1. Science Advances:15.57
2. Nature Reviews Genetics:41.90
3. Cell:38.90
4. Nature Science:38.97
5. Nature:43.56
6. Nature Genetics:34.96
7. Trends in Genetics:15.02
8. Genome Biology:12.73
9. Molecular Biology and Evolution:15.12
10. Genetics:6.74
11. PLoS Genetics:7.23
12. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences:
13. Cell Reports:7.08
14. G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics:6.64
16. Science:32.49
17. PLoS Pathogens:8.32
18. PLoS One:3.05
19. BMC Genetics:3.43
20. Bioinformatics:5.21
21. Nucleic Acids Research:10.55
22. Neurogenetics:2.94
23. The Plant Journal:5.42
24. Genome Research:12.50
25. Trends in Plant Science:7.16
26. Plant Physiology:5.56
27. Plant and Cell Physiology:5.04
28. The Plant Cell:9.21
29. Plant Science:2.86
30. Evolutionary Applications:7.41
31. Developmental Cell:13.20
32. Journal of Molecular Biology:4.96
33. Molecular and Cellular Biology:5.20
34. Molecular Biology:3.82
35. The EMBO Journal:8.90
36. Molecular Ecology:5.53
37. Molecular Microbiology:7.73
38. Molecular Plant:7.70
39. Biochemical Journal:4.11
40. Parasitology:3.55
41. Current Biology:9.89
42. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases:5.91
43. International Journal for Parasitology:3.07
44. International Journal of Molecular Sciences:3.77
45. Fungal Genetics and Biology:3.47
46. BMC Microbiology:3.44
47. The Journal of Experimental Biology:3.19
48. The American Naturalist:5.76
49. The Journal of Heredity:1.82