


《豪勇七蛟龙 The Magnificent Seven (2016) 》英中字幕

Go on!

Seem a little lonely. Need some company?

Make some time for you, little missy.

- Yeah! - Come on, move! Get out of the way!

- Hurry. - Quickly.


- Come on, come on!

- Come on.

- Move it!

- Get out of the way, now!

Fire in the hole!

That's Mr. Bogue's gold!

Move. Get out of the way!

Out of the road!

This gold's heavy.

Another wagon coming from town!

- Must be a lot in there. - You folks stay back!

Stay away from the gold!

- Get right inside. You, get up there! - Get going!

There's more gold in the wagon.

Hurry up. Get the rest of those cases.

Ain't right how these men are being treated.

They fought in the war.

Line your asses up and get paid.

- All right, let's go. - Let's go! Move!

- All right, boys, line up. - Move. Come on!

Get that wagon back to the mine.

Let's move! Move!

What about our water?

Bogue's gonna come back, and he's gonna try and take this land.

- What about our families? - What about Bogue?

Hey, calm down! Calm down!

Our crops are dying!

He's telling us that the water's poison?

- It's a lie! - It is a lie.

Otherwise, why does he have Blackstones keeping us away from it?

- He's just a man, Turner. - He's a man with an army, Phillips!

- He's a man with a claim to mine a mountain. - He's trying to run us out of town.

And his miners are camping on the edge of our town!

A man seizing our land.

A man with dozens of hired guns on his payroll.

We know that, Turner.

- Who's gonna stand up to a man like that? - We will.

- But how? With what? - We're just farmers.

To Bogue?

- There are laws on our side. - Bogue is the law, Matthew.

文档号:HLDOC2 创建时间:12/7/2016 9:24:42 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档! (第 1 / 34页)

《豪勇七蛟龙 The Magnificent Seven (2016) 》英中字幕

Bought and paid for.

- Even got our sheriff on his payroll! - And his deputies.

- And that's why I say we fight. - I say we fight. Yeah.

I ain't fighting, and I ain't leaving neither.

- Well, what are you gonna do? - God will provide.

That is right, Brother Phillip. The Lord surely will provide.

Now, now. Bogue is a businessman.

If you just reason with him, he'll give you a fair share.

- Yeah. Right. Sure he will. - Fair share, Gavin?

You're the only one making money here!

No, you and your whores.

Now, Ben, that ain't fair.

You know that. You were there the other night.

You know that's a lie now, Gavin!

- Please, brothers - You know that's a lie.

- Please, brothers and sisters. - Reason?

Ask the Dennehys how far reasoning got them.

He burned all the Dennehys' crops!

- Our farms are rotting. - That's right.

It's only a matter of time before he drives all of us out of here.

For the sake of our children,

I believe it's time we leave Rose Creek.

- To where? - And where are we gonna go?

- I know you're scared. - I've given everything I have.

We all are, but we came far to get here.

Suffered losses too painful to bear to make this our home.

- Praise God. - Amen.

We did it.

All of us.


This valley is ours.

- I agree with Matthew. - I'm with Matthew.

This is the Lord's house. It's no place for guns.

There are women and children.

Mr. Bogue.

This is what you love, what you'd die for.

And what your children

and your children's children will work on, suffer for,

be consumed by.

Look at me, boy. Come on up here.

Come on, boy. Come on!

It's okay, son.

Now, I come here for gold.


文档号:HLDOC2 创建时间:12/7/2016 9:24:42 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档! (第 2 / 34页)





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