





Embracing the unknown

Some of life’s problems are solvable: you can leave a bad relationship or job,



improve your health, or get better at managing money. Uncertainty is different.

Nobody likes the clenched-stomach feeling of not knowing whether things will be OK

– yet, as philosophers and psychologists point out throughout history, uncertainty

is part of being human. None of us can see into the future, but that doesn’t mean

we’re condemned to suffer constant anxiety.

Why pick a battle you’ll lose? As a philosopher observed, uncertainty is like

quicksand: the harder you strain to get out, the deeper you go. Unpredictable change

is the essence of life, so fighting it isn’t merely a tall order, but futile by definition,

like trying to lift yourself up by your own hair. There is a contradiction in wanting to

be perfectly secure in a universe whose very nature is momentariness and fluidity.

You think you want to know, but consider this: If a psychic could tell you the

details of the rest of your life, would you want to know? You might say yes, but think

harder: no surprises, no discoveries and no mystery. The quest for certainty blocks

the search for meaning. All the most fulfilling aspects of life require it: it’s the

precondition for creativity, adventure, personal growth and love. Coping with

uncertainty is a kind of superpower. It’s alarming how many big choices we make

because we want unease to go away, not because they are for the best. (To start a

relationship or take ) Next time you face such a decision, try feeling your

churning stomach, but not acting on it. Ask yourself what’s the right choice, and do


What can you control? We make ourselves miserable trying to change things we

can’t – but happiness comes from saving our efforts for what is within our

influence. Consider work: you can’t affect the economy or whether colleagues

appreciate you. What do you control? Your work ethic; how you communicate; if you

Focus on those.

It’s not all or nothing. Make the shift in areas of lesser importance. Visit a

restaurant without first checking the menu; mark a date in your diary two weeks

from now, and try to relish uncertainty till then. It’s unlikely your world will fall apart

during that time!





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