Additives for
polyolefi nsPlastic AdditivesUV protection of plastics1 kLy = 41.84 MJ / m², Data provided by the Ozone
Processing Team at the NASA Goddard Space Flight map depicts the global variation of average irradiation energy
reaching the earth’s surface. UV irradiation energy is responsible for
light induced deterioration of plastics and other materials. Therefore,
light stabilizer formulations must consider the global location where
the fi nal article is used and its expected service tion characteristics of UV absorbersIndividual polymers are affected by different wavelengths. Choosing the most effective light stabilizer
for a given substrate depends upon matching the right UV absorber with the susceptible wavelength
range of the sensitivity and UV absorbers for PEFraction of electromagnetic radiation reaching
the earth’s surfacePEPEUV sensitivity and UV absorbers for PPFraction of electromagnetic radiation reaching
the earth’s surfacePPPP 260 280 300 320 340 360 380 400
420Wavelength (nm)260 280 300 320 340 360 380 400 420Wavelength (nm) Tinuvin® 326 Tinuvin® PA 328 Tinuvin® 231 Chimassorb® 81PP
moldingPP extrusionPE
rotomoldingPE extrusionTapes
filmonnonooonoooProcessing & thermal stabilizersIrgafos® 126Irgafos® 168Irgafos® 38Irganox® 1010Irganox® 1035Irganox® 1076Irganox® 1330Irganox® 1425 WLIrganox® 3114Irganox® B 215
Irganox® B 225Irganox® B 501 WIrganox® B 561Irganox® B 900Irganox® E 201Irganox® MD 1024Irganox® PS 800Irganox® PS 802Irganox® XT 500Irgastab® FS 210Irgastab® FS 301Irgastab® FS 410Irgastab® FS 533Irgastab® FS 811Irgastab® RM 68Hycite® 713PP, FFP
PFFFFFFP, FFFFFFPoooooooonooooonnnoooooonoononoonnnnnnnoonooooooooooooooooooooonnooononononoooonnnoooonnooonnoonnoonooonoonnooonnonnoooonooononnooonooononnooooooononononononononononnonononnnoooonnnnnnnnFood Contact Approval (FCA) no FCA, can be usedl no FCA, recommendedo FCA in at least one country, can be usedn FCA in at least one country, recommendedProduct formAD Aqueous DispersionAR Attrition ResistantDD/ED Durable Dust FreeDF Dust Free, Free FlowingFB Free Flowing BeadsFD/FDL Free Flowing Dust Free (large)FF Free FlowingFL FlakesL LiquidLD Low DustM MeltP PowderSF Solid FlowableG GranulesHALS not recommended
for PP pressure pipesLD-,
FilledPipeFilmKey attributesHigh performance, highly compatible phosphite; low colorHydrolytically stable phosphite, maintains color propertiesHigh performance, highly compatible phosphite with low melting point and low melt viscosityHigh molecular weight, phenolic antioxidant (AO); extends long-term thermal stability (LTTS)Phenolic AO for cross-linked or carbon black containing systems (i.e. cable compounds)Highly compatible, low-color phenolic AOHigh molecular weight extraction resistant phenolic AOPhenolic AO with high extraction resistance; polyethylene wax carrierNon-discoloring phenolic AO; high extraction resistanceSynergistic phenol /phosphite blend for a balanced stabilizationSynergistic phenol /phosphite blend with extended LTTSSynergistic phenol /phosphite blend for PP fiberSynergistic phenol /phosphite blend for demanding process conditionsSynergistic phenol /phosphite blend with high phosphite levelVitamin E, a high efficiency phenolic AO with consumer appeal and excellent MF stabilityHigh performance phenolic AO and metal deactivator (Cu passivator)Synergist extending the LTTS of phenolic AOsSynergist extending the LTTS of phenolic AOsStabilization system for BOPP filmsPhenol-free process/light stabilizer; low color; gas fade resistantPhenol-free process stabilizer; low color; gas fade resistantPhenol-free process/light stabilizer; low color; gas fade resistantPhenol-free stabilization system; gas fade resistantLight-stabilzer system, phenol-free process stabilizerStabilization system for rotomolded applicationsAcid scavengerPP
moldingPP extrusionPE
rotomoldingPE extrusionTapes
filmnoonnllnoLight stabilizers (HALS)Chimassorb® 2020Chimassorb® 944Tinuvin® 111Tinuvin® 494Tinuvin® 622Tinuvin® 770Tinuvin® 783Tinuvin® 791Uvinul® 4050Uvinul® 5050 HTinuvin® NOR™ 371Tinuvin® XT 200Tinuvin® XT 850Light stabilizers (UV absorbers)Chimassorb® 81Tinuvin® 234Tinuvin® 326Tinuvin® PA 328Flame retardantsFlamestab® NOR™ 116Clarifiers/nucleating agentsIrgaclear® DMIrgaclear® XT 386Irgastab® NA 11Irgastab® NA 287Charge control agentsIrgastat® P rangeAntiscratch agentIrgasurf® SR 100Rheology modifierIrgatec® CR 76Optical brightenerTinopal® OBPoooooooooGlGllGnnnoonnnnonnPPPPnnnnnnooooononoFFllP, FLP, FFP, FLP, FFllllllllllllllFDLFDL, LDFDLARSFDFFDLFBFFGFFFFFFoolnooolnooolnooolooooooonooooooonnollnnooooooonooonnonnonnonoononoonoonnnonnnonoonononlLD-,
FilledPipeFilmKey attributesHigh molecular weight HALS with superior light /thermal stabilityHigh molecular weight HALS with low volatility for a wide range of applicationsSynergistic blend of high molecular weight HALS, intermediate chemical resistanceSynergistic, pesticide resistant light stabilizer blend for agriculture filmsHigh molecular weight HALS with low volatility and minimal migrationLow molecular weight HALS, particularly for thick section applicationsSynergistic blend of high molecular weight HALS with broad food contact clearanceSynergistic blend of high and low molecular weight HALSLow molecular weight HALS, particularly for thick section applications with food contact clearanceHigh molecular weight HALS suitable for water quenching processLight stabilizer with very high resistance to agro-chemicalsLight stabilizer with high resistance to agro-chemicalsNon-interacting light stabilizer system particularly for automotive applicationsBenzophenone with excellent compatibilityBenzotriazole with low volatilityBenzotriazoleBenzotriazoleNitrogen based flame retardant and light stabilizerHigh performance, sorbitol-based clarifying/nucleating agentHigh efficiency clarifierHigh performance nucleating agentSuperior nucleating agentPermanent antistatic agentsHigh performance antiscratch agentHigh-performance polymer modifier for PPGeneral purpose optical brightenerTypical examples
of BASF product formsFD Free Flowing Dust FreeFF Free FlowingDD Durable Dust FreeED Durable Dust FreeG GranulesP PowderSF Solid FlowableFL FlakesAsiaBASF East AsiaRegional Headquarters LimitedPerformance Chemicals45th Floor, Jardine HouseNo. 1 Connaught PlaceHong KongPhone: +852 2731-0111Fax: +852 2731-5633EuropeBASF Schweiz AGPlastic AdditivesKlybeckstr. 1414057 BaselSwitzerlandPhone: +41 61 636-1111Fax: +41 61 636-1212North AmericaBASF CorporationPlastic Additives100 Campus DriveFlorham Park, NJ 07932USAPhone: +1 973 245-6000Fax: +1 973 895-8002South AmericaBASF S. c AdditivesAv. Faria Lima, 360004538-132 São Paulo, SPBrasilPhone: +55 11 3043-2897Fax: +55 11 3043-2344NoteThe descriptions, designs, data and information contained herein are presented in good faith, and are based on
BASF’s current knowledge and experience. They are provided for guidance only, and do not constitute the agreed
contractual quality of the product or a part of BASF’s terms and conditions of sale. Because many factors may affect
processing or application/use of the product, BASF recommends that the reader carry out its own investigations
and tests to determine the suitability of a product for its particular purpose prior to use. It is the responsibility of the
recipient of product to ensure that any proprietary rights and existing laws and legislation are observed. No warranties
of any kind, either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability or fi tness for a
particular purpose, are made regarding products described or designs, data or information set forth herein, or that the
products, descriptions, designs, data or information may be used without infringing the intellectual property rights of
others. Any descriptions, designs, data and information given in this publication may change without prior information.
The descriptions, designs, data and information furnished by BASF hereunder are given gratis and BASF assumes no
obligation or liability for the descriptions, designs, data or information given or results obtained, all such being given
and accepted at the reader’s risk.® = registered trademark of BASF SEEVP-2010/22e