Tilman is the Distinguished McKnight University Professor in the Department of Ecology,
Evolution, and Behavior, and the director of the Cedar Creek Natural History Area at the
University of Minnesota. His research focuses on patterns in ecosystems, particularly biodiversity
and population dynamics.
G. David Tilman is professor of the University of Minnesota, with 3,132 citations—an almost
500 citation lead over the next most-cited scientist in this field.
并发展了达尔文的思想,著有《Systematics and the Origin of Species》(1942, 书中首次提出
生物学物种定义)、《The growth of Biological Thought》(1982,该书1990年出版中译本)等
或者/3rd_ culture/bios/
Jane Goodall:關于著名動物生態學家珍妮﹒古道爾(Jane Goodall)的經歷,說來非常動
古道爾一到肯尼亞,就去找著名的猿人類考古學家路易斯﹒里基(Louis Leakey),向他要
Dr. Likens'
Dr. Likens' research focuses on the ecology and biogeochemistry of forest and aquatic ecosystems,
primarily through long-term studies at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest, in the White
Mountains of New Hampshire. He was the co-founder of the Hubbard Brook Ecosystem Study in
1963, which has shed light on critical links between ecosystem function and land-use practices. He
and his colleagues were the first scientists to document the link between the combustion of fossil
fuels and an increase in the acidity of precipitation in North America. His findings have influenced
policy makers, guided and motivated scientific studies, and increased public awareness of
human-accelerated environmental change.
On 11 June 2003, the Asahi Glass Foundation announced that Dr. Likens was a co-recipient of the
2003 Blue Planet Prize for outstanding scientific research that helps to solve global environmental
problems. Dr. Likens was awarded the distinction along with Dr. F. H. Bormann, his long-term
collaborator in the Hubbard Brook Ecosystem Study in New Hampshire. The Asahi Glass
Foundation aspires for the Blue Planet Prize to be recognized as the environmental equivalent of
the Nobel Prize. In 2002 he was awarded the 2001 National Medal of Science, the nation's highest
science honor, for his contributions to the field of ecology
F. A. Bazza
F. A. Bazzaz: Mallinckrodt Professor of Biology Harvard University.
Clare Hall, Cambridge University Fellow; Life Member Elected 1981
American Association for the Advancement of Science Fellowship 1987
John Simon Guggenheim Fellowship 1988
American Academy of Arts and Sciences 1989
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Fellowship 1993
Humboldt Forschungspreis, Germany 1996
Candidate for King Faisal Prize in Biology 2000
Leverhulme Professorships in British Universities 2000
(Bangor, Sheffield, Edinburgh, Cambridge, Oxford, and
Imperial College)
Editorial Board of Oecologia
Editorial Board of Tree Physiology
Editorial Board of Plants Today
Editorial Board of the Physiological Ecology Series, Academic Press
Editorial Board of the Journal of Vegetation Science
Editorial Board of the Journal of the Faculty of Science, United Arab Emirates University
Editorial Board of Global Change Biology
Richard T. T. Forman
Richard T. T. Forman is the PAES Professor of Advanced Environmental Studies in Landscape
Ecology at Harvard University. He received a BS from Haverford College, Ph.D. from University
of Pennsylvania, honorary AM from Harvard University, honorary Doctor of Humane Letters from
Miami University, and honorary Doctor of Science from Florida International University. He
taught at Rutgers University, the University of Wisconsin, and several field stations. He served as
President of the Torrey Botanical Society, Vice President of the Ecological Society of America,
and Vice President of the International Association for Landscape Ecology. He is a Fellow of the
American Association for the Advancement of Science and of Clare Hall (University of
Cambridge), and Honorary Professor in the Academia Sinica in China. He served as Fulbright
Scholar in Colombia, CNRS Chercheur in France and Miegunyah Fellow in Australia. Forman
was named Distinguished Landscape Ecologist (USA) in 1992. His awards include the Lindback
Foundation Award for Excellence in Teaching, plus medals from Charles University (Prague) and
the University of Florence (Italy).
Howard T. Odum
Howard T. Odum attended the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, where his father was a
professor of sociology, until he enlisted in the U.S. Air Force during the extensive
list of prestigious awards Odum received in his lifetime are the Institute de la Vie prize and the
Crafoord Prize for his work in global biogeochemistry and systems modeling. Odum said what
might be the common principle throughout his career has been "the 'maximum empower principle'
- showing that systems are self-organized to use the optimum efficiency to generate the maximum
power." He believed that this theory applies not only to biogeochemistry but also to the people
around him and his own life..He is the young brother of and analysed the Silver Spring.
Frederic E. Clements
Community ecologist. Argued for a holistic view of community dynamics. Decades of field
research funded by the Carnegie Institute of Washington. Collaborated with V. Shelford. He put
forward the theory: any plant community must go through the process,from pioneer stage to
climax stage which is stabilization relatively
Victor Ernest Shelford (1877-1968
He is the tutor of g American community ecologist. Key early studies on
succession in the Indiana dunes and on experimental physiological ecology. Collaborated with F.
Clements; 1913 book inspired C. Elton's work on food webs. First president of the Ecological
Society of America
Lotka, Alfred James
Lotka, Alfred James:(1880 - 1949), USA. a chemist, demographer, ecologist and mathematician,
was born in Lviv (Lemberg), at that time situated in Austria, now in Ukraine. He came to the
United States in 1902 and wrote a number of theoretical articles on chemical oscillations during
the early decades of the twentieth century, and authored a book on theoretical biology (1925). He
is best known for the predator-prey model he proposed, at the same time but independent from
Volterra (the Lotka-Volterra model, still the basis of many models used in the analysis of
population dynamics). He then left (academic) science and spent the majority of his working life
at an insurance company (Metropolitan Life). In that capacity he became president of the PAA (the
Population Association of America
Edward Osborne Wilson
Edward Osborne Wilson: born June 10,1929. he is an entomologist and biologist known for his
work on evolution and sociobiology .He was born in Briingham,Alabama,graduated from the
University of Alabama and received his PhD from Harvard.
He is also famous for starting the sociobiology debate when he wrote Sociobiology: The
New Synthesis in 1975 and for coining the term has received many awards for
his works, most notably National medal of science,Carfoord prize
George Evelyn Hutchinson
George Evelyn Hutchinson:(1903-1991),After studying zoology at Cambridge and teaching at the
University of Witwatersrand in Johannesburg, he came to Yale in 1928 and shifted his focus to
limnology. He published five papers from 1938-1941 on data he collected at Linsley Pond in
In the early days, Prof. Hutchinson was primarily known for his contributions to the
advancement of limnology by integrating biological and physiochemical studies based on field
work in various lakes and ponds around the world. In collaboration with E. S. Deevey, Prof.
Hutchinson theorized a process of sediment accumulation at the bottom of lakes, and developed
paleolimnology within the discipline of paleoecology.R. L. Lindeman, who was one of his
Robert H. MacArthur
Robert H. MacArthur:Borned 7 April, 1930; Died 1 November . D., Yale University,
1958;Professor of Biology, Princeton university, 1965-1972 ;Coauthor of "The Theory of Island
biogeography" .Author of "Geographical Ecology" Elected to the National Academy of Sciences,
1967,he and Wilson put forward the theory of "r-strategistis and K-strategistis
James Ephraim Lovelock
James Ephraim Lovelock (1919-), Chemist and ecologist .Chemist and environmentalist. Inventor
of the 'electron capture detector' (1958), a device used to measure the accumulation of CFCs in the
atmosphere. Considered one of the main ideological leaders in the history of the development of
environmental awareness. His far-reaching Gaia hypothesis, first put forward in 1972, states that
the planet behaves as a living organism.
转到普林斯顿大学生物学系,接替原Robert MacArthur的位置。1973-1988年在普林斯顿
E. P. Odum
E. P. Odum (1913-) received his Ph.D. from the University of illinois and began teaching at the
University of Georgia in 1947. In 1953 he published the first edition of his classic Fundamentals
of Ecology which was instrumental in establishing the ecosystem approach to ecology in both
teaching and research. In 1977 he received the Tyler Award for his influential work as an ecologist,
and, in 1988, was awarded the Craafort Prize (the ecologist's Nobel) by the Swedish Academy of
Science. He retired as Professor Emeritus at the University of Georgia in 1983 where he continues
as an active schola
Katherine Willis
Katherine Willis: Oxford university. she is a University Reader in Physical Geography with a
tutorial Fellowship at Jesus College. She has a . in Geography and Environmental Science
from the University of Southampton and a Ph.D. from the University of Cambridge. Following on
from her Ph.D., Dr Willis held a Selwyn College Research Fellowship, a NERC Postdoctoral
Fellowship, and then a Royal Society University Research Fellowship in the Department of Plant
Sciences and the Godwin Institute for Quaternary Research, University of Cambridge. She took up
her post in the School of Geography and the Environment in January, 1999 and is a core member
of the School’s Biodiversity Research Group. She heads the Oxford Long-Term Ecology
Laboratory and is a co-director of the MSc in Biodiversity, Conservation and Management.
Dr. Willis is an Associate Editor of the journal The Holocene and is on the editorial advisory board
of Global Ecology and Biogeography, The Norwegian Journal of Geography and Documenta
Anna Lawrence
Anna Lawrence:University of a background in plant ecology (BA in Natural
Sciences, University of Cambridge) and Forestry (MSc in Forestry and its relation to land use,
University of Oxford), she now focus more on the cultural, social and political aspects of
biodiversity management.
This interdisciplinary perspective was developed through her PhD thesis on 'Tree-cultivation in
upland livelihoods in the Philippines: implications for biodiversity conservation and forest policy'
(University of Reading). Anna Lawrence: 很厉害的!她是牛津大学-人类生态学研究课题负
David Tilman (University of Minnesota )
国际知名生态学家简介——R. May
罗伯特-梅(R. May )1936年1月生于澳大利亚。1956年本科毕业于悉尼大学,1959
理学教授,直到1973年转到普林斯顿大学生物学系,接替原Robert MacArthur
1988年起转到英国牛津大学动物系。1995-2000出任Chief Scientific Advisor to
the Government of the United Kingdom(大不列颠政府首席科学顾问?翻译的对
2001年,Blue Planet奖
Ilkka Hanski教授,1953年2月14日出生,1976年毕业于芬兰赫尔辛基大学,
1998, member of the Academia Europaea;
1999, Prize in Terrestrial Ecology, International Ecology Institute (ECI);
1999, President's Gold Medal, The British Ecological Society;
2000, foreign member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences;
2000, Balzan Prize
2001, Sewall Wright Award of the American Society of Naturalists
2001, member of the Finnish Academy of Science and Letters.
J. Lawton (Center for population biology, Imperial College Silwood Park, COUNTRY-REGIoN w:st="on">U.K.) 主要从事种群生物学,生态学和生态系统生态学。是被引用频次最高的科学家之 一。 J. P. Grime (University of Sheffield, Dept Anim & Plant Sci, Unit Comparat Plant Ecol, Sheffield S10 2TN, S Yorkshire, 其最有影响的工作是关于植物生活史对策的“R-S-C”理论,这一理论进入了几 乎所有国家的生态学教材里。也是植物群落生态学方面有影响的专家,现在也在 生物多样性、生态系统生态学等领域有些工作。 F.A. Bazza (Harvard Univ, Dept Organism & Evolutionary Biol, Cambridge, M A 02138 N>) 是植物资源分配生态学研究领域的不争的第一。比较全面的研究了植物繁殖、生 长以及防御等等各种活动涉及到的资源分配,及其在不同生境条件中的可塑性。 在植物生理学,以及全球变化下的植物反应也有较多的工作。 E.P. Odum (1913-) University of illinois 的博士。1947开始执教于University of Georgia 。1953 出版了经典著作《 Fundamentals of Ecology 》(国内翻译为《生态学基础》), 开创了“生态系统”研究的热潮,并一直是该领域的领军人物,对生态系统结构与 功能、生态系统的演替、生态系统服务等生态学重要问题进行了深入的研究,提 出了生物“冗余”概念,引起世界范围的反响(见动植物板块的“生物的冗余“一 帖)。1977 获得泰勒奖(Tyler Award ),1988获得瑞典科学院颁发的克拉夫 奖(Craafort Prize。生态学的诺贝尔奖)。现在已经退休了。 他有个兄弟也是搞生态学的,主要从事的是系统生态学(数学生态学)领域,也 有一定影响。 Ilkka Hanski教授,1953年2月14日出生,1976年毕业于芬兰赫尔辛基大学,1979年在英国牛津大学获 得动物学博士学位,然后一直在赫尔辛基大学工作;1993年起正式任生态学和动物学教授,1995年起任芬 兰科学院研究教授。他所领导的研究群体1996年被芬兰科学院确定为“杰出研究中心”。 Hanski教授是种群生态学领域的权威,尤其是在集合种群(metapopulation)生态学领域内,更是国际上 首屈一指的专家,发表了200余篇高水平论文,已编辑出版了4本具有重要国际影响的学术专著。他目前 担任联合国生物多样性方面的DIVERSITAS规划项目指导委员会委员;担任过(或正在担任)8种国际著名 生态学学术刊物的编委。他所获得的荣誉称号包括: 1998, member of the Academia Europaea; 1999, Prize in Terrestrial Ecology, International Ecology Institute (ECI); 1999, President's Gold Medal, The British Ecological Society; 2000, foreign member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences; 2000, Balzan Prize 2001, Sewall Wright Award of the American Society of Naturalists 2001, member of the Finnish Academy of Science and Letters. Hanski教授与生态学研究所长期以来一直保持密切的学术联系,为"生物多样性与生态工程"教育部重点实 验室学术委员会名誉委员。目前,他与国内有多方面合作,如与北大雷光春教授、北师大张大勇教授合作 在“生物多样性”杂志上发表过一篇综述性论文,在《理论生态学研究》一书中撰写了一章,介绍集合种 群研究的现状和进展。同时在国家基金委资助下还开展了网蛱蝶集合种群的合作研究。 国际著名生态学家Jorgensen教授学术报告资料 应中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所资源与环境信息系统国家重点实验室资源环境模型与系统模拟研究组邀请, Danish University of Pharmaceutical Sciences工程学教授、国际著名生态学家、Ecological Modeling主编、Interna 科学与资源研究所做题为“生态建模的回顾与展望”的讲座。 Lake Environmental Committee主席、Ecological Indicator副主编Jorgensen博士于2005年9月28日在中国科学 Jorgensen教授简历:Jorgensen教授系丹麦哥本哈根人,The Danish University of Pharmaceutical Science 教授。1975年和1990年分别获得德国卡尔斯鲁厄大学的工学(环境工程)博士和哥本哈根大学的理学(生态建模) 1974年至今担任Ecological Modeling主编及Ecological Indicator副主编职务;1978年至今为丹麦农业大学环境 生态技术专业兼职教授;1991年被聘为美国俄亥俄州大学名誉教授;1995年至今担任国际湖泊环境委员会主席职务; 1978-1996年担任国际生态建模协会常务秘书长职务;2005年被聘为中国科学院讲席教授;另外,还是Water Resou Developments、Urban Systems、Ecological Engineering 、Environmental Software and Modeling等17本期刊杂 项著名国际性大奖。 委。曾获得Stockholm Water Prize(2004)、The 1st Prigogine Prize(2004)、ISEM-award(2000)、Career Prize等 Jorgensen教授主要研究领域为生态系统、生态建模、生态工程、水生系统环境的研究与管理等方面。在国际著 上表论文300余篇,出版专著58部;20多个国家以名誉教授多次邀请作长期专题系列讲座,作过的国际性讲座近10 在生态建模和生态工程研究短期考察中,Jorgensen教授曾多次考察了不同国家近50个地区。这次讲座包括Spatial modeling等四个专题。 modeling、A new and applicable ecosystem theory、Lake, reservoir and wetland modeling和Structurally d