XX市人民政府办公厅:General Office, the People’s Government of XX Municipality
XX市发展计划委员会(XX市粮食局):Development Planning Commission of XX Municipality (Grain
Administration of XX Municipality)
XX市经济委员会(内设XX市安全生产监督管理局):Economic Commission of XX Municipality (Bureau of
Work Safety of XX Municipality)
XX市商业局:Bureau of Commerce of XX Municipality
XX市教育局:Bureau of Education of XX Municipality
XX市科学技术局:Bureau of Science and Technology of XX Municipality
XX市民族宗教事务局:Bureau of Ethnic and Religious Affairs of XX Municipality
XX市公安局:Bureau of Public Security of XX Municipality
XX市监察局:Bureau of Supervision of XX Municipality
XX市民政局:Bureau of Civil Affairs of XX Municipality
XX市司法局:Bureau of Justice of XX Municipality
XX市财政局:Bureau of Finance of XX Municipality
XX市人事局:Bureau of Personnel of XX Municipality
XX市劳动和社会保障局:Bureau of Labour and Social Security of XX Municipality
XX市国土资源和房屋管理局:Bureau of Land Resources and Housing Management of XX Municipality
XX市建设委员会:Construction Commission of XX Municipality
XX市交通委员会:Communications Commission of XX Municipality
XX市水利局:Bureau of Water Resources of XX Municipality
XX市农业局 (XX市海洋与渔业局):Bureau of Agriculture of XX Municipality (Bureau of Marine and
Fishery of XX Municipality)
XX市对外贸易经济合作局:Bureau of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation of XX Municipality
XX市文化局:Bureau of Culture of XX Municipality
XX市卫生局:Bureau of Health of XX Municipality
XX市人口和计划生育局:Family Planning Bureau of XX Municipality
XX市审计局:Bureau of Audit of XX Municipality
XX市环境保护局:Bureau of Environmental Protection of XX Municipality
XX市新闻出版和广播电视局(XX市版权局):Administration of Press, Publication, Radio and Television
of XX Municipality (Copyright Bureau of XX Municipality)
XX市城市规划局:Bureau of Urban Planning of XX Municipality
XX市市政园林局:Bureau of Urban Utilities and Landscaping of XX Municipality
XX市市容环境卫生局:Bureau of City Appearance, Environment and Sanitation of XX Municipality
XX市体育局:Administration of Sports of XX Municipality
XX市统计局:Statistics Bureau of XX Municipality
XX市物价局:Price Control Administration of XX Municipality
XX市工商行政管理局:Administration of Industry and Commerce of XX Municipality
XX市林业局:Forestry Administration of XX Municipality
XX市质量技术监督局:Administration of Quality and Technology Supervision of XX Municipality
XX市药品监督管理局:Drug Administration of XX Municipality
XX市知识产权局:Intellectual Property Office of XX Municipality
XX市旅游局:Tourism Administration of XX Municipality
XX市人民政府法制办公室:Legislative Affairs Office, the People’s Government of XX Municipality
XX市人民政府外事办公室:Foreign Affairs Office, the People’s Government of XX Municipality
XX市人民政府侨务办公室:Overseas Chinese Affairs Office, the People’s Government of XX
XX市人民政府台湾事务办公室:Taiwan Affairs Office, the People’s Government of XX Municipality
XX市人民政府研究室(XX市经济体制改革办公室):Research Office, the People’s Government of XX
Municipality (Office of Economic Restructuring of XX Municipality)
XX市机构编制委员会办公室 :Office of Government Set-up Committee of XX Municipality
XX市人民防空办公室:Office of Civil Air Defense of XX Municipality
XX市人民政府打击走私领导小组办公室:Office for Combating Smuggling, the People’s Government of XX
XX市爱国卫生运动委员会办公室:Patriotic Health Committee of XX Municipality
XX市无线电管理办公室:Administration of Radio of XX Municipality
XX市劳动教养工作管理局:Administration of Reeducation through Labour of XX Municipality
XX市人民政府参事室(XX市文史研究馆):Counselor’s Office, the People’s Government of XX
Municipality (Research Institute of Culture and History, the People’s Government of XX
XX市人民政府驻###办事处: Representative Office in ###, the People’s Government of XX
XX市人民政府驻北京办事处: Representative Office in Beijing, the People’s Government of XX
XX经济技术开发区:XX Economic and Technological Development Zone
XX高新技术产业开发区:XX New and Hi-tech Industrial Development Zone
XX出口加工区:XX Export Processing Zone
XX保税区:XX Free Trade Zone
XX南沙经济技术开发区管理委员会:Administration of XX Nansha Economic and Technological Development
XX XXX开发区建设指挥部:XX Headquarters of XXX Development Zone
General Office, the People’s Government of XX Province
XX省发展计划委员会 (XX省粮食局) Development Planning Commission of XX Province
(Grain Administration of XX Province)
XX省经济贸易委员会(XX省国防科学技术工业办公室,内设XX省安全生产监督管理局) Economic and
Commission of XX Province (Office of Science,Technology and Industry for National Defense of XX
Province, Bureau of Work Safety of XX Province)
XX省教育厅 Department of Education of XX Province
XX省科学技术厅 Department of Science and Technology of XX Province
XX省民族宗教事务委员会 Ethnic and Religious Affairs Commission of XX Province
XX省公安厅 Department of Public Security of XX Province