1国家级景区 National tourist attraction
2自然保护区 Natural Reserve或 Nature reserve
3主题公园 Theme park
4森林公园 Forest park
5生态公园 Ecopark
6世界文化遗产 World cultural heritage(泛指)或 World cultural Heritage site(特
7爱国主义教育基地 Patriotism education base
8名胜古迹 Scenic spots and historical sites(泛指多处景点)
9国家级文物保护单位 National cultural heritage site
10故居 Former residence
11古迹 Historical site
12遗址 Ruins
13纪念馆;纪念堂 Memorial hall
14一级文物 First grade cultural Relic 或 grade one cultural relic
15度假村 Resort
16野生动物园 Wild life park
17海洋公园 Marine park或 Ocean park
18游乐园 Amusement park
19步行街 Pedestrian street或 Pedestrian zone
20售票口 Ticket office或 Tickets
21免票 Free admission
22半票;半价 Half rate ticket(Ticket可以省略)
23优惠票 Concession ticket
24电子检票口e- Ticket check-in或e- Ticket entrance
25残疾人证 Disability certificate
26过山车 Roller coaster
27观光船 Sightseeing boat或 Sightseeing ship
28租船处 Boat rental
29观赏区 Viewing area
30休闲区 Leisure area
31无烟景区Non- Smoking area
32住宿区 Loading area
33农家乐 Agritainment
34观景台 Observation deck或 Observation platform或 Viewing platform
35旅游观光车 Sightseeing bus或 Sightseeing ca
36纪念品店 Souvenir store
37皮影 Shadow puppets
38景泰蓝 Cloisonne
39唐三彩 Tang tri- color glazed ceramics
40玉器 Jade ware
1批发市场 Wholesale market
2使利店;方便店 Convenience store
3免稅店Duty- Free store
4网上购物 Online shopping
5存包处 Locker(自助);Left baggage(有人服务)
6取包处 Bag claim
7试衣室 Fitting room或 Dressing room
8过磅处;称重处 Weigh counter
9折扣店 Discount store
10结账台;付费处;收银处 Cashier
11试营业 Soft opening
12.营业时间 Business hours或 Opening hours
13产地 Place of origin或 Made in
14特价 Special offer
15促销 Promotion
16环保袋 Recycle bag ex environment - friendly bag
17手续费 Service charge
18代售火车票 Train tickets
19感谢惠顾 Thanks for your patronage
20汇款 Remittance
21借记卡 Debit card
22信用卡 Credit card
23人寿保险 Life insurance
24 24小时服务热线24- Hour hotline
25网上银行 Online banking service
26报刊亭 Newsstand或 News kiosk
27中药店 TCM pharmacy
28照相馆 Photo studio
29理发店 Barber's或 Barber shop
30洗衣店 Laundry