篇一:Female inferiors性别歧视英语作文
Female inferiors
Decades ago, Chairman Mao succinctly settled the age-old debate
about gender equality when he stated that "woman holds up
half of the sky". Male superiority so out of place in this age,
when women are said to be equal to men in many aspects. However,
we very grieved discovery already said goodbye to feudalism several
hundred years China to be still unable get rid of the treatment of
woman as inferiors thought the fetter. In this advanced society,
phenomenon of female inferiors not only existing stably but also
taking control of our minds and indicates in many fields. To begin
with, take employment for example, women are excluded from the
major department of productions. Many significant occupations
such as executive or professional jobs prefer hiring male rather than
woman. Moreover, man still holds perception that women should
do more household routine, nurture their offspring and take care of
pets. Last but not the least, people living in remote areas believed
that men are superior to women, until this status does not also get
thorough improvement now. When a woman got pregnant, they
were begging for a son instead of a daughter.
To prevent these troublesome already mentioned from happen
again, we should create feministic atmosphere, promote gender
equality and ask man to do household chores, because in a family
where roles of men and women are not sharply separated and
where many household tasks are
shared to a certain extent, notions of male superiority are hard to
Girls: Household Servants
When a boy is born in most developing countries, friends and
relatives exclaim congratulations. A son means insurance. He will
inherit his father's property and get a job to help support the
family. When a girl is born, the reaction is very different. Some
women weep when they find out their baby is a girl
because, to them, a daughter is just another expense. Her place is
in the home, not in the world of men. In some parts of India,
it's traditional to greet a family with a newborn girl by saying,
"The servant of your household has been born."
A girl can't help but feel inferior when everything around her
tells her that she is worth less than a boy. Her identity is forged as
soon as her family and society limit her opportunities and declare