成品检验Checking of finished products
检验,检查inspection, check
商检commodity inspection
领面松wrinkles at top collar
领面紧top collar appears tight
领面起泡crumples at top collar
领外口松collar edge appears loose
领外口紧collar edge appears tight
底领伸出collar band is longer than collar
底领缩进collar band is shorter than collar
底领里起皱wrinkles at collar band facing
底领外露collar band lean out of collar
倘领偏斜collar deviates from front center line
领窝不平creases below neckline
后领窝起涌bunches below back neckline
驳头起皱wrinkles at top lapel
驳头反翘top lapel appears tight
驳头外口松lapel edge appears loose
驳头外口紧lapel edge appears tight
驳口不直lapel roll line is uneven
串口不直gorge line is uneven
领卡脖tight neckline
领离脖collar stand away from neck
小肩起皱puckers at shoulders
塌肩wrinkles at shoulder