A range of barriers affect EI issues including: whether the practices work; whether firm context
affects EI practices; general barriers limiting the effectiveness of EI; and management motives.
Definition: EI represents a concerted attempt by employers to find participative ways in
which to manage their staff. Its aims are those which support the achievement of
management’s goals, either directly in relation to Or indirectly
through higher levels of employee commitment, satisfaction and identification with their
employer. (Marchington, 2001:234)
Classical school of management: workers as ‘machine minders’
EI: workers as valuable assets, win-win approach; organisational needs for high levels of
employee performance and employees’ demand for autonomy and self-expression in work
Characteristics (
EI VS Industrial democracy (ID) (Marchington, 2005)
management-initiated; Individualist, stressed direct communications with individual
ID rooted in ideas of employee rights, but EI stemmed from an economic efficiency
argument, make business sense to involve employees, as a committed workforce.
Types of involvement and participation
1. Direct/full participation
1) Consultative
a. Individual consultation
b. Group consultation
2) Delegate
a. Individual delegation
b. Group delegation
2. Indirect /Partial or representative participation
1) Collective bargaining
2) Joint consultation
3. Financial participation
Direct EI practices
Downward communication
Upward problem-solving
Financial involvement
Task participation and team working
Potential benefits of EI
The communication and work-force understanding of management policy
Employee commitment – benefits of voice
Industrial relations
5. ↑Productivity, quality and business performance
6. ↓absenteeism
Why are EI needed (Sisson and Storey)
1. Keep workers in the same direction towards org goals
2. Help firm to achieve competitive advantages in such competitive environments
3. Firms cannot afford the managerial hierarchies.(i.e.上级管不好下属)
Managerial hierarchies: 上级有责任确保下属“拿多少工资就得办多少事”
4. The real advances are much more likely to come from internal flexibility leading to improved
organizational capacity.
5. management should positively promote some form of indirect or
representative collective voice for employees
Impact of EI on employee’s attitudes and Performance (does it works?) Marchington et
al (1992)
1. Employee interest in EI
a. Employees are attracted to the idea of being involved at work and to the concept
of involvement and participation
b. Employees are not satisfied with employers acting without some effort to keep
them informed
c. Employees like to have the opportunity to find out why decisions have been made,
plus the potential to influence those which are felt to be within their own domain
and about which they feel able to contribute ideas.
2. Employee attitudes and commitment
a. Positive
i. Some observers claim that EI leads to higher levels of employee
commitment to or identification with employing organizations, and
improved levels of corporate or business unit performance
ii. Patterson et al (1997): failure in EI make US firms fall behind the Japanese firms
b. Negative
i. Kelly and Kelly (1991)EI is welcomed by workers but little evidence of a
positive impact on attitudes
ii. McGrath (1999) and Pendleton et all‟s (1998): little evidence shows employee
shareholders (share ownership: one type of EI) have much influence over the
level of profits or the distribution of rewards.
Why are managers interested in EI
1. EI is part of a broader HRM approach
a. Pros:
Integrated HR strategy; New management style and shift from control to
b. Cons
EI so often marginal/decorative to main business issues (i.e. not main
Competing priorities in management
EI not always appear the main trend