1、英国宪法:British Constitution
Britain doesn’t have a constitution written down in a single
document. The constitution flows from 6 sources:1) The Royal
Prerogatives 皇家特权
2) *Statute Laws成文法, They are Acts of Parliament and
legislation made under powers conferred by Parliament.
They are a large amount of ‘unwritten’law gathered from
numerous decisions of the courts and other sources
3) *Common Laws 普通法, 判例法
4) *Conventions 习惯法It is one of the main components of
the British
Constitution. It refers to the Bills which have been passed by
5) Authoritative Opinions 权威意见
6) European Union Laws 欧盟法
2、英国议会:British Parliament
The Parliament is made up of three elements: The Crown (the
Queen); The House of Lords;The House of Commons. The real
centre of parliamentary power lies in the House of Commons. It
is the supreme law making institution in Britian. The Parliament
has other functions: such as control and criticize the executive
government; control the raising and the spending of money.
BBC is the short for British Broadcasting Corporation. The
company was founded in 1922. It is the largest broadcaster in the
world, with about 23,000 staff. Its main responsibility is to provide
public service broadcasting in the United Kingdom, Channel
Islands and Isle of Man. The main channels are TV/radio
channels ,public service, BBC 1 & BBC 2. It is the principal public
service broadcaster in the United Kingdom, with its headquarters
at Broadcasting House in the City of Westminster, London.
TV/radio channels.
4、下议院The House of Commons
The House of Commons is the most powerful and important
element in UK. It is the real center of British political life. There
are three main functions, make laws; control and criticize the
executive government; control the raising and spending of
money . Every member of Parliament is elected by a constituency.
The people who gets most votes deserve to be elected. There are
650 members in Common house. There are known as members
of Congress.
5、上议院The House of Lords
It exercises the supreme judicial power. It is an important part
of Parliament. The Lords acts as a revising chamber for legislation
and its work complements the business of the Commons. It must
pass all financial legislation sent to it from the House of
Commons, and can delay other Bills for only one year. It has a
special judicial function. There are about 1160 members.
Members are mostly appointed by the Queen, a fixed number are
elected internally and a limited number of Church of England
archbishops and bishops sit in the House. Most of them are
hereditary peers of the realm. Some of them are non-hereditary
6、内阁The Cabinet
The British cabinet is the highest organ of State
Administration. The prime minister is the head of government,
the cabinet is the leading center of the government. The Cabinet
is composed of the chiefs of the most important ministries and
departments. It consists of The Minister of Defense, the Foreign
Secretary and the Chancellor of the Exchequer. It is appointed by
the Queen with the advice of the PM. The most senior members
of the Cabinet are the Deputy Prime Minister, Foreign Secretary,
Chancellor of the Exchequer and Home Secretary. There has
never been a set number for posts within the Cabinet. The most
common figure for a Cabinet is 22. They are called the Cabinet
1、英国教育体系British Education
The oldest schools in UK are Oxford and Cambridge. It has
comprehensive schools, grammar school ,public
comprehensive schools are the most popular secondary schools
in Britain today. They select its intake without considering their
students’ academic background. They provide a general
education that people can learn everything from academic
subjects like literature to more practical subjects like cook ing.
Actually private schools are called independent schools .they are
actually private schools. They are funded by a combination of
endowments, tuition fees and other non-governmental funding.
They are long established and have gained a high academic
standard as well as their exclusiveness and snobbery. Boy’s
public schools include such schools as Eton and Harrow. Girl’s
famous public schools Roedean. Public schools are not part of
national educational system and are restricted to the students
whose parents are competitively rich.
2、Does it mean that the Queen is “a useless relic of a
bygone age” ? The queen represents the British Sovereign .It can
be seen as having two roles: Head of State, and 'Head of the
As Head of State, The Queen undertakes political duties
which have developed over one thousand years of history.
There are also inward duties: To appoint a new Prime
Minister; To summon, prorogue and dissolve Parliament; To sign
acts of Parliament,; To hold meetings with the Prime Minister. To
serve as the commander-in-chief of the Armed forces and the
Supreme governor the Church of England.
The Queen has long been regarded with considerable
respect and affection by her people! Most probably its real
importance lies in its effect on public attitudes.
“Although she has almost no power, she counts a lot just by
being there.”
She is above party politics, serving as a symbol of national
unity, & “lending dignity & significance to all things done in her
name”. So it is not a useless relic of a bygone age.
3、君主立宪制Constitutional Monarchy
It is a form of government in which a monarch acts as head
of state within the parameters of a written or unwritten
constitution. It is one in which the
Monarch respects the Constitution. In the Glorious
Revolution (1688),
William and Mary became the joint rulers of Britain, and the
Monarchy began. The bill of Rights passed by the Parliament
in 1689 after
the Glorious Revolution. The bill marked the beginning of the
Constitutional Monarchy.
4、两大政党The Conservative Party the Labour Party
The Conservative Party is the major right-wing party in
Britain ;
It is supported by middle or up classes such as landowners,
businessmen and nobles; and represent the interests of the
monopoly bourgeoisie and aristocracies, support free enterprise
and opposed to nationalization and to extending social services ;
Beliefs:Government: central control, a strong legal system—
more police, school discipline;
Free-market: lower taxes;
Welfare provision: cleaner hospitals;
Nationalism: controlled immigration;
the Labour Party is the principal left party in England,
Scotland and Wales since the 1920s , and represent the interests
of the working class as against the interests of the employers, in
favor of nationalization as key industries;
Beliefs:Government: work together, nationally and
internationally; (more opportunity, more growth: trade deals,
help offered to poor countries, to stimulate domestic economy );
take action, not to let recession run its course ;
New measures: banking reforming, policing, crime reduction,
public services, etc.
Fairness: fair chances for all; fair rules;