



Military Vocabulary Word List

academy admiral 上将 advance aircraft

aircraft carrier 航空母舰 Air Force ally ammo 弹药 ammunition 军火

amphibious 水陆两用 armistice 停战 armor

armored vehicle armory 军械库 arms 武器 army arrow arsenal 兵工厂

artillery 炮兵 assault 突击 at ease attack attention ballistic 弹道的

barracks 军营 base battalion 营 battle battlefield battery battleship bayonet

besiege 围攻 billet 方坯 bivouac 营地 bomb bombard 轰击 bombardment bow and

arrow brig 禁闭室 brigade 旅 bullet cadet 飞行学员 camouflage 伪装 camp

cannon cannon ball canteen captain capture C cont. carrier casualty 伤员

catapult 弹射 cavalry 骑兵 chaplain 牧师 coast guard colonel 陆军上校combat

command commander commission company conflict conquest 征服 conscription 征兵

convoy 护航 corporal 下士 corps 军团 covert 隐蔽

crew decode defeat defend defense destroyer 驱逐舰 detonate 引爆

division dog tags draft

encampment 扎营

encode enemy engage enlist ensign 军旗 epaulet 肩章

evacuate explosive field hospital

field marshal 元帅 fight fire fireteam fleet flotilla 船队 force front F

cont. Formation 编队 fort

fortification 筑城 furlough 准假 garrison 驻军 general

Geneva Convention 日内瓦公约 Grenade 手榴弹 grenade launcher grunt

guerrilla 游击队 gun gunner

gunnery sergeant gunpowder headquarters helmet honor hospital howitzer 榴

弹炮 infantry 步兵 injury insignia 徽章 intelligence 情报 invade invasion jet

lance corporal 上等兵 leave lieutenant 陆军中尉 lose machete 弯刀 major

marines medal


medic M cont. Maneuver 演习 Marksman 神射手 mess hall 食堂 MIA

Midshipman 海军官校生 military mine missile 导弹 mortar 砂浆 munition 军

需品 musket 滑膛枪 national security navy neutral

night-vision goggles offense officer ordnance 军械 parachute 降落伞

paratrooper 伞兵 peace

peace treaty 和平协定 pentagon 五角大楼 petty officer 士官 plane 平面

platoon 排 post 岗位 POW 战俘 prisoner of war

Adjectives Adverbs

Alliteration 押韵

Amphibians 两栖动物 Anagrams 字谜 Animals Antonyms 反义词 April Fool's Day

Astronomy Autumn/Fall Backyard Baseball

private squadron 中队

PT boat 鱼雷快艇 staff Purple Heart 紫心勋章 star

Quartermaster 军需 stockade 寨 radar submarine rank

surrender reconnoiter 侦察 tactical 战术 recruit tactics regiment 团 tank

rescue task force 专案组 reserves theater retreat tomahawk 战斧 ribbon 色

带 torpedo rifle

troops rocket artillery 火箭炮 truce 休战 sabotage 破坏 uniform sailor

unit salute veteran 老将 salvo 齐射 volley 齐射 seaman war section warfare

sergeant warrant officer 准尉 service warrior shell weapon shoot win shot

wound siege 围城 X-ray sniper Yeoman 文书军士 soldier Zulu time spear

specialist Zeal 热情 Zone

squad 小队

More Word Lists

Bathroom Beach Biomes

Bodies of Waters Body

Carnivals and Fairs Car Parts

Castles, Kings, Queens

Circus and Carnival 马戏团与狂欢 Columbus Day Compound Words Constitution


Conjunctions Containers Cooking Terms Cooking Tools Dolch Words Duos 二重

奏 Elections Elements

Emotions and Feelings Fall/Autumn Fire Fighting

Friends, Acquaintances, and Other People Geography

Good Luck Symbols Grammar

Groundhog Day 土拨鼠日 Halloween

Herbs and Spices 草药和香料 Household Devices Housing and Dwellings


Jobs and Occupations Kitchen

Landforms 地貌 Languages Legal Terms Long E Words Long U Words Mammals

Martin Luther King, Jr. Measurement Metals

Mother's Day

Musical Instruments Music Theory Negative Words

Accolade 荣誉 Action Adjutant 副官 Administration Admiration Agenda Anthem

圣歌 Appreciation

Ocean Opposites Pairs

Palindromes 回文 People (Non-Family) Personal Qualities Pirates

Positive Words Prepositions President's Day Pronouns Reptiles Restaurant


Science Fields Sewing 针线活 Spices and Herbs

Stores and Public Buildings St. Patrick's Day Thanksgiving

Transportation and Vehicles Types of Cars US Constitution US Flag Day

Valentine's Day

Vehicles and Transportation Verbs, Irregular Verbs, Regular

Verbs that are Nouns Virtues 美德 Ways to Say Ways to Say Ways to Say

Ways to Say Weights and Measures Yard


Arduous 艰巨 Army-issued Authorization AWOL 擅离职守 Belongings Boot camp

Branch Bunker 掩体

Camaraderie 友情

Camouflage 伪装 Cargo Cartridge 盒式磁带 Caution Cemetery Circumstances



Classified Clipboard Colonel

Commitment Communicate

Compulsory 义务

Countermand 反对命令 Counterpart Credentials 证书 Democracy Deploy

Detachment Devotion 忠诚 Dignity Discipline Dishonorable Dismissed Disobey

Dispatch 调度 Dress

Duffel bag Enemy Epaulettes 肩章 Establishment 编制 Evasion 闪避 Exercises

Expectation Expertise Explosion Facilities Field grade Guards Handgun

Harassment 骚扰 Helicopter

Immaculate 完美无暇 Inalienable 不可分割 Independence Inductee 应征

Infantry Inquiry Insignia 徽章 Installation Institution

Insubordination犯上 Intense

Investigation Joint

Jurisdiction 管辖权 Liaison 联络 Liberate Lieutenant Loyalty

Maneuvers 机动 Manpower Manual Memorial MP

Off-limits 禁地 Offensive Operations Orientation Overcome Patriot 爱国者

Patriotism Permission Personnel Population Posting Precision Procurement 采购

Professional Promotion Property Protection Provost 教务长 Quality Reflex


Reinforcement Republic Reputation Requisition Reserves

Responsibility Revere Rifle range

ROTC 后备军官训练队 Routine 常规 Schedule Sharpshooter Special Forces

Specialization Spirit Terrain 地形 Toil 辛劳 Tough

Unauthorized Valor 勇气 Victory Vigil 守夜 Vulnerable 弱势 Warehouse

Warrant 授权 Worship

Visit related thematic puzzles:

Character Education and Leadership THE FINAL MILITARY INSPECTION

The soldier stood and faced God,Which must always come to pass. He hoped

his shoes were shining,Just as brightly as his brass.

Step forward now, you soldier,How shall I deal with you?

Have you always turned the other cheek?To My Church have you been true?


The soldier squared his shoulders and said,No, Lord, I guess I ain't.

Because those of us who carry guns,Can't always be a saint.

I've had to work most Sundays,And at times my talk was tough.

And sometimes I've been violent,Because the world is awfully rough.

But, I never took a penny,That wasn't mine

Though I worked a lot of overtime,When the bills got just too steep.

And I never passed a cry for help,Though at times I shook with fear. And

sometimes, God, forgive me,I've wept unmanly tears.

I know I don't deserve a place,Among the people here. They never wanted me

around,Except to calm their fears.

If you've a place for me here, Lord,It needn't be so grand.

I never expected or had too much,But if you don't, I'll understand.

There was a silence all around the throne,Where the saints had often trod.

As the soldier waited quietly,For the judgment of his God.

Step forward now, you soldier,You've borne your burdens well. Walk

peacefully on Heaven's streets,You've done your time in Hell.

It's the Military, not the reporter, who has given us the freedom of the

press. It's the Military, not the poet, who has given us the freedom of speech.

It's the Military, not the politicians that ensures our right to Life,

Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.

It's the Military who salutes the flag, who serves beneath the flag, and

whose coffin is draped by the flag.

If you care to offer the smallest token of recognition and appreciation

for the Military, please pass this on and pray for our men and women who have

served and are currently serving our country and pray for those who have given

the ultimate sacrifice for freedom.







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