D、Choose the XXX with a single line through the center.
don't object to me calling you by your first name。do
A。for me to call
B。me to call
C。to my calling
D。my calling
new glasses cost me three times as much as the last pair
that I bought.
A。three times
B。three times as much as
C。three times as much
D。three times much as
of the guards was sleeping when the general came in。which made him very angry.
A。has slept
B。were sleeping
D。was sleeping
A。her not being able
B。her being not able
C。her to be not able
D。her not to be able
reminds me of the village where we XXX.
6.A contented man is happy with what he has.
him too much money.
signing the contract。Mr。White looked it over
9、The doctor was able to make the XXX.
11、Little do they realize the XXX.
12、They will go home for XXX.
13、Without your help。we would not have achieved our
14、XXX to get our support.
15、The time will come when man can fly to outer space
16、XXX to be found。I must have dropped it when I was
on the bus.
17、Arriving at the bus。he found a lot of people waiting
18、XXX asked the students how much XXX.
19、After the long flight。the passengers XXX.
D、Choose the best answer to each XXX.
Passage 1
In recent years。there has been a XXX less than 400 square
feet and are designed to be both nal and efficient.
One of the main reasons people choose to live in XXX require
less energy to heat and cool。and they often use XXX。XXX
houses are often mobile。which allows people to live a more XXX.
Despite the benefits。XXX associated with living in a tiny
house。For example。storage space is limited。and it can be
difficult to XXX。zoning laws and building codes can make it
is the main reason people choose to live in XXX
A。To show off their XXX.
B。To have more space for their ns.
XXX and ce their environmental impact.
D。To have a more XXX.
are some benefits of living in a tiny house?
A。More space for ns and less XXX usage.
B。XXX impact.
C。XXX usage.
D。Difficulty in XXX.
is the author'XXX?
is the word count range for a typical tiny house?
A。Less than 200 XXX feet.
B。200-400 XXX feet.
C。400-600 XXX feet.
D。More than 600 square feet.
Passage 2
In recent years。there has been a growing concern about the
impact of social media on mental health。While social media can
be a great way to connect with others and share n。it can also have
negative effects on our mental well-being.
One of the main ways that social media can impact mental
health is through the comparison trap。When we see other
people's carefully curated lives on social media。it can make us
feel inadequate or like we're not living up to our own XXX。social
media can be a source of cyberbullying。which can have XXX
Despite these negative effects。there are also positive ways
that social media can impact mental health。For example。social
media can be a way to connect with others who share similar XXX。social media can be a source of support and XXX.
is the main concern about social media and mental
A。The impact of social media on physical health.
B。The impact of social media on social skills.
C。The impact of social media on mental well-being.
D。The impact of social media on academic performance.
can social media impact mental health in a negative
A。By providing a way to connect with others who share
similar experiences and interests.
XXX or like they're not living up to their own XXX.
D。By improving social XXX.
is the comparison trap?
A。XXX or like they're not living up to their own XXX.
XXX and happy with their own lives.
XXX social media.
are some positive ways that social media can impact
mental health?
XXX a way to connect with others who share similar
experiences and interests.
D。By making people XXX.
can be inferred about the author's attitude toward
social media and mental health?
Passage 3
XXX has XXX。but our XXX tools.
One way that time is perceived is through cultural differences。For example。in some cultures。time is XXX wasted。while in
others。time is XXX.
Another way that time is perceived is through personal
experiencesXXX。time can seem to move faster as we age。which can be XXX to compare it to.
Overall。our n of time is complex and XXX factors。we can
better appreciate the role that time plays in our lives.
is the main focus of the passage?
A。The history of XXX.
C。The personal experiences of time.
is time perceived differently in different cultures?
A。Some cultures XXX that can be controlled。while others
see it as a XXX.
B。Some cultures XXX that cannot be controlled。while
others see it as a XXX.
C。All cultures perceive time in the same way.
D。Different cultures perceive time in different ways。but
these differences are not significant.
can personal experiences influence our n of time?
A。Time can seem to move faster as we age.
B。Time can seem to move slower as we age.
C。Time can seem to move faster when we're bored or us.
D。Time can seem to move slower when we're having fun.
is the author'XXX?
is the purpose of XXX?
XXX appreciate the role that time plays in our lives.
Passage 4
In recent years。there has been a growing XXX the practice
of being present in the XXX.
One of the main XXX is that it can help ce XXX。individuals
can learn to let go of worries about the past and XXX。XXX n.
Despite the benefits。XXX on the present moment。especially for those who are new to the practice。nally。XXX.
Overall。XXX improving mental health and well-being。With practice and patience。individuals XXX.
is mindfulness XXX?
A。The practice of being present in the XXX.
C。XXX health.
D。XXX focusing on external XXX.
is one benefit of mindfulness XXX?
A。Increased XXX.
C。Increased XXX.
D。Increased XXX future.
A。Difficulty in XXX.
XXX future.
D。Difficulty in focusing on external stimuli.
can be inferred about the author'XXX?
can individuals XXX?
A。By focusing on external stimuli.
XXX future.
ages、But instead he found a n from a man namedWilliam
Cobbett。who said。“The greatest of all XXX”、“n,” thought the
father。“that’swhat Robert is headed for if he doesn’t get some
help”、“hat can I do?” he asked himself。and then XXX still had、He took the booksto Robert’s house and gave them to him、The
little XXX、XXX boy and for being a good father、XXX to share
what you have with others andthat sometimes even a small act of
kindness XXX。
A little girl received so many picture books on her XXX she
give one or two to her neighbor boy。Robert。Despite the girl's
initial reluctance。XXX her to part with two of her books。Weeks
later。while reading the Oxford English nary。XXX "n" is the
greatest of all evils。This prompted the father to give the
remaining nine books to Robert。who was XXX sharing and how
a small act of kindness XXX.
Centuries ago。the writer was searching for volume F-G of
the Oxford English nary。XXX were missing as well: A-B。L-M。and V-Z。He searched XXX had given them to a man who was
lost and XXX was left with only nine volumes。as there are XXX.
XXX girl。the XXX.
In the second paragraph。"the father had his way" means that
the father made his own n and did what he wanted.
Passage 2: What is a XXX?
XXX。Is it simply saying something that we know isn't true。Or does it go deeper than that。For instance。if a friend asks to
borrow money and you respond with。"I wish I could help。but
I'm short on funds myself," is that a lie。Even though you may not
be short on money。perhaps your friend has a history of not
repaying debts。XXX.
Regardless of the n。XXX。and we're not sure if it'XXX
It's natural to want to XXX。but lying can XXX do more
harm than good。In the short term。it may seem like the easier n。but in the long run。it can XXX。
XXX is。everything is hard in the beginning。It takes time
and effort to build strong。XXX。But the rewards are worth it -
not only do we establish deeper ns with those around us。but we
also gain a sense of integrity and self-respect。
So the next time you're faced with a difficult n。XXX sense
of ease。Or is it better to be truthful。even if it means navigating
some fortable ns。Remember。the choice is ultimately yours。but the XXX.
This passage discusses the topic of lying and how different
genders may have different tendencies when it XXX。While
women may be better at telling "white lies," XXX like it。men
may be more XXX fulfilling。This type of lying is often
associated with XXX。XXX。XXX。XXX lying and how it can
vary depending on the individual and the XXX.
B。Generally。it is considered bad to tell XXX.
C。In some cases。XXX.
D。Telling lies may not always be bad。as there are XXX.
sentence "XXX liars than men do" in Paragraph 2
28.A "white lie" refers to a lie that is told with good ns。even
if it may not be XXX.
cians and businessmenXXX that can give them an
It can be concluded from the passage that having too much
money can be just as problematic as having too little for children
born into XXX Coles。XXX。is an expert on the effects of
money on children。He has written a book on the subject。"The
Privileged Ones," XXX。According to Dr。Coles。while being
wealthy can offer certain advantages。such as better healthcare。n。and job prospects。the most important factor is the quality of
family life。Love cannot be bought with money。even though it
can buy many things.
Note: The original passage had formatting errors and a
paragraph that did not make sense。so it was deleted.)
doubt that being born into a wealthy family comes with its
own set of XXX is that rich kids often have too many ns to choose
from。which can lead to n.
Furthermore。over-indulgence by their parents can make
them XXX more than other children。which can cause XXX.
However。despite these challenges。privileged children
often have a better sense of their ns in the world and are more self-assured。They inherit property and enjoy a high e。so money is
never a problem for them.
On the other hand。they may also XXX world because they
have never been given the XXX is due to an accident of birth。which can lead to a lack of fulfillment and purpose.
In n。being born into a wealthy family has its pros and cons。While it may provide financial security and opportunities。it can
also lead to a lack of n and a XXX.
B、XXX love over money for their families’ well-being.
D、The quality of family life for rich children may not be as
high as their financial status suggests.
In his book “The Privileged Ones,” XXX family may not
always lead to a happy life。He implies that the quality of family
life for rich children may not be as high as their financial status
XXX。it is XXX love and nal well-being over money for their
According to the passage。XXX to being rich。While XXX
ns。it may also lead to a life of n from the world and a lack of
confidence in oneself。Therefore。it is XXX’s upbringing.
The true XXX love over money for their families’ well-being。Dr。Coles’ book highlights the XXX。and suggests that ensuring
nal well-being and a high quality of family life is crucial for the
happiness of rich children。With this in mind。XXX.
values、and their rs may challenge our beliefs and norms、However。it is XXX we can only imagine、They have seen the
world change in ways that we can only read about in history books、Therefore。it is XXX、
The author of this passage XXX very old people with respect
and dignity。despite the XXX imagine。and have XXX。it XXX.
Rich children are often perceived as having everything XXX。the author argues that they have often earned their wealth through
hard work and XXX are rich in love and not just money.
While it may seem that rich children have everything they
could ever want。they often XXX.
The author of the passage does not XXX life is a long journey
of joy for rich children。Rather。they XXX.
The author seems to agree with Dr。Coles' perspective in the
book "The Privileged Ones," XXX.
than just fuel to n properly。It requires maintenance。care
and n to keep it running XXX。our elders need more than just a
roof over their heads and food on the table。Physical comfort。XXX to their well-being.
Unfortunately。XXX are far from ideal。Social services
often come across XXX worms。and elderly individuals lying
alone on beds。us to the health risks around them。This raises the
n - is it interfering with personal freedom to insist that they live
with relatives who can take better care of them。While some
social workers believe that this is XXX to the health and safety of
the elderly。others argue that it goes against their right to personal
However。XXX a car needs regular maintenance。their
bodies require care and n to n XXX needs can have us
consequences。and it is our XXX the care they need.
In n。while personal freedom is important。it should not
come at the cost of the health and safety of our elders。We must
find a balance een XXX the care they need to live a XXX life。By
doing so。we can honor their XXX.
A、XXX。it is important to remember that these ns can be
painful experiences。regardless of the positive results they may
B、XXX to extend the life of an aging body that is designed
to die。Doctors and scientists may be XXX as long as there is
hope。but ultimately。the n should not be left solely to them.
C、When speaking with elderly individuals。it XXX to their
financial or physical health。but rather their ability to enjoy life
and have fun。
Revised: As items age。mechanical maintenance es
increasingly important。and the need for XXX。it is XXX it
XXXXXX and scientists may be driven by technical opportunities。XXX to their financial or physical health。but rather their ability
to enjoy life and have fun.
C、While some old people may prefer to live alone for
personal freedom。others may ritize health and safety over
freedom。Social workers may also have different ns on this matter.
D、Some social XXX and safety when dealing with very old
people。rather than taking risks。nally。XXX.
A、The author believes that too much emphasis has been
placed on the values of old people。and that the human body
should not be compared to a car。As people age。they do require
more care。but this does not XXX.
B、The word "it" in the last paragraph XXX that the reader
has come to about whether old age is happy or unpleasant。It is
XXX up to the individual to decide how they view their own aging
A、XXX for old people should be left to the doctors。rather
than family members or caregivers who may not have the expertise
to make such XXX。the author does not believe that old people
can only enjoy a happy life if they are very rich.
nk there are four choices marked A。B。C and D。Choose
the best one that fits into the passage.
The n that we should try every means possible to save old
people is doubtful。It is true that medical science has made great
progress in prolonging life。but it is also true that the quality of
life is often greatly ced in old age。In many cases。the old are no
longer able to enjoy life。and they XXX。it is necessary to strike
a balance een the length and quality of life.
It is not always morally right to treat old people and push off
XXX。it is better to let them die with dignity and respect。This is
especially true when they are XXX state。In such cases。it is
more humane to allow them to die XXX.
In n。we should not XXX the quality of life。We should
respect the wishes of the old and allow them to die with dignity
when it is appropriate。Only in this way can we truly show our
love and care for them.