1) 1 pond.2 other3 hot 4 warm5 play6 manners7 remember8 advice
My first home was a beautiful meadow with a pond of clear water. There were some large trees near the p
1 ..On one side of the meadow was a field and on the o2 was the house of our master, Farmer Grey.
During the day I ran around the meadow with my mother. At night I lay next to her. When it was h3 we
stood under the trees by the pond. When it was cold we stayed in a w4 shed.
There were six young colts in our meadow. I used to p 5 with them, and had great fun. But one day my mother
whinnied to me and said:
“The colts don't have good m6 . But you are well-bred and are going to grow up gentle and good. Now, r7 , do
your work well and don't bite or kick."
I never forgot my mother's a 8 ' .
2)1 something2 heard3 through4 broken5 rider6 again7 later8 dead
One day before I was two years old, s1 strange happened I was eating grass with the other colts when we
h2the sound of dogs.
"They can smell a hare-," said my mother.
Just then a hare tried to get t3 the fence. We heard a scream, and that was the end of her'.
By the brook' lay two horses and a rider'.
The man's neck is b4 ," said my mother.
The r5 was George Gordon, a tall young man who was Squire' Gordon's only son.
When the vet saw the black horse he shook his head. There was a bang and the horse did not move a6 .
A few days l7 , we heard the church bells. Some men were carrying George Gordon to the churchyard'.
And I knew that a beautiful horse and a young man were d8 , all because of one little hare.
3)1 bigger2 decided3 teach 4 bite5 wearing6 rode7 used8 too 9 bad
As I grew b1 , I became handsome. My coat was bright and black, I had one white foot and a pretty
white star on my forehead. When I was four years old Squire Gordon d2 to buy me. Then Farmer Grey
began to break me in.
'Breaking in' means to t3 a horse to wear a saddle and bridle, and to carry a person on his back. He
mustn't speak to other horses, or b4 , or kick, but he must always do what his master says.
I hated w5 a bits in my mouth. It was horrible, like a metal finger between my teeth. The saddle was
not so bad. One morning, my master r6 me round the meadow. I was proud to carry him, and I soon got u7
to it.
But I didn't like the iron shoes. They were very stiff7 and heavy on my feet. But in time I got used to that
t8 .
My mother told me: “There are good men like our master, but there are b9 men too. I hope you have
good masters. But remember, always do your best."
4)1 took2 horses3 before4 met5 answered6 name7 friends8 comfortable9 sweet 10 grass
Early in May a man t1 me to Squire Gordon's home, near the village of Birtwick. My new stable was large
and comfortable There was a little fat grey pony next to me.
"How do you do? What is your name?" I said.
He said, "My name is Merrylegs. I hope you are good-tempered I don't like h2 that bite'."
He looked over at a tall chestnuts horse. In the afternoon, when she went out, Merrylegs told me about her.
"That's Ginger," he said."She bites. One day she bit James, the groom. She says no one was kind to her b3 .
But James and John Manly, our grooms, are very good to us, and Squire Gordon doesn't whip' his horses, so I
think she's going to like it here."
The next morning John took me for a ride. On the way back we m4 the Squire and Mrs Gordon.T he Squire
asked John:"“Well, John, what's the new horse like?"
And John a5 : “Excellent, sir.".
Mrs Gordon said, "He's a beauty. Let's call him Black Beauty."
“Black Beauty?" said the Squire. “Yes, that's a very good n6 ."
A few days later I went out with Ginger, and we got on well And I soon became great f7 with Merrylegs too.
He was a favourite with everyone. The little girls, Jessie and Flora, loved to play with him and their little dog
I was very happy in my new home. Everyone who worked there was kind, I had a c8 stable and good food.
And best of all, we had a day free every Sunday in the summer, when we spent the day in the old orchard.
The grass was soft there, the air was s9 , and we did just what we liked. We galloped, we lay down, we rolled'
on our backs and ate the g10 . And we stood under the large chestnut tree' and told stories.