AB Anchor Bolt 地脚螺栓
Earthing boss 接地板
Abs Absolute 绝对的
Abs Abstract 文摘、摘要
A/C Account 帐、帐目
AC Alternating Current 交流电
Add Addendum 补充、补遗、附录
ADL Acceptable Defect Level 允许的缺陷标准
Adpt Adapter 连接器、接头
AE Absolute Error 绝对误差
AET Acoustic Emission Examination 声发射检验
AISC American Institute of Steel Construction 美国钢结构学会AISI American Iron and Steel Institute 美国钢铁学会
AL Aluminium 铝
Alk Alkaline 碱的、强碱的
ALM Alarm 报警
Alt Alternate 交流、改变
Amb Ambient 周围的
Amt Amount 数量、金额
Anh Anhydrous 无水的
ANSI American National Standard Institute 美国国家标准学会
API American Petroleum Institute 美国石油学会
App Apparatus 设备
App Appendix 附录、补遗
Appl Applied 应用的
Appl Applicable 适当的、合适的
Approx Approximate 大约、近似
Appx Appendix 附录、附件
Arrgt Arrangement 布置
AS Alloy steel 合金钢
Asb Asbestos 石棉
ASL Above Sea Level 海拔高度
ASM American Society for Metals 美国金属学会
ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers 美国机械工程师学会Assem Assembly 装配
ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials 美国材料试验学会
Atm Atmosphere 大气
atm Atmosphere pressure 大气压
Auto Automatic 自动
Aux Auxiliary 辅助设备、辅助的
Avail Available 有效的、可用的
Avg Average 平均
AW Arc welding 电弧焊
AW Automatic Welding 自动焊
A.W.G. American Wire Gauge 美国线规
AWS(AWI) American Welding Society(Institute) 美国焊接学会
BAB Babbitt Metal 巴氏合金
Baf Baffle 折流板、缓冲板
BB Ball Bearing 滚珠轴承
BC Between Centers 中心距、轴间距
BC Bolt circle 螺栓中心圆
BD Blow down 放空、放料
BEDD Basic engineering design data 基础工程设计数据
Bet Between 在…之间
Bev Bevel 斜角、坡口
BF Back face 背面、反面
BF Blind flange 法兰盖(盲法兰)
BHN Brinell hardness number 布氏硬度值
BL Battery Limit 界区
BL Battery Line 界区线
B/L Bill of Loading 载荷数据表
Bld Blind 盲板
Blk Black 黑色
Blk Blank 空白
BM Bench Mark 基准标志
BM Bending Moment 弯矩
B/M (BOM) Bill of Material 材料表
Bot Bottom 底
BP Back Pressure 背压
BP Base plate 底板
BR Basic Requirements 基本要求
BRG Bearing 轴承
BRKT Bracket 支架
Brs Brass 黄铜
BS Both Side 两边
BS British Standard 英国标准
BS Balance Sheet 平衡表
Bskt Basket 筐
BTU British Thermal Unit 英国热量单位
BV Back View 后视图
BV Butterfly Valve 碟阀
BW Brine Vater 冷冻盐水
BW Butt Welding 对焊
BWG Birmingham Wire Gauge 伯明翰线规
BWRA. British Welding Research Association 英国焊接研究协会C Centigrade(degree) 摄氏度数
CA Chemical Analysis 化学分析
CA Corrosion Allowance 腐蚀裕量
Calc Calculate 计算
Cap Capacity 能力、容量
CAS Cast Alloy Steel 铸造合金钢
Cat Catalyst 触媒、催化剂
Catg Catalog 目录、样本
C-C(C/C) Center to center 中心距
cc carbon copy 复写(纸复制)本
cc cubic centimeter 立方厘米
CCW Counter clockwise 反时针方向
CD Cold Drawn 冷拉的、冷拔的
CE Covered Electrode 焊条
Cent Centrifugal 离心的
CF Centrifugal Force 离心力
CFW Continuous Fillet Weld 连续角焊缝
CG Center of Gravity 重心
CH Case-Hardening 表面硬化
Ch Chapter 章节
Cham Chamfer 倒角、斜角、斜面
Chan Channel 通道、沟槽、管箱、槽钢
Chk Check 检查
CI Cast Iron 铸铁
CIF Cost, Insurance and Freight 到岸价格Circ Circumference 圆周、环向
CL Class 等级、类别
CL Center Line 中心线
CL Clearance 间隙
CLAS Cast Low Alloy Steel 低合金铸钢
CM Center of Mass 质量中心
Cnds Condensate 冷凝液
CO Clean Out 清除
Co Company 公司
Coef Coefficient 系数
Col Column 柱、塔
Comb Combination 组合
Comp Compare 比较
Comp Compound 化合物、复合的
Compn Composition 组分
Conc Concrete 混凝土
Conc Concentration 浓度
Cond Conductor 导体
Cond Condition 条件
Conn Connection 联接、接口
Const Constant 常数、恒定的
Const Construction 结构
Cont Control 控制
Cont Contain 包含
Cont Content 内容、含量
Corp Corporation 公司
Corr Corrosion 腐蚀
CP Centipoise 厘泊
CP Center of Pressure 压力中心
Cpl Coupling 管箍
Cplg Coupling 联轴节
CR Chloroprene Rubber 氯丁橡胶
CS Carbon Steel 碳钢
CS Center Section 中心截面
CSTG Casting 铸造、铸件
Ctr Center 中心
CW Cooling Water 冷却水
CW Continuous Welding 连续焊
Cy Cycle 循环
Cyl Cylinder 气缸、圆筒
Header 管箱
Supporting column支柱
Fan ring风筒
Fan deck风机底板
Drive assembly驱动组件
Forced draught鼓风式/induced draught引风式
Plug sheet丝堵板
Top plate顶板 bottom plate底板 end plate端板 removable cover plate可卸盖板Stay plate加强板
Side fame侧面框架 tube spacer定距管
Tube support cross-member管子支撑梁
Tube keeper管子支撑件
Instrument connection仪表接头
Stud construction, confined gasket榫槽结构窄垫片
Flanged construction, confined gasket凹凸结构窄垫片
Full-faced gasket全表面宽垫片
Plug header丝堵式管箱
Box-type plenum 箱型风箱
Transition plenum转换风箱
Standard fit标准配合
Special close fit特殊紧配合
Tube-hole grooving管孔槽
Thread lubrication罗纹润滑
Centerline header管箱中心线
Centerline nozzle接管中心线
Reference line基准线
Out-of-plane tolerance不平度公差
Holding-down bolts夹紧螺栓
The instrument air supply空气供给仪器
The louvre characteristic performance curve百叶窗特性曲线
Dry-bulb temperature干球温度
Max. exposure temp. of elastomeric material弹性材料的最大外露温度For pheumatic positioner气动定位器
For pheumatic diaphragm actuators气动隔膜执行机构
For rotary unions旋转单元
Expanded metal fan guard mesh风机护罩多孔金属网
Direct right-angle gear drive齿轮直角直接驱动
Belt drive皮带驱动
Direct motor drive 电动机直接驱动
Fan support 风机支架
Suspended belt drive, motor shaft down悬挂皮带驱动,电动机轴朝下
Gear box齿轮箱
Base plate底板
Louvre deflection窗叶挠度
Louvre blades in closed position with design load of 2000N/m2设计载荷为2000N/m2的处于关闭状态的窗叶
Louvre side frames with uniform design load of 2000N/m2均匀设计载荷为2000的百叶窗边缘框架
Length of the span between points of support俩支撑点之间的跨度
Live load动载荷
Floor framing平台铺板
Columns and brackests支柱及托架
Ladders and stairways梯子和脚踏
Fan thrust风机推力
(internal) refractory linings耐火衬里
Wet gas compressor trim coolers湿气压缩机调温冷却器
Stripper condenser汽提塔冷凝器
Flattening 椭圆度
Stripper feed pre-heater汽提塔进料预热器
Stripprt 1st reboiler汽提塔第一再沸器
Primary absorber bottom pumparound cooler一级吸收塔底循环泵冷却器Low temp. HIC resist KCS低温抗HIC镇静钢
Gasoline trim cooler汽油调温冷却器
Lean oil trim cooler贫油调温冷却器
Fuel gas cooler燃料气冷却器
Debutanizer reboiler脱丁烷塔冷凝器
Butane product cooler丁烷产品冷却器
Propane/propylene rectifier condensers丙烷/丙烯精馏塔冷凝器
Mixed C3 cooler混合C3冷却器
Residue MPS heater渣油MPS 加热器
Feed/ slurry pumparound exchanger进料/油浆循环泵换热器
Slurry HP steam generator油浆-高压蒸汽发生器
Clarified oil MP steam generator澄清油中压蒸汽发生器
Safetyrelated technical manual 产品安全技术说明书
Namely, ….即….
Specific gravity 比重
Fixed tubesheet heat exchanger固定管板式换热器
Floating head type heat exchanger浮头式换热器
U-tube type heat exchanger U形管式换热器
Kettle type heat exchanger釜式换热器
Double tube type heat exchanger套管式换热器
Slip tubesheet heat exchanger with stuffing box滑动管板填料函换热器Stuffing box heat exchanger填料函式换热器
Double sheet heat exchanger双管板换热器
Thin tubesheet heat exchanger薄管板换热器
Bayonet type heat exchanger插管式换热器
Jacket type heat exchanger夹套式换热器
Mesh demister 丝网除沫器
Skirt shell裙座筒体
Cover plate盖板
Base plate 底板
Straddle equi-spaced跨中均布
Bottom head 下封头
Weld symbol std.焊缝符号标准
Weld forms for NZLS-SHELL C、D类焊缝坡口形式
Earthquake deg. 地震烈度
“Duplicate”= “复制”
“for gas service only”= “仅用于气体工况”
0.8mm radius round半径为0.8mm的圆
1st sulphur condenser第一硫冷凝器
A 0.8mm radius round tool(磨平用)
A balancing bellows平衡波纹管
A blank head毛坯封头
A centre line elevation of 3.5 m at the top exchanger顶层换热器中心线拔高
A certificate of conformance性能证书
A certified test report合格的试验报告
A chord length弦长arc length弧长
A circumferential line环向线
A coded marking编号标志方法
A coefficient of discharge排放系数
A computed radial shear计算所得的径向剪切载荷
A cone with a knuckle radius有转角半径的锥壳
A cone-to-cylinder junction锥壳与圆筒的接逢
A definitely determinable yield point有明显屈服点的材料
A dimensioned detail sketch of defect location and extent缺陷位臵和范围的尺寸草图A fillet weld with a min. throat dimension角焊缝最小厚度
a fine grain practice细化晶粒处理
A fixed geographical location固定地理位臵
A flare radius扩口半径
A forged welding neck flange锻制焊接带颈法兰
A given nominal chemical analysis给定的公称化学成分
A heated electrode holder已加热电焊条的焊条筒
A mockup模拟产品
a needle gun for scale清除剥落层的撞针枪
A neutral to slightly reducing flame中性至微还原性火焰
A non-welded dished head非焊接凸形封头
A pad垫板
A positive mechanical locking arrangement可靠的机械锁紧装臵
A proven quantitative analytical technique有效的定量分析方法
A ratio of min. specified yield曲强比
A ratio of not less than three to one不小于3:1的比例
A recess 1/16 in. deep 开凹型座
A reverse curve section反向曲线段
A rupture disk holder安全膜夹持器
A shallow contaminated area一个浅的污染区
A shielding gas is employed采用保护气体transfer mode熔滴过渡形式short-circurting非短路过渡
A stayed jacket具有拉撑件的夹套
A stiff and lump paste粘稠而多块状物的糊
A straight thread直螺纹
A substantial lifting device靠可靠的提升装臵
A suitable gas leak test适当的气密性试验
A telebrinell portable tester便携式布氏测定仪
A threaded fastener with a head on one end一端有螺栓头的螺纹紧固件
A three to one taper over…在…上形成3:1的泄面
A transition section reducer变径过渡段壳体
A transition with a slope not exceeding 3:1过渡段其坡度不超过3:1
A try cock试验旋塞
A uniform force fit with the mating section at the root of the weld
A valve data tag阀门数据标签
A wet paint surface涂漆的未干的表面
A wire penetrameter线型透度计
Abnormal pressure caused by deflagration由爆燃引起的异常
Above 3 o’clock/ 9 o’clock position高于时钟3点/9点的位臵
Abrasive tooling打磨工具
Abrupt transition突变过渡
Accelerated cooling快速冷却
Acceptance by inspector由检验员认为合格
Acceptance criteria验收标准
Acceptance standard合格标准
Access openings通道孔
Accessibility of pressure vessels压力容器可达性
Accumulation of pressure压力累积
Acid etch酸蚀
Across, impact test横向冲击试验
Acting as partial shell stiffeners做为部分壳体加强圈
Actual heat treating temperature实际热处理温度
Actual prevailing climatic conditions实际的气候条件
Additional reinforcement附加补强
Adjacent sliding surface such as guides and disks or disk holders相接触的滑动表面,如导向套、阀瓣、或阀瓣夹持器
Adjacent to edges of stay-bolted surface临近用螺栓拉撑的表面周边处
Adjoining base material相临母材
Adjusting slider调整板
Admissible wall thickness最小许可壁厚
Aerosol can喷罐
Affixed to 安装到…
After Finning在和翅片成一体后
Agitator device搅拌装臵
Air baffle(upper/lower)挡风板
Air hardening steels自淬钢
Air pocket气袋
Air volume风量
Alignment tolerance对准公差, 组对公差
All hydro-test leakage液压试验发现的所有泄露点
Allow. Press. Drop允许压降
Allowance for corrosion, erosion, abrasion腐蚀裕量,侵蚀,磨损裕量Alternative design for替代
Ambient temperature环境温度
Amine lean solution/ rich贫/富胺液
Amount of overlap搭接量
An adjustable blow-down construction可调排污结构
An aluminum coating on the hot face (gas side)热管板的热面(气体侧)喷一层铝 thermally
sprayed aluminum热喷铝
An angle joint connecting锐角对接焊连接angle joint斜口接头
An atmospheric dew point常压露点温度
An individual tube hydrostatic test逐根进行液压试验
Anchor bolt地角螺栓
Anchor plate支撑板
Angle beam examination横波检验法
Angle of diagonal with longitudinal line对角向线与纵向线的夹角
Anti-corrosive coating防酸腐蚀的涂层
Any group of aligned indications任何一群或直线分布的显示
Any non-hazardous liquid任何非危险性液体
Any reduction in thickness任何厚度削薄
Any taper at a welded joint焊接接头的任何斜度
Apex angle顶角, half-apex angle半锥顶角
Applied linings, tightness应用忖里, 密封性
Approval of new material新材料的批准
Arc or gas welded(W)电焊或气焊Pressure welded (P)压力焊Brazed(B)钎焊(Electric)
resistance welded (ERW)电阻焊Arc weld电弧焊Act stud welding电弧螺柱焊Resistance stud
welding电阻螺柱焊Atomic hydrogen原子氢焊Stud螺栓焊Electron beam welding电子束焊Flash闪光焊Electroslag电渣焊Explosive爆炸焊Induction感应焊Continuous/intermittent
welding连续焊/间断焊Electro-gas welding气电焊Full penetration welding全熔焊Inertia and
continuous drive friction welding用储能和连续驱动摩擦焊/惯性…Laser beam激光束焊Capacitor discharge welding电容放电焊Manual welding: flat position, vertical position手工焊:平焊、立焊Oxy-fuel gas氧燃料气焊Thermit铝热焊Spot点焊line线焊seam缝焊Tack/Tack
Arc strikes, gouges, and other indication of careless workmanship引弧斑痕,刨痕及其他由于疏忽造成的损失starts引弧stops止弧
Arithmetical average deviation计算平均偏差
Around openings for welded attachment环绕焊接附件孔口
Around openings环绕开孔
Arrangement symmetry对称布臵
Arrangement symmetry对称布臵equispaced midspan跨中均布
Asbestos with suitable binder含有适当粘剂的石棉
ASME designated organization ASME指定机构
ASME designee ASME代表
ASNT=American society for nondestructive testing美国无损检测协会
ASTM=American society for testing and material美国试验材料协会
At elevated temperature, 在高温情况下/cryogenic 低温下
At increments that are within 20% of the range covered (点与点间的)增量应为所覆盖范围的20%
At or near the center of the weld在焊逢中间或附近
At shop在车间
At the edges of the fillet weld在角焊缝焊趾处
At the large end在大端
At the max. anticipated temperature最大预期温度下
At the most critical area最危险的区域
At the purchaser’s option基于买方的选择
At the smallest cross sectional area在最小横截面
Attachment of pressure parts to flat plates to form a corner joint承压件、平板相焊形成角接头
Attachment welds连续焊逢
Austenitic chromium-nickel stainless steels奥式体铬镍不锈钢
Austenitic stainless steel奥式体不锈钢
Average discontinuity hoop stress不连续环向平均应力
Avoid overloading the bristles避免刷上沾太多油漆
Avoid sharp break避免尖角破裂
Axial load per unit circumference单位周长轴向载荷
Axial strain轴向应变
Back strip剥离
Backing device钩圈
Backing plate, clad material 覆层材料的垫板Backing strip垫板
Baffle cut折流板切口
Baffle plate起顶板,挡板
Bare and marred spots裸露点(未上漆的)和损害了的地方
Bars and shapes棒材和型材
Base metal母材
Base plate底板
Base tube基管
Basis for establishing确定的基础
Bcup硼铜磷组 BAg 硼银组
Be applied as a continuous coating in an even manner to achieve a minimum film thickness平坦,最薄的膜
Be available in sufficient quantity应有足够用的量
Be brought up uniformly to均匀升温
Be chamfered or rounded进行倒角或倒圆
Be compatible with与…协调、一致
Be conducted on water at a tem. Between..and..应采用温度在..和..之间的水来进行
Be disconnected隔断
Be either staggered or in-line可以相互错开,或并排布臵
Be erected at the manufacturer’s works在厂内试安装
Be essentially symmetrical with respect to the axis of rotation相对于旋转轴保持基本对称Be examined by sectioning可进行截面检查
Be expanded for the full thickness of the tube sheet管只能在管板整个厚度里胀
Be explicitly indicated that the unit is subjected to vibrations明确指出换热器会有振动
Be formed to the curvature of the shell做成与壳体相对应的曲率
Be forwarded to送交
Be identified in yellow以黄色标明
Be inspected to ascertain complete penetration检查确定是否
Be mandatory for 强制性的要求
Be multiplied by乘以
Be obstructed by被…堵塞
Be of streamlined design设计成流线型
Be perpendicular to垂直于
Be readily rendered inoperative经常失灵
Be ready accessible for inspection便于检查
Be sampled进行采样
Be solution annealed进行固溶退火
Be well ground, not cake, thicken or skin(油漆)安放好、不结块、变浓、或结皮
Be written in stencil on the yellow band
Bead width焊道
Bearing area承载面积
Bearing surface受压面
Bend tangent弯处切点
Bend test弯曲试验
Bending stress弯曲应力
Bessemer quality steel贝式体钢
Bevel is optional, 45°max.斜度/坡口任意,最大为45°
Bind flange法兰盖/盲法兰
Black ground, yellow letter黑底黄字
Blank flange盲板法兰
Blast cleaned surface喷砂清洗过的表面
Blow敲击, peening锤击
Body-to-bonnet or body-to-yoke bolting阀体和阀盖,阀体和阀轭螺栓
Boiler water锅炉水
Bolt hole clearance螺孔间隙
Bolt lands螺栓载荷
Bolt stress螺栓应力
Bolt tensioners螺栓紧固件/ 螺栓张紧
Bolted flange connection螺栓法兰连接Bolting flange螺栓法兰
Booster gas heater增压气加热器
Bosses threads
Bottom plate of saddle鞍座底板
Bottom plate底板
Braced and stayed surface拉杆和撑杆表面
Braces or stay-bolts of uniform diameter symmetrically spaced等直径并对称布臵的拉撑件或撑条的表面
Branch connection支管连接
Brazed connections for nozzle接管的钎焊连接
Brazed joint钎焊接头
Brazed vessel钎焊容器
Brazing filler metal ring pre-placed here钎料环预先安放于此
Brazing filler metals钎料
Breaking pin device安全销装臵
Breaking pin housing安全销套
Breaking pressure破碎压力
Breather valve呼吸阀
Brinell hardness布氏硬度
Brittle coating脆性涂料
Brittle fracture脆性破坏
BUB=bubble point沸点
Bubble trays 泡罩塔
Buckling stress屈曲应力
Built-up pad加厚凸缘上
Burrs along the hole periphery shall be removal除去管孔周边毛刺Burr毛刺, 毛口
Busting test爆破试验
But otherwise by…但用其他..方式则不
Butt straps对接盖板/对接搭板
Butt welded joint对接接头
By capillary attraction借助于毛细管引力
Bypass shroud旁路挡板
Cable clamp索夹
Calculated test pressure计算得的试验压力
Calculation heat exchanger area计算换热面积
Calibrated against a standard deadweight tester经标准的静重式测试仪校正
Calibrated at intervals not exceeding six months每隔六个月复检一次
Can section罐段head端部exchanger section换热器段nozzle管嘴
Capacity certification of pressure relief devices泄压装臵排量证明书
Capacity certification test排量的验证试验
Carbon content含碳量
Carbon in material for welding焊接用材料中的碳
Care for handling小心轻放HANDLE WITH CARE: Indicating that contents are fragile
Cast bronze threaded fittings铸造青铜螺纹连接管配件
Cast copper alloy pipe flange铸铜合金公称管法兰
Cast ductile vessel可锻铸容器
Cast iron circular dished heads铸铁碟形封头
Cast iron pipe fittings铸铁管件Cast iron vessel铸铁容器
Cast iron plug
Cast iron standard parts, small铸铁标准部件,小件
Cast iron铸铁/生铁
Cast material铸造材料
Cast, forged, rolled, or die formed standard pressure parts铸,锻,轧,或模具成形的标准受压件
Casting quality factor铸造质量系数
Catalyst circulation design case催化剂循环设计情况
Catch basins滤污器
Category B butt joint B类对接接头
Caustic service有腐蚀的设备
Caustic soda苛性钠
Caustic washing tower/ alkaline tower碱洗塔
Center of gravity mark重心标识 NIL: Indicating position of center of gravity
Center of lap搭接中心线
Center of weld焊缝中心线
Centrifugal castings离心浇注的铸件
Ceramic random packing陶瓷散堆填料
Certificate of authorization for code symbol stamp规范符号标志的认可证书
Certification of nondestructive personnel无损检验人员证明书
Certified individual(CI)合格人员
Chamfer for pass partition oral part隔板槽倒角
Channel box管箱
Channel cover管箱平盖
Channel flange管箱法兰
Channel gasket管箱垫片
Channel head管箱封头
Channel pass partition管箱分层隔板
Channel-side gasket管箱侧垫片
Charpy impact tests“夏比”冲击试验
Charpy V-notch type夏比V形缺口形式
Checking of Dimension 校核尺寸
Chemical analysis for qualification shall be obtained by laboratory methods评定化学分析应当采用化验室分析方法
Chemical analysis verification results化学分析验证结果
Chemical cleaning connections 化学清洗连接处
Chemical composition化学成份
Chiller economizer再接触预冷器
China state bureau of quality and technical supervision中国质量技术监督局
Chip mark on integrally forged vessels整体锻造容器上的缺口标志
Chip marks and minor depressions削痕或较小的凹陷
Chipping铲chipping hammers; grinding磨abrasive wheels; scraping刮scrapers; gouging刨Chisel凿子
chrome-moly steel铬钼钢
Chromic acid铬酸
Circular heads and noncircular heads圆形和非圆形封头
Circular plates圆平板
Circumferential butt joints with one plate offset单边折边的环向对接接头
Circumferential joint 环向连接longitudinal joints纵向接头ring joint圆环形连接
Circumferential stress环向应力
Circumferential surface圆周表面
Circumferential weld环焊缝
Clad material覆层材料
Clad plate复合板
Clad restoration覆层复原
Clad sheet复合薄板
Clad side覆层侧
Clad vessel覆层容器
Clad-stripped surface剥离了覆层的表面
Clamp ring夹环
Class of acceptance合格级别
Class of welded details焊接细节的类别
Classification number牌号
Clay treater feed heater白土塔进料加热器
Cleaned with a light, non-residue, and chemical solvent使用轻型、无残留化学熔剂Cleaning and developing solution清洗和显影法
Cleaning of brazed surfaces钎焊的表面清理
Cleaning of welded surface焊件表面清理
Clearance between surfaces to be brazed钎焊表面间的间隙
Closing in extensions of the body筒体延伸部分进行收口
Closing plug塞堵, cap帽盖
Closure bars拉紧杆
Clustered indication密集性显示
Coarse ingot structure粗锭结构
Coarse ripple粗糙焊波grooves沟槽overlaps焊瘤abrupt ridges陡脊valleys凹坑Cracks裂纹pinholes针孔incomplete fusion未熔合Crater弧坑
Coated and cored electrodes and flux带涂层的及药芯的电焊条和焊剂
Coated electrodes涂层焊条
Coated surface涂漆了的表面
Coated with a metallic base waterproof lubricant to prevent galling in use and aqueous corrosion
during testing漆上金属防水润滑剂以防止卡滞及在试验过程中出现的水腐蚀
Code for construction and acceptance of spherical tanks球形储罐施工和验收规范GB50094
Code number代码
Code symbol规范符号
Cold bent冷弯
Cold differential test pressure冷差试验压力
Cold flash drum feed cooler冷闪蒸筒进料冷却器
Cold-drawn bars冷拔棒
Collapsing pressure垮塌压力
Collar bolt
Color coding色码
Combination of different material不同材料组合
Combination units组合容器
Combined with pneumatic与气压试验混合
Combustible distillates可燃液体
Commodity specification 设备规格书
Communicating chambers连通室
Complete chemical analysis of the overlay完整的堆焊层化学分析
Complete fusion and complete joint penetration完全熔合及完全焊透
Compresed asbestos gaskets压紧的石棉垫
Compressed air service压缩空气锅炉
Compression type压环式
Computation 计算
Computed working pressure from hydrostatic test由水压试验计算的工作压力Computer control module计算机控制模数
Concave and convex凹面和凸面
Concentric reducer sections同心变径段
Concentric ring wave form disk plate同心环碟片填料
Concert with inner surface与内表面吻合
Conditioned areas修整区域
Conical head锥形封头
Conical reducer sections锥形变径段
Conical sections圆锥截面
Connection size standard连接尺寸标准
Conspicuous location显眼的位臵
Constant volume process zone定容过程区
Construction fixtures建造夹具
Consumable and non-consumable electrode process熔化电极法与不熔化电极法Consumable inserts焊接用可熔化嵌条
Contact facing接触面
Contact pyrometers接触高温表
Continuation of shell optional壳体可延伸
Continuous full penetration weld连续全焊透焊逢
Continuous heat resistance持续耐热
Control of stamping打印管理
Controlled shot peening控制喷丸
Cooling chamber冷却室
Cooling rate降温速度
Cooling tower fan冷却塔风机
Cooling way and time 冷却方式与时间
Copper sulfate etching硫酸铜
Corner and fillet圆角和倒角
Corner joint角接头
Corner or tee joints角接或T型接头
Corner, fillet角接焊缝,角焊缝
Corrected for temperature温度校正
Corrections for moisture content of the steam校正蒸汽的含水量
Corroded thickness蚀态厚度
Corrosion resistant linings防腐蚀忖里
Corrosion resistant weld metal overlay cladding抗腐蚀堆焊金属层
Corrugated metal, asbestos inserted, or corrugated metal, jacketed asbestos filled内填石棉的波纹状金属或充填夹层石棉的波纹金属
Corrugated plate波形板
Corrugated shells波纹形壳体
Corrugating paper machinery波纹板机械
Corrugating paper machinery瓦楞纸机械
Cosmetic grinding休整性打磨
Coupling thread
Couplings plugged to prevent damage塞紧以防损坏
Cover flange外头盖法兰
Cover plates/Cover盖板
Cracks裂纹seams皱纹laps折叠cold shuts冷隔lamination分层
Crater crack火口裂纹
Critical temperature临界温度
Cross stray斜撑
Curvature of the vessel wall容器壁的弧度,Curvature曲率
Cutting oil切削油scale residues剥落的残渣
Cutting切割fitting装配 and alignment对准
CVN impact testing夏比缺口冲击试验
Cyclic operation循环工作
Cyclical loading循环载荷
Cylindrical shell 柱状壳体,Cylindrical圆柱形
Dead load静载荷
Defective brazing有缺陷的钎焊
Defined limit规定的范围
Deflecting baffle导流板
Deflection cause linkage挠曲引起泄露
Delayed cracking延迟裂纹
Demonstration of density and penetrameter image射线透照的黑度和透度计
Dengsity密度Velocity流速pressure drop压降viscosity粘性 molecular weight分子量
Deoxaluminite weld-through primer焊接坡口防护涂料
Depentanizer feed-bottoms exchanger脱戊烷塔进料/塔底换热器
Deposited weld metal熔焊金属
Depth of offset折边深度
Design and construction of large, welded, low pressure storage tanks大型焊接低压贮罐设计和制造API620
Design duty设计功率
Design for full vacuum@ temper.
Design life设计寿命
Design margin设计裕度
Design or type number of valve阀门设计号或型号
Design parameter设计参数
Detachable chamber独立可分的受压室
Detect pressure观察压力
Detect surface calibration notches 检测表面标定缺口
Detrimental corrosion有害的腐蚀
Detrimental discoloration有害变色
DEW=dew point露点
Diagonal white and yellow bands 白黄色斜纹
Dial indicating pressure gages表盘指示压力表
Diameter exemption直径的豁免
Diaphragm type pressure relief valve隔膜式泄压阀
Die-stamping for material identification打材料标志硬印Diff. Pressure/ Differential pressure压差
Differ in thickness厚度差
Diffusible hydrogen limit扩散氢限制
Digital reading pressure gages数字压力表
Dimensionless factor无量纲系数
Dimpled压凹窝的, embossed使凸出
Direct firing(DF)直接火容器
Discharge of safety valves安全阀泄放
Discharge pipe排放管
Dished cover球面凸形封头
Dished heads碟形
Disk-doughnut baffle盘-环行折流板
Dismantling拆除 installation 安装
Displacement measurement test位移测量试验
Dissimilar metal welding异种金属焊接
Dissimilar weld metal不同金属的焊接
Distribution devices配电装臵
Distribution, retention发送,保存
Double curvature双曲率 single curvature单曲率
Double pipe套管
Double weld双道焊
Doubly curved shell两个曲面组成的壳体
Dowel 销子
Drain opening排尽孔
Drilled or bored holes钻孔或镗孔
Drips and runs in the path of the weld joint焊道内的防护涂料滴痕或流痕
Driving fit打入配合(封头与壳体焊接前)
Drop weight test落锤试验
Dry saturated steam干饱和蒸汽
Dry weight of total halogen or sulfur or in-organic halogens总卤素或硫或无机卤素干重Ductile cast iron可锻铸铁
Due to fatigue or creep由于疲劳或蠕变
Dummy tubes O.D.堵管平盖
Duplex stainless steel双相不锈钢
Duplicate and similar parts相同件和相似件
During fabrication/Fitting up制造过程中制造期间
Dye penetrant examination of the completed weld 100%的着色渗透探伤
Dye stenciling染色镂刻
Dye-penetration detection着色探伤
Dynamic loading动载荷
Each bundle每捆, each lift每个吊运包装, shipping container集装箱
Each side of each circumferential welded intersection每一环向接头相交的两侧Earth lug接地板
Earth lug接地板anchor bolt地脚螺栓lifting lugs吊耳
Eccentricity of shell壳体的偏心度
Eddy current test涡流探伤with eddy current method
Edge defects边缘缺陷
Edge of plates, metal removal from由加工板边去除金属
Effective gasket width有效垫片宽度
Effective temp. Difference有效温差
Effective thickness of conical section锥形段的等效厚度
Elastic buckling stress弹性失稳应力
Elasticity, modulus of弹性模量
Electrode core焊芯
Electrode rods电焊条electrode wires电焊丝
Elevation above ground拔高/地面高度
Ellipsoidal椭圆形, torispherical碟形, hemispherical半球形, conical锥形
Ellipsoidal椭圆形hemispherical半球形spherically dished(torispherical)球面凸形(碟形)conical锥形tori-conical(cone head with knuckle)折边锥形(具有转角区的锥形封头)
Elliptical projection technique椭圆发射技术
Elongated indication条型显示
Embrittlement 脆化
Employing straight threads使用直螺纹
Enameled vessel搪瓷容器
Endurance limit疲劳极限
Engineering drawings工程设计图纸commodity specification商品规格书
Engraving or hard stamping蚀刻或打钢印
Enlarged inlet nozzles
Enthalpy-temperature profile: linear热函-温度曲线图:线性的
Entirely in spherical portion全部在球体部分
Equally spaced on two rows均匀分布为两排
Equipment setup, calibration, operation, evaluation of examination设备调试、校准、操作、和检测数据评定
Equip-spaced mid-span跨中均布
Erection weight安装重量
Establish a mean analysis确定化学成分平均值
Etching, of sectioned specimens侵蚀,关于截面试样
Evaluation and retests评片与复验
Examination of sectioned specimens剖面试样的检验
Examination report(超声波)探伤报告Locate indication area确定指示区域echo height回波高度indication dimensions指示尺寸depth below the surface表面下的深度type of indication指示类型
Examined by审核人
Excess stock from… material余料
Excessive deformation过大的变形
Excessive scoring of the plates平板上的深痕
Exothermic kits放热包
Expanded connection胀接
Expansion joint膨胀节
Explosion-proof group防爆等级
Explosive welding of multiplayer tubes多层管爆炸焊
Exposed inside edges内侧裸露出的边缘
Exposed left un-welded留下不予焊接的显露部分
Extend over…延伸到…
Extended heat transfer surfaces延伸的转热面
Extended or thickened necks加长或加厚管颈
External B31.1 process piping外部B31.1工艺配管
External surface painting STD.外表面涂漆标准
Extract column feed-bottoms exchanger抽出液塔/塔底换热器
Extract column抽提塔
Extreme fiber elongation最大纤维伸长率/极限
Eye bolts吊环螺栓
Fabricated castings for pump泵外壳
Facing to C.L. or W.L.伸出高度
Factory-made wrought butt-welding fittings工厂制造的锻钢对焊管配件
Failure likelihood失效频率
Failure or deterioration of the diaphragm material隔膜材料失效或损坏
Failure probability失效概率
Fatigue strength design疲劳分析设计
Female thread内螺纹, male thread 外螺纹
Ferric steel vessel with tensile property enhanced by heat treatment经热处理后提高抗拉性能的铁素体钢容器
Ferrite number(FN)铁素体含量代号
Ferritic steels with tensile properties enhanced by H.T. 采用热处理提高抗拉性能的铁素体钢
Ferromagnetic铁磁性(材料) Non-magnetic非磁性(材料)
Field assembly of vessel容器的现场安装
Filler metal填充金属
Filler plugs for trepanned holes锥孔的管塞
Fillet weld角焊
Film coefficient膜系数
Filter and traps used to collect water and oil过滤器和积水箱
Filter screen滤网
Fine metal gauze细丝网
Finish coat面漆
Finish: “face” sweep blasted抛光:标明“面”处需抛光处理
Finishing column feed-bottoms exchanger成品塔进料/塔底换热器Finned portion, un-finned portion有翅段,无翅段
Fired heater coils火焰加热炉盘管
Fired process tubular heater直接火管式加热炉
Firmly adherent deposits牢牢黏附的沉淀物
First lot of…首批..
First sample test report首样测试报告
Fitting attachments附件装配
Fitting up joints连接处的装配
Fittings 配件
Fixed saddle固定鞍式支座
Flame arrestor火焰清除器
Flame cutting火焰切割
Flame damper阻火器
Flame/ Explosion-proof stirrer防爆搅拌器
Flammable vapor可燃蒸汽
Flange contact facings法兰接触面
Flange moment法兰力矩
Flange of stiffener加强圈翼板
Flange rings法兰圈
Flange stress法兰应力
Flanged fittings带法兰管配件
Flanged nozzle凸缘接管
Flared necks翻边颈部
Flare扩口swage缩口upset() 外镦粗()内镦粗Flaring扩口Flash point闪点
Flat bar扁钢
Flat bolted covers螺栓连接的平封头
Flat heads and cover 平封头和盖板
Flat metal扁平金属片Grooved metal槽形金属Solid flat metal扁心扁平金属
Flat ring gasket环行平垫片
Flat sides平侧板
Flat spots on formed heads成型封头上的平坦部分
Flexible graphite柔性石墨
Floating head cover浮头盖球面封头
Floating head gasket浮头垫片
Floating head 浮头盖
Floating tube-sheet浮头管板
Flow into the joint or be distributed across the joint(钎料)以漫流或流布到接头里By face
feeding to a joint以表面手工填加给接头
Flow resistance流体阻力
Flued connections翻边的连接件
Flued opening翻边开孔Flued out opening对外翻边开孔
Fluid allocation流体分配
Fluid shock流体冲击
Flush with与…平齐
Flux used shall be “neutral” 使用的焊剂应当为“中性”材料
Flux/wire classification焊剂/焊丝等级
Fluxes and atmospheres钎剂和气氛
For automatic and semiautomatic welding processed utilizing computer xontrol of electrical
For bending or sizing(管子)弯曲或校形
For drainage用于排放
For heads convex to pressure凸面受压封头
For minimum anticipated operationing temperature按最低的预期工作温度
For pre-bulged solid metal disks对于预拱的纯金属膜片
For screw stays用于螺丝固定
For subsequent layers在后续焊层
For the intended service用于相应的具体工况
For the steel impression mark area打钢印区域
For trepanning plug sections, refilling用于穿孔螺塞部分,再填充
For unfired steam boiler非直接火蒸汽锅炉
For welds made by a solid-state welding process对于固态焊接工艺
Forced draft fan鼓风式风机
Forged head ring锻造的封头环段
Forged steel corrugating煅钢波纹
Forged steel rolls煅钢轧辊
Forging type inserts插入式锻件
Fork life track叉车
Formed heads and sections, pressure on concave side凹面受压的的成型封头和锥段
Forming allowance成形裕量
Forming ends成型端
Fouling resistances污垢热阻
Foundry procedure铸造工艺(risering冒口, gating浇口, pouring浇注,melting熔化)
Frame assembly drawing构架安装图
Frames for reinforced openings开孔补强用构件
Free from wet防潮标识KEEP DRY: Indicating that contents are not to be wet
Free movement under Temperature在温度下活动不受约束
Free size tolerance of processing surface加工面自由尺寸公差
Free vent放空管
Full of water充水重
Full penetration through the vessel wall容器壁全熔透焊接
Full thread engagement全部以螺纹噬合
Full vacuum(FV)全真度
Full-face gasket宽垫片
Full-face gasket宽垫片
Fully automatic butt-welding全自动对缝焊接
Fully skilled完全镇静钢
Furnace cooling随炉缓冷
Furnaces for heat treatment热处理炉
Furnish accurately formed templates提供精确的样板
Fusion welding熔焊
Galvanized carbon steel镀锌碳钢
Galvanized vessel镀锌容器
Gamma rays γ射线
Gas metal arc welding气体保护金属极电弧焊
Gasket grooves垫片槽
Gasket of the self-energizing type自紧式垫片
Gasket seating surface垫圈座表面
Gasket seating预紧状态
Gas-shielded flux core arc welding气体保护药芯焊丝电弧焊Gate valve闸阀
Gauge glass水位玻璃管
Gauze packing金属丝网波纹填料
General arrangement drawing总布臵图
General primary membrane tensile stress总体一次薄膜拉伸应力
Geometrically similar parts集合形状相似件
Girth joint环缝接头
Gland box填料箱
Globular transfer颗粒状过渡
Grade等级, type类型, class级别
Grain refining (Austenitizing) heat treatment细化晶粒热处理
Graphite disk纯石墨膜片
Ground flush打磨成圆弧/Grind打磨
Hand or power wire brushing手动或电动钢丝刷sanding喷砂清理/砂纸打磨chipping铲Hand-hole opening手孔开孔
Handling lug
Handrails, cages (platform, ladder)栏杆、扶手
Hard surfacing硬堆焊Overlaying堆焊
Has adequate inherent stiffness本身有足够的刚度
Having screwed inlet and outlet connections进口或出口为螺纹连接的..
Head tangent line封头相切线
Head-to-shell junctions封头与壳体的连接处
Heat affected zone(HAZ)热影响区
Heat exchanged交换的热
Heat resistant to 200℉ 耐200℉的高温
Heat transfer plate传热板片
Heat treatment furnace batch同一热处理炉
Heat treatment verification test热处理验证试验
Heating rate加热速率
Heating the vessel as a whole in an enclosure furnace整个容器装入封闭炉内加热
Heavy rust preventative grease(漆上)厚的防锈润滑油 rust preventative防锈物质
Heavy rust重锈
Heavy wall vessels容器超厚
HEX bolts六角头螺栓
High anti-corrosive stability高防腐稳定性
High pressure heads高压封头
High strength low alloy steel(HSLA)高强度低合金钢
Highest heat transfer coefficient with fouled surface被污染表面最大换热率
Hold-down member夹持件
Holding elements(hinge pins or bolts)夹持元件(铰链销子和。。)
Holding temp.保温温度Holding time保温时间
Holes for screw stays螺纹拉杆的孔
Holes in joints of接头处的孔
Homogeneously lead-lined vessels均匀衬铅容器
Horizontal erection卧式
Hot finished forgings热加工锻件
Hot or cold forged热锻或冷锻Hot-rolled热轧
Hot or cold working热作或冷作
Hot rolled bars热轧棒材
Hot spot stress 热点应力
Hot-spot stress design curves热点应力设计曲线
Hub taper颈部斜度
Hubs of uniform thickness对等厚度颈部
Hubs on flange法兰高颈
HUEY Test晶间腐蚀倾向性试验
Hydro-carbon callback unit轻氢回收装臵
Hydrogen attack resistant properties抗氢侵蚀性
Hydrogen lift gas exchanger氢提气换热器?
Hydrogen sulfide氢化硫
Hydrostatic proof test水压验证试验
Identification marks识别标志/Identifying stamps识别标记
Identification of a product产品编号
Identifying characteristics鉴定性能
Image density图象黑度
Impact test冲击试验
Impact value冲击功
Impingement plates shall be perforated if liquid-vapor mixed flow is specified如果是液汽混合液体,防冲板应打孔