carp in captivity
(A) foster mother
(1). Sexual maturity and sexual cycle of the Yangtze river basin (female general 2 age, male
of 1 year of above the carp reach sexual maturity. Generally 3 ~ 5 month for the gonads
mature and spawning period. After the first phase of the eggs Ⅵ ovarian to absorb
degradation in July to the first Ⅱ period, then gradually development to enter the first Ⅳ
period in November, and, on the winter period, the second year 3 ~ 4 months, meet
appropriate environmental conditions, ovarian it quickly mature soon Ⅳ phase, the first to
the first V period. The male sexual maturity (after the first JingChao degradation to
reproduce Ⅲ period, 8 to 9 months into the first Ⅳ period, December to the first V period,
and this period winter. Laying eggs in the different season all over south laying eggs for 2 ~ 3
month stage; The Yangtze river basin as a 3 ~ 4 month; The Yellow River is 4 ~ 5 month; The
northeast region for 5 ~ 6 months. Spawning period sustainable 2 months or so commonly.
(2). The choice of mother and raising female carp should choose 2 years old, weight more
than 1 kg, the male carp slightly small weight for about 0.5 kilograms. The choice should be
body height, mother back thick, healthy body, strong, the figure is good, strong activity
without injury. Source of good for breeding in the pond. Kiss fish pond area is general 1 to 3
mu, depth of water 1.5 meters or so, every year to clear a pond. Mother stocking density
general 100-150 kg/mu, also can a few silver carps, it collection fish, to control the excessive
breeding of plankton. After laying eggs in winter carp have to kiss before male and female fed
separately, in order to avoid sudden high temperature when natural reproduction and
sporadic carp spawn, usually can be male and female FenYang collection or a pond. Carp for
bears are, appetite is big, raising the period shall be given enough food, also can be
appropriately fertilization make water quality fertile, natural feed enough. Note 10 ~ 15 days
before laying eggs with high quality feed to strengthen the cultivation, so as to facilitate the
development of the.
(B) natural fertilized eggs
1. Laying eggs, hatch pool choice spawning pool to 0.5 ~ 1 mu is better, water depth 1 ~ 1.5
meters. Rappel/abseil stations should be exposed to the shelter, less, silt, note drainage
convenient, the environment is quiet pond. Put the fish from seven to 10 days before with
lime and clear pond, when water tight filters, water quality and pure and fresh, oxygen levels
high. General is encouraged by raising pool and be hatching pool, fry in them after they hatch,
raised on the spot. Request the pond area 1 ~ 2 acres, water depth 0.7 ~ 1 m, put the fish
before qing pond.
2. Fish and making of nest eggs is to produce cohesive set carp, need has attached objects, so
that a fertilized egg adhesion on development. Usually the artificial setting for the fish eggs
attached objects called nest. Copper natural materials nest fish, as long as the quality of a
material soft, fine need more, in the water easily spread out the long-lived all can be used.
Commonly used in production plants (poly grass, horworts), willow roots, palm skin, ferns,
etc, and is now the artificial fiber production development of fish nest, more durable. Fish
nest materials by disinfects processing, tie beam is made, the right size, not thin not close,
and then the fine bamboo or tied to a tree in the article. Common set mode have suspension
type peace column type. General fish arranged in nests away from the shore 1 meter of
shallow water, bamboo pole sink into 10 ~ 15 cm underwater, so that the fish float state in
the nest. According to the situation when management attention to the nest eggs for fish in
3. With eggs in general river's lake of carp, pond are natural laying eggs, when spring water
temperature rise to 18 ℃ or so, it will begin to reproduce themselves by laying eggs. Male
and female of FenYang mother needs and pool with group, appropriate in the warm sunny
without the wind, or after the rain pround of the weather, choose a mature good male and
(C) artificial insemination
Artificial oxytocin and artificial insemination, can make egg matures, laying eggs, seedling
and tidy. The dose of hormone oxytocin carp to request is not very strict, pituitary, predict
the hormone and analogues flooded to carp are effective. Females of the pituitary gland dose
of 4 ~ 10 mg kg or gut hormone 1500 ~ 2000 international units kilograms or release the
hormone analogue 35 to 100 MCG/kg, also can let take two hormones mixed use, the effect is
better. The dose of the male fish for half the females, all use an american-style injections. The
preparation of the injection and injection method and four everybody fish the same. Injection
in the afternoon general 4 ~ 5 and injection after mother will put people spawning pool,
blunt water 1 ~ 2 hours, put mermaid nest, general that night or the next day morning can
spawn. After oxytocin can also be artificial insemination, carp eggs in water is not in viscosity,
generally USES the dry fertilization. First the body surface mother wiped, crowded eggs one
bowl, then squeeze in semen on eggs, gently toss with feather, fully contact with the sperm or
eggs, add water to make its fertilization, will be evenly in advance from fertilized eggs on the
fish of shallow water the nest to hatch.
(D) hatch
1. The pond on the current production hatch directly use fry breeding pool to hatch, to
reduce the trouble and fry turn pond loss. Will the fish sticks has the nest eggs on pool under
the water 10 centimeters and fixed, the water can be put per 25 to 300000 grain of eggs or so,
if 60% of the survival rate computation, the density of goldfish fries per for 15 ~ 180000 tail.
Fry just hatch, not immediately put the fish nest take out, most of the time at fry attached to
the fish the nest, rely on the yolk sac provides nutrition for fry can active swimming foraging,
can remove fish nest.
2. The eggs hatch will drench water fish nest in a room suspension or flat out on shelves,
using the method of pouring water so that the fish nest keep wet. This method to control the
mercury hotshots indoor temperature, humidity, observation embryonic development, an
incubation speed is consistent, reduce water mildew damage, hatch from climate change
effects, etc. When the embryonic development of departure will be immediately eye when
fish nest moved to hatch in the pool hatch, pay attention to indoor pool temperature varies
with no more than 5 ℃.
3. Debonding water in sticky eggs hatch carp after artificial insemination, its viscosity is
taken away, and then use the hatch equipment fish house water to hatch. Use this law can
avoid DiHai attacks, water quality and pure and fresh, dissolved oxygen rich, and is suitable
for mass production, need not make fish nest, save materials and artificial.
(1) the mud debonding method use first yellow soil synthesis rare mud water, general 5 kg
water to add 0.5 ~ 1 kg yellow, the 40 eye nets cloth filter. Fertilized eggs into the water will
slow the mud, kept banging on the mud water 2 ~ 3 minutes, will debonding eggs into after
washing cages to mud, can put in hatch incubator running water.
(2) the talcum powder debonding method will be 1.00 grams of magnesium silicate and talc
powder that is adding 20 ~ 25 g salt dissolve in 10 premium, stir to a mixed suspension, can
be used to take off sticky eggs 1 ~ 1.5 kg carp. When operating a face suspension in slowly
pour eggs, a stir gently with feather, after half an hour later, the fertilized egg scattered with
granular, rinse in the incubator water to hatch.
1.性成熟和性周期 长江流域的雌鲤一般2龄,雄鲤1龄以上达性成熟。一般3~5月为其性腺成熟和产卵的时期。产卵后的第Ⅵ期卵巢到7月份吸收退化到第Ⅱ期,此后逐渐发育到11月份进入第Ⅳ期,并以此期越冬,第二年3~4月份,遇到适宜的环境条件,卵巢即迅速成熟很快由第Ⅳ期发展到第V期。性成熟的雄鲤繁殖后精巢退化到第Ⅲ期,8~9月进入第Ⅳ期,12月进入第V期,并以此期越冬 .产卵季节在南北各地有所不同,南方地区产卵盛期为2~3月;长江流域为3~4月;黄河流域为4~5月;东北地区为5~6月。产卵期一般可持续2个月左右。
2.亲鱼的选择和饲养 雌鲤鱼应选择2龄以上、体重1公斤以上,雄鲤鱼略小体重为0.5公斤左右。选择的亲鱼应体高、背厚,身体健康、强壮,体形好,活动力强而无伤。来源以池塘饲养的为好。亲鱼池面积一般为1~3亩,水深1.5米左右,每年要清塘一次。亲鱼的放养密度一般100—150公斤/亩,也可以混养少数鲢、鳙鱼,以控制浮游生物的过量繁殖。在越冬后产卵前雌雄亲鲤必须分开饲养,以免温度突然升高时鲤鱼自然繁殖而零星产卵,平时则可以雌雄分养或混养一塘。鲤鱼为杂食性,食量较大,饲养期间应给予足够的食物,同时也可适当施肥使水质肥沃,天然饵料充足。注意产卵前10~15天用优质饲料进行强化培育,以利于性腺的发育。
1.产卵、孵化池的选择 产卵池以0.5~1亩较好,水深1~1.5米。应选避风、向阳、淤泥少,注排水方便,环境安静的池塘。放鱼前7~10天用生石灰等清塘,注水时严密过滤,水质清新,含氧量高。一般是用鱼苗饲养池兼作孵化池,鱼苗在其中孵出后,就地进行饲养。要求池塘面积1~2亩,水深0.7~1米,放鱼前要清塘。
2.鱼巢的制作和设置 鲤鱼是产粘性卵,需要有附着物,以便受精卵粘附在上面发育。通常将人工设置的供卵附着物称为鱼巢。扎制鱼巢的天然材料,只要质地柔软,纤细须多,在水中易散开不易腐烂的均可应用。生产上常用水草(聚草、金鱼藻等)、杨柳根须、棕榈皮、蕨类植物等,现在又发展了人造纤维制作的鱼巢,更加经久耐用。鱼巢材料经消毒处理后,扎制成束,大小合适,不疏不密,然后将其绑在细竹竿或树条上。常见的设置方式有悬吊式和平列式。一般鱼巢布置在离岸边1米左右的浅水处,将竹竿沉入水下10~15厘米,使鱼巢呈漂浮状态。管理时根据着卵情况注意鱼巢的及时换取。
3.配组产卵 鲤鱼在一般江湖、池塘中均能自然产卵,当春季水温升高到18℃左右时,即开始产卵繁殖。雌雄分养的亲鱼需要并池配组,宜在晴暖无风,或雨后初晴的天气,选择成熟较好的雌雄亲鱼,按1:1比例配对,并人产卵池产卵。一般午夜开始到翌日早晨6~8时产卵最盛,到中午停止。
1.池塘孵化 目前生产上多直接使用鱼苗培育池进行孵化,以减少鱼苗转塘的麻烦和损失。将粘有鱼卵的鱼巢放人池中水面下10厘米并固定,每亩水面可放25~30万粒卵左右,若以60%的成活率计算,每亩鱼苗的密度为15~18万尾。鱼苗刚孵出时,不可立即将鱼巢取出,此时鱼苗大部分时间附着在鱼巢上,靠卵黄囊提供营养,为鱼苗能主动游泳觅食时,才能去掉鱼巢。
2.淋水孵化 将着卵的鱼巢放在室内悬吊或平铺在架子上,用淋水的方法使鱼巢保持湿润。此法能人为控制孵化时室内温度、湿度,观察胚胎发育情况,具有孵化速度一致,减少水霉危害,孵化不受气象变化影响等优点。当胚胎发育到发眼期时应立即将鱼巢移到孵化池内孵化,注意室内与水池温度相差不超过5℃。
3.脱粘流水孵化 鲤鱼产的粘性卵在人工授精后,将其粘性除掉,再用家鱼的孵化设备进行流水孵化。采用此法可以避免敌害的侵袭,水质清新,溶氧丰富,适于大规模生产,不用制作鱼巢,节约材料和人工。
(1)泥浆脱粘法 先用黄泥土合成稀泥浆水,一般5公斤水加0.5~1公斤黄泥,经40目网布过滤。将受精卵缓慢倒入泥浆水中,不停地翻动泥浆水2~3分钟,将脱粘后的卵移入网箱中洗去泥浆,即可放入孵化器中流水孵化。
(2)滑石粉脱粘法 将1.00克滑石粉即硅酸镁再加20~25克食盐溶于10升水中,搅拌成混合悬浮液,即可用来脱粘鲤卵1~1.5公斤。操作时一面向悬浮液中慢慢倒卵,一面用羽毛轻轻搅动,经半小时后,受精卵呈分散颗粒状,漂洗后放入孵化器中进行流水孵化。