高中英语---out of 常见词组归纳
out of 常见词组归纳
out of trouble 摆脱麻烦
out of danger 脱离危险
out of one’s mind 精神不正常,失去理性
out of touch 失去联系
out of tune 跑调
out of work失业,下岗
out of one’s reach 力所不及,够不着 (=beyond one’s power/reach )
out of sight, out of mind 眼不见,心不烦
out of curiosity 出于好奇
out of gratitude (for sb. ) 出于(对……)的感激
out of concern (for sb. ) 出于关心
out of Shakespeare 出自莎士比亚
out of hearing 在听不见的地方
out of patience 不耐烦
out of character 不称,不适当
out of sight 看不见
out of breath 上气不接下气
out of date 过时的
out of order 坏了,出故障
out of doubt 无疑,确实
out of humour 情绪不好
out of condition 身体不适
out of one’ s element 外行
out of sorts 不舒服
out of crop (土地)未种庄稼
out of one’s (right ) senses 失去理性,精神错乱
out of one’s depth (grasp ) 力所不及的
out of control (hand ) 失控,无法收拾
out of the ordinary 不平常的
out of proportion 不成比例,不相称
out of careless 由于粗心
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高中英语---out of 常见词组归纳
out of necessity 由于需要
out of tea 茶叶用完了
out of print 绝版
out of stock 脱销
out of resolution 改变主意
out of action 失去作用;停止运动
out of all relation to 和……毫无关系
out of balance 失去平衡
out of fashion 不合于时尚
out of harmony 不和谐
out of kindness 出于好意
out of place 不适当,不相称
out of shape 变形
out of step 失调,不同步
out of sympathy with 出于对……的同情
out of touch with 与……脱离接触
(to come ) out of the blue 突然(出现)
(to get ) out of one’s clutches 摆脱某人控制
(to put ) sth. out of one’s head 忘记某事
(to jump/leap ) out of the frying-pan into the fire 刚出狼窝,又入虎穴
out of the question 不可能的,办不到的,不必谈的
out of question毫无疑问
=past question
=without question
=beyond (all ) question
=above all questions
=no problem
There is no question (but ) that--- ……是没有疑问的
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