




Steel door 钢质门

Crack paint series 裂纹油漆门

Embossing door 浮雕板门

Electrolysis board 电解板门

Imitate copper door仿铜门

Solid wood compound door 实木复合门

High class craft door 工艺木门

PVC free coating door PVC 免漆门

High polymer free coating door 高分子免漆

Interior steel- wooden door室内钢木门

HDF molded door 模压门

Stainless door 不锈钢门

Aluminum alloy door 铝合金门

Plastic steel door 塑钢门

Bolt 螺栓

Reinforced side locking point 加固侧端锁

Door viewer 猫眼

Thickened door leaf 加厚门扇

Main lock 主锁

Door leaf 门扇

Magnetic seal 门吸

Doorframe 门框

new-style reinforced hinge 新款加固合页

Luminous stealth doorbell 夜光隐藏门铃

Gas-bag magnetic seal 磁性密封条

Surface processing effect 表面处理效果

Stainless steel doorsill 不锈钢门挡

Bolt 螺栓

super-thick door leaf triple anti- theft bolt


Machine lock 机械锁

Pull 拉手

Door sill 门挡

Single color 单色

Width 宽 height 高 long 长 thickness


Door formula line 门套线

Combined door formula big panel 门框

Door ward bar 门档条

Wooden screw 木质螺丝

Sheet iron 铁板

Batten 板条

Natural stuffing 自然填充物


Steel plate 铁板

Powder coated 喷塑

Phosphate 磷化

Anti-ultraviolet 防紫外线

Rock wool 石棉


UPVC windows UPVC窗户

Aluminum window 铝合金窗户

Window blinds 百叶窗

Steel window 铁窗

Parapet wall 护栏

Top hung fanlight 顶悬气窗

Moulding 装饰线条

Top rail 上横档

Locking handle 把手

Friction hinge 摩擦教练

Jamb 侧柱

Transom 横梁

Cill 窗台

Mullion 树框

Stay 支撑杆

Bottom rail 下横档

Vertical sliding 垂直滑动

Triple track 三轨道


School desk 学校桌子

Fitting 配件

Apartment bed 学校公寓床

Dining table 餐桌

Laboratory 实验室家具

Blackboard 黑板

Library furniture 图书馆家具

Platoon chair 体育馆排椅

Child school desk 儿童桌子

Particle board/flake board/Chipboard 刨花板

Plywood 多层板/胶合板

MDF 密度板

Melamine 三聚氰胺

Fireproofing board, high pressure laminate

board (HPL Board) 防火板

Edge banding strip 封边

Grain 纹理

Formaldehyde Emission 甲醛释放量

Moulded board 模压板


Fiber glass/fiber reinforced plastics 玻璃钢

Chemical-Resistant Laminate 理化板

Round Steel/steel rod 钢筋

Steel circle tube 钢管

square tube 方管

Rectangle tube 矩形管

Flat steel bar 扁铁

Angle iron 角钢

Surface electrostatic powder spraying/powder

coatings 喷塑


Boss table 班台

Book counter 文件柜

Computer table 电脑桌

Sofa 沙发


Bedroom furniture 卧室家具

Studio furniture 书房家具

Child combination 儿童组合

Closet 衣柜

Television cabinet 电视柜

Shoes cabinet 鞋柜

Kitchen furniture 厨房家具

Leisure furniture 户外家具

Trash can 垃圾桶

Healthy boby equipment 健身器材

Goods frame 货架

Ladder 梯子





金属窗 metal windows

钢窗 steel windows

铝窗 aluminum windows

不锈钢窗 stainless steel windows

木窗 wood windows

塑料窗 vinyl windows

特种窗 special windows

室外上卷式百叶窗 exterior roll-up windows




屋顶窗 roof windows


窗五金 window hardware & specialties

门窗配件 door and window accessories

玻璃及相关制品 GLAZING

玻璃 glass

推拉窗:Sliding Window

节省空间,经济、适用:Save space, economic,

and practical


for home, office partitions, hotels and other


Save space

适合家庭、宾馆、酒店等场所:Suitable for

families, hotels, places such as hotels

圆弧窗:Arc Window


Design,To meet different building structures

适合住宅、公寓、别墅等:Suitable for

residential, apartment, villa, etc

平开上悬窗 top-hung window

压条:glazing bead窗框:all kinds of frames

推拉扇:push pull door leaf 铝合金窗:

aluminum alloy window

铝合金窗纱:aluminum alloy wire netting

铝合金窗轨:al-alloy curtain rod

铝合金窗扇:aluminum alloy sash

铝门窗料:aluminum window door and


铝门窗锁:lock for aluminum door and


辅助配件:Auxiliary accessories

坚固、高档、美观:Rugged, high-grade and


且具有隔热、保湿功能:And has heat

insulation, heat preservation function

适合家庭、单位、酒店等场所:Suitable for

families, units, places such as hotels

内倒内开,双重功能,节省空间:Within the

open within the inverted, double feature,



钢质门: Steel door

仿铜门: Imitate copper door

冷轧钢板: Cold-rolled steel sheet:

蜂窝纸: Honeycomb material :

防火棉: Fireproof mountain cork

防火石膏: Fireproof gypsum

气窗: Transom

门头: Door header

门柱: Door pillar

单门: Single door

双开门: Ddouble door

子母门: Son-mother door

子门:Secondary door

母门: Primary door

门扇:Door leaf

门框:Door frame

螺栓: Bolt

侧锁点:Side locking point

猫眼:Door viewer

主锁:Main lock

密封条:Magnetic seal

铰链/合页: Hinge

门铃:Door bell




喷塑:Powder coating

热转印:Heat transfer printing

金属漆:Metallic paint:

仿铜漆:Imitation copper paint


学校桌子School desk


学校公寓床Apartment bed

餐桌Dining table

实验室家具 Laboratory

黑板 Blackboard


图书馆家具 Library furniture

体育馆排椅 Platoon chair

儿童桌 Child school desk子

刨花板 Particle board/flake board/Chipboard

多层板/胶合板 Plywood

密度板 MDF

三聚氰胺 Melamine

防火板 Fireproofing board, high pressure

laminate board (HPL Board)

封边 Edge banding strip

纹理 Grain

甲醛释放量 Formaldehyde Emission

模压板 Moulded board

玻璃钢 Fiber glass/fiber reinforced plastics

理化板 Chemical-Resistant Laminate

钢筋 Round Steel/steel rod

钢管 Steel circle tube

方管 square tube

矩形管 Rectangle tube

扁铁 Flat steel bar

角钢 Angle iron

喷塑 Surface electrostatic powder

spraying/powder coatings

高质量不褪色 A high degree of


机械磨蚀 Abrasion

磨损硬度 Abrasion hardness

砂带 Abrasive band

网兜 Basket shelf

钢木室内门 Interior steel-wood door

强化木门(三聚氰胺木门)Melamine wood


实木复合油漆门/烤漆门 Solid wood

compound door

PVC免漆室内门 PVC door

模压门 HDF molded door

塑钢门 UPVC door

三聚氰胺层压: melamine lamination

蜂窝纸: honeycomb material

实木框架: solid wood frame

门套板: Combined door formula big panel

门套线: Door formula line

门挡条: Door ward part


墙体:Wall thickness


Abram's rule 阿勃拉姆规则

Abrasion 磨耗

Accelerated strength testing 快速强度试验

Acid resistance 耐酸性

Adiabatic temperature rise 绝热升温

Admixture 外加剂

Aggregate 集料(混凝土)

Air entrainment 引气(加气)

Autoclave 高压釜

Accelerated curing 快速养护

Absorbed water 吸附水

Added water 附加水

Aggregate bulk density 集料松散容重

Auti-corrosion Admixture 防锈剂

Anisotropic materials 各向异性材料

Air-entrained concrete 引气混凝土

Air Entrain Admixture 引气剂

Aggregate porosity 集料孔隙率

Artificial marble 人造大理石

Alite 阿利特

Alkali-aggregate reaction 碱-集料反应

Alkalies in Portland cement 波特兰水泥中


Alkali-silica reaction 碱-二氧化硅反应

Anhydrite 无水石膏(硬石膏)

Autoclave expansion test 高压釜膨胀试验

Air-entrained concrete 加气混凝土

Adhesion agent 粘着剂

Accelerating agent 速凝剂

All mesh ferrocement 无筋钢丝网水泥

Allyl-Butadiene-Styrene 丙烯氰-丁二烯


Air pockets 鼓泡

Axial tensive property 轴心受拉性能

Axial compressive property 轴心受压性能

Air impermeability 气密性

Abnormal Polypropylene 无规聚丙烯


Asbestos fibres 石棉纤维

Asbestos insulation 石棉绝热制品


Autoclave expansion test 压蒸法

Artificial 人造石

Air entraining and water-reducing admixture


Active addition 活性混合材

Addition of cement 水泥混合材

Aluminoferic cement clinker 铁铝酸盐水泥


Age 龄期,时期

Aluminum silicate wool 硅酸铝棉

Aluminum foil 铝箔

Air space insulation 封闭空气间层

Areal thermal resistance(specific thermal

resistance) 比热阻(热导率的倒数)

Absorptivity 吸收率

Air permeability(Air penetration coefficient)



Brick 绝热砖

Bleeding 泌水

Bitumen-determination of penetration 沥青针


Battery-mold process 成组立模工艺

Bar spacing 加筋间距

Binder bonding agent 粘合剂

Barytes 重晶石

Batchhing 称量(配料)

Biaxial behavior 双轴向性质

Blaine fineness 勃来恩,细度

Blast-furnace slag 高炉矿渣

Blast-furnace slag cements 高炉矿渣水泥

Blended portland cements 掺混合料的波特


Bogue equations 鲍格方程式

Bond 粘结

Brucite 氢氧镁石(水镁石)

Bulking of sand 砂的湿胀

Bull-float 刮尺

Board(block)insulation 绝热板

Bitumastic paint 沥青涂料

Bituminous road materials 沥青筑路材料

Blowing agent 发泡剂

Bar between mesh 加筋

Ball impact test (******强度)落球试验法

Basic constituent 碱性组分基本成分


Basicity 碱度,碱性

Batch mixture 配合料

Bend stress 弯曲应力

Bituminous paint 沥青涂料

Bituminous concrete 沥青混凝土

Block brick 大型砌块

Blunger 搅拌器,打浆机

Brick setting 砖砌体


Brittle point of asphalt 沥青冷脆点

Broken stone 碎石

Bubbing potential 发泡能力

Building brick 建筑红砖

Building system 建筑体系,建筑系统

Brittle material 脆性材料


Calcium aluminate cement 铝酸钙水泥

Calcium aluminates 铝酸钙

Calcium chloride 氯化钙

Calcium ferroaluminates 铁铅酸钙

Calcium hydroxide 氢氧化钙

Calcium oxide 氧化钙

Calcium silicate hydrate 水化硅酸钙

Calcium silicate 硅酸钙

Calcium sulfates 硫酸钙

Calcium sulfoaluminate 硫铅酸钙

Calcium sulfoaluminate hydrates 水化硫铝酸

Capillary voids(pores)in cement 水泥中的


Capillary water 毛细管水

Carbon dioxide 二氧化碳

Cavitation 混凝土中的大孔洞,空蚀作用

Cement fineness 水泥细度

Cement paste 水泥浆

Cement soundness 水泥安定性

Cement specifications 水泥规范

Cement strength 水泥强度

Cement types 水泥品种

Ceramsite 陶粒

Chalcedony 玉髓

Chemically combined water 化学结合水

Chert 燧石(黑硅石)

Chloride 氯化物


Chloroprene Rubber 氯丁橡胶(CR)

Chord modulus 弦弹性模量

Clinker 熟料

Coarse aggregate 粗集料

Cold-weather concreting 冷天浇筑混凝土

Compacting factor test 捣实系数试验

Compaction(consolidation) 捣实(捣固)

Compressive strength 抗压强度

Computer control system 计算机控制系统

Concrete batching plant 混凝土搅拌站

Concrete composition 混凝土配合比

Concrete products 混凝土制品

Concrete pump 混凝土输送泵

Coefficient of permeability of concrete 混凝


Carbonated lime sand brick 碳化灰砂砖

Carbonating 碳化处理

Cement resistance to chemical


Cube size 立方体试件尺寸

Characteristic strength 特征强度

Coarse aggregate ratio to fine


Carbonated shrinkage 碳化收缩

Calcium silicate insulation 硅酸钙绝热制品

Cellular(foamed)glass 泡沫玻璃(多孔玻


Composite insulation 复合绝热层

Cold rolled steel 冷轧钢

Cellular concrete 多孔混凝土

Complex accelerator based on triethanolamine


Component 组分,成分,构件

Compliance 柔度

Composite 复合,合成,复合材料

Composite insulation 复合绝热层

Composite portland cement 复合硅酸盐水泥

Concrete 混凝土

Condensed silica fume 浓缩(凝聚)的二氧


Consistency 绸度

Core tests 钻芯试验

Corrosion of steel in concrete 混凝土中钢筋


Cost of concrete 混凝土成本


Cracking 开裂

Creep 徐变

Critical aggregate size 临界集料尺寸

C-S-H 水化硅酸钙

Coefficient of thermal expansion 热膨胀系数

Conductivity 导热性

Coefficient of shrinkage 收缩系数

Coefficient of permeability of concrete 混凝


Cement mortar 水泥胶砂

Crescent ribbed bars 月牙肋钢筋

Concrete block 混凝土砌块

Cold-drawn reinforcement bar 冷拉钢筋

Cold rolled steel 冷轧钢

Condensation polymerization 缩聚反应

Critical degree of saturation 临界饱和度

Critical stress 临界压力

Cryogenic behavior 低温性质

Crystallization pressure of salts


Crystal structure and reactivity


Curing 养护

Civil Engineering 土木工程

Cement 水泥

Crack 裂缝

Calcium silicate insulation 硅酸钙绝热制品

Cement mortar 水泥砂浆

Cork 软木

Cork insulation 软木绝热制品







Calcium-resin insulating board 钙塑绝热板

Cellular(foamed)rubber 泡沫橡胶


Darby 刮尺

D-cracking D行裂缝

Deicing salts action 除冰盐作用

Diatomaceous earth 硅藻土质泥土

Dicalcium silicate(C2S) 硅酸二钙


Dynamic modulus of elasticity 动弹性模量

Dolomite 白云石

Drying shrinkage 干燥收缩(干缩)

Ductility 延性

Durability 耐久性

Durability factor 耐久性因素

Decoration glass 装饰玻璃

Decoration mortar 装饰砂浆

Deformed bar 变形钢筋,螺纹钢

Defoamer 消泡剂

Dense concrete 密实混凝土

Diatomaceous silicate 硅藻土


Diatomite insulation 硅藻土绝热制品

Density 密度

Deformation 变形钢筋

Degree of hardness 硬度

Degree of humidity 湿度


Early-age behavior 早期性质

Ecological benefit 生态效应

Effective absorption 有效吸收

Efflorescence 白霜

Elastic modulus 弹性模量

Electron micrographs 电子显微图

Energy requirement 能量需要

Entrained air 引入的空气

Extensibility 可伸长性

Emerging wire 露丝

Emerging mesh 露网

Expanded perlite 膨胀珍珠岩

Epoxy Resin 环氧树脂

Erosion 冲刷风化、剥蚀

Ettringite 钙矾石

Expanded clay and shale 膨胀粘土和页岩

Expanded slag aggregate 膨胀矿渣集料

Expansive cement concrete 膨胀水泥混凝

Expansive cement 膨胀水泥

Expansive phenomena in concrete 混凝土中


Expanded vermiculite 膨胀蛭石


Expanded rermiculite insulation 膨胀蛭石


Expanded plastics 多孔塑料

Engineering plastics 工程塑料


Fabriform 土工模袋

False set 假凝

Feldspar 长石

Fiber-reinforced concrete 纤维增强混凝土

Final set 终凝

Fine aggregate 细集料

Fineness modulus 细度模量

Flowing concrete 流动混凝土

Fly ash 粉煤灰

Foamed slag 泡沫矿渣

Formwork removal 拆模

Ferromanganese 锰钢

Flow of cement mortar 水泥胶砂流动度

Fiber reinforced plastics 纤维增强塑料

Fiber-glass reinforced plastics 玻璃纤维增


Facebrick 饰面砖,面砖

Facing tile 外墙面砖

Faience mosaic 嵌花地砖,釉陶锦砖

Fiber cement 纤维水泥

Figured glass 压花玻璃

Fine sand 细砂

Fineness of cement 水泥细度

Finishing 抹面(修整)

Flash set 闪凝(瞬间凝结)

Flexural strength 弯曲强度

Flint 燧石

Floating 刮平

Fracture toughness 断裂韧性

Free calcium oxide 游离氧化钙

Freeze-thaw resistance 抗冻融性

Fresh concrete 新拌混凝土

Facing 面层

Fiber insulation 纤维绝热材料

Flexible insulation 柔性绝热制品

Frost action on aggregate 骨料受到冰冻作

Frost action on cement paste 水泥浆受到冰



Future of concrete 混凝土的前景

Fire resistance 耐火性

Ferrocement 钢丝网水泥

Ferrocement with skeletal bar 加筋钢丝网


Flexural property 受弯性能

Fatigue resistance 耐疲劳性

Forst resistance 抗冻性

Fineness modulus 细度模数(M)

Flexural rigidity 抗弯刚度(B)

Foamed concrete 泡沫混凝土

Fiber board 纤维板

Frost action on concrete



Gamma rays γ-射线

Gel pores 凝胶孔

Gel/space ratio 凝胶/空隙比(对强度的影


(Effect on strength)

Geonet 土工网

Geotextile 土工格栅

Geotextile 木织物

Glass geogrid 土工复合排水材

Geomat 土工垫

Gradation 级配

Gypsum 石膏

Granulated wood 粒状棉

Glass geogrid 玻纤网

Glassfiber Reinforced Plastics 玻璃纤维增


Glass wool 玻璃棉

Granular(powder)insulation 颗粒绝热材

Gap-graded aggregate 间断级配材料

Gas concrete 加气混凝土

Glass 玻璃体

Giving a basic reaction 发生碱性反应

Giving an acid reaction 发生酸性反应

Grading 颗粒级配

Grain-size refinement 级配曲线

Gravel 砾石、卵石

Graywacke 杂砂岩

Grout 薄浆(灌浆)


Granite 花岗岩

Graph 图表、图解

Green concrete 新拌混凝土

Gritly 粗砂状的

Ground slag 矿渣粉

Gypsum wall board 石膏墙板

Gypsum concrete 石膏混凝土


Hardening 硬化

Hcp 水化水泥浆的简写

Heat of hydration 水化热

Heavyweight aggregate 重集料

Heavyweight concrete 重混凝土

Hemihydrate 半水化物

High-alumina cement 高铝水泥

High-early strength cement 高早强水泥

High-strength concrete 高强混凝土

High-workability concrete 高工作性混凝土

Hot-weather concreting 热天浇筑混凝土

Hydrophilic and hydrophobic 亲水与憎水

Hydrated(portland)cement paste 已水化的


Hydration of portland cement 波特兰水泥的


Hydration reaction of aluminates 铝酸盐的水

Hydration reaction of silicates 硅酸盐的水化


Hydraulic cement 水硬性水泥

Hydraulic pressure 水压力

Honeycomb 蜂窝

Heat transfer rate 热流量

Homogeneous materials 均质材料

High-tensile reinforcing steel 高强度钢筋

High-tensile wire 高强钢丝

High carbon steel 高碳钢

High strength concrete 高强混凝土

High performance concrete 高性能混凝土


Igneous rocks for aggregate 作为集料的岩浆

Impact strength 冲击强度


Impregnation with polymers 用聚合物浸渍

Initial set 初凝

Initial tangent modulus 初始正切模量

Interlayer space in C-S-H C-S-H中的层间空

Interlayer water in C-S-H C-S-H中的层间水

Iron blast-furnace slag 化铁高炉渣

Iron ores aggregate(heavyweight) 铁矿


Isotropic materials 各向同性材料

Iron wire 低碳钢丝

Impact ductility 冲击韧性

Impact strength 抗******强度

Impermeability 抗渗性,不渗透性

Impermeability to water 抗渗水性,不透水性

Impregnate 浸渍,渗透

Index of quality 品质指标,质量控制标准

Inhomogeneous 不均匀的,多相的

Initial shrinkage 早期收缩

Initial strength 早期强度

Insulating layer 隔热层

Intarsia 玻璃锦砖

Impact resistance 抗******性


Jet set cement 喷射水泥

Jolting table 振动台

Job mix 现场配合

Jaw crusher 颚式破碎机

"Jian-1" water reducer 减水剂


Killed steel 镇静钢

Kiln dust 窑灰,飞灰

Kiln building 窑房

Kiln plant 窑设备

Kilogram calorie 千卡,大卡

Knot 木节

Kominuter 球磨


Low PH value cement 低碱水泥

Laitance 浆皮


Leaching of cement paste 水泥浆渗漏

Lime cement 石灰水泥

Limestone 石灰石

Lightweight aggregates 轻集料

Lightweight concrete 轻混凝土

Lignosulfonate 木质磺酸盐

Low heat Portland cement 低热波特兰水泥

Laboratory 实验室

Lean concrete 贫混凝土

Loss of slump of concrete 混凝土的坍落度


Le chatelier soundness test 雷氏夹法

Loss on ignition 烧失量

Light weight ferrocement 轻质钢丝网水泥

Longitudinal bar 纵筋

Longitudinal bar spacing 纵筋间距

Loose fill insulation 松散填充绝热层

Low alloy steel 低合金钢

Low caron colddrawn steel 冷拔低碳钢丝

Longitudinal rib 纵肋

Lumber grading 木材等级


Macrostructure 宏观结构

Magnesium oxide 氧化镁

Magnesiun salts solution effect on concrete


Map cracking 地图形裂纹

Marcasite 白铁矿

Mass concrete 大体积混凝土

Maturity concept 成熟度概念

Maturity meters 成熟度测定仪

Microcracking 微裂缝

Microsilica 微细二氧化硅(硅粉)

Minimum crack spacing 最小裂缝间距

Microcrack 微裂

Modulus of deformation 变形模量(EB)

Mineral wool insulation 矿棉绝热制品

Mineral fibres 矿棉纤维

Masonry cement 砌筑水泥

Mild steel 低碳钢

Medium carbon steel 中碳钢

Moisture content of wood 木材含水量

Moisture 湿度水分


Moisture condition 含水状态

Mocromolecule high polymer 高分子

Microstructure 微观结构

Mixing of concrete 矿物外加剂

Mixing water 拌合用水

Mix proportioning(designing) 配合比(设


Mix proportions 配合比

Modified portland cement 改性的波特兰水

Modulus of elasticity 弹性模量

Modulus of rupture 挠折模量(破裂模量)

Monosulfate hydrate 单硫酸盐水化物

Mortar 砂浆

Multiaxial strength 多轴向强度

Mumicipal-waste aggregate 城市废物集料

Moisture absorption 吸湿率

(water vapour absorption)

Moisture content of aggregate 骨料含水量

Matrix 基材

Mesh-bar placement and tying 铺网扎筋

Manual plastering 手工抹浆

Maximum size of sand 砂的最大粒径

Mortar consistency 砂浆绸度

Mortar strength 砂浆强度

Maximum crack width 最大裂缝宽度

Mix proportion by absolute volume 绝对体积


Mix proportion by loose volume 现场松散体


Mixed-in-place 现场拌和

Mix proportion by weight 重量配合比

Mixed process 混合过程

Mixing time 拌和时间

Mixing water 拌和水

Modility 流动性

Membreane curing 薄膜养护

Map cracking 龟裂

Mastic 玛 脂

Modulus of elasticity concrete 混凝土弹性模

Modulus of water-glass 水玻璃模数

Masonry mortar 砌筑砂浆

Maximum aggregate size 最大集料粒径


Marber 大理岩

Moderate heat portland cement 中热硅酸盐


Moderate heat of hydration 中热

Moderate sulfate resistance 中抗硫酸盐

Magnitude of self-stress 自应力


NDT 非破损试验的缩写

Neutron radiation 中子辐射

Neoprene 氯丁橡胶

NNO water reducer NNO型减水剂

Non-hydranlic cement 气硬性水泥

Non-destructive tests 非破损试验

Nuclear shielding concrete 核屏蔽混凝土

Normal distribution 正太分布

Non-evaporable water 非蒸发水

Nominal diameter 公称直径

Normal consistency of cement paste 水泥净


Neat cement paste 水泥净浆

Needle crystal 针状晶体

Needle penetrometer 维


Oscillating screen 振动筛

Oscillation generator 振动器

Oscillator 振动器

Oil-well platform concrete 油井平台混凝土

Opal 蛋白石

Overlays of concrete 混凝土覆盖层

Oriented water 定向的水

Osmotic pressure 渗透压力

Oven-dry aggregate 炉干骨料

Overall thermal conductance 总导热系数

Organosilicon 有机硅

Organosilicon resin 有机硅树脂

Oscillate 振动,振荡

Ordinary low-alloy steel 普通低合金钢

Ordinary oil well cement 普通油井水泥

Ordinary portland cement 普通硅酸盐水泥



Particle size 颗粒尺寸

Penetration resistance 抗贯入性

Periclase 方镁石

Perlite 珍珠岩

Permeability 渗透性

Phosphate 磷酸盐

Phenolic Formaldehyde 酚醛树脂(PF)

Placing of concrete 混凝土的浇筑

Plaster of paris 建筑石膏

Polypropylene 聚丙烯(PP)

Polystyrene 聚苯乙烯(PS)

Polystyrene-plywood laminate 聚苯乙烯胶合


Polyester plastics 聚酯塑料

Plastic veneer 塑料贴面板

Plastic-steel window 塑钢窗

Polyester 聚酯

Polyester Resin 聚酯树脂(PR)

Plastic shrinkage 塑性收缩

Poisson's ratio 泊松比

Polymer concrete 聚合物混凝土(PC)

Polymer-impregnated concrete 聚合物浸渍


Polymer-cement concrete 聚合物水泥混凝土


Polymethylmethacrylate 聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯


Pore-size distrbution 孔径分布

Pore-size refinement 孔径尺寸修整

Prestressded ferrocement 预应力钢丝网水泥

Plain round bar 光圆钢筋

Prestressed steel 预应力钢筋

Pumped concrete 泵送混凝土

Pumice concrete concrete block 浮石混凝土


Plastics 塑料

Polythene 聚乙烯(PE)

Polyvinyl Alcohol 聚乙烯醇(PVA)

Polyvinyl Acetate 聚醋酸乙烯(PVAC)

Polyvinyl Chloride 聚氯乙烯(PVC)

Polyvinyl Formal 聚乙烯醇缩甲醛(PVFO)

Porosity 孔隙率

Portland cement 波特兰水泥


Portland blast-furnace slag cement 高炉矿渣


Portlandite 氢氧钙石

Portland pozzolan cement 火山灰质波特兰


Potential compound composition 潜在化合物


Pyrite pyrrhotite 硫化铁,黄铁矿

Particle size distribution 粒度分布

Pat test 试饼法

PH-value PH值

Pozzolan 火山灰

Pozzolanic reaction 火山灰质反应

Preplaced aggregate concrete 预填集料混凝

Proportioning 配合

Pulverized fuel ash 磨细粉煤灰

Pull-out test 拔出试验

Pumice 浮石


Quality assurance 质量保证

Quick set 快凝

Quality 质量

Quality control 质量控制

Quartz glass 石英玻璃

Quartz glass fiber 石英玻璃纤维

Quartz sand 石英砂

Quick lime 生石灰[CaO]

Quartz 石英

Quatzite 石英岩

Quick-taking cement 快凝水泥

Quick hardening 水硬性水泥

Quench 水淬,骤冷


Radiation shielding concrete 辐射屏蔽混凝

Rapid setting and hardening cement 快凝与


Revibration 重新振捣

Rice husk ash 谷糠灰


Ready-mixed concrete 预拌混凝土

Recycled-concrete aggregate 再生混凝土集

Regulated-set cement 调凝水泥

Retarding admixtures 缓凝外加剂

Retempering 重新调拌

Roller-compacted concrete 滚筒-压实混凝

Reinforced plastics 加筋塑料

Reinforcement mat 钢筋网

Resistance to chemical attack of mortar 砂


Rock wool 岩石棉

Rigid insulation 刚性绝热制品

Rib height 肋高

Rib spacing 肋间距

Ribbed bars 带肋钢筋

Rich concrete 富混凝土

Residue on sieve 筋余

Raw limestone 石灰石

Raw gypsum 二水石膏


Salt crystallization pressure 盐的结晶压力

Sand 砂

Sandstone 砂岩

Saturated surface dry condition 饱和面干条

Scaling 起皮,鳞片状剥落

Schmidt rebound hammer 希密特回弹仪

Screeding 抹平

Seawater 海水

Secant elastic modulus 正割弹性模量

Sedimentary rocks for aggregate 作为集料的


Segregation 离析

Self-stressing cement 自应力水泥

Setting of cement paste 水泥浆的凝结

Special hydraulic cement 特种水硬性水泥

Specifications 规范

Specific heat 比热

Specific surface area 比表面积

Sphericity 圆度


Splitting ******* strength 劈裂抗拉强度

Standard specifications 标准规范

Standard test method 标准试验方法

Stiffening of cement paste 水泥浆的变硬

Strain 应变

Strength 强度

Setting of concrete 混凝土的凝结

Shear-bond failure 剪切粘结破坏

Shear strength 剪切强度

Shotcreting 喷射混凝土浇筑

Shrinkage 收缩

Shrinkage-compensating concrete 收缩补偿


Sieve analysis of aggregate 集料的筛分析

Silica fume 硅粉

Slag 矿渣

Slip-formed concrete 滑模混凝土

Slump cone test 坍落度锥体试验

Slump loss in concrete 混凝土中坍落度损失

Solid/space ratio 固体∕空隙比

Solid-state hydration 固态水化

Soundness 安定性

Spacing-factors of entrained air 引入空气的


Structural lightweight concrete 结构轻混凝

Structure(microstructure)of concrete 混凝


Structures(concrete)in photographs 混凝土


Sulfate attack 硫酸盐侵蚀

Sulfate resisting cement 抗硫酸盐水泥

Sulfates in portland cement 波特兰水泥中的


Sulfides and sulfate aggregate 硫化物与硫酸


Standard sand 标准砂

Strength of cement mortar 水泥胶砂强度

Strength grade of cement 水泥强度等级

Spiral reinforcement 螺纹钢筋

Stirrup 箍筋

Struture lightweight concrete 结构用轻混凝

Specimen 试件

Self-stressing concrete 自应力混凝土

Sand grading 砂的级配


Sand grading curve 砂的级配曲线

Sand grading standard region 砂的级配标准

Self-stressing ferrocement 自应力钢丝网水

Self-stressing cement mortar 自应力水泥砂

Shear steel 剪切钢筋

Saturation capacity 饱和含水量

Saturation point 饱和点

Stearic acid 硬脂酸

Surface-active agents 表面活性剂

Synthetic resin binder 树脂粘结剂

Synthetic lightweight aggregate 人造轻集料

Shotereting process 喷浆工艺

Scaling 麻面

Surface dusting 表面起砂

Sandwich 夹层

Shrinkage crack 收缩裂缝

Stressed crack 受力裂缝

Special steel 特种钢

Sawdust concrete 锯屑混凝土

Softening point test 软化点试验

Solidification 凝固作用

Stress 应力

Stress intensity factor 应力强度因素

Stress-strain curve 应力-应变曲线

Surface moisture 表面水

Splitting strength 劈裂强度

Splitting failure 劈裂破坏

Standard error 标准误差

Stand sieve 标准筛

Static modulus 静弹性模量

Steam curing 蒸汽养护

Strength grading 强度级别

Strength of cube 立方体强度

Strength at 28 days 28天强度

Stress concentration 应力集中

Styrene Butadiene Rubber 丁苯橡胶(SBR)

Styrene-Butadiene-Styrene 苯-丁-苯乙烯

Sulphoaluminate cement clinker


Surface energy 表面能

Surface hardness 表面强度

Surface ******* 表面张力

Sand-lime brick 灰砂砖


Saturated aggregate 饱和水集料

Superplasticized admixture 超塑化外加剂

Surface area 表面积

Strength of aggregate 集料强度

Strength of cylinders 圆柱体强度

Supersulphated cement 石膏矿渣水泥

Setting time of concrete 混凝土的凝结时间

Standard of concrete 混凝土强度

Standard deviation 标准差

Structure high density concrete 结构高表观


Steel-fibre concrete 钢纤维混凝土

Set retarder admixture 缓凝剂

Set retarding and water-reducing admixture


Superplasticizer admixture 高效减水剂

Superplasticized concrete 超塑性混凝土

Setting time 凝结时间

Sulphonated formaldehyde melamine 磺化甲


Saturated and surface-dry aggregate 饱和面



Tangent modulus of elasticity 正切弹性模量

Temperature effects 温度效应

Tensile strain 拉伸应变

Tensile strain capacity 拉伸应变能力

Tensile strength 拉伸强度(抗拉强度)

Test methods 试验方法

Thermal conductivity 导热性

Thermal expansion coefficient 热膨胀系数

Thermal shrinkage 热收缩

Truckmixing 卡车搅拌

Total water/cement ratio 总水灰比

Trial mixes 试拌合物

The particle grading 颗粒级配

Tough aggregate 韧性集料

Timber 木材

Thermal insulation material 保温材料

Test sieve 试验筛

Through-solution hydration 通过溶液的水化

Time of set 凝结时间

Tobermorite gel 莫来石凝胶

Topochemical hydration 局部水化

Toughness 韧性


Transition zone 过渡区

Transporting concrete 混凝土输送

Tricalcium aluminate 铝酸三钙

Tricalcium silicate 硅酸三钙

Triethanolamine 三乙醇胺

Testing of material 材料试验

Testing sieve shaker 试验用振动筛分机

Test load 试验负荷

Test method 试验仪表

Test report 试验报告

Test result 试验结果

Tetracalcium aluminate hydrate 水化铝酸四

Texture of wood 木材纹理

Theories of cement setting and hardening 水


Thermal contraction 热收缩

Thermal diffusivity 热扩散性

Thermosetting plastics 热固性塑料

Technical manual 技术规范

Test method of ferrocement panels in flexure


Transverse barspacing 横筋间距

Thermo plastics 热塑性塑料

Transverse rib 横肋

Transverse bar 横筋

Temperature shrinkage 温度收缩

Thermal insulation material 绝热材料

Thermal insulation properties 保温性能

Thermal insulating concrete 绝热混凝土

Thermal insulating plaster(Thermal insulating



Ultrasonic pulse velocity 超声脉冲速度

Unixial compression behavior 单轴向受压状

Ultimate creep 极限徐变

Ultimate strain 极限应变

Unlimited swelling gel 无限膨胀凝胶

Units of measurement 计量单位

Unit weight 单位重量


Ultimate gation 极限伸长值

Ultimate principles 基本原理

Ultrasonic inspection 超声波样份

Uncombined CaO 游离CaO


Vander Wale force 范德华力

Vebe test 维勃试验

Vermiculite 蛭石

Very high early strength cement 超高早强水

Vibration 振动,振捣

Vicat apparatus 维卡仪

Void in hydrated cement paste 水化水泥浆中


Volcanic glass 火山玻璃

Vinsol resin 松香皂树脂

Vapor pressure 蒸汽压力

Variegated glass 大理石纹

Veneer 墙面砖、饰面砖

Vesicular structure 多孔结构

Vicat needle 维卡仪

Viscometer 粘度仪

Viscosity 粘度粘滞性

Viscosity of asphalt 沥青粘滞性

Voids ratio 孔隙率

Vibro-moulding process 振动成型工艺

Vibrating stamping process 震动模压工艺

Vibrating vacuum-dewater process 振动-真


Vacuum insulation 真空绝热

Vapour barrier,water vapour retarder 隔汽层

Vibrating table 振动台

Voids detection 空隙的测定

V-B test(vebe test) 维勃证


Water 水

Water/cement ratio 水灰比

Water-reducing admixture 减水剂

Water tightness 水密性、不透水性

Water content 用水量

Water requirement 需水量


Water-lightness 透水性

Water-reducing retaders 缓凝减水剂

White cement 白水泥

Windsor probe 温莎探针

Winter concreting 混凝土冬季浇筑

Workability 工作性(工作度)

Wetting agents 温润剂

Water solubility 水溶性

Water retentivity 保水性

Water storage 在水中养护

Water repellent 疏水的、不吸水的、憎水的

Water resistance 抗水性

Water vapor 水蒸汽

Wearability 耐磨性

Weather resistance 耐候性

Workability 可加工性

Wood-preserving process 木材防腐处理

Work done by impact ******功

Weighting error 称量误差

Workability loss of with time 和易性随时间


Workability of ready-mixed concrete 预拌混


Workability of light-weight concrete 轻混凝


Water-reducing admixture 普通减水剂

Water-proofing 防水的

Water-proofing admixture 防水剂

Wire rope 钢绞线

Workability measurement 和易性测量

Wire mesh 钢丝网

Welded mesh 焊接网

Wood wool slab 木丝板

Water content(moisture content) 含水率(湿


Water absorption 吸水率

Wet screening 湿法筛分,湿筛析

Wetting and drying 潮湿与干燥

Workability control 和易性控制

Workability definition 和易性定义

Water pepellent admixture 防水剂

Water requirement for normal consistency of

cement paste 水泥净浆标准绸度用水量

Water proofing compound 防水化合物



X-ray diffiraction analysis X射线衍射分析

X-ray phase analysis X射线相分析

X-rayogram X射线图式

X-ray spectrometer X射线光谱仪


Yield limit 屈服极限

Yield point 屈服点

Yield strength 屈服强度

Yield stress 屈服应力

Yield of steel 钢材的屈服


Zeolite 沸石

Zones for sand grading 砂级配区

Zeta-potential ζ-电位

Zone of heating 预热带






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