One day, Tutu was playing in the park with his friends.
Suddenly, he saw a butterfly flying by and got so excited
that he chased it into a nearby forest. As he followed the
butterfly deeper and deeper into the woods, he realized he
was all alone.
The sun was beginning to set, and Tutu felt scared. He
didn't know which way to go. He shouted out loud, hoping
someone would hear him, but the forest seemed empty. The
rustling of the leaves and the chirping of the birds only
made him feel more lost.
Just then, he spotted a squirrel scurrying up a tree.
Tutu waved his hands and shouted, "Hey, squirrel! Can you
help me find my way back?" The squirrel paused, looked at
him curiously, and then continued its climb. Tutu felt
disappointed but knew he had to keep going.
Walking through the dim forest, Tutu tried to remember
the landmarks he passed on the way. He spotted a stream and
followed it, hoping it would lead him back to the park.
After a while, he heard voices in the distance. His heart
leaped with joy as he realized it was his parents and
friends calling for him.
Running towards the voices, Tutu was overjoyed to see
his family. His mom hugged him tightly and said, "We were
so worried about you, Tutu. Never run off like that again."
Tutu nodded, feeling both relieved and ashamed. He learned
a valuable lesson that day: always stay with his family and
friends, no matter how exciting something might seem.