides principles to decide what kind
of content and what sort of procedures are appropriate The philosophical
principles provided by an approach have something to do with the nature
of studying And the social-political educational principles have to do
with the purpose of education
Method is a set of procedures or a collection of techniques in a
systematic way which will result in efficient learning A method is based
on systemstic principles and procedures ie it is an application of views
on how a language is best taught and learned Different methods may result
from different views of
1 the nature of language
2 the nature of language learning
3aims and objectives in teaching
4 the type of syllabus to use
5 the role of teachers and instructional materials and
6 the techniques and procedures to use
The method used has usualy been said to be the cause of success or
failure in language learning for ultimately it is the what and the how
of language instruction At the other extreme is the view that methods are
of little importance wherever there is a will to learn the quality of the
learning is what counts There is also the view that the teacher is the
only important element methods are only as good as the teacher who uses
themthey are simply instruments in the hands of the teacher
Technique is simply something we do showing a picture to our students
and talking about it with them in a certain way having the class repeat
sentences in chorus drills dialogues role-plays sentence completion etc
They are the tricks in classroom teaching
Another concept in foreign language teaching is methodology
Methodology is the principles and techniques of teaching with no necessary
reference to linguistics It is the implementation or practice of the
approach It is procedural selection of language presentation concerned
with how to teach in class It studies the practices and procedures used
in teaching and the principles and beliefs that underlie them Methodology
1the study of the nature of language skills eg reading writing
speaking listening and procedures for teaching them
2 the study of the preparation of lessons plans materials and
textbooks for teaching language skills
3 the evaluation and comparison of language teaching methods eg the
Audiolingual Method versus the Oral-Situational Method
4 such practices procedures principles and beliefs themselves
Richards et al 1985 177
In short different theories about the nature of language and how
languages are learnt the approach imply different ways of teaching
language the method and different methods make use of different kinds
of classroom activities the technique
23 Disciplines Contributing to Foreign Language Teaching FLT
In order to know the theory and skills in teaching we should deal with
some basic principles derived from the interaction of aspects of those
fields of study which contribute to the theory and practice of foreign
language teaching
Language teaching involves three main disciplines linguistics
psychology and pedagogy Linguistics provides information about language
in general and about the specific language being taught psychology
describes how learning takes place and pedagogy blends the information
from linguistics and psychology into a compatible method of presentation
in the classroom
Linguistics is the study of language as a system of human
communication It covers a wide field with different approaches and
different areas of investigation such as sound system sentence structure
and meaning system Linguistics has drawn on ideas from sociology to
establish the place and role of language in the sociology of human behavior
and from psychology to investigate among other things how language is
learned The result is two new disciplines sociolinguistics and
psycholinguistics which together with linguistics proper form the central
area of applied linguistics
Sociolinguistics is the study of language in relation to social
factors that is social class educational level and type of education age
sex ethic origin etc Linguists differ as to what they include under
sociolinguistics Many would include the detailed study of interpersonal
communication and also those investigations which relate variations in
the language use by a group of people to social factors
Psycholinguistics is the study of mental processes that a person
undergoes in producing and understanding language and how humans learn
language Psycholinguistics includes the study of speech perception the
role of memory concepts and other processes in language use and how social
and psychological factors affect the use of language
Applied linguistics is the study of second and foreign language
learning and teaching It also studies language and linguistics in relation
to practical problems such as lexicography translation speech phonology
etc Applied linguistics uses information from sociology psychology
anthopology and information theory as well as from linguistics in order
to develop its own theoretical models of language and language use and
then uses this information and theory in practical areas such as syllabus
design speech therapy language planning stylistics etc
This last field is concerned with many language activities eg speech
pathology machine translation mother tongue acquisition literary
analysis etc But for the present purpose its chief relevance is to language
teaching See the following diagram
The conjunction of sociology and psychology with the theory and
practice of English language teaching ELT is a reminder that teaching
of any kind draws upon knowledge from these fields quite apart from
language considerations we get insights from sociology about such matters
as group interaction the status of the teacher and the school in the local
culture the social role of education as a whole from psychology we
understand facts about memory span motivation cognitive development
relating to the process of learning understanding and representing
knowledge mental process of knowing and pedagogy is concerned with class
management questioning techniques lesson planning and teaching
strategies etc Language teaching presupposes a set of operational
principles of language and this is supplied by applied linguistics
24 Factors Influencing Foreign Language Teaching and Learning
Teaching and learning a foreign language inevitably involves
relationships between different aspects of life and teaching English
successfully is not just a question of method Other things influence
English language teaching greatly It is worth trying to examine some of
the underlying factors which can indirectly affect both the learner and
the teacher at a macro level
The study of foreign language teaching and learning reveals that it
is a complex process involving many variables More specifically or at a
micro level the following variables are related to this field of study
Foreign language education policy
The status and roles of a foreign language in society are determined
by the long-term and short-term needs of the country The making of foreign
language education policy must take into consideration the economic and
educational situations of the country With these needs and situations in
mind the government determines the place and proportion of a foreign
language education in primary secondary and tertiary education
considering things such as when the student begins to learn a foreign
language how many hours they need what foreign languages should be learned
what is the percentage of foreign language in the college entrance
examination what is the requirement of a foreign language for university
teachers or science personnel and engineers when they are sent abroad to
study or when they are to be promoted etc
The goal of foreign language education
In order to advance foreign language education more systematically
and avoid waste of money and resources we need to set a goal in foreign
language education for long-term and short-term needs Different goals are
set for different learners for example the goals for secondary education
are different from those for higher education foreign language education
goals for foreign language majors are different from those for non-majors
goals for training teachers are different from those for people who learn
a foreign language for specific purposes
Learners are an important variable in foreign language teaching The
learners motivation intelligence language aptitude educational level age
sex learning strategies individual differences etc all play a part in
foreign language teaching and influence their learning result
There are differences in teachers which definitely influence foreign
language teaching Their attitudes towards their job language expertise
professionalism teaching experiences specialist training in foreign
language teaching flexibility in teaching age sex etc contribute to the
success or failure of their work
A syllabus determines teaching aims objectives contents and methods
The aims might be teaching a dead language for academic research or a
living language for communication training learners abilities of reading
and writing or their abilities of listening and speaking teaching a
foreign language for a specific purpose or for enhancing learners general
According to the writers views of language and views of language
teaching and learning syllabus describes the contents of a language course
and the order in which they are to be taught Language teaching syllabus
may be based on grammatical items and vocabulary then it is a structural
syllabus it may be based on the language needed for different types of
situations then it is a structural-situational syllabus and if it is based
on meanings and communicative functions which the learner needs to express
in the foreign language it is a notional-functional syllabus
Teaching method
Teaching method the way of teaching a foreign language is determined
by syllabus You might use Grammar Translation Method Audiolingual Method
Cognitive-Code Learning Communicative Approach and so on according to
your views of language and language learning According to the specific
course you are teaching and your learners you may choose to use a deductive
method or an inductive method or a mixture of the two In addition method
is affected by the size of the class big or small type of class
intensive or regular in-class teaching or out-class activity target
learners children teenagers or adults etc The coursebook you are using
also determines to a certain extent your teaching method
Teaching materials
Teaching materials or coursebooks generally agree with or reflect
teaching principles teaching aims and objectives and teaching methods
However there are specific principles in the selection and gradation of
materials the design of exercises and activities coordination of titles
and pictures layout etc
Teaching aids
Foreign language teaching is constrained or facilitated by the
economic situation of the country the community and the school Schools
with better financial support may have language laboratories video
players OHPs type recorders computers multimedia etc while schools with
narrow means may only afford pictures the blackboard and chalks Such
differences will surely lead to differences in teaching and learning
Assessment and evaluation
The form of assessment and evaluation has great backwash effects on
foreign language teaching and learning Whether to use summative
assessment or formative assessment discrete-point test or integrative
test subjective test or objective test or a combination of both will have
great bearings on teachers and students
These nine variables are interrelated to each other and restrict and
influence each other The success or failure of foreign language teaching
is the result of the interaction of all these factors However of the nine
learners are the central factor whose importance people have already
realized Therefore the study of foreign language teaching has shifted from
how to teach to how to learn
3 Foreign Language Teaching Syllabus
31 Types of Syllabus
Lets try to identify the key principles of syllabus organization by
examining the types of contents page most often found in the materials
we use
The first of these obviously is organized according to a list of
grammatical structures and is one that will readily be recognized by most
English language teachers The second is based on the communicative and
interpersonal uses to which a language is put and in contrast to the formal
structural system of the first type highlights what people do through
language It is normally referred to as a functional syllabus This design
principle is often found together with another list of items in the same
box they are technically called notions a term used to describe the rather
general and abstract categories which a language is able to express such
as the concepts of time and place For convenience – and in line with common
practice – they are placed together here and the syllabus as a whole is
designated as functional-notional The fourth focuses on language skills
and is concerned with what learners do as speakers listeners readers and
writers The fifth uses topics or themes as its starting point
We can now identify five broad types of syllabus
Grammatical or structural
It is unusual to find just one of these as the only organizing
principle in isolation from the others Most syllabuses are based on a
combination of two or more of the types we have illustrated Some like the
one that follows for example may have a primary and a secondary principle
Indeed many situations and topic-based syllabus are part of a broader
pattern of this kind where a grammatical point to be taught is linked to
an interesting theme or practiced in a real world setting rather than
learned mechanically and outside any context Other syllabuses are
multi-layered using several different principles which ideally are
interwoven in a systematic way
This is a somewhat extreme example but it does show how topics
functions structures skills situations and pronunciation practice can be
brought together
We also need to distinguish between the syllabus itself and a syllabus
inventory The inventory is simply a list of the contents to be covered
in the language program whether it is a list of functional or grammatical
items or of skills or of topics and situations The syllabus is the way
in which those contents are organized and broken down into a set of
teachable and learnable units and will include considerations of pacing
sequencing and grading of items methods of presentation and practice and
so on
32 A Clarification of TermsSyllabus and Curriculum
In the existing literature on language education the terms CURRICULUM
and SYLLUSBUM are sometimes used interchangeably sometimes
differentiated and sometimes misused and misunderstood Likewise the terms
syllabus design and curriculum development are causing confusion among
both researchers and practitioners There are at least two reasons for this
chaotic use of the terms One reason is that the two terms are used
differently in British English and American English The other is that the
concept of curriculum has changed in the past years Stern 1983 provides
an attempt to clarify these two terms
The term curriculum is commonly used in two related senses It refers
first to the substance of a program of studies of an educational
institution or system Thus we can speak of the school curriculum the
university curriculum the curriculum of the French Schools or the
curriculum of Soviet education In a more restricted sense it refers to
the course of study or content in a particular subject such as the
mathematics curriculum or the history curriculum It is therefore used as
a synonym of what in British universities and schools is sometimes
referred to as the syllabus for a given subject or course of studies In
recent years however the term curriculum has come to refer not only the
subject matter or content but also to the entire instructional proces