xml - Why is Outlook Add-In Mobile Button Not Appearing - Stack Overflow

I am developing an add-in for outlook using an xml manifest. On outlook classic, and outlook on the web

I am developing an add-in for outlook using an xml manifest. On outlook classic, and outlook on the web I my add-in works properly. I am testing my add-in by sideloading it through @microsft/teamsapp-cli.

Here is the manifest I'm uploading (some info has been ommited as it was flagging the spam filter)

<VersionOverrides xmlns="; xsi:type="VersionOverridesV1_0">
    <VersionOverrides xmlns=".1" xsi:type="VersionOverridesV1_1">
        <bt:Sets DefaultMinVersion="1.5">
          <bt:Set Name="Mailbox"/>
        <Host xsi:type="MailHost">
            <ExtensionPoint xsi:type="MobileMessageReadCommandSurface">
                <Group id="mobileMsgRead">
                  <Label resid="MobileGroupLabel"/>
                  <Control xsi:type="MobileButton" id="msgMobileReadOpenPaneButton">
                    <Label resid="MobileTaskpaneButton.Label"/>
                    <Icon xsi:type="bt:MobileIconList">
                      <bt:Image size="25" resid="Icon.25" scale="1"/>
                      <bt:Image size="25" resid="Icon.25" scale="2"/>
                      <bt:Image size="25" resid="Icon.25" scale="3"/>

                      <bt:Image size="32" resid="Icon.32" scale="1"/>
                      <bt:Image size="32" resid="Icon.32" scale="2"/>
                      <bt:Image size="32" resid="Icon.32" scale="3"/>

                      <bt:Image size="48" resid="Icon.48" scale="1"/>
                      <bt:Image size="48" resid="Icon.48" scale="2"/>
                      <bt:Image size="48" resid="Icon.48" scale="3"/>
                    <Action xsi:type="ShowTaskpane">
                      <SourceLocation resid="Mobile.Url"/>
          <bt:Image id="Icon.25" DefaultValue="/id/43/25/25.jpg?hmac=dFVPi1N66hF5Nu6Vht9R8v2pTFSKhmKU_lfJyN6N71U"/>
          <bt:Image id="Icon.32" DefaultValue="/id/368/32/32.jpg?hmac=ucn_73IpWzjLir7leRkH-0jusJfW9YqLv1ENDeOWn0s"/>
          <bt:Image id="Icon.48" DefaultValue="/id/721/48/48.jpg?hmac=6cgH6IJ4VNV5o9QruHjE2lqNeYejgPCzBIKbgYOo90M"/>
          <bt:Url id="Taskpane.Url" DefaultValue="task-pane.html"/>
          <bt:Url id="Mobile.Url" DefaultValue=""task-pane.html"/>
          <bt:String id="GroupLabel" DefaultValue="Simple Form Test"/>
          <bt:String id="TaskpaneButton.Label" DefaultValue="Show DN"/>
          <bt:String id="MobileGroupLabel" DefaultValue="Simple Form Test"/>
          <bt:String id="MobileTaskpaneButton.Label" DefaultValue="Show Form"/>
          <bt:String id="TaskpaneButton.Tooltip" DefaultValue="Opens a pane displaying all available properties."/>

In Mobile, it simply does not show up when I open the context menu where it should be. I'm stuck as outlook gives no feedback on what is actually happening behind the scenes and I believe that I am following all Microsoft specs.



  • xml - Why is Outlook Add-In Mobile Button Not Appearing - Stack Overflow

    I am developing an add-in for outlook using an xml manifest. On outlook classic, and outlook on the web




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