NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an extraordinary general meeting of Hong
Kong Amateur Radio Transmitting Society (HARTS) will be held at Chan
Hing Social Service Centre, Mong Kok Kai Fong Association, Room 230,
2/F, 45, Fuk Tsuen Street, Tai Kok Tsui, Mong Kok.
旺角街坊會陳慶社會服務中心, 九龍大角咀福全街45號二樓230室
on 22 January 2008, at 1900
hours for the purpose of considering and, if thought fit, passing the following
resolution which will be proposed as an ordinary resolution of HARTS.
“THAT the Amended Constitution of HARTS as at the 22 January 2008 (a
copy of the Constitution of which has been produced to the meeting and
initialed by the Chairman of this meeting for identification purposes) is
hereby approved and adopted.
By order of the Executive Committee of HARTS
Albert Fung
Secretary, HARTS
Hong Kong, 10 January 2008
1. A member entitled to attend and vote at the EGM convened pursuant to the above notice is entitled to appoint one
or more proxies to attend and vote in his place. A proxy need to be a member of the HARTS.
2. A form of proxy for use at the EGM is enclosed with the Notice.
3. The instrument appointing a proxy shall be in writing under the hand of the member or of his representative duly
authorized in writing or, any other person authorized to sign the name.
4. In order to be valid, the Form of proxy, must be deposited at the HARTS’s mail box registered in Hong Kong as
P.O. Box 541 or Fax to 2637 8977 or by hand handed to the Secretary of HARTS not less than 48 hours before the
time appointed for holding of the above meeting or any adjournment thereof.
5. Completion and return of the form of proxy will not preclude members from attending and voting in person at the
EGM or at any adjourned meeting thereof (as the case may be) should they so wish, and in such event, the form of
proxy shall be deemed to be revoked.
香港業餘電台聯會將於二零零八年一月廿二日晚上七時正假旺角街坊會陳慶社會服務中心, 九龍大角咀福全街45號二樓230室舉行非常務會議,以討論及議決下列事項。
馮彥彰 VR2YDR 謹啟
1. 所有普通會員、永久會員及榮譽會員 (下稱會員) 可出席非常務會議,並進行表決。會員亦可授權一名會員代表閣下進行投票表決。
2. 隨本通告附上非常務會議缺席投票授權書。
3. 缺席投票授權書需由會員本人或其代表填寫及簽署。
4. 缺席投票授權書需於非常務會議進行前48小時,寄交到本會郵箱P.O. Box 541 或 傳真至 2637 8977 或
5. 已填妥及交回之缺席投票授權書並不妨礙會員閣下親身出席非常務會議及投票之權利,親身出席的會員可撤回已填妥及交回之缺席投票授權書,作即場投票。
Hong Kong Amateur Radio Transmitting Society
Proxy Form 缺席投票授權書
本人___________(呼號) _________________(姓名)為香港業餘電台聯會會員。現本人授權___________(呼號)
I ______________(Call sign) ________________________(Name), a
Member of the Hong Kong Amateur Radio Transmitting Society and
entitled to vote thereat hereby appoint ____________(Call sign)
__________________________(Name) to vote for me, and on my
behalf at the Extraordinary General Meeting of the Society to be held on
__________________(Date) and at every adjournment thereof.
簽署 Signature : ______________________
呼號 Call sign : ______________________
姓名Name : ______________________
日期 Date : ______________________
Member will be issued a vote upon tendering this Proxy Form. 會員出示此授權書時,可領取選票一張。