题型有:1. Reading Module
Reading Module (60 minutes)
Look at the information on the following page about the use of vehicles in the
University grounds. In boxes 1 — 5 on your answer sheet writeTRUE if the
statement is trueFALSE if the statement is falseNOT GIVEN if the information is not
given in the passageExample AnswerThe campus roads are not open to general
members of the public. TRUE
1. University employees do not need to pay for their parking permits.
2. Parking in Halls of Residence is handled by the Wardens of the Halls.
3. Having a University permit does not allow staff to park at Halls.
4. Parking permits cost £ 20 a year.
5. Students living in Hall do not need permission to park in Hall car parks.
TRAFFICThe University grounds are University authorities only allow
authorised members of the University, visitors and drivers of vehicles servicing the
University to enter the s of staff who have paid the requisite fee and
display the appropriate permit may bring a vehicle into the grounds. A University
permit does not entitle them to park in Hall car parks however, unless authorised by
the Warden of the Hall ts may not bring vehicles into the grounds
during the working day unless they have been given special permission by the
Security Officer and have paid for and are displaying an appropriate entry permit.
Students living in Halls of Residence must obtain permission from the Warden to keep
a motor vehicle at their ts are reminded that if they park a motor
vehicle on University premises without a valid permit, they will be fined
£ons 6-13Look at the patient information leaflet on the following
each of the following sentences with TWO possible endings A - M from
the box the appropriate letters A ~ M in boxes 6 - 13 on your answer
e AnswerBorodine tablets should not be A and
MQuestions 6 and 7Borodine tablets might be used
You must ask your doctor before taking Borodine tablets if you are already being
treated for…
You do not need to consult your doctor immediately if Borodine tablets give
You must consult your doctor at once if you find Borodine
Possible Endings(A)children under 12 years of age.(B)a headache.(C)an
uncomfortable feeling in your stomach.(D)symptoms similar to a cold.(E)a change in
your skin colour.(F)anything treated by a prescription medicine.(G)a kidney
complaint. (H)a whitening of the eyes. (I)sore or broken skin. (J)a fungal
infection.(K)a feeling of sadness.(L)shortness of breath.(M)a woman expecting a
child. The name of your medicine is Borodino
ARE Borodino TABLETS USED FOR?Borodino tablets are used to help relieve hay
fever and conditions due to allergies, in particular skin reactions and a runny is
not recommended that Borodino tablets are given to children under 12 years of age or
pregnant or breastfeeding YOU TAKE Borodino TABLETSIn some
circumstances it is very important not to take Borodino tablets. If you ignore these
instructions, this medicine could affect your heart you taking oral
medicines for fungal infections?Have you suffered a reaction to medicines containing
Borodino before?Do you suffer from any liver, kidney or heart disease?If the answer
to any of these questions is YES, do not take Borodino tablets before consulting your
TAKING Borodino TABLETSBorodino tablets, like many other
medicines, may cause side-effects in some you faint, stop taking Borodino
tablets and tell your doctor addition Borodino tablets may cause
problems with your vision, hair loss, depression or confusion, yellowing of your skin
or your you have these effects whilst taking Borodino tablets, tell your doctor
side-effects are dizziness or headaches, and indigestion or
stomachache. However, these effects are often mild and usually wear off after a few
days’ treatment. If they last for more than a few days, tell your doctor.
Look at the introduction to West Thames College on the following page and at
the statements(Questions 14~20)below. In boxes 14 - 20 on your answer sheet
writeTRUE if the statement is trueFALSE if the statement is falseNOT GIVEN if the
information is not given in the passage
14. Chiswick Polytechnic was closed at the same time West Thames College
was opened.
15. Most of the students at the college come from outside the local area.
16. The college changed its name to West Thames College in 1993.
17. There are currently 6000 students over the age of 19 attending the college.
18. Students under the age of 16 cannot attend any of the courses offered by the
19. The college offers a more mature environment in which to learn than a
20. There are fewer subjects to study in the sixth form of a school than at the
FOR CANDIDATESWest Thames College(initially known as Hounslow Borough
College)came into existence in 1976 following the merger of Isleworth Polytechnic
with part of Chiswick Polytechnic. Both parent colleges, in various guises, enjoyed a
long tradition of service to the community dating back to the 1890s. The college is
located at London Road, Isleworth, on a site occupied by the Victorian house of the
Pears family, Spring Grove House. An earlier house of the same name on this site had
been the home of Sir Joseph Banks, the botanist who named Botany Bay with Captain
Cook in 1770. Later he founded Kew Gardens. Situated at the heart of West
London, West Thames College is ideally placed to serve the training and education
needs of local industry and local people. But its influence reaches much further than
the immediate locality. Under its former name, Hounslow Borough College, it had
already established a regional, national and international reputation for excellence. In
fact, about eight percent of its students come from continental Europe and further
afield, whilst a further 52 percent are from outside the immediate area. Since 1 April
1993, when it became independent of the local authority and adopted its new title,
West Thames College has continued to build on that first class reputation. These
days there is no such thing as a typical student. More than half of West Thames
College’s 6000 students are over 19 years old. Some of these will be attending college
part-time under their employers’ training schemes. Others will want to learn new
skills purely out of interest, or out of a desire to improve their promotion chances, or
they may want a change in career. The college is also very popular with 16 - 18
year olds, who see it as a practical alternative to a further two years at school. They
want to study in the more adult atmosphere the college provides. They can choose
from a far wider range of subjects than it would be practical for a sixth form to offer.
If they want to go straight into employment they can still study at college to gain
qualifications relevant to the job, either on a day-release basis or through Network or
the Modern Apprenticeship ons 21 - 26Look at the West Thames
College’s Services for Students on the following page. Each paragraph A ~ H
describes a different service provided by the the list below(i - Xi)choose
the most suitable summaries for paragraphs A , C and E -H. Write the appropriate
numbers(i - Xi)in boxes 21 - 26 on your answer There are more summaries
than paragraphs, so you will not use them all.i A shop for the books and stationery
needed to studyii Counselling and welfare willing to listen, offer advice or arrange a
referraliii An Examinations Office arranging exams and issuing certificatesiV A
Registrar’s Office handling all fee payments and related enquiriesV A Medical
Service offering on-site assistance with health-related problemsVi A tutorial system
for regular one-to-one guidance, support and feedbackVii Careers Advice helping
students into employmentViii An Admissions Service providing assistance in
choosing and applying for higher education coursesiX A Student Union representing
students on college committeesX Clubs and societies for students’ free-timeXi A
Learning Support Service supporting students in studying, presenting information and
STUDENTSAAs a full-time student at West Thames College you will have your own
Personal Mentor who will see you each week to guide you through your studies, and
discuss any problems which may arise. We take a cooperative approach to the
assessment of your work and encourage you to contribute to discussion. BThis service
provides specialist assistance and courses for those who need help to improve their
writing, oral and numeracy skills for the successful completion of their college course.
Help with basic skills is also available. CThis service is available to anyone who is
undecided as to which course to follow. It is very much a service for the individual,
whatever your age, helping you to select the best option to suit your circumstances.
The service includes educational advice, guidance and support, including a facility for
accrediting your previous experience—the Accreditation of Prior Learning(APL). The
Admissions Office is open Monday to Friday 9.00 am to 5.00 pm. All interviews are
confidential and conducted in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. Evening
appointments are available on request. DThe College Bookshop stocks a wide range
of books, covering aspects of all courses, together with a good selection of stationery.
It also supplies stamps, phone cards, blank videos and computer disks. The shop is
open at times specified in the Student Handbook in the mornings, afternoons and
students are weary from study and want the chance to relax and
enjoy themselves with friends, they can participate in a number of recreational
activities. Depending on demand, we offer a range of sporting activities including
football, badminton, basketball, table tennis, volleyball, weight training and aerobics.
For the non-sporting students we offer a debating society, video club, hair and beauty
sessions, as well as a range of creative activities. Suggestions for activities from
students are always welcome. FThis confidential service is available if you have
practical or personal difficulties during your course of study, whether of a financial or
personal nature. Our Student Advisors can help you directly or put you in touch with
someone else who can give you the help you need. GThe College Nurses are there for
general medical advice and for treatment of illness or injury. All visits are confidential.
First aid boxes and fully-trained First Aiders are also on hand at various locations
around the college. HWest London employers have a permanent base in the centre of
college, with access to a database of more than 24,000 jobs available locally and in
Central London. They will also help you with job applications and interview
Thames College 1996
21. Paragraph A
22. Paragraph C
23. Paragraph E
24. Paragraph F
25. Paragraph G
26. Paragraph H
Someone once put forward an attractive though unlikely theory. Throughout the
Earth’s annual revolution around the sun there is one point of space always hidden
from our eyes. This point is the opposite part of the Earth’s orbit, which is always
hidden by the sun. Could there be another planet there, essentially similar to our own,
but always invisible? If a space probe today sent back evidence that such a world
existed it would cause not much more sensation than Sir William Herschel’s discovery
of a new planet, Uranus, in 1781. Herschel was an extraordinary man—no other
astronomer has ever covered so vast a field of work—and his career deserves study.
He was born in Hanover in Germany in 1738, left the German army in 1757, and
arrived in England the same year with no money but quite exceptional music ability.
He played the violin and oboe and at one time was organist in the Octagon Chapel in
the city of Bath. Herschel’s was an active mind, and deep inside he was conscious that
music was not his destiny; he therefore read widely in science and the arts, but not
until 1772 did he come across a book on astronomy. He was then 34, middle-aged by
the standards of the time, but without hesitation he embarked on his new career,
financing it by his professional work as a musician. He spent years mastering the art
of telescope construction, and even by present-day standards his instruments are
comparable with the best. Serious observation began in 1774. He set himself the
astonishing task of ‘ reviewing the heavens’, in other words, pointing his telescope to
every accessible part of the sky and recording what he saw. The first review was made
in 1775; the second, and most momentous, in 1780- 1781. It was during the latter part
of this that he discovered Uranus. Afterwards, supported by the royal grant in
recognition of his work, he was able to devote himself entirely to astronomy. His final
achievements spread from the sun and moon to remote galaxies(of which he
discovered hundreds), and papers flooded from his pen until his death in 1822.
Among these there was one sent to the Royal Society in 1781, entitled An Account of
a Comet. In his own words: On Tuesday the 13th of March, between ten and
eleven in the evening , while I was examining the small stars in the neighbourhood of
H Geminorum, I perceived one that appeared visibly larger than the rest; being struck
with its uncommon magnitude, I compared it to H Geminorum and the small star in
the quartile between Auriga and Gemini, and finding it to be much larger than either
of them, suspected it to be a comet. Herschel’s care was the hallmark of a great
observer; he was not prepared to jump to any conclusions. Also, to be fair, the
discovery of a new planet was the last thought in anybody’s mind. But further
observation by other astronomers besides Herschel revealed two curious facts. For a
comet, it showed a remarkably sharp disc; furthermore, it was moving so slowly that
it was thought to be a great distance from the sun, and comets are only normally
visible in the immediate vicinity of the sun. As its orbit came to be worked out the
truth dawned that it was a new planet far beyond Saturn’s realm, and that the
‘reviewer of the heavens’ had stumbled across an unprecedented prize. Herschel
wanted to call it georgium sidus(Star of George)in honour of his royal patron King
George III of Great Britain. The planet was later for a time called Herschel in honour
of its discoverer. The name Uranus, which was first proposed by the German
astronomer Johann Elert Bode, was in use by the late 19th century. Uranus is a
giant in construction, but not so much in size; its diameter compares unfavourably
with that of J upiter and Saturn, though on the terrestrial scale it is still colossal.
Uranus’ atmosphere consists largely of hydrogen and helium, with a trace of methane.
Through a telescope the planet appears as a small bluish-green disc with a faint green
periphery. In 1977, while recording the occulta-tion1 of a star behind the planet, the
American astronomer James L. Elliot discovered the presence of five rings encircling
the equator of Uranus. Four more rings were discovered in January 1986 during the
exploratory flight of Voyager 22. In addition to its rings, Uranus has 15
satellites(‘ moons’), the last 10 discovered by Voyager 2 on the same flight; all
revolve about its equator and move with the planet in an east-west direction. The two
largest moons, Titania and Oberon, were discovered by Herschel in 1787. The next
two, Umbriel and Ariel, were found in 1851 by the British astronomer William Lassell.
Miranda, thought before 1986 to be the innermost moon, was discovered in 1948 by
the American astronomer Gerard Peter ry:1occultation in astronomy,
when one object passes in front of another and hides the second from view, especially,
for example, when the moon comes between an observer and a star or planet2Voyager
2 an unmanned spacecraft sent on a voyage past Saturn, Uranus and Jupiter in 1986,
during which it sent back information about these planets to scientists on
earthQuestions 27-31Complete the table a date for each
your answers in boxes 27 - 31 on your answer sheet.
Do the following statements reflect the claims of the writer of the Reading
Passage?In boxes 32 - 36 on your answer sheet writeYES if the statement reflects the
claims of the writerNO if the statement contradicts the writerNOT GIVEN if it is
impossible to say what the writer thinks about thisExample AnswerHerschel was
multi-talented. YES
32. It is improbable that there is a planet hidden behind the sun.
33. Herschel knew immediately that he had found a new planet.
34. Herschel collaborated with other astronomers of his time.
35. Herschel’s newly-discovered object was considered to be too far from the
sun to be a comet.
36. Herschel’s discovery was the most important find of the last three hundred
Complete each of the following statements(Questions 37-40)with a name from
the Reading passage. Write your answers in boxes 37 - 40 on your answer
suggested names of the new planet started with【R37】______, then【R38】______,
before finally settling on first five rings around Uranus were discovered
by【R39】______From 1948 until 1986, the moon【R40】______was believed to be
the moon closestto the surface of Uranus.
37. 【R37】
正确答案:georgium sidus
38. 【R38】
39. 【R39】
正确答案:James L. Elliot
40. 【R40】