English and Chinese belong to two different language families

English and Chinese belong to two different language families


English and Chinese belong to two different language families: English, the

Indo-European family and Chinese, the Sino-Tibetan family. The two languages

also have different cultural backgrounds. Translation is an interlingual and

intercultural transfer and multi-dimensional contrastive studies of the two

language and cultures are therefore essential. Therefore, before translation, we

should pay attention to the cultural elements.

According to the difference between English and Chinese translation, There

are ten pairs of features which we should take into consideration when we

translate English to Chinese.

1 Synthetic and Analytic (综合语和分析语)

A synthetic language is characterized by frequent and systematic use of

inflected forms to express grammatical relationships.

An analytic language is marked by a relatively frequent use of function words,

auxiliary verbs, and changes in word order to express syntactic relations, rather

than of inflected forms.

Modern English has become a analytic language, but Chinese is a typical

analytic language.

Inflection(变化词形), word order(安排词序)and the use of function words(运用

虚词) are employed as the three grammatical devices in building English sentences.

1.1 Inflectional vs. Non---inflectional

In English, nouns, pronouns and verbs are inflected. Such grammatical

meaning as parts of speech, gender, case, person, tense, aspect, voice, mood and

non--finite verb, can bta,expressed by the use of inflected forms with or without

the help of function words and word order, whereas in Chinese this is generally not

true: the above grammatical meanings are mostly implied in contexts or between

the lines, though often with the help of word order and function words,

e.g They told me that by the end of the year they

would have been working

together for thirty years. 他们告诉我,到(那年)年底,他们在一起工作就有三十年了。

1.2 Words Order: Flexible vs. Inflexible

Word order in English is not so rigid as in Chinese. More ways of inversion

grammatical or rhetorical, are often seen in English.

e.g Interrogative inversion(疑问倒装)


in the world do

you mean? 你的意思究竟是什么啊?

(2)Exclamatory inversion (惊叹倒装)


a beautiful voice

you have! 你有多么好的嗓音啊!

The flexible word order in English is mainly the result of the grammatical





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