Botany, the study of plants, has a highly valued position in the history of
human knowledge. From what we have 1) observed of preindustrial (工业化以前的)
societies, a detailed study of plants must have been pretty ancient. Plants are the 2)
basis of food for all living things, even for some other plants. They have always
been 3) enormously important to human beings, not only for food, but also for
clothing, weapons, tools, medicines, shelter, and many other 4) purposes. People
who lived in the jungle of the Amazon can recognize a wide 5) range of plants and
know their properties. To them, botany has no name and is probably not even
recognized as a special branch of “knowledge” at all.
However, 6) unfortunately, the more industrialized we become, the farther
away we move from direct contact with plants. Now not many people have a
reasonable 7) amount of botanical knowledge. About10,000 years ago, when our
ancestors 8) discovered that certain grasses could be harvested and their seeds
could be planted the next season, the 9) bond between plants and humans was
formed. As a result crops were 10) cultivated. From then on, humans live on the
production of plants.
A) uncovered B) discovered C) cultivated D) explored
E) observed F) range G) chain H) bond
I) amount J) number K) resources L) basis
M) purposes N) enormously O) unfortunately
1) observed 2) basis 3) enormously 4) purposes 5)
range 6) unfortunately 7) amount 8) discovered 9) bond
10) cultivated
Some people argue loudly that putting the bright and the not-so-bright
children in the same class can have a bad effect on their development. According
to them, it can also be quite 1) discouraging for those at the bottom of the class,
but we think 2) otherwise.
We believe it is definitely unfair to 3) classify our children just according to
their 4) intellectual abilities. There are quite a lot of 5) disadvantages in doing so.
Besides, it is against our educational purposes to develop the abilities of all our
children to the full.
However, in a mixed-ability class, there are various ways to help all children
develop. Children often work in groups, which gives them the 6) opportunity to
learn to share, to work together, and to develop leadership skills. They also learn
how to make 7) decisions, to solve personal relationship problems as well as how
to think and to communicate 8) effectively. Our children learn to do their best and
we can give them extra encouragement to 9) attain the goal. Therefore, both their
personal experiences and social skills are 10) enriched since they can learn from