Directions: After reading the two passages below, fill in the blanks to make the passage
coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank
with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits
each blank.
A road trip
Out of all possible road trips, the best one is by car. You finish packing, put
everything inside the car, sit inside it, buckle up, look at your friend 1 (sit) next to
you, smile and ... go! And then begins the most wonderful part of the road trip. It is not
the place you are heading to but what you see from the opened window of the
car 2 matters. The best part is when you leave your home before the dawn.
Personally, 3 I look in the direction of the east, I am always amazed by how the sun
informs the world about its arrival.
I love to meet the sun while driving a road trip in a car. 4 (bring) alive in the
new sunlight, everything looks promising. It always seems as if it was the first time in
your life that you had seen a green leaflet, the trees, 5 grew right next to your car
window, and a light smiling over the nature.
Spring and autumn are two seasons of the year that are perfect for a road trip. In my
opinion, spring is the most inspiring time of the year, 6 when you open the car
windows, you can actually feel that the world is clean and ready for a new life. The green
grass is so fresh that you can’t wait 7 (take) a deep breath. The air is filled with a
fragrant smell of the plants.
A road trip in autumn is beautiful, too. The golden brush touches 8 around the
gardens, the fields, the groves, the woods. In deep autumn, the whole earth 9 (cover)
by colorful plants as if you were driving through a fine carpet. The air is sharp, cool and
fresh. You simply put on a warmer sweater but never put the window up!
A road trip for me is the moment of communication with nature. It is a
dialogue 10 the nature and me. The beauty that you observe during a car road trip
purifies you, refreshing your soul and your mind!
Directions: Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box. Each word can be
used only once. Note that there is one word more than you need.
A. access B. basically C. eliminate D. fit E. generate F. majority
G. merely H. perform I. power J. promise K. preference
Noise-canceling headphones worth the price?
A little bit of silence. Sometimes that’s all we want. Whether it is halfway through a
10-hour flight with a crying baby or trying to sleep through the snoring from the hotel
room next door, the 11 of noise-canceling headphones is one that every traveler
probably finds charming. Yet are they worth it? These headphones are often expensive,
and for some people, they don’t live up to the ads.
I’ve spent a 12 of the last five years traveling, taking dozens of flights and train
journeys, and as someone who has reviewed noise-canceling headphones for even longer,
I can definitely say maybe.
HOW THEY WORK? Noise-canceling headphones, also called active noise
canceling headphones, use electronic processing to analyze nearby sound and attempt
to 13 the opposite sound. The result is less noise, over all.
These headphones don’t create silence, nor are they able to 14 noise. The crests
and troughs (波峰和波谷) do not perfectly cancel out. The absolute best noise-canceling
headphones 15 reduce noise and work best with low-frequency droning sounds.
Two headphone sets could claim to reduce the same amount of noise
but 16 completely differently. Only hands-on testing, ideally with objective
measurements, can tell the difference.
Noise-canceling headphones require a battery to 17 their electronics. Noise-isolating headphones, which do not require electronics and therefore can be far cheaper,
work by creating a seal in your ear canal to block noise. They are 18 like earplugs,
but with earbuds. If you can get a good seal, these work reasonably well.
Getting a good seal can be a challenge, however, since everyone’s ears are different,
and not all headphones will 19 correctly. And even if you do get a good seal, noise-isolating headphones will not be able to block low-frequency sounds as well as the best
noise-canceling headphones. They will reduce a wide range of frequencies, which can
WHO REALLY NEEDS THEM? If you are a frequent traveler, good noise-canceling headphones will make any journey in a plane, train or automobile far more
In-ear models are easier—though still slightly uncomfortable—to sleep with and are
my 20 . Over-ear models reduce a little more noise, as they are able to passively
block some sound because of their design. But they are always bulky on your head or in
your bag. After I stopped reviewing these headphones for Wirecutter, I bought a pair of
Bose QuiteComfort 20s, a long time Wirecutter pick, and I never fly without them.
ChatGPT, an artificial intelligence-driven chatbot (聊天机器人) programme that
responds to user prompts, has dominated social networks in recent weeks. Its 21 is
such that within days of its launch, OpenAI, the artificial intelligence company behind
the chatbot, announced that 1 million people had logged on. In comparison, Facebook
and Spotify took months to attract that level of 22 . The attraction is obvious:
ChatGPT can generate jokes, essays and computer code from a short writing prompt.
There’s nothing 23 in software that produces fluent and logical writing.
ChatGPT’s predecessor, the Generative Pretrained Transformer 3 (GPT-3), could do that
too. Both were trained on an unimaginably large amount of data to answer questions in
a 24 way. But ChatGPT has been fine-tuned by being fed the data on human
“conversations”, which significantly 25 the truthfulness and informativeness of its
26 , ChatGPT still produces answers that seem reasonable but are incorrect or
nonsensical. Even the bot itself says, “My responses are not intended to be taken
as 27 .” This might be a big problem on the Internet, as many web
platforms 28 the capability to protect themselves against a flood of AI-generated
content. Such websites as Stack Overflow, where users can find answers to
programming-related questions, had to ban ChatGPT-produced posts, as its human
moderators (管理员) could not deal with the 29 of believable but wrong replies. It
is 30 to give out tools that could be used to mass produce fake news and messages.
Letting loose ChatGPT raises the question of whether content produced by it can be
truly trusted. A human author is 31 their work in a way AI is not. Artificial
intelligence is not artificial 32 : ChatGPT does not know what it is doing; it is unable
to say how or why it produced a response; it has no grasp of human experience, and
cannot tell if it is 33 . While OpenAI has safeguards to refuse inappropriate requests,
such as to tell users how to commit crimes, these can be bypassed. AI’s potential for
harm should not be 34 . In the wrong hands, it could be a weapon of mass destruction.
No one knows what will happen to such technologies if the software engineers of the
future will themselves be software programs. “Human supervision and 35 are
required,” OpenAI’s researchers have warned.
A.attempt B.appeal C.purpose D.solution
A.engagement B.point C.competition D.ambition
A.harmful B.positive C.novel D.obvious
A.creative B.general C.simple D.believable
A.converted B.impressed C.increased D.limited
A.In brief B.As a result C.Even so D.Loosely speaking
A.fact B.routine C.discrimination D.details
A.expel B.lack C.expect D.improve
A.quality B.potential C.volume D.fear
A.experimental B.risky C.unnecessary D.reliable
A.scared of B.open to C.pleased with D.responsible for
A.consciousness B.innovation C.emotion D.curiosity
A.fitting in B.hanging on C.making sense D.taking advantage
A.rejected B.blamed C.underestimated D.contributed
A.civilization B.caution C.loss D.pressure
When was the last time you did something that gave you a genuine sense of
For me it was last week, when I hung a picture on the wall. I know, it sounds a little
crazy. But it was an easy project that I’d put off for too long.
As accomplishments go, this wasn’t up there with achieving world peace, curing the
incurable or running a marathon. Yet that feeling of genuine accomplishment is
something that I fear we’re beginning to lose today. Now more than ever, we live in a
world of instant gratitude, aided by ever-present digital devices that only feed the desire.
News headlines, sports scores and the latest gossip are all a finger-swipe away on our
smartphones. In this digital parallel universe, our sense of achievement has become
defined by the number of positive reactions we get from posting a cool picture or making
a brief comment.
Just to be clear, I don’t have a problem with digital devices, apps or social media; I
use them every day. Together they’ve helped us connect with others, solve problems and
get things done in ways almost no one could have ever imagined. But the problem is:
they aren’t very personally fulfilling.
So how do we arrive at that genuine sense of achievement, whether it’s at work or
our personal life? Daniel Pink, a noted author on work, management and behavioral
science, has an interesting theory. When it comes to anything but the most basic tasks, we
aren’t very motivated by the “traditional” motivators of fear, money or rewards. Instead,
the factors include autonomy, mastery, and purpose. Autonomy represents our desire to
be self-directed –to do what we want to do, when and how we want to do it; mastery
refers to an essential urge to better our skills and derive satisfaction from doing so; and
purpose is our desire to do something that is important and has true meaning, either to
ourselves or to others.
By tapping into these internal motivators, even unconsciously, we can accomplish
great things, like exploring new hobbies or dreams; becoming passionate about our work;
and deriving satisfaction from what we do and wanting to do more.
We don’t need to achieve world peace or run a marathon to feel a sense of personal
achievement. Anything will do—even hanging a few pictures on the wall. But it needs to
start by putting our devices aside, at least for a little while.
36. According to the passage, the reason why we are beginning to lose the sense of
accomplishment is that _________.
A.it’s easy for the masses to make a quick and positive comment
B.most people fear they can hardly make any accomplishment
C.people tend to express their instant and artificial gratitude through the Internet
D.the digital age has influenced our definition of the sense of achievement
37. What can be inferred from the passage?
A.The author is used to putting off a project for too long.
B.Though not personally satisfactory, digital devices are somewhat helpful.
C.The author objected to addressing issues with digital devices, apps or social media.
D.Achieving world peace or curing the incurable goes beyond what we call
38. The “internal motivators” in paragraph 6 refer to _________.
A.fear, money and rewards B.hobbies, dreams and passion
C.autonomy, mastery and purpose D.work, management and behavioral science
39. What’s the author’s opinion on the sense of personal achievement?
A.With digital devices, it is easy to obtain the sense of personal achievement
B.Without social media, it is impossible to obtain the sense of personal achievement.
C.With Internet, personal achievement can only be obtained through great success.
D.Without digital devices, the sense of personal achievement can be obtained in daily
Don’t waste your money
4 things not to buy
Avoiding unforced spending errors will let you save for the stuff you really want.
It’s easy to get into a spending rut, buying the same stuff you’ve always bought out
of habit or just because your mom always had that kind of soup in her cupboard. But
sometimes the same old can cost you. In many cases, making a simple change can save
you money, time, and even headaches. We checked with experts in more than a dozen
fields to find out what you should stop wasting your money on—and what to spend it on
They might look pretty, but resist the
temptation to buy bouquets kept in buckets
of water near the produce. Some fruits and
Tires don’t usually go flat in pairs, but
vegetables give off ethylene gas, which can
the salesperson at the tire store will tell you
shorten flowers’ lives, says Amy Stewart,
that you need to buy them two at a time.
author of Flower Confidential: The Good,
Unless the tire on the opposite side of the
the Bad, and the Beautiful. “Instead of
one being replaced has less than 75 percent
lasting a couple of weeks, unrefrigerated
of its tread, you don’t necessarily have to
flowers near the produce section are only
change it at the same time.
likely to last a few days,” she says. If you
want flowers that will stay fresh longer, buy
blooms that have been kept in a refrigerator.
Companies such as Xfinity and Google The biggest sales at furniture stores
offer home Internet speeds of up to 2,000 typically take place on certain holidays and
Mbps (or 2 Gbps), but unless you are a also at the end of the year. A smart strategy
hard-core online gamer, that blazing-fast is to shop before those holidays to check
service is probably a waste of money. The prices and then wait to buy at the holiday
Federal Communications Commission sales, when much of the inventory could be
recommends Internet speeds of 12 to 25 at least 10 to 20 percent cheaper. And if you
Mbps for most families, even those who want to save even more, ask about buying
stream games or videos. You won’t see a
floor samples. Typically the floor samples
big difference in your everyday browsing are discounted 30 percent to 50 percent
speed, but you will see a difference in your during holiday sales.
bank account. For example, Xfinity charges
as little as $40 per month for download
speeds of 100 Mbps, $80 for 1,000 Mbps,
and a whopping $300 for 2,000 Mbps.
40. What kind of flowers are the least recommended?
A.Refrigerated flowers which are placed near fruits and vegetables.
B.Refrigerated flowers which are placed near the dairy section.
C.Unrefrigerated flowers which are placed near fruits and vegetables.
D.Unrefrigerated flowers which are placed near the dairy section.
41. Which of the following statement is TRUE?
A.Flowers near the produce section often look pretty than those in other sections.
B.75 percent of the tires at the tire shop need changing because they will go flat.
C.Unless you are a passionate online gamer, you don’t need to pursue fast internet
D.Furniture stores usually offer an at least 10 percent discount before holidays.
42. ________ can benefit most from this article.
A.Flower shop owners who want to attract more customers
B.Housewives who are asking for recommendations on gifts
C.Internet users who are seeking for a more economical service
D.Newlyweds who need to save money for their future
Cars and taxis passed the eighty-four pink granite columns that stood like guards at
the front of the station. Pedestrians approached along an elegant arched passageway. The
waiting room was fifteen stories high and a block and a half long. In many ways,
Pennsylvania Station, also known as Penn Station, was the heart of New York City.
Built in 1910, the station was an energetic place. Filled with bustling crowds, Penn
Station welcomed travelers with its bright and hearty atmosphere. Getting on or off a
train here was an exciting thing to do.
By the 1950s, however, fewer people were travelling by train. They had found
alternate ways to travel. Airlines carried more and more passengers. New superhighways
made driving long distances easier.
By the end of the decade, the owners of Penn Station made a fateful decision. They
would demolish the famous landmark. In its place, they would build an office building
and a sports arena. The plan seemed to make financial sense, but little thought was given
to train passengers. People would now have to board trains underground from small
waiting areas near the train tunnels.
Demolish Penn Station? When New Yorkers heard the plan, they couldn’t believe
their ears. One of the city’s finest public places had been given a death sentence, and
New Yorkers didn’t like the verdict!
Citizens joined together to save the landmark. For months, they would strive to
rescue it from the wrecking ball. They pointed out that the station was an architectural
treasure. It had played a key role in the life and history of the city. What’s more, the new
underground station would be cramped and uncomfortable. A person didn’t have to be
very observant to see that.
Unfortunately, no one could stop the tragedy. City officials enforced the wishes of
the owners, and in 1963, the wrecking balls went to work. Onlookers gazed in horror as
an architectural masterpiece crashed to the ground in dust.
In the end, New Yorkers resigned themselves to the loss of Penn Station. They had,
however, learned a lesson: Landmark buildings had to be saved. A special landmarks
commission was formed. Its primary purpose was to identify and protect the city’s finest
architecture. Its members recognized that as a city changes and matures, some older
buildings do have to be demolished to make room for new ones. Landmarks, however,
must be preserved.
Ironically, by the 1990s, train travel had picked up at Penn Station, especially among
commuters from surrounding towns. The underground station had difficulty handling the
raging river of traffic. As predicted, few liked the cramped replacement.
Some New Yorkers hope to convert a grand old post office into a new train station.
The post office is in the right place, and in some ways, it resembles the old Pennsylvania
Station. The plan may work, but the major repair will be a very difficult and costly feat.
So the tragedy teaches another lesson: Sometimes, it’s better to preserve what we have
than to try to replace it.
43. Which of the following accounts for the disappearance of the Penn Station?
A.Economic consideration. B.Renewed enthusiasm for sports.
C.The outdated design of the station. D.Better underground facilities.
44. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.The New Yorkers cheered at the sight of the crash of the station.
B.The members realized that all the old buildings should be preserved.
C.It was too late for the city to mend the mistake.
D.The replacement of the station was never a problem.
45. The underlined word “feat” in the last paragraph is closest in meaning to ______.
A.scenery B.banquet C.probability D.achievement
46. What can be best title of the passage?
A.How was the Pennsylvania Station built?
B.What happened to the Pennsylvania Station?
C.Where should the Pennsylvania Station be built?
D.Why should the Pennsylvania Station be recovered?
Is Australia an island?
Australia is the smallest continent and one of the largest countries on Earth, lying
between the Pacific and Indian oceans in the Southern Hemisphere. At about 3 million
square miles (7.7 million square km), it’s closer in size to Greenland than it is to South
America. Does that make Australia an island like Greenland?
Although Australia is sometimes called an “island continent,” most geographers
consider islands and continents to be separate things. 47 By that definition, Australia
can’t be an island because it’s already a continent.
But in that case, what’s the difference between Australia and Greenland? Why isn’t
Greenland (at 836,000 square miles [2,165,230 square km]) considered a continent
instead of just the world’s largest island? Unfortunately, there isn’t a strict scientific
definition of a continent. 48
First, there is a geological distinction. While Australia and most of Asia are situated
on separate tectonic plates, Greenland shares a tectonic plate with North America. There
is also a biological difference. While a large percentage of Australia’s plant and animal
species can be found nowhere else in the world, fewer of Greenland’s species are
unique. 49 Aboriginal people are limited to Australia, while native Greenlanders
belong to a group of peoples (the Inuit) found throughout the Arctic, including parts of
Canada, the United States, and Russia.
Of course, there’s also the basic matter of size. 50 If they were much closer in
area, Greenland might have more of a case for continent status (and Australia for island
status). As it is, the vast difference between the two makes for a good dividing line.
While each of those criteria may not be sufficient on its own — for instance, Europe
and Asia also share a tectonic plate but are usually considered separate continents for
cultural reasons—together they form a general understanding of what qualifies as a
A.Australia is nearly four times as large as Greenland.
B.In addition, in terms of anthropology, the scientific study of people, they are different
as well.
C.Australia is the last of lands only because it was the last continent, apart from
Antarctica, to be explored by Europeans.
D.According to Britannica, an island is a mass of land that is both “entirely surrounded
by water” and also “smaller than a continent.”
E.Isolation is also a clear characteristic of the social landscape beyond the large coastal
F.But there are a few criteria that are commonly used to distinguish one continent from
51. 要不了一个月,我们就要过春节了。(before)(汉译英)
52. 这个勇敢的士兵冒着生命危险营救被困住的科学家们。(risk v.) (汉译英)
53. 我正在欣赏窗外的美景,突然,一个拄着拐杖的老爷爷吸引了我的注意力。(when) (汉译英)
54. 世界极限运动之都新西兰是很多人的终极旅游目的地,它吸引了数百万无所畏惧的游客,挑战自己的极限,体验绝妙之旅。(push) (汉译英)