Pandemic proportions a widespread occurrence of a
disease affecting a large population across a wide
geographic area, often used to describe a global outbreak
of an infectious disease.
Epidemic proportions a widespread occurrence of a
disease affecting a large population in a localized area,
such as a city or region.
Endemic proportions a constant presence of a disease
within a population or geographic area, often referring to
a disease that is always present at a low level.
Sporadic outbreaks occasional, isolated occurrences of
a disease that do not reach epidemic or pandemic levels.
Outbreak a sudden increase in the number of cases of a
disease in a specific geographic area, often used to
describe a localized outbreak that may or may not reach
epidemic proportions.
Incidence the number of new cases of a disease that
occur in a population over a specific period of time, often
expressed as a rate per 100,000 people.
Prevalence the total number of cases of a disease that
exist in a population at a specific point in time, often
expressed as a percentage of the population.
Morbidity the state of being diseased or injured, often
used to describe the extent of illness and disability
caused by a disease.
Mortality the rate of death from a specific disease or
condition, often expressed as a number of deaths per
100,000 people over a specific period of time.
Case fatality rate the proportion of people who die
from a specific disease among those who are infected with
the disease.
1. 肆虐成灾 指疾病大范围流行,波及范围广,造成重大影响。
2. 蔓延成灾 指疾病在较小范围内广泛流行,造成局部地区严
3. 常发性流行 指疾病在某一地区或人群中长期存在,始终保
4. 零星暴发 指疾病偶尔在局部地区出现,但未达到流行的程
5. 暴发 指疾病在特定地区突然快速上升,可能达到流行甚至
6. 发病率 指在某一特定时期内,每 10 万人口中新发疾病的
7. 患病率 指在某一特定时间点,每 10 万人口中患有该疾病
8. 发病率变化 指疾病发病率随时间或地区的变化情况。
9. 病死率 指在特定时期内,某一疾病患者的死亡率,通常以
每 10 万人口中死亡人数表示。
10. 病例致死率 指某一疾病感染者中死亡人数所占的比例。