马拉喀什条约 英文版
The Marrakesh Treaty is an international agreement that
was enacted to ensure the rights of the visually impaired and
other print disabled persons to access books and other
printed materials. The treaty was adopted by the member
states of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)
on June 28, 2013, in Marrakesh, Morocco, and entered into
global force on September 30, 2016.
The Marrakesh Treaty aims to provide a legal framework
to allow for the cross-border exchange of accessible format
copies of books and other printed materials for visually
impaired persons without having to obtain permission from
rights holders. This treaty helps to reduce the “book famine”
– a situation in which only a small percentage of books are
available in accessible formats – that affects the visually
The following are the steps that led to the enactment of
the Marrakesh Treaty:
1. Identification of the problem: The World Blind Union
and other organizations representing the visually impaired
identified that there was a shortage of accessible format
books and that the rights of the visually impaired to access
these materials were being infringed by copyright laws.
2. Proposing a solution: In 2009, the World Blind Union
proposed a solution to the access problem, which later
culminated in the drafting and development of the Marrakesh
3. Drafting of the Treaty: The Marrakesh Treaty was
developed through WIPO, and the negotiations were carried out
by member states, NGOs, and other stakeholders. The final
draft was agreed upon in June 2013.
4. Adoption: The Marrakesh Treaty was adopted by WIPO
member states in Marrakesh, Morocco, on June 28, 2013.
5. Signing: Countries that agree to the treaty are
required to sign it to show their commitment. As of 2021, the
treaty has been signed by 92 countries.
6. Ratification: Each country that signs the treaty must
also ratify it in their national legal systems to make it
effective. As of 2021, the treaty has been ratified by 67
The Marrakesh Treaty has made a significant impact on
the rights of the visually impaired and other print disabled
persons to access books and other printed materials. The
treaty has also helped to raise awareness of the issue of
book scarcity and the need to provide accessible formats to
those who need them.
In conclusion, the Marrakesh Treaty is a crucial
international agreement that ensures the rights of the
visually impaired and other print disabled persons. The
treaty provides a legal framework for the cross-border
exchange of accessible format copies of books and other
printed materials, helping to alleviate the book famine that
affects those who require them the most. Its development,
adoption, and implementation have been the result of the
efforts of many stakeholders and institutions, and it
continues to receive support globally.