1. 行李 Baggage/Luggage 2、 托运的行李 Checked baggage
3. 行李领取处 Baggage claim area 4. 随身行李 Carry-on baggage
5. 行李牌 Baggage Tag 6. 行李推车 Luggage Cart
7. 请问, 您是…吗?
Excuse me, are you Mr. / Miss/ Mrs. …?
您一定是…吧? You must be …
8. 一路辛苦了。Did you have a good(pleasant) flight?
Is your journey enjoyable?
9. 长途跋涉, 加上时差, 您一定累了。
After a long flight, you must be jetlagged.
10. 让我帮您拿行李吧。/让我来推行李车吧/。
Let me help you with your lugguage/bags.
Let me push the luggage cart for you.
11. Our car is just expecting us outside there. Shall we go and talk on
the way to the hotel? 我们的车就在外面,咱们边走边谈好吗?
12. 我们到了。Here we are.
13. 您先请。 After you, please.
14. 日程安排 schedule
15. 预订 reserve
16. 根据……的要求 upon……request
17. 专程造访 come all the way
18. 精心安排 a thoughtful arrangement
19. 排忧解难 help out
20. How happy we are to meet friends from afar. 有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎
21. This is the first time we have met这是我们第一次见面
22. We made each other’s acquaintance long ago through correspond