


一、 单词互译

Potopdymer 感光树脂

Anilox roll 网纹辊

Recrina 复卷

Substrate 承印物

Gravure 凹版印刷

Offeet 胶印

Flexography 承版印刷

Screen printing 丝网印刷

In tine press

Lithography 平版印刷

Reliep printing 凸版印刷

Stack press 层叠式印刷机

Precondition 预处理

Warpage 翘曲变形

Slit 切开

Specimen 样本

Slotted box 开槽箱

Glue tab

Flap 襟翼

Score 压痕

Corrugated fiber board 瓦楞纸板

Linerboard 面纸

Medium 芯纸

Flute 瓦楞

Flute shape 楞形

Flute protile 楞型

Toke-up factor 瓦楞系数

Fourdriner 长网造纸机

Twin-wire machine 夹网造纸机

Cylinder 圆网造纸机

Antsotropic 各向异性

Tencide strength 抗张力强度

Calendering 压

Pigment 颜料

Sizing 施胶

Coating 涂料

Ream 令

Caliper 厚度

Brightness 白度

Alignment 定位

Hygroex pansive 吸湿膨胀性

Tube-style-folding carton 管式折叠纸盒

Tray-style-folding carton 盘式折叠纸盒

Tetra pak 利乐包

Kigid 刚性的

Decolorizer 脱色剂

Inert 惰性

Breakability 易碎性

Blank mold 初型膜

Impurity 杂质

Inorganic 无机的

Soda-lime glass 钠钙玻璃

Borosilicate glass 硼硅酸盐玻璃

Colorant 着色剂

Blow mold 成型模

Parison 吹塑成型

Lob 料滴

Funnd 漏斗

Anneal 退火

Friction lid 摩擦盖

Hinge lid 铰链盖

Thermal praess 热处理

Double seam 二重卷封

Draw-and-iron 变薄拉伸

Collapsible tube 软管

Leakage 渗漏

Expensive pand 膨胀圈

Impact extrusion 冲击抗压

Hermetrc 密封的

Clinch 钩住

Bulge 膨胀

Aerosd 气雾剂

Polymer 聚合物

Thermoplastic 热塑性塑料

Moromer 单体

Resh 树脂

Thermoset plastic 热固性

Cross-link 交联

Biaxial orientation 双向拉伸

Formobility 成型性

Feed hopper 供料漏斗

Profile extrusion 仿型挤出

Stretch 拉伸

Blow-film extrusion 挤出吹型薄膜

Inflate 膨胀

Thermoforming 热成型

Plasticating extruder 塑压挤出机 二、 填空

1、 P33

There are many variations on papermaking machines, each imparting its own character to the

resulting paper. Only three representative classes will be discussed here: fourdrinier, cylinder, and

twin-wire machines.


Depositing a fiber-and-water slurry onto a moving wire belt tends to align fibers in the

direction of travel, knows as the machine direction (MD). The direction across the papermaking

machine and across the fiber alignment is the cross direction (CD, Figure 3.7).


Corrugated fiberboard, or combined board has two main components: the linerboard and the

medium. Both are made of a special kind of heavy paper called containerboard. Linerboard is the

flat facing that adheres to the medium. The medium is the wavy, fluted paper between the liners

(Figure 4.1).


The puncture test measures the energy required to puncture a board with a triangular

pyramidal point affixed to a pendulum arm. “Beach puncture ”(also known as the gated

test ) is used mostly to quanify the puncture resistance and stiffness of triplewall corrugated. The

box maker’s stamp on triplewall containers calls for a puncture test rather than a bursting test.


Steel three-piece can be mechanically seamed, bonded with adhesive, welded, or soldered

(Figure 5.3). Aluminum cannot be soldered and cannot be welded economically. Welded sanitary

three-piece can bodies are therefore made exclusively of steel.


Can ends intended for thermal processing are stamped with a series of circular expansion

panels (Figure 5.5). This allows for movement of the end panels so that the contents are able to

expand and contract without bulging or otherwise distorting the can.


Uneven cooling can develop substantial stresses in the glass. To reduce internal stresses, the

bottle passes through an annealing oven, or “lehr”, immediately after removal from the blow



A polymer is created when a large number of identical repeating monomer units are joined

together to make a single large polymer molecule (from the Greek “polys”, meaning many, and

“meros”, meaning parts ). The “mer” is the smallest repetitive unit in a polymer and for this

discussion is based on the carbon atom.


Thermoset plastics are polymers that have not fully completed their polymerization reaction,

but do so when activated, usually by heat. The sesulting product is cross-linked and will not be

softened again by heat; therefore it cannot be reprocessed or reshaped.


Polymer resins are received at a molding plant in the form of small granules or pellets,similar

in appearance to rice. Regardless of the forming process,the first task is to heat and melt the

polymer resin pellets into a flowable from. The plasticating extruder is a heavy barrel in which a

screw rotates, driving pellets from the feed hopper at one end to the exit port at the other end.



In a typical flexographic printing station, excess ink is applied to an engraved transfer or

anilox .The engravings on the anilox roll meter the correct amount of ink ,depending on the

engraving geometry and depth .The ink is transferred to the raised surface of the printing plate

attached to the plate cylinder .


Heat-transfer and hot-stamp printing are similar in that they both use heat to transfer images

from a carrier web to the substrate to be decorated. They are both clean processes since there are

no inks to dry. Both processes require a substrate that is reasonably heat tolerant.

三、 英译汉

1、 P35

Cylinder machines dewater furnish at the cylinder and paste a thin layer of fiber against the

felt (figure 3.4). The fibers of subsequent layers do not intermingle, and therefore the bond

between the layers is week. The dry end is similar to that fourdrinier machine.



If clay-coated paper is passed under highly polished chrome drums that are rotating counter

to the paper or faster than the paper speed, the clay coatings will be polished. These papers are

referred to as machine-glazed or chrome-coated papers.



For instance, in a triple wall board, one layer of medium might be A-flute while the other two

layers may be C-flute. Mixing flute profiles in this way allows designers to manipulate the

compression strength, cushioning strength and total thickness of the combined board. Figure 4.6

shows common flute profiles. 例如,在三瓦楞纸板中,其中一层芯纸是A型瓦楞,然而其他两层也许是C型瓦楞。以这种方式混合楞型可以帮助设计者控制结合板的抗压强度,缓冲强度和总厚度。图4.6表明了普通楞型的特征


A corrugating machine is made of a number of operating stations that take the appropriate

linerboards and mediums, shape the flutes, and join the fluted medium to the linerboards.


At the single-facer station (Figure 4.7), medium is preconditioned with heat and steam to

make it pliable and capable of being formed into a fluted configuration.



Sanitary food cans that may be thermally processed have head patterns embossed into the can

sidewalls to improve resistance to collapse because of external pressure. This prevents collapse

(paneling) during pressure differentials is encountered during retorting and enables the can to

withstand an internal vacuum. Sidewall beading requires more material, reduces top-to-bottom

compression strength, and complicates labeling. Many sidewall bead geometries are designed to

maximize hoop strength while minimizing the accompanying problems.




The bottom of a D&I can has the same thickness as the starting disk; however, the sidewalls

are considerably reduced in thickness, and the metal area of the final can is greater than that of the

initial disk. Necking operations reduce the diameter of the can top, thereby reducing the end-piece

diameter. This results in significant metal saving, since the end piece is much thicker than the




Typical production rates range from 60 to 300 bottles per minute, depending on the number

of section in a machine, the number of gobs being extruded, and the size of the container.

典型的生产速率范围从60到300个瓶子每分钟,这取决于在一台机器一些部分,被挤压的采空区,容器的大小等。 The blown bottle is removed from the blow mold with takeout tongs and placed on a dead

plate to air cool for a few moments before transfer to a conveyor that transports it to the annealing




A monomer can join to itself to form a complex polymer structure in a number of ways. The

monomer units can simply join into each other to form long chains as in a thermoplastic, or they

can cross-link between the chains in a three-dimensional pattern, resulting in a thermoset plastic.



The extruder section of an injection molding machine must have provision for ejecting a

precise amount , or “ shot, ” of polymer melt into the mold as required .Ram-screw-type

machines use a melt conveyance screw designed to provide reciprocal as well as rotary

motion .combining the function of screw and piston.



Paper for lithographic printing needs to have a certain amount of water resistance since some

water may be transferred from the plate dampening system. Paper stocks also need a strong, clean

surface with good anchorage of surface fiber and clay coatings to resist being picked or pulled

apart by the heavy paste inks as the blanket roll lifts from the substrate surface.


四、 段落


Flutes come in several standard shapes or flute profiles (A,B,C,E,F,etc.).A-flute was the first

to be developed and is the largest common flute profile. B-flute was next and is much smaller.

C-flute followed and is between A and B in size. E-flute is smaller than B and F-flute is smaller



In addition to these five most common profiles, new flute profiles-both larger and smaller

than those listed here-are being created for more specialized boards. Generally, larger flute profiles

deliver greater vertical compression strength and cushioning. Smaller flute profiles provide

enhanced structural and graphics capabilities for primary (retail) packaging. 除了这五种普通楞型,更大或更小的新型瓦楞可用于制造更多的特殊纸板。总体看来,越大的瓦楞型号能承受更大的垂直抗压强度和缓冲力。越小的瓦楞型号为初级包装提供刚性和可印刷性。

Different flute profiles can be combined in one piece of combined board. For instance, in a

triple wall board, one layer of medium might be A-flute while the other two layers may be C-flute.

Mixing flute profiles in this way allows designers to manipulate the compression strength,

cushioning strength and total thickness of the combined board. Figure 4.6 shows common flute



2、 P53

Edgewise compression test (TAPPI T 811)边压测试

In an edgewise compression test (ECT), a small specimen (2in .×2in.) is placed between

the platens of a compression tester and loaded until failure occurs. [figure 4.9(b)]. Edgewise

compression values are a function of the stiffness contributed by the facings and the medium. ECT

values have a direct relationship to the projected stacking strength.

在边压试验(ECT)中,一个小样品(2英寸×2英寸)被放置在一个压缩测试仪的压盘上,直到发生故障。 [图4.9(b)]。边压值是一个函数所提供的刚度和介质衬片。变压测试的值预计和堆码强度有直接的关系。

One objection to the Mullen burst test is that it has no relationship to a box’s compression

strength, while a number of formulas have been devised that relate ECT values to expected box

compression strength.


Carrier rule changes allow either Mullen values or ECT values to specify the boards used to

construct a corrugated container. The majority of shippers choose to use ECT values.


Flat crush test (TAPPI T 808)平压强度

The flat crush test is similar to the edge compression test except that the specimen is

compressed in the flat [figure 4.9(c)]. The test provides a measure of flute rigidity.


3、 P68

All three-piece can bodies are pressure tested and have the ends flanged to receive the can top

and bottom ends. The can maker applies one can end and sends the other end to the use for double

seaming after the can is filled.


Sanitary food cans that may be thermally processed have head patterns embossed into the can

sidewalls to improve resistance to collapse because of external pressure. This prevents collapse (paneling) during pressure differentials is encountered during retorting and enables the can to

withstand an internal vacuum. Sidewall beading requires more material, reduces top-to-bottom

compression strength, and complicates labeling. Many sidewall bead geometries are designed to

maximize hoop strength while minimizing the accompanying problems.

卫生食品可热加工罐侧壁已可以提高抗倒塌,因为外米的压力珠浮雕图案。这可以防止崩溃在压力差(板)干馏过程中遇到的使能承受内部的真空。边墙珠需要更多的材料,减少从高端到低端的压缩强度和复杂标签。许多侧壁珠几何图形,旨在最大限度地 强度,同时最大限度地减少伴随的问题。

Can ends intended for thermal processing are stamped with a series of circular expansion

panels (Figure 5.5). This allows for movement of the end panels so that the contents are able to

expand and contract without bulging or otherwise distorting the can. The chuck panel is designed

to give the proper clearance to the double-seaming chuck used to seal the can end to the body. A

vital can-end component is the compound applied around the perimeter curl. This compound acts

as a caulking sealant when the end is mated and double-seamed to the can body (Figure 5.6 and

Figure 5.7)



The properties of cast and blown film and sheet can be improved by physically orienting the

polymer molecules .Cast sheet is oriented in the machine direction by being pulled away faster

than it is extruder ,thus stretching it in the machine direction .This is usually accomplished by

passing the cast film through a series of rolls ,each roll rotating progressive faster than the

previous roll .


Cross-or transverse-direction orientation is done in a tenter frame .Clips traveling down

diverging tracks grasp the film along each edge and stretch it in the cross direction up to about

seven times its original cast width .Film oriented in two directions is said to have “biaxial



Both machine-and cross-direction orienting are done at somewhat elevated temperatures .If

the stretching and cooling processes are rapid ,the film will retain some memory of its original

dimensions .It will want to return to those dimensions if reheated ;in effect ,it will be a “shrink

plastid “.Oriented films are heat-stabilized by keeping them at the elevated temperature (annealing)

for a brief time .

两个机械以及横向定向使温度有所上升。如果快速拉伸和冷却,该薄膜将保留一些原始尺寸。它将要返回的原来的尺寸,如果重新加热效果,这将是一个“收缩薄膜”。定向薄膜热定形短暂的时间内保持他们在高温(退火)。 Blown film is oriented by adjusting the inflation ration and take-away speed relative to the

tube-forming rate .Blown film cannot be oriented to the extent that is available with cast-film

extrusion ,however ,the biaxial orientation of blown film is well balanced .



In a typical flexographic printing station, excess ink is applied to an engraved transfer or

anilox roll. The engravings on the anilox roll meter the correct amount of ink ,depending on the

engraving geometry and depth .The ink is transferred to the raised surface of the printing plate

attached to the plate cylinder .



Lithography is a planographic process, meaning that printing and nonprinting areas are all on

the same plane. Unlike the relief plate ,a lithographic pringting plate is fiat and

smooth .Lithographic principles were discovered when a greasy crayon was used to write on a

porous stone .The stone was then soaked with water ,wetting everything except the greased area .

An ink made from oil ,wax ,and lamp-black ,applied to the stone’s surface ,was naturally repelled

by the wetted area ,and adhered to the greasy area.

The mutually exclusive nature of oil and water forms the basis of modern

lithography .Lithographic ink is by definition always oil based .It is a heavy paste and is metered

to the plate cylinder by a train of inking rollers .Another group of rollers applies a thin film of

water to the water-receptive areas .







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